HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 2006-021 - Council Policy 408 e e , ... RESOLUTION NO. 2006-21 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF REDDING AMENDING COUNCIL POLICY NO. 408 ENTITLED INVESTMENT POLICY. WHEREAS, on April 2, 1991, the City Council adopted Investment Policy No. 408 to provide guidelines for the prudent investment of the City's idle funds, which policy has been amended from time-to-time; and WHEREAS, the City Council wishes to further amend its Investment Policy, as recommended by the City Treasurer and the Investment Advisory Committee; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS RESOLVED by the City Council that the City's Investment Policy No. 408 be amended as set forth in the attached annual update, made a part hereof by this reference. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was introduced, read, and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council on the 21st day of February, 2006, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMHERS: Dickerson, Mathena, Pohmeyer, Stegall, and Murray COUNCIL MEMHERS: None COUNCIL MEMBERS: None COUNCIL MEMBERS: None Attest: Form Approved: -, ~~~~~ RICHARD A. DUVERNAY, Ity Attorney Amended by Resolution 2006-21 r ~ ~ '" , V -- e CITY OF REDDING, CALIFORNIA COUNCIL POLICY SUBJECT RESOLUTION NUMBER POLICY NUMBER EFFECTIVE DATE PAGE INVESTMENT POLICY 91-148 408 04/02/1991 1 BACKGROUND The Treasurer or Chief Fiscal Officer shall annually render to the legislative body ofthe local agency and any oversight committee a statement ofinv,estment policy, which the legislative body of the local agency shall consider at a public meeting. Any changes in the policy shall also be considered b~ the l~:g!slative body of the local agency at a public meeting. Government Code 53646(a)!amcnded JanlJa!) 2,. 1996J It is in the best interest of the City to have the Treasurer's Investment Policy adopted by resolution in order to have consistent guidelines for reporting and updating procedures relating to the investment of City funds. PURPOSE The City Treasurer, who has been given the authority by Council to invest and reinvest City funds, should have clear guidelines in place for reporting this activity to Council. Therefore, the Investment Policy is desigged to provide guidelines for the prudent investment of the City's idle funds and reporting of the same. Revie:wing, ~ending or updating of this policy shall be-conducted no less than once a year. POLICY The City Treasurer has the fiduciary responsibility to maximize the productive use of assets en1rusted to his/her care and to invest and manag(: those funds wisely and circumspectly. Therefore, the Ci1y must operate its idle cash investment pool under the "prudent man rule" (Probate Code Article 2, Seetions 16040/042). This affords the City a broad spectrum of investment opportunities as long as the investment is deemed prudent and is allowable under current legislation of the State of Cali fomi a (Governme:nt Code Section 53600, et seq.). The City recognizes that it has an obligation to be aware of the possible social and political impacts of its investments and will act responsibly if issues of this nature arise. Priority will be given to investments that promote community economic development (i.e., dealing with local financial institutions, etc.) provided that the investment selection criteria is met and yield:is not significantly impacted. The City Treasurer shall strive, whenever possible, to make investments that benefit the local area. The City Treasurer shall strive to maintain the level of investment of all idle funds as near 100 percent as possible. Concurrently, the City Treasurer sha111ayer investment maturities to meet anticipated cash needs and attempt to maximize investment yields while satisfying the guidelines herein presented. , _ M-': _I - -." ;In__ 1M e e CITY OF REDDING, CALIFORNIA COUNCIL POLICY ~ SUBJECT RESOLUTION NUMBER POLICY NUMBER EFFECTIVE DATE PAGE INVESTMENT POLICY 91-148 408 04/02/1991 2 ADMINISTRA TIONIRESPONSIBJLITY The City Treasurer or designee are n:sponsible for idle cash management. Investments shall be;: made by the individual so directed by the Treasurer. Cash flow and technical information shall be provided by the Finance Division. Each investment must be authorized by the Treasurer or Deputy in Treasure:r's absence. The Finance Officer or designee shall review each investment transmittal to determine if it complies with the allowable investments section of the City Policy and for the purpose of financial tracking. ~; The Finance Officer designated as Treasurer by resolutions for City entities, is responsible for I~ash management of RABA, Redding Redevelopment Agency, and Housing Authority. Investment of entity idle funds are directed by the Finance Ofticer and administered by the City Treasurer. Trustee accounts, as well as being governed by State Code, shall have guidelines included in their contracts as to the strength of financial institutiions in which they may choose to invest City funds. As d€:signated in the long-term debt resolutions, the Cilty Treasurer, Finance Officer, or designee shall establish guidelines for Trustee contracts and jointly monitor the montWy accounts. The City Treasurer shall call together an Investment Policy Advisory Committee meeting once a year, or as needed, for the purpose of reviewing and updating this Policy. A minimum of two con(erringJ....ith th~ Treasurer shall be among the following: the City Manager, the Assistant City Mana~J the De})yty City, 1yf8n@ger. flIld the Finance Officer or designe~t and the Director of Administtame Servicc$. In addition, the rl. committee