HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 2009-106 - Solid Waste Utility's Rate Schedule
RESOLUTION NO. 2009 - 106
WHEREAS: On May 3, 1999, by Resolution 99-67, the City Council adopted a new Solid
Waste Rate Schedule & Service Policies effective July 1 ofthe years 1999 through 2003; and
WHEREAS: The City Council adopted Resolution 2007-234 on December 18, 2007,
modifYing the Solid Waste Rate Schedule & Service Policies to increase rates, prevent loss of
revenue for vacation holds, reduce bad debt for delinquent accounts, and include administrative
changes in Exhibit 1 of the Report to City Council; and
WHEREAS: The City Council desires to further modifY the Solid Waste Rate Schedule &
Service Policies to update and clarifY policy language, to enhance customer service operations and
to separate the fees and rate schedules from the document to facilitate future adjustments;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council hereby amends and
adopts the Solid Waste Rate Schedule & Service Policies as set forth in Exhibit A, attached hereto,
and that the rates, fees, and services set forth herein shall take effect on July 1,2009.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was introduced, read, and adopted at
a regular meeting of the City Council on the 16th day of June, 2009, by the following vote:
Dickerson, Jones, McArthur, and Rosetti
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. AS AMENDED ON JUNE 16,2009 .
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A. Minimum Property Charge 3
B. Wheeled Waste Cart Service Fees for Waste Collection 3
C. . Non Curbside Collection Surcharge 4
D. Assigument of Wheeled Waste Cart & Metal Container Types & Sizes 6
E. Benton Landfill Postclosure Monitoring Surcharges 7
F. Tenant Billing 8
G. Cost ofRecyclables Collection 8
H. .. Green Waste Collection 8
I. Metal Container Collection Rates 9
J. Drop-box Collection Rates 10
K. Large Trash Compactor Collection Rates 13
L. Transfer Station Fees, Charges & Guidelines 14
M. Compost Sales & Pricing 17
N. Fees & Policies for Other Services 18
o. Collection of Waste Creating a Public Health & Safety Hazard on Private Property 19
. P. Adjusting and/or Ro~ding Off Fees 19
Q. Rilquirement for Pre Payment 19
R. Solid Waste Rate Schedule & Service Policies Amendment History 20 l
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A. Minimum Property Charge.
Within the City of Redding, all developed properties and/or dwelling units with an active
utility(ies) account(s) shall pay a minimum monthly solid waste fee equal to the City's solid
waste collection fee for a 64-gallon wheeled waste cart in accordance with the schedule in
effect, as duly adopted by resolution of the City Council.
B. Wheeled .Waste Cart Service Fees for WasteCollectioIi.
(1) Regular Service: Monthly fees for the regular service of wheeled waste carts shall
be in accordance with the schedule in effect, as duly adopted by resolution of the City
Council. for each dwelling unit or household or commercial unit. For residential
properties, the charge shall include curbside collection of waste, recyclables, green
waste, and Christmas trees. For commercial properties, this fee covers only curbside
collection of waste and recyclables and in some commercial areas that border
residential areas, green waste. All residential rates are per household. All
Commercial rates are per commercial unit/business and are subject to a surcharge for
Benton Landfill postclosure monitoring in accordance with the schedule in effect, as
duJy adopted by resolution of the City Council. Additiorial wheeled waste carts are
not to provide service to other dwelling units or households or commercial
. (2) Return Trips to Collect Wheeled Waste Carts: CitY Failure to Collect: If the City
missed the wheeled waste cart, there is no charge for a return trip.
(3) Customer Error or Additional Collection: If the customer does not have the wheeled
waste cart out for collection, or it contains contaminants or is overfull, or an
obsttuction blocks the truck's access to the cart on the day of collection, the following
fee shall apply if the. customer requests the City to make a return trip.
First Collection - A warning that an additional fee for a return trip shall apply
- No fee.
Additional Collection - Sarne Day - A fee of 50% of the monthly fee shall
apply in accordance with the schedule in effect, as duly adopted by resolution
of the City Council.
Additional Collection - Same Day - Other Than on the Same Day of
Collection - An additional fee of 65% of the monthly fee shall apply in
accordance with the schedule in effect, as duly adopted by resolution of the
City Council.
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(4) Special Collections: Customers who request special, curbside collections oflarge,
bulky items that do not fit in a wheeled waste cart shall pay a fee equal to the rate for
disposal at the transfer station plus additional labor and equipment costs.. If the item
is not subjeCt to a disposal fee, a handling fee equal to the Hard-to-handle Fee at the
transfer station. shall apply.
(5) Charge for Replacement of Wheeled Waste Cart(s): the City reserves the right to .
charge the customer for the replacement cost of a lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed
wheeled waste cart(s). .
C. Non Curbside CoUectionSurcharge.
Properties where tile City does not collect wheeled waste, recyclables or green waste. carts
at the street shall receive an additional charge per month as in accordance with the schedule
in effect, as duly adopted by resolution of the City Council.
