HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 2009-176 - State and Federal Surplus Program . . RESOLUTION NO. 2009- 176 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF REDDING AUTHORIZING THE REDDING POLICE DEPARTMENT TO ESTABLISH ELIGIBILITY TO P ARTICIP A TE IN THE ST ATE AND FEDERAL SURPLUS PROPERTY PROGRAM WHEREAS, the Redding Police Department has the opportunity to acquire ballistic panels for patrol cars and other surplus property through the California Department of General Services, Office of Surplus Property Reutilization, and would like to take advantage of this opportunity. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council that the official(s) and/or employee(s) whose names, titles and signatures are listed on the attached Department of General Services Office of Fleet and Asset Management Resolution shall be and are hereby authorized as the Department of General Services Office of Fleet and Asset Management representatives to acquire surplus property through the auspices of the California State Agency for Surplus Property and accept responsibility for payment of incidental fees by the surplus property agency under the Terms and Conditions accompanying the resolution. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was introduced, read, and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Redding on the 15th day of September, 2009, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Dickerson, Jones, McArthur, Stegall, and Bosetti COUNCIL MEMBERS: None COUNCIL MEMBERS: None COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ~ ~tL- -g~ RICK BOSETTI, Mayor ATTEST: ., FORM APPROVED: 'I ~..(:if' ',' ,'t:/lf41f. 7 ; P AME~A MIZE,Q~i~ty City Clerk . J .-~ ':X,:-?' : } ~. \' ~ & ...0 l . ,",..", r ".\ V , " 'j 1 ~ ': - -J ~ . . . State of California. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Governor SASP Form No. 202 State and Consumer Services Agency (0212009) DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES OFFICE OF FLEET AND ASSET MANAGEMENT 1700 NaUonal DrIve . Sacramento. CA 95834 . (916) 928-5800 . Fax (916) 928-7965 . ~.ora.das.ce.aovloos' "'1 :[J<"'lj~:"'S;'~' \rJ~1 .-- _ ", ~ :,_~.; 'w..r~.mI, ..'j}. ~.~. t ..-- - - --- RESOLUTIQt! 'BE IT RESOLVED by 1I1e Governing Boaro. and hereby ordetlld Ihat U1e ofIIcaI(l) endIor empIoyee(l) whole name(I). _I), end 11gnablre(1) are_ _ lhalI be and Is (are) hereby aulhorlzed 81 0... rePftlS8/llllllve(I) to ecqulre IUIpIIlI property lhrough U1e auaplcea of U1e CaJlfomla S_ Agency fo, SurplJo Propelly and accept reapansibIllly for psymentof incIdental_ by U1e 1.-pIIlI property lIllerJCY underU1e Tenne and CondItiono IICCOI1lpanyIng U1Is form or l!sled on U1e _ _ of lIIis form." Tracy Beaupre Sergeant ~ E-MAIL ADDRESS NAME (PrInt or Type) A. Damon Minor TITLE Roger Moore Eric Wallace Captain Lieutenant dminor@reddingpo1ice.org rmoore@reddingpo(ice.org Lieutenant ewa11ace@reddingpo1ice.org smayberry@reddingpo1ice.org tbeaupre@reddingpo1ice.org Scott Mayberry Lieutenant IS. TIle above IllIOlutIon was PASSEO AND ADOPTED this 15 t h dByof~. ,20 QL,bytheGovemlngBoardofthe: - AYES: E-;NOES:..Q;ABSENT: () City of Redding AQerw:i N;1me by the following vote: I. Pamela Mize, Deputy C1~Ithe Governln9 Boerd known 88 Redding Ci tv Counc i 1 00 hereby certlfy thai the foregoing 18 e lull. we and comlCt resolution adopted by the goverrWlg boerd of the below named organization at the meeting thereof held at Ita regular place of meeting on this date and by the vole above alated, a copy of said lllSOlutJon II on Ole In the ~oftIceoftheGovemlngBoard. SIgnedby:gl~U. Ltr:JiJ . City of Redding Name of Org8n1Za1lo1l 777 Cypress Avenue Redding CIty Mallllng AddnIa 96001 I Zip Code Shasta County NOTe: AU LOCAL COVIRNMlNT . NONoPROPIT INCORPORATeD ORGANIZATIONS tl6m A COVIIRNINC BOARD, THI!REFORB COIIPlETl! ONLY SIlCTlONS "A" . "S". THII POLLOWINC SI!CTION "C" 18 POR IITATa AOENCllilII ONLY C. AUTHORIZED this _day 01 20 ,by: Slgnalunt of AdmInlatratlve 0ftIcer Prlnled H8me of CIllet Adri1IslJatIve 0ftIcer I TIlle Olganlzallan Name . S_Addrea CIty ZIP Code I County STATH 011 CAUI'ORNIA AGIDICI!9 ARII RlQUIRED TO PROVIDI TH!IR STATH 8IWNC CODE: 'B(jfi.OIN.G'.GR~ENj . B.uYi~G;GREEN:. '.' ',WORKING.!.GREEN