will include two community members representing the finance industry bringing the: committee ; f total membership to five. ,:' INVESTMENTS ALLOWABLE The City complies with current California Code Section 53600 et seq., and is incorporated herein. See attachment. CRITERIA FOR SELECTING INVESTMENTS IN PRIORITY ORDER 1. Safety - The safety and risk associated with an investment refers to the potential loss of principal and/or interest. There are basically two types of risk in cash investment. The first, credit risk, refers to the financial strength of the entity that is obligated to repay the investment. The second, principal protection, refers to the potential loss of principal due to market fluctuations or due to an early liquidation of the investment. >! - _9 WlZiMl,!!JIJ e e CITY OF REDDING, CALIFORNIA COUNCIL POLICY SUBJECT RESOLUTION NUMBER POLICY NUMBER EFFECTIVE DATE PAGE INVESTMENT POLICY 91-148 408 04/02/1991 3 In order for the City to fulfilll its public fiduciary responsibility in regard to the funds (mtrusted to it, the City must invest in only those securities which present no substantial threat to principal. 2. Liquidity - This is the marketability of an investment or the ease with which it can be converted to cash. Generally, the more liquid or marketable the security, the lower the yield. The importance of this factor in investment selection. is dependent upon the possibility ofthe circumstances arising that would necessitate the investment being converted to cash before maturity. Funds must be available in varying amounts to meet the City's daily cash needs. The City, therefore, shall structure its investments in such a manner as to provide for the daily cash needs of the City while, at the same time, participating in longer term I higher yield instruments with cash that is not currently restricted from expenditure or for which there is not an immediate need. 3. Yield - The yield is the eamings an investment provides. It is usually expressed as an annual rate of return (the percentage annual earnings are of the invested principal). Since obtaining investment earnings is the motivation for investing, yield is a significant factor in all investment transactions. However, it shall become a consideration only after all other investment criteria is satisfied. Whenever possible, interest is to be paid to the City Treasurer monthly. 4. ~ - When a City LAIF account has reached the maximum deposit ~dtoaccO~!!l:oda~~fet needS, the City Treasurer, may at his/her discretion, transfer City funds into an Entity LAIF accoune. In this case, the Treasurer will keep a separate set of books for City and Entity investments and will allocate the interest earnings proportionately. - Legislation effective January 2, 1989 restricts the length of investment term to five (5) years. Entity in this case is referring to public agencies related to the City of Redding but separate by law, whose funds the City Treasurer manages in the area of banIc reconciliation and investment of idle cash pursuant to cooperative investment policies. (Le. Redding Area Bus Authority, Rlldding Redevelopment Agency, and Housing Authority. e e CITY OF REDDING, CALIFORNIA COUNCIL POLICY SUBJECT RESOLUTION NUMBER POLICY NUMBER EFFECTIVE DATE PAGE INVESTMENT POLICY 91-148 408 04/02/1991 4 INVESTMENT LIMITATIONS Security purchases and holdings shall be maintained within the statutory limits imposed by the California ~ Government Code. In addition, the following restriction are imposed. a) Investment securities shall not be purchased by means ofleverage. b)Investments whose credit ratings downgrade below single A by Moody's or Standard and Poor's shall be sold within a reasonable amount of time to minimize the possible loss of principal. COLLATERAL REQUIREMENTS Collateral requirements for government funds are 110 percent ifbacked by U.S. Government seeurities or 150 percent ifbacked by a Real Estate pool. The City of Redding funds are backed by Government Security pools. Securities underlying a repurchase agreement must have a market value of at least 105 percent ofthe cost of the repurchase agreement. If the market value of the underlying security falls below this requiremen~, the dealer bank shall assign additional securities to the repurchase agreement so that the margin requirement is met, or the dealer bank shall return the City's investment. Repurchase Agreements must include this in writing. ~ ~rrent law provides that investments in repurchase agreements shall be in compliance if the value of the underlying securities is brought back up to 1. 05 percent no later than the next business day in aceordance with City Policy 53635 (1). WITH WHOM TO TRANSACT The City Treasurer or designee shall make investment transactions only with financial institutions, national firms, or security dealers that are reputable and that exhibit financial stability. In addition, the se:curity dealers must be able to meet the requirements for classifications as primary dealers with the New York Federal Reserve Bank. COMPETITIVE OFFERS The City Treasurer or designee shall obtain at least three offers from investment officers or broker/dealers including the potential yield for each security we plan to purchase. Each Investment Officer or BrokerlDealer shall have on file a current Request For Information (RFI). The RFI shall be utilized as a significant factor in the selection and periodic review of the institutions and/or individuals utilized for investment transactions. DIVERSIFICATION The portfolio shall contain a variety of security types, issuers, and maturities. lJ'~VrThiiiFlrA"~:4r#4.,ftiU____~~-~'~I1!i_l_.~W!!~IIl.lf"_1G1!I!.