Non curbside collection means the collection truck or an employee has to physically leave
the public right of way to collect the waste, recyclables or green waste. Application of this
. .
surcharge shall be for the following off-street collection guidelines:.
(I) Potential Damage to Property or Equipment: For properties that are difficultto reach'
. or properties where damage Could occur to a truck or property during collection, the
City may,require that the owner bring the waste, recyclables or green waste to the
street in lieu of charging an additional surcharge. As an option, .the City may use
smaller, less efficient trucks subject to payment of the non curbside collection
sur~hl!Fge. .
(2) Open' AJ,-eaK When. collecting refuse, recyclables or grelm waste from private
property, the City may n()t collect refuse within secure residential or commercial
yards, within,buildings or outside of parking lots for businesses or apartments; The
City shall collect all refuse from areas accessible from the street without going
through it door or gate. .
(3) Lots Not Requiring an Off-street (Non Curbside) Collection Surcharge: Lots that
front on a phblic street or easement, where the City collects waste adjacent to the
street or easement by an automated, side-load, collection vehicle.
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.'1ots on private roads, where there are enough customers to justifY sending an
automated, side-load, collection vehicle down the road to collect waste in front of
each lot or at a common collection point on the roadwhere the collection vehicle can
safely turn around. For the purpose of this section, the City shall treat a private
. easement or road, serving four (4) or more houses, as a public street, as long as it is
all weather-passable and does not put equipment or property as risk, and the driver
or vehicle does not have to leave the easement to collect waste.
Lots, where customers place wheeled waste carts along a public alley and where an
automated, side-load, collection vehicle can safely pass without having to turn around
or back out.
Lots oTspaces in a planned development or mobile home park, where there is paved
access and where an automated, side-load, collection vehicle can safely collect bags
or wheeled waste carts in front of each residence or business.
(4) Lots Requiring an Off-street Collection Surcharge: Lots where customers do not
place wheeled waste carts adjacent to a public street or easement for collection and
where a smaller collection vehicle must leave a public right of way to collect wheeled
waste carts at residences or businesses.
Lots where smaller collection vehicles must access private driveways or properties
to collect waste, a,nd the driver must get out of the vehicle \0 load the waste.
Lots on unimproved easements that are in such. a state of disrepair that an automated,
side-load, collection vehicle cannot safely pass without damaging the vehicle, trees,
property, or easement.
Lots where an automated, side-load, collection vehicle is prevented due to:
Excessive pot holes.
Steepness of grade.
Having to ford a stream.
. Substandard bridge across a creek.
More than' one-quarter mile or 1,000 feet from a public road or easement.
Narrowness of road.
Not being able to turn around and having to back up more than 100 feet.
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(5) Customers with Disabilities or Handicaps or Who Are Elderly or Frail on the
Community Assistance Program: Residential customers with disabilities or
handicaps or who are elderly or too frail to move a wheeled waste cart(s) to the street,
may apply for an exemption from the non curbside collection surcharge and have the
drivers move the wheeled waste cart(s) to the street and back. Applying for this
special service incorporates granting permission for a driver to go onto the property
to move the cart(s). The Solid Waste Utility shall develop forms and procedures for
these requests and to verif'y qualifications for exemptions.
D. Assignment of Wheeled Waste Cart and/or Metal Container Types & Sizes.
The City shall assign wheeled waste carts and/or metal containers on the basis of the volume'
of waste it collects. Where waste from a property routinely exceeds container capacity, the
Utility may require the customer to do one (I) or more of the following:
Upgride to a metal container.
Upgrade to a larger or additional wheeled waste cart(s) or a metal container(s).
Have,additional collections per week.
Generally, the City shall provide wheeled waste carts and/or metal containers, using the
following guidelines:
Wheeled Waste Cart: Single-family residence, duplex, ,individual mobile home in
a mobile home park, office or business. These shall be for waste, green waste or
recyclables, including office paper. The maximum weight of any wheeled waste cart
the City collects shall be 200 pounds.,
Metal Container: Apartment complex with four (4) or more units, business, industry,
public agency, mobile home park, without individual unit collection, and other
locations with sufficient volume. The use is generally not for construction debris,
sheet rock, tile, roofing materials, etc.
Drop-box - lridustry, construction and other high volume waste generators.
~ Trash Compactor - Customers furnish trash compactors.
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Wheeled Waste Recyclables Cart: Single-family residence, duplex, individual
mobile home in a mobile home park, office or business where appropriate for the
vol~e and where customers generate enough recyclilbles; The City shall remove
a cartes) after two (2) warnings and upon the third contamination 'Yithin three (3)
years, imd the Same Day Special Collection Fee shall apply. Contaminants include
filin plastic; shredded paper, hazardous waste, green waste, trash, 'or other
contaminants, and in the case of' an office paper cart(s), also crosscut or
confetti-shredded paper. A customer must wait a minimum of three (3)inonths to
request the return of a recyclables waste cart(s) after the first removal. Any
subsequent contamination shall result in permanent removal of the cart(s) and an
additional Same Day Special Collection Fee~ .
