HomeMy WebLinkAbout _ 4.5(a)--Adopt Budget Resolution for Safety Consulting Services for REU � � �' � � �
� � � ' � �' � � ' � ` CITY OF REDDING
MEETING DATE: August 7, 2024 FROM: Nick Zettel, Director of
ITEIVI NO. 4.5(a) Redding Electric I7tility
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nzettel@cityofredding.org btippin@cityofredding.org
SUBJECT: 4.5(a)--Adopt Budget Resolution and First Amendment to Contract for Safety
Consultin Services
Authorize and approve the following:
(1) Adopt Resolution approving and adopting the 49th Amendment to City of Redding
Budget Resolution No. 2023-060 appropriating $590,000 to modernize the City of
Redding Electric Utility's safety program including safety consulting, a safety
management database, and related safety materials;
(2) Authorize the City Manager, or designee, to execute the First Amendment to Contract
(G10269) with EnSafe Inc. for safety consulting services increasing the total contract
amount from $142,300 to $482,300 and extending the term to June 30, 2027; and
(3} Authorize the City Manager, or designee, to execute future contract amendments up to
$150,000 (25 percent) of the total contract amount during the three-year term.
Fiscal Impact
The total project cost, including contingency, is listed below:
EnSafe C-10269 Ori inal Amount $142,300
EnSafe Additional Cost of Phase II $340,000
Safet Mana ement Database 3 Years $100,000
Contin enc 25% $150,000
Total Pro'ect Cost $732,300
Ori inal C-10269 142,300
Resolution Amount $590,000
Overhauling Redding Electric Utility's (REI� safety program was not included in the Fiscal
Year 2023-2025 Biennial Budget. However, staff has identified a need for enhanced safety
training and measures. REU has adequate reserves to support the implementation of a
comprehensive training program.
Report to Redding City Council Ju1y 29,20Z4
Re: 4S(a)--Adopt Budget Resolution for Safety Consulting Services for REU Page 2
Alte�^native Actzon
The City Council (Council) could choose to reject the request to issue a contract amendment
to EnSafe Inc., andprovide staff with alternative direction.
On March 3, 2024, the City of Redding (City) executed contract G 10269 with EnSafe, Tnc.
(EnSafe) for safety consulting services for REU. The contract was awarded via