HomeMy WebLinkAbout _ 4.15(c)--Approval of new Payroll Time Cards Policy � � �' � � � � � � ' � �' � � ' � ` CITY OF REDDING REPORT TO THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: October 15,2024 FROM: Kari Kibler, Personnel ITEIVI NO. 4.15(c) Director ***APPROVED BY*** � �, � � � ��� , i�]�r,Persr�nnel I�irectc�r �t�,t7r'2t?'�� rS' �P�ir�,C�i �� �° lt�i'�,{'2{}? kkibler@cityofredding.org btippin@cityofredding.org SUBJECT: 4.15(c)--Approval of new Payroll Time Cards Policy Recommendation Adopt a City of Redding Personnel Policy -Pay�oll Time Ca�ds Policy providing guidance and procedures for accurate reporting of work time, absences, and payroll, using the Oracle Time and Absences inodule as the City-approved web-based payroll system. Fiscal Impact There is no fiscal impact for approving the proposed Payroll Time Cards Policy (Policy). Alte�native Action The City Council could decline to approve the proposed policy or provide alternative direction to staff. Backg�ound/Analysis The City of Redding is mandated to compensate employees for �he time worked in accordance with the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), applicable state 1aw, the Redding Municipal Code and as defined in the Memoranda of Understandings and Employment and Benefit Policies for the Unrepresented Employees, as applicable. Therefore, a11 City employees have a duty to comply with guidelines and procedures with respect to accurately recording and reporting of work time, attendance, and payroll. In 2006, the City Council adopted a Payroll Timesheets Policy, which provided guidance to staff for the accurate recording and reporting of work time, attendance and payroll. However, the Payroll Timesheets Policy is now obsolete with the transition to the Oracle Time and Absences module, which went live on October 13, 2024. Report to Redding City Council October 8,2024 Re: 4.15(c)--Approval of new Payroll Time Cards Policy Page 2 The proposed policy provides guidance and proced�ures for accurate reporting of work time, absences, and payroll using the Oracle Time and Absences module and will replace the obsolete Payroll Timesheets Policy. The proposed policy has been shared with all City of Redding Bargaining Units and no concerns were identified. Envi�^onmental Review This is not a project defined under the California Environmental Quality Act, and no further action is required. Council PrioNity/City Manager Goals • Government of the 21gt Century — `Be relevant and proactive to the opportunities and challenges of today's residents and workforce. Anticipate the future to make better decisions today." Attachments ^New Payroll Time Cards Policy ^Current Payroll Timesheets Policy(2014) h��p� CITY OF REDDING, CALIFORNIA �{���°°''F PERSONNEL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES SUBJECT EFFECTIVE PAGE DATE PAYRO�L TIME CARDS POLICY TBD 1 Personnel Director City Manager Purpose The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance and procedures for accurate reporting of work time, absences, and payroll. Policv It is the policy of the City of Redding (City) to compensate employees for the time worked in accordance with the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), applicable state law, the Redding Municipal Code, and as defined in the Memoranda of Understandings and Employment and Benefit Policies for the Unrepresented Employees, as applicable. Therefore, all City employees have a duty to comply with the guidelines and procedures with respect to recording and reporting of work tiine, attendance, and payroll. Employee work time and attendance is entered and recorded in the Oracle Time and Absence Management module, which collects actual time entered through various mechanisms (e.g. desktop computer, mobile device, etc.). Some operational departments, such as Police and Fire, may utilize separate scheduling systems for recording time and absence. Definifions Time Card: A record which tracks employee hours worked and absences for payroll and billing purposes, formally referred to as "timesheets"in City policies and procedures. Electronic Time Card: A fully digital time card accessed via the internet, in the City's case, within the Oracle system. General Procedures and Responsibilities Pay periods run for two weeks, beginning on a Sunday and ending on a Saturday. Employees are paid on the Thursday after 12:00 noon following the last Saturday of the pay period. If employees are sched�uled to be paid on a day that lands on a City-observed fixed holiday, employees will be paid on the preceding workday. Payroll information is available through the City's web-based payroll system. Accurate and timely reporting of employee time and attendanee is the responsibility of