Wheeled Green Waste Cart: Single-family residence, duplex, individual mobile
home'in a: mobile home park, office or business where appropriate for the volume
and where customers generate enough green waste. The City shall remove a cart(s)
after two (2) warnings and upon the third contamination within three (3) years, and
the Same Day Special Collection Fee shall apply. Contaminarits include plastic bags,
items longer, than 3.5 feet, palm fronds, pampas grass, star thistles, cactus, poison
. oak, dirt, rocks, concrete, asphalt, painted/treated wood, trash, food scraps, animal
, manure, recycliililes,hazardous materials, metals, or other contaminants, 'A customer
must wait a minimum of three (3) months to request ~eretuin. of a green waste
cart(s) after the first removal. Any sulisequent contamination shall result in
permanent removal of the cart(s) and an additional Same Day Special Collection Fee
per cart. ' .
E. Benton LandfIllPostclosure Monitoring Surcharges.
The monthly Benton Landfill Postclosure Monitoring Surcharge for all developed properties
with an active City of Redding Utility(ies) account(s) shall be in accordance with the
schedule in effect, as . duly adopted by resolution of the. City Council for residential
'properties. It shall be in accordance with the schedule in effect, as duly adopted by resolution
ofthe City Council, for the totalcommercialsolid waSte charge(s) for commercial properties.
The Benton Landfill Postclosure Monitoring Surcharges shall continue until such time as the
State waives monitoring requirements for the landfill. .
This surcharge is in addition to any regular, monthly or wheeled waste cart, metal container,
drop-box, or compactor collection rates or special cOmmercial servil?es.
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F. Tenant Billing.
Effective Janullly 1, 2000, the City shall issue only one (1) billper metal container. It shall
be the responsibility of each landlord to collect the cost of any solid waste services from
tenaI1ts who share a metal container. Upon approval of the City, a master tenant may act as
the property oWIler's agent for bill payment. If a master tenant leaves tht: property, the solid
waste charges shall become the responsibility of the landlord,.once the tenant vacates the
property. The City reserves the right to attach solid waste charges to the landlord or master
tenant's active, metered account.
G. Cost of Recydables Collection
The cost of recyclables collection shall be part of the Qasic 1"aste collection charge for
'. .. I '.,
residential and non residential properties; Materials that do not fall within the City's
r.ecyclables program shall bl: waste. .The shall provide wheeled waste carts, metal containers
or ,other types of containers for its recycling programs at the City's discre.tion.
H. Green Waste Collection.
. . ..,. I, .
For single-family residences and duplexes, the City shall provide green waste collection of
up to two (~) 96-gallon wheeled green waste carts per. week. The cost of collecting green
waste shall be part of the wheeled waste cart charge for residential custqmers. The City
provides wheeled green waste carts for green waste. The maximum weight of any wheeled
. green waste 'cart the City collects shall be 200 pounds. The maximum length of any bundle
of branches or limbs shall fit .within the wheeled green waste cart when the lid is tightly
ciosed. '
As Par.t of its green waste collection program, the City shall also collect Christmas trees and
Falll~aves as foilows: '.' . ,.,
Leaves ~Customers may di~pose ,ofleaves by placitig them in wheeled. green waste
. carts for weekly collection. For excess leaves during the months of.November
through January, City residents may bring leaves to the Solid Waste
TransferIRecyclingFacility at no charge, and they must bring their curre.nt City of
Redding, Solid Waste Utility, bill and personal identification to prove that they are
City residents.
Outside this period, the Solid Waste Utility shall collect ~hristmas trees only in
wheeled green waste carts with tightly closing lids. .
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Christmas Trees - During the first two (2) full collection weeks ofJanuary each year,
the City shall collect Christmas trees without flocking, treating, tinsel, decorations,
and stands and not exceeding four (4) feet in length.
Outside this period, the Solid Waste Utility shall collect Christmas trees only in
wheeled green waste carts with tightly closing lids.
From December 26 through January 31 of each year, City of Redding residents may
bring one (I) Christmas tree without flocking, treating, tinsel, decorations, or stand
to the Solid Wash: Transfer/Recycling Facility at no charge, and they must bring a
current City of Redding, Solid Waste Utility, bill and personal identification to prove
that they are City residents. .
- ..- .
Outside this perjod, the charge for Christmas trees shall be as for green waste.
I. Metal Container Collection Rates.
Regular Service: . The basic collection rate for a metal container for regular service
shall be for o~e (I) Collection per week as in accordance with the schedule in effect,
as duly adopt~ by resolution of the City Council.
The weekly collection rate shall be the monthly collection rate divided by 433.
(2) . Multiple Collections Per Week Per Metal Container: Each additional collection per
week,shall be the same as the charge for one (1) regular collection per week. "
(3) Special Collection Metal Container Service: Metal container collection on a regular
basis, requiring extra collections per week, shall receive a fee 25% above the weekly
collection rate as in accordance with the schedule in effect, as duly adopted by
resOlution of the City Council. '
(4) Temporary Metal Container Collections: Temporary metalcori~iners are for a
customer's use for a period of 60 days or less. The charge for each empty of a
temporary metili container shall be 75% above the weekly collectionrate to cover the
delivery and return of that metal container as in accordance with the schedul'e in
effect, as duly adopted by resolution of the City Council.