~l;~;rtrJ:l;\~;~W7/j" :+;'.1 >l;.:i,.;:.' J e e CITY OF REDDING, CALIFORNIA COUNCIL POLICY SUBJECT RESOLUTION NUMBER POLICY NUMBER ElFFEcnVE Jl)ATE PAGE INVESTMENT POLICY 91-148 408 04/02/1991 5 SAFEKEEPING Investment securities purchased by the City shall be held in the name of the City of Redding, or delivered to the City, or to its third-party custodian within the State of California. Investment purchases shall be d.eliveryversus payment. SELLING SECURITIES PRIOR TO MATURITY Losses may be acceptable on a sale and should be taken if the reinvested proceeds will generatt;: earnings (net of the resultant capital loss or early withdrawal penalty) that are greater than the earnings 1hat would be generated if the existing investment were held to maturity. Any sale of securities at a loss, without this purpose of reinvestment, must be discussed with the Investment Advisory Committee. REPORTING The City Treasurer shall file a monthly report to the City Council and the Ci!y Manager. This report shall show how the investments have been made and whether they are in conformance ~ the investment policy, shall include information that demonstrates that the City's expenditure requirements can be met in the following six (6) months~ and shall disclose the inv~:stment information that is required by Government Code Section 53646. DEBT PROCEEDS3 Notwithstanding any other provisions to the contrary, debt issue proceeds shall be invested in "permitted investments" as defined by the trust agreement associated with the debt issue. Such investment shall be in compliance with requirements imposed by rating agencies, bond insurers, and Federal and State law. Investments allowable under current California Government Code No. 53601 are stated in the City Council Investment Policy. (Amendment 04/07/92, Council approval for the investment of bond proceeds in the State Pool, Local Agency Investment Fund" LAIF.) Included in the investment policy is the criteria to be utilized for the selection of investments and the order of priority. For purposes of this policy, the term "Treasurer" is that individual defined in the bond documents and amendments of the debt issue. The Treasurer is subject to the applicable provisions of any indenture, trust agreement, or resolution providing for a tmstee or other fiscal agent. This individual is designated as the depository of the issuing authority to have custody of all the money of the issuing authority from whatever , source and, as such, shall have the powers, duties, and responsibilities specified in 6505.5 of the Government Code. The Treasurer is designated as the public officer or person who has charge of, handles, or has access to anv nronertv of the authority. " r; '6,t.-,~'/7i;::-:;-' .'/",..<4.'i-"<<i;:+;'_~V~'V"'\~i".'t" ~'\i;:i fe.. ',..~1:r,," !"".';' ". I-.rr-- ""... ",'.. :,' 1 Debt proceeds section added by Resolution No. 91-230 effective June 13, 1991. e e CITY OF REDDING, CALIFORNIA COUNCIL POLICY SUBJECT RESOLUTION NUMBER POLICY NUMBER EFFECTfVE DATE PAGE INVESTMENT POLICY 91-148 408 04/02/1991 6 DUE DILIGENCE It shall be the responsibility of the Treasurer to structure and monitor the bond proceeds investment process and to verify that fees paid to brokers are reasonable and commensurate with the work perfomled. The Treasurer shall consult with bond counsel and financial advisors, when applicable, during the development of the bond issue documents and shall be responsible for determining whether the proceeds shall be actively or passively invested as a result of Federal regulations that may govern the issue. CONFLICTS OF INTEREST Underwriters and financial advisors may not receive compensation, finder's fees, honoraria or gifts from parties involved in investment transactions. Subject to any restrictions imposed by Federal regulations, the bond underwriter or advisor may bid for investment funds in an openly competitive bidding, but not as sole source broker or intermediary. If a financial advisor or underwriter also acts in an investment (;apacity, the firm shall certify that its fees do not (~xceed the fees it customarily charges for investment activity and include no compensation for services: provided in the underwriting. A VOIDANCE OF ABUSES The City will refrain from abusive practices in the investment of bond proceeds and will obtain. market price instruments. For bond issues to which Federal yield or regulatory restrictions apply, the primary objective shall be to prudently obtain satisfactory market yields and to minimize the costs associated with investment of such funds. The Treasurer shall obtain full disclosure of brokerage and other fees associated. with investment of bond proceeds and shaH require written disclosure of any payments made by investment firms or brokers to third parties associated with the City of the issuance of its bonds. ARBITRAGE RECORD KEEPING The Treasurer shall establish systems and procedures to comply with Federal regulations goveming the investment of bond proceeds, including investment record keeping systems. Reference: California Government Code Sel;:tion 53600, et seq. ~ded March 16. 1993. by Resolution No. 93~ !Amended April S. 1994. by Resolution No. 94-080 ~AprilI8.199S. by Resolution No. 95-102 !Amended February 4, 1997, by Resolution No. 97-O19'"::l !Amended December 1. 1998. by Resolution No. 98-170 bended February 15. 2000. by Resolution No. 2000-31~ !Amended February 19.2002. by Resolution No. 2002-3:Z !Amended February 18. 2003. by Resolution No. 2oo3-2:U !Amended February 17.2004, by Resolution No. 2004-21~ !Amended March 15. 2005, by Resolution No. 2005.34 C ~ded February 21.2006. by Resolution No. 2006-2:P ~d Feb~ 21. 2006.}y. ResolutionNOL+006-2j~ ilrlh/IIB