the employee and the employee's supervisor/manager. Supervisors/managers are responsible for ensuring that work and leave time are reported accurately and reflect each employee's activities for the pay period and for validating this by approving the employee's time card timely. h��p� TY OF REDDING, CALIFORNIA �{���°''F PERSONNEL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES SUBJECT EFFECTIVE PAGE DATE PAYRO�L TIME CARDS POLICY TBD 2 The department director or designee is responsible for ensuring existing and new employees are trained on the time card program and reinforcing the need for it to be password protected at a11 times since it provides access to their personal information. Electronic Time Cards A. Completion of Electronic Time Cards The Oracle Time and Absences module is the City-approved web-based payroll system. All employees must complete an electronic time card showing actual hours worked as we11 as leave types (e.g. sick leave, vacation time off, compensatory time off, holiday, administrative leave, etc.)used during each payroll period for which they are to be paid. Employees will need to record the hours to the appropriate job(s) andlor account(s), and document the activities performed as applicable. With the approval of the Finance Director or designee, under rare and extraordinary circumstances, an employee may submit a signed, paper time card for manual time entry into Oracle by their supervisor or designee. Employees on an approved leave of absence will not need Finance Director approval to submit a paper time card. The manager, supervisor or designee in these instances wi11 enter the time from a paper time card which has been eompleted and signed by the employee. If the employee is on leave of absence and not able to sign the completed paper time card,upon return from leave, the supervisor wi11 ensure the emplayee has reviewed and sagned as to the accuracy and comp�eteness of the employee's time card. B. Submission of Com�leted Time Cards Each employee is responsible for the accurate completion and submission of his/her electronic time card in a timely manner (i.e. each employee is responsible to electronically submit his/her time card at the end of his/her last shift during the pay period); this submission is the employee's "signature" signifying time card approval. For situations where an employee is unavailable to submit his/her time eard, the supervisor or designee wi11 need to submit his/her time card on the employee's behalf through Oracle, The manager for payroll purposes (i.e., the designated employee who is set up to review and approve time cards for accuracy and completeness per their department's timetable)is responsible for ensuring that all employees who worked during the pay period have completed an electronic time card and approving the time cards. The manager's "Approve" on the approval message serves as his/her electronic signature for the approval. h��p� TY OF REDDING, CALIFORNIA �{���°''F PERSONNEL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES SUBJECT EFFECTIVE PAGE DATE PAYRO�L TIME CARDS POLICY TBD 3 Falsification of a time card by any employee, supervisor, manager, or department director shall subject such employee to discipline as outlined in the City's Discipline Policy. C. Payroll Chan�es Any inaccurate data or late time card information will be corrected through the submission of a Payroll Change Request. Time for one pay period may not be entered with another pay period to correct a previous error; a Payroll Change Request must be submitted. Payroll Change Requests sha11 be processed the pay period immediately following submission provided the information is received no later than 5:00 p.m. on the Monday prior to payday. D. Timelines Departments are responsible for setting internal deadlines for employee and manager approval of electronic time cards, and are completed by the deadline to submit approved time cards for payroll processing. The deadline for manager approval of completed time cards is 5:00 p.m. on the Monday prior to payday. Timelines will be adjusted whenever a holiday occurs on the Monday prior to payday. The Finance Division will provide advance notice and guidelines, via email, to all departments in such situations. Internal Controls The Personnel Department is responsible for determining/interpreting appropriate rates of pay and other terms of employment,per applicable City policies and labor agreements. Access to the payroll processing program wi11 be strictly limited to those with direct need to the program, in accordance with the City's internal control procedures. There shall always be at least two people involved in the processing of payroll, for verificatian and compliance purposes. ��3'� .]C{' ��C+ � Pe���onn�l P�licies and P�•arcet��ares��z�ua� �ectiori: Nliscellaneo�.ts Palicies Subject: Paytoll Tim�s�eets Pe�.