(5) Extended Time: In the event that the City does not collect a temporary metal
container within 14 days of its delivery or last collection, the City shall assess a fee
from the 15th day forward until such time that the City empties or removes the
temporary metal container. The daily charge shall be equal to 1/14th of the
applicable collection fee.
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(6) Conversion of Temporary Metal Container to Permanent Metal Container Status:
The CIty reserves the right to convert a temporary metal container to a permanent
metal container status if the usage period exceeds 60 days. The permanent metal
container billing status shall apply for not less than 30 days.
(7) Redelivery of a TemporaryMetal Container: Upon the third request for a temporary
metal container within a 6-month period, the City shall convert the temporary metal
container to a permanent metal container status for not less than 90 days.
(8) Emergency/Overtime Fee: Customers requesting emergency service requiring
overtime shall pay an overtime fee that shall include the overtime rate for the
employee and equipment costs. This fee is in addition to the regular fee for the metal
. container or drop-box. .
(9) Unable to Collect Fee: When an additional collection trip is necessary due to
overfilling, prohibited items or inaccessibility, the customer shall pay an additional
charge equivalent to the Special Collection Fee of a I-cubic yard container. If, at the
customers request, the City schedules subsequent, additional collection trips, and the
customer has not taken action to correct the problem, this fee shall apply for each
subsequent trip. These charges shall be in addition to any.other costs, including
disposal. .
(10) Charge for Replacement.ofMetal Containers: The City reserves the right to charge
the customer for the replacement cost oflost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, metal
J. Drop-box Collection Rates.
(1) . Rates for drop-boxes shall be per collection charges as in accordance with the
schedule in effect, as duly adopted by resolution of the City Council.
(2) Permanent Drop-boxes: The City shall bill the rate in accordance with the schedule
in effect, as duly adopted by resolution of the City Council, for drop-boxes that it
. collects only once each 30 days, provided, that. if a customer requires extra
collections, each collection shall be at the rate in accordance with the schedule in
effect, as duly adopted by resolution of the City Council. All permanent drop-boxes
are subject to no less than one (1) collection fee as in accordance with the schedule
in effect, as duly adopted by resolution of the City Council.
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(3) Temporary Drop-boxes: The City shall bill drop-boxes that it does not assign on a
permanent basis atthe same rate as in accordance with the schedule in effect, as duly
adopted by resolution of the City Council, for a 30-day collection for each collection
that occurs. The City shall assign temporary status to drop-boxes that are not for
ongoing solid waste services at an established premise and which are only for
short-term or transient usage. Drop-boxes for construction, remodeling or demolition .
are for temporary purposes. The city may assign permanent status for construction,
remodeling or demolition projects of one (I) year or longer and may require a copy
of supporting documentation for the project contract.
(4) In the event that the City does not collect a temporary drop-box within 14 days of its
delivery or last collection, the City shall assess a fee from the 15th day forward until
such time that the City empties or removes the temporary drop-box.. The daily charge
shall be equal to 111 4th of the applicable collection rate.
(5) Overweight: For drop-boxes with weights exceeding the following schedule, 'the
City shall assess a charge in accordance with the schedule in effect, as duly adopted
by resolution of the City Council, for the excess weight. The following table lists the
maximum weights for differently sized drop-boxes. The City shall not bill for an
overweight drop-box fee that is less than $5.00.
Drop-box Size
10 Cubic Yards
16 Cubic Yards:
20 Cubic Yards
25 Cubic Yards
30 Cubic Yards
40 Cubic Yards
Maximum Weight Limit
1.50Tons .
1.75 Tons
2.50 Tons
3.00 Tons
3.50 Tons
4.50 Tons
(6) Unable to Collect Fee: When an additional drop-box collection trip is necessary due
to overfilling, prohibited items, contents that shall tear or poke through the covertarp
or inaccessibility"the customer shall pay an additional charge in accordance with the
~chedule in effect, as duly adopted by resolution of the City CoUncil. If, at the
customer's request, the City schedules subsequent, additional collection trips, and the .
customer has not taken action to correct the problem, this fee shall apply for each
subsequent trip. These charges shall be in addition to any other costs, including
(7) Relocation Fee: The City shall charge a relocation fee to customers, requesting to
relocate but not empty a drop-box.- The fee shall be equivalent to the fee in
aecordancewith the schedule in effect, as duly adopted by resolution of the City
Council, for'section 6 of this policy.
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. (8) c Emergency/Overtime Fees: Customers requesting emergency or after hours service
requiring overtime shall pay an overtime fee that shall include the overtime rate for
the employee and equipment costs in addition to the regular fee for the drop-box.
(9) Replacement Charge for a Drop-box: The City reserves the right to charge a
customer for the replacement of a lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed drop-box( es). .
(10) Prohibited Materials: If the City identifies a prohibited item(s) or material(s) in a
drop-box before transporting the drop-box, it shall not empty the drop-box, and
Section 6 of this policy shall apply.
If the City does not identify the prohibited item(s) or material(s) before transporting
. the drop-box( es) to the solid waste facility, the customer shall receive notice and a
request to take possession of the item(s)or.material(s) for proper disposal, and the
customer shall receive a charge for applicable labor.
If the customerrefuses to take possession of the prohibited item(s) ormaterial(s), the
City shall properly process, dispose and/or recycle the prohibited item(s) or
material( s), and the customer shall receive a charge for applicable labor, processing,
disposal, and recycling costs.
, ' The purpose of this policy is to prevent prohibited items or materials, such as
,hazardous wastes, appliances, electronics, and other substances, which the State bans
i from California landfills, from entering the landfill and to compensate the City for
the management of such prohibited items or materials.
(11) . "Wood Waste Drop-boxes: The City may provide a free drop"box( es) to customers,
who generate large quantities of clean wood without paint or treating or wood waste
that the City's compost facility can process. Free, wood waste drop-boxes are
available to customers, who meet the criteria for generating large quantities of wood
waste, for a period not to exceed five (5)business days from the time of delivery to
the time of renioval.' The fee for 'a wood waste drop-box(es) that contain
contaminants of non recyclable materials(s) shall be equivalent to the disposal rate
for the same size(s) ofdrop-box(es).
(12) Recycling Drop-boxes: The.City may providea free drop-box(es) to customers, who
meet the criteria for generating large quantities of recyclable material(s), such as
cardboard, newspaper and office paper. The CitY may empty the recycling
drop-box(es) at least once every 14 days or remove a temporary recycling
drop-box( es) within five (5) days. The fee for a recycling drop-box( es) that contain
contaminants of non recyclablematerial(s) shall be equivalent to the disposal rate for
the same size(s) of drop-box(es).
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K. Large Trash Compactor Collection Rate.
(1) Large Trash Compactor: . The rate for a customer's trash compactor shall be a per
. collection charge as in accordance with the schedule in effect, as duly adopted by
resolution of the City Council.
If a customer acquires a trash compactor that is a different size than those above, the
City shall round up the size to the nearest size in accordance with the schedule in
effect, as duly adopted by resolution of the City Council, the City shall round up the
size to the nearest size in accordance with the schedule in effect, as duly adopted by
resolution of the City Council, and that shall be the rate for collection of waste from
the compactor until the City enacts a specific rate.
. (2) Overweight Compactors: For traSh compactors with weights exceediIigthe schedule,
in accordance with the schedule in effect, as duly adopted by resolution of the City
Council, the City shall assess a charge in accordance with the schedule'in effect, as
duly adopted by resolution of the City Council, for the excess weight. The following
table lists the maximum weights for differently sized compactors. The City shall not
bill for an overweight trash compactor fee that is less than $5.00.
.1 0 Cubic Yards
15 Cubic Yards
20 Cubic Yards
25 CubicYards
30 Cubic Yards
35 Cubic Yards.
37 Cubic Yards
40 Cubic Yards
2.50 Tons
2.75 Toils
3.50 Tons
4,00 Tons
4.50 Tons
5.00 Tons'
5.25 Tons'
5.50 Tons
(3) Unable to Collect Fee: When an additional compactor collection trip
is necessary due to inaccessibility or other circumstance, the customer.
shall pay an additional 'charge in accordance with the schedule in
effect, as duly adopted by resolution of the City Council. If, at the
customer's request, the City schedules subsequen~ additional
collection trips, and the customer has not taken action to correct the
problem, this fee shall apply for each subsequent trip. These charges /
shall be in additional to apy other costs, including disposal.
(4) Front-load Compactor Rates: Each collection for front-load
. compactors shall be set 63% higher than the weekly rate for
ullcompacted front-load metal containers to reflect the heavier weight
put in a front-load compactor.
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L. Transfer Station Fees, Charges & Guidelines.
(1) Self-haul Waste Fees: Fees for self-haul, household waste that weighs less than two
(2) tons per load at the transfer station shall be as in accordance with the schedule in
effect, as duly adopted by resolution of the City Council.
The City shall limit the maximum quantity for the bag or waste can charge to a
maximum of three (3) containers per customer. The City shall charge customers with
loads containing more than three (3) bags or waste cans, at a minimum, the same rate
as the Minimum Trash Chll!"ge. The City shall charge any weighed load no less than
the rate of a Pickup Level Charge.
(2) Self-haul Green Waste Fees: Fees for wei~ed,self-haul, green waste shall be set at
30% of the cost per ton for household w~ste. The fees for all other loads shall be as
in accordance with the schedule in effect, as duly adopted by resolution of the City
(3) . Construction Debris: Fees for self-haul, construction debris shall be the same as for
household waste, provided the City shall charge at the same rate for clean wood
(without paint or other treatment) as for self~haul green waste.