•strnriel D�:ectox: `�� ` b��_ �ate: f�-�,'�-��' �ity M:anager: Date:�.��,;��' City�ouncil Resc�lution l�a. �if a�plicable} N/� Effective I)ate: '7I�110� T�e f`crlla�ving sha1l��ply tc��11�rs��Ic�yees,su�ezvisoxs and ti�n�Iceepezs: 1} AII employees are i�ec�uire�l ta accurately co�n�lete, �igi�an�d c�ate a tirz�esh�et: Er��ipluyees wirl be held aecot�r�tabl� �i��• the accuracy ��` the znfoxmatia� p�c�vid�c� on the I timesheet, Ernplc�yees are expe�ted to thoi�atighl��omplete a timesheet ant�pt�ese�,t it to thei�° s��ervise�r in a ti�nely �nanne�. `I'he deat�line f�aa� t1�is z°equir�ment wilL be �ete�minet� b;y�ach depart�n�n�in crrd�r t� allc�w the de�a�~tment to zneet the deadline i establish�� beI€�w in ztein numl�er 3. Emplayees �ay not corri��ete � timesheet fr��• anoth:er �m�I�y�e uniess a supei°vis�ar, manager �r depa�-tm.ent duector I�as g:ranted i petmissian. The employee m�:�st still sign �nd d�:te�he ti�nesheet tc� indicate �17at �k�e , ernp�oyee has revievaed and a�rees with the entries crn �he tin�tesheet. 'I`imesheets az•e � tt� be sigr�eci �n iz��c by tlae �mploye� and �hc supez�visor unless using an, electz{onzc signati�te o� �a�s�void prr�tected pr�cessing p�ocedt��e apprcrved b� tl�e �iiy of R�ddia-�g; � I Emplc�ye�s whc�utilize E-Time fo���•ep�x�tin�andla��a�pi•ovzn�tir�.esheets ar�xequued tr� obtain a � �on�de�atiaZ sign-a�x an.cl passwozd fic�m th�I��f`ormati�n fiec�iolc�gy l�i�riszon-- � �) All supez'visc��°s atye re�tairet�tb��e�vievt+�n�verify the��cuiacy ofinfo��natio�pt�rvic�ec�c�n � timesl�eets by th�i� assigz�ed �aersax�zel. �t�tpe�vxsors �re ex�ected tc� cc�n�.plete thei� ��eview in a.timel�m�nner and fo�ywar� therz�tc� the depai�metltldivisiar� tifnekeepe�� � S�:zpezvisc�rs are �`espa�sible fai� ensu�ing tha� all e�nplc�yees �v�o wozked du�ing t�:� � pa�pexic�cl have bee�pz•ovided a tin�esheet. The deadlizae for t�is supei��sc��y i•eview �, will be deter�nined by eacl� de����tt�let�t in oz�der ta allow the ciepar•tnzez�� to meet t�ie �,, cie�:dlzne e�tablish:ed belc�w in item �umbel�. I�an empl�yee is�bsent due to illness, oczt c�f tow� assignzx�ent, ai�thc��iz�d absence or �rzzer�enc� �n.d is�.Ynable tc� cc�n�.plete r.°; a tir�tesl�eet, the supex�v�sc�r is ��espernsible trt� �n�ure that tl�e em�loyee'� titne is r s��l�miited i�. an �ccur�te an�t tirx�ely lna r:raner. I1�or� re�i�n o� the �m.playe�, the rr c supe�visoz•vri�i �nsu��the e:rz�:plc�yee ltas r�vi�wed anc� signed as to tl�e �ccur.�acy ���1 � coinp��ten�ss o����emplt�yee's��esheet, Timesheet�ate to be sign��ii� ink unless i using an electx��z�ic si�n�fi.xi�e a�° passwo�d p�•o��cte� prt�cessing prc�cedur� ap�rc�ved � hyti��City c�fR:eclding. � r 3) A.11 timekee�eis a�e �equi�ed ta ers�t�re t�at a11 timesheets submitted to �z�r� have b�en I accul•ately, com�letely and thorc�u���ly prc�cessed and the data is ent�x�d inta �hc ' City's pay��l� syste�n in a �innely zna�ncx. �ffecti�ue oi�Mc�nda;y, �1u�cist �3, �O��i, �7 i." � ,�! � {payday of Au�;ust 1`7) fl�e c�e£1cllinc �o�'al�clata enti-y is 5:00�.m. an.tl�e Mozaciay�z•ior ic� payda�. Ti�x�et�eepers �u�e ex�e�t�d ic� s�a�mit Fayz•c�1:1 Chan.�;e �`Q�•ms to carrect a,ny inaccu3a.t� dat� crr l�te tirne�heet iazCc+rmatior� tc� be }�z•c�cessec� th� followi��g p�y ��c;���ad; Upolx c�i5covea-y c��'e�rars; coX•z•cct�ans ai•� t� be ma�e in cc�njut�ctxs�n wit��tl�� p�°c�cessi��g ��`fih�e �e�t pay�all pei•ic�d ii��c�ssit�le. `['i��e�'oz���i��aY pe��ioc�znay nc�l 1�e en�ere� witl� aalotlicr ��a� �e�iod t� cr��,•ect a���•cvir��.�s err�r, a S'ayx•a�l Cl��usge �'or�iz rxzu�f.be�titl�n�zlle�, Thc �t�c}ve liinelzzles tivil� b� �c�justcci w�ez��ve�• a�c�liday ca��uzs c�n th�Moz�clay px�iox�'tc� �ayc�ay, 'I"hc�����nce I7iviszo� wili���c�vic��ac�v�ce;nc�tace ancl gi�i.delin�s, via cz�iail, tc� a11 t7lnekee�e��s zz� suc;la sit��atic�eis. � The�c�llaw���g sl�all c�p�ly tt�a11 clepai-tment c].ircctor�: 1} De�at�C�nent DiY�ctc�rs, �7ivzsir�n Man�gez�s, a�� tlac:i� apprc�vec� des�gnc:c, a�c z�eq�iat�ecl i;r� review and vez�z�Cy fikae accil���cy o�`tlz� inC'or���tzo�a pzovi�crt oz� the 1�i-w�elcty ��yaoll z���or� titl�d PRR108. De�a�tz�xent Directt�rs, o�� iheir at��rc�ved desa��ee, ai•e ta si�� ai�ci date `tlae �P�,`.1(�� and i{eti�rll to tlae I�x�a�xce I�ivisi�n t�y S:Op �.zn. c�zx the W�d��csd�y Cr�llowin�11�at�aycla.y. Tl�e�12�.1(?8 is tc�l�c signect i�X i���: j I � r��1si��aLics� �af a tznacsla�et by �r�y employce; ti�nelcee��er} supez�vzs�z�, o�� de�a�-ttne��t d�r�ct�ir sh�l1 suk�j�c� such esrzgloyee tt� cliscz�al`z�e as a��tlinecl iY�tl7e Cit�'s I�iscipliz�e�'olicy. r���ta� �t��ioi« � � k ry � p s � �' ; , � � 5 } � 1 V E � � 9 q �