(4) . Special, Hard-to-handle Items or Items Notto Be Buried in a Landfill: The City shall
charge a per item rate for special, hard-to-handle items in accordance with the
schedule in effect, as duly adopted by resolution of the City Council, for special
(5) . Contaminated Green Waste: The charge for aily green waste with contaminants, such
as plastic bags, palm fronds, pampas grass, star thistles, cactus, poison oak, dirt,
rocks, concrete, asphalt, painted/treated wood, trash, food scraps, animal manure,
recyclables, Christmas trees (with flocking, treating, tinsel, decorations, or a stand),
hazardous materials, or other contaminants, shall be the same as that for household
(6) Asphalt, Concrete, Dirt, Large Tree Stumps, and Rocks: The City shall not accept
asphalt, concrete, dirt, large tree stumps, and rocks at the transfer station or in any
waste containerS' or recycling containers. Customers shall take such materials to an
appropriate landfill. . Tree stumps over 30 inches in diameter or with dirt and root
balls shall be waste.
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(7) Toxic or Hazardous Materials: The City shall not accept any hazardous materials
from residential customers except at the Household Hazardous Waste Facility, and
customers shall not place such materials in any wheeled waste, green waste or
. , .
reCycling carts andlOl;metal containers, compactors, or drop-boxes. The Solid Waste
Utility staff shall conduct random load checks of incoming residential, commercial
and industrial loads at the transfer station and the Richard W. Curry/West Central
Landfill. The Utility shall return hazardous materials from load checks to customers
for proper disposal if possible.
(8) Option to Weigh Trash: In lieu of using one (1) ofthe self-haul waste or green waste
schedules above, the Solid Waste Utility may choose to weigh a load of trash. lfthe
Utility suspects the load shall cost more than the volume charge, the Utility shall
weigh the load and charge according to weight. ,.
(9) Large or Heavy Loads: Loads that weigh more thim two (2) tons or that exceed five
(5) cubic yards at the transfer station shall have the rate in accordanpe with the
schedule in effect, as duly adopted by resolution of the City Council.
The transfer facility reserves the right to direct hirge loads to the landfill, if the
transfer facility's push wall areais,down for repairs, or the volume of activity at.the
transfer facility is too great at the end of the day for the City to truck the waste to the
landfill before the landfill closes for the clay.
. (10) Recyclables Drop-off Center: Fees for the R'ecyclables Drop-off Center shag be in
accordance with the schedule in effect, as d'ulyadopted by resolution of the City
Special Handling Fee: The City shall charge a special handling fee when market
conditions result in a loss on recycling scrap metalS: Every month, the Solid Waste
Utility shall review the City's cost to dispose of scrap metals and shall adjust the fee,
in accordance with the schedule in effect, as duly adopted by resolution of the City
Council, in order to make up the difference between the City's cost and what it
receives from the sale of scrap metals.
. ,
Examples of scrap metal items include but are not limited to ovens, stoves,
refrigerators, freezers, washers, dryers, dishwashers, water heaters, window-mount
HV AC units, and equivalently sized machines or equipment. .
Large Scrap Metal Loads: Handling fees in accordance with the schedule in effect,
as duly adopted by resolution of the City Council, shall apply to large loads of scrap
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The Recyclables Drop-off Center shall not accept scrap metal loads in excess of800
pounds, automobile or truck bodies and frames, vehicle epgines, or equivalent items.
Special Handling Charge to Recycle Scrap Electronics and Cathode Ray Tubes: The
Solid Waste Utility shall set the special handling charge for the following recyclable
scrap, electronic items. The basis for the fees shall be 50% of the total cost to collect,
process and dispose, or recycle the scrap electronics. Utility shall pass on any costs
by a selected buyer for these materials to customers. Any items, which have no costs,
shall be free to cust?mers: The Utility shall adjust the fees for the most recent bid.
Examples of scrap electronics incllfde butare'not limited to computer hard drives,
computer peripherals (mouse, keyboard, printer), computer monitors, televisions,
consumer electronics (telephones, cellular tel~phones, answering machines, pagers,
VCRs, radios, stereos, walkman, CD players), and office equipment (calculators,
copiers, fax machines).
(II) Animal Carcasses: The Solid Waste lJtilityshall not accept animal carcasses in
wheeled waste, green waste or recycling carts and/or metal containers, drop-boxes,
or compactors, or at the transfer station,
(12) Duplicate ReceiptFees: In the event that a customer or hislher agent receives a
receipt for a transaction at the transfer station or landfill, and the customer or his/her
agent requests a duplicate receipt, the Solid Waste Utility may charge a fee in
accordance with, .the. schedule in effect; as duly adopted by resolution of the City
Council, for tjIe ~uplicatereceipt,and mailing/faxing of such duplicate receipt..
(13) Requirement to Cover Loads: Effective July I, 2004, all loads of waste and green
. waste at the City of Redding's transfer station and other disposal sites where the City .
provides waste service shall have a cover or tarp or other device to prevent litter and
waste from blo~ing off the loadonto'streets, roads, freeways, and property adjoining
within the City. Excluded from this requirement are loads that consist solely of the
Waste that is within a vehicle or trailer that is not open on ,one (I) or more
Waste ,that is secure within a trailer or truck and within containers with a
secure lid.
Waste that is within a sealed bag.
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Waste that is too heavy to blow off, such as heavy metal, televisions,
couches, refrigerators, freezers, washers and dryers, heavy wooden timbers,
dressers with secure drawers, and similar items. To not be subject to the load
covering requirement, the item must weigh more than five (5) pounds, and
the customer must tie it down or anchor it with ropes or straps..
Upon reaching the transfer station or other disposal site, the customer may
have to pull back the cover or tarp prior to going past the gatehouse in order
to verifY what the load contains and the applicable charge.
(14) Fees for Loads Without Covers: Effective July i, 2004, the fee for a load without a
cover in an open trailer or open truck or pickup bed shall be twice the posted rate for
a load with a cover. The customer shall pay this fee prior to disposal.
In lieu of paying twice the fee, the customer may purchase a tarp at the transfer
station in a size sufficient to cover the load. The cost of the tarp shall be the Solid
Waste Utility's cost to purchase the tarp plus a handling charge. The City shall refuse
service to customers who do not pay the fee or purchase a tarpfor a load without a
cover at the transfer station or other City disposal site after July 1, 2004.
M. Compost Sales & Pricing.
(1) Retail Sales: The Solid Waste Utility shall sell any compost it produces to customers
for not less than the average retail price of three (3) local, retail outlets that sell
equivalent compost. Each May, the Utility shall conduct a survey to establish the
price. If there is not comparable compost in the market, the Utility shall set the price
for a reasonable cost recovery and to minimize the amount of grass it shall bury at the
landfill. The City may provide a discount of up to 15% for purchases of five (5) or
more cubic yards.
(2) Wholesale Sales: The Solid Waste Utility may sell compost on a wholesale basis to
retail businesses at 80% of the City's posted retail price.
(3) Wood Chip Sales: The Solid Waste Utility may sell wood chips to the public,
nonprofit organizations, public agencies, or on a wholesale basis, following the same
formula by which it sells compost. The Utility shall establish a price for wood chips
on an annual basis.
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(4) Unscreened Mulch Sales: The Solid Waste Utility may sell unscreened mulch to the
public, .nonprofit organizations, public agencies, or on a wholesale basis, following
the same formula by which it sells compost. The Utility shall establish a price for
unscreened mulch at $1 per cubic yard less than the price for screened mulch on an
annual basis.
(5) Sales to Nonprofit Organizations and Public Agencies: The Solid Waste Utilitymay
sell compost or wood chips to nonprofit organizations and public agencies, doing
landscape or beautification projects in the City, at the City's wholesale price..
(6) Compost, Unscreened Mulch & Wood Chips Delivery Costs: If the buyer of .
compost, unscreen,edmulch or wood chips does not provide transportation, the
Utility may ~ck compost, unscreened mulch or wood chips at the actual cost plus
10% to any location within the City of within five (5) miles of the Solid Waste
Transfer'/Recycling Facility, whichever is further. The minimum load the City shall
truck shall be five (5) tons or ten (10) cubic yards. If a driver or vehicle is not
available, the Utility may decline to provide this service.
N. Fees and Policies for Other Services.
When adopted fees do not cover special services, or special services require charges, the
. Solid Waste Utility shall charge actual costs, including labor, overhead, fuel, equipment,
tipping fees, and other charges.
(I) Residential Special Collection Program for Hard-to-handle Items: The City shall
charge this program's actual costs for the round trip distance, assuming an average
trip offour (4) miles or less. The fee for a bulky item(s) shall be at least equivalent (
to the transfer station Hard-to-handle Fee.
The City shall charge the customer's utility account for these. services. The Solid
Waste Utility shall provide service as scheduling allows;
The Solid Waste Utility shall collect a maximum of six (6) items in one (I) trip. The
total charge shall include the transfer sta,tion disposal cost and the collection cost of
each item as outlined in Section L ofthis policy. This special residential collection
program is available only to residents of the City of Redding and is not for general
waste, green waste or recyclables that belong in wheeled waste, green waste or
recycling carts and/or metal containers, for household hazardous waste, construction,
demolition, or remodeling waste. It is only for large, hard-to-handle items that
customers would otherwise take to a waste facility for disposal.
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Customers shall place items for collection within six (6) feet of the street, so the
Solid Waste Utility can load them onto the collection vehicle. In no case shall an
employee go into a residence, garage or any other,yard area to collect items. The
maximum size, volume or weight of anyone (1) item shall not exceed eight (8) feet
in length or 500 pounds. This program is available when the City has available a
collection vehicle with a grab arm that can lift 500 pounds.
(2) Fees toBeAdjusted Annually: The Solid Waste Utility shall adjust the fees for the
Residential Special Collection Program for Hard-to-handle Items on an annual basis,
after adoption of the City's budget, to reflect current costs.
O. Collection of Waste Creating a Public Health & Safety Hazard on Private Property.
If the Solid Waste Utility collects, transports and buries waste from private property to
remove a public health and safety hazard or as part of an abatement process in addition to any
service rate it requires, it shall charge such service to the property owner at the appropriate,
posted rate. .If there is not an applicable service rate, the charge shall be the actual cost for
the weight of.the materials the City removes, labor, equipment, and the type of wheeled
waste, green waste or recycling cart and/or metal container, which contains the waste
material. Ifthe customer does not pay the charge within 30 days of billing, it shall constitute
a lien on the property.
P. Adjusting and/or Rounding Fees.
When setting fees for transfer station sales or charges, the Solid Waste Utilitymayround fees
. /
to the nearest $.025 in order to reduce change making at the gatehouse.
When setting fees and/or rates for other services, the Solid Waste Utility may adjust such
fees and/or rates for bill programming/cashiering purposes. I
Q. Requirement for Pre Payment.
(1) New Accounts: The City reserves the right to collect pre payment for services to new
(2) Exi~tihg Accounts: The City may require customers with existing accounts to pre
payan estimate of the average aggregate bill for two (2) months' service but not less
than the amount in accordance with the schedule. in effect, as duly adopted by
resolution. of the City Council, for existing residential accounts and for existing
commercial accounts if one (1) of the following occurs:
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a. The Citytums off the utility account fornonpayment of the account, in which
case, the customer shall satisfY the terms of pre payment and pay all fees and
penalties and the entire delinquent balance.
b. The customer's utility account has three (3) or more returned checks in a
12-month period, in which case; the City may require guaranteed payment.
(cash or credit card).
c. The customer's utility account has been delinquent more than once, in which
case, the City shall consider an account delinquent when the City sends a
Final Notice.
d. The customer's utility credit rating declines to the point that the City
determines that it is in the City's best interest to require .pre payment when
re-establishing service.
e. Prior to extending new or additional services, the City reserves the right to,
require the customer to bring any delinquent accountbalances, including fees
and penalties, current. The City may require pre payment of each collection
R. Solid Waste Rate Schedule & Service Policies Amendment History.
No. Date Resolution Topic/Change/Amendment
I 05/03/99 , 1999"67 Adopted Solid Waste Rate Schedule & Service Policies.
2 06/15/99 1999"84 Added rates for large or heavy loads at the transfer station,
scrap lI!etals and auctioned goods. .
3 10/05/99 1999-133 Adjusted rates for 6-yard metal containers and clarified
off-street collection charges.
4 06/20/00 2000-115 Established program and fees for used computer equipment
. - electronic waste charges. .
5 07/17/01 2001-122 Adopted polices and fees for cl\thode ray tubes in
televisions and monitors, various policy changes, rounding
" of fees arid other technical changes.
6 09/17/02 2002-139 Established a minimum charge for weighed loads and
established a limit on the minimum number of bags per
customer of three (3) per customer.
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No. Date Resolution Topic/Change! Amendment
7 08/05/03 2003-123 Established a policy for prohibited items ill metal
containers and a special collection program.
8 03/02/04 2004-35 Established a requirement for covered loads and fees for
loads without covers.
9 12/06/05 2005-06 Adjusted rates.
10 02/2l!O6 2006-31 Adjusted rates.
11 12/18/07 2007-234 Amended the Solid Waste Rate Schedule. & Service
Policies to prevent Joss of revenue for vacation holds,
reduce bad debt for delinquent accounts and include
administrative changes in Exhibit 1.
12 06/02/09 2009-49 Amended the Solid Waste Rate Schedule & Service
Policies to incorporate changes the City Council Resolution
adopted on December 18, 2007, which did not include
detailed information; to reflect current policies and rate
amendments, to eliminate some subsidies between
customer groups, to represent roUnding of some fees, to
represent fee adjustments for computer programming and
billing requirements, to include technical changes, and to
I reflect rate increases of 3% in FY 2009-10, 3% in FY
2010-11 and 4% in FY 2011-12. .
13 06/16/09 2009- Amended the City of Redding Schedule of Fees and Service
. -
Charges to incorporate fee changes not subj ect to
. Proposition 218.
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No. Date Resolution Topic/Change! Amendment
14 06/16/09 . 2009c_ Amended the Solid Waste Rate Scj1edule & Service
Policies to incorporate changes the City Council adopted
by Resolution 2007-234 on December 18, 2007.
Amended the Policies to prevent loss of revenue from a
property"based fee for multiple units with active utility
\ accounts on the same property, to differentiate between
residential rates and commercial rates, to clari:IY
cOmmercial surcharges forBenton Landfill's postclosure
monitoring, reflect current policies and rate amendments,
. to eliminate some subsidies between customer groups, to
represent rounding of some fees, to represent fee
adjustments for computer programming and billing
reqUirements, and to convert passive voice to active
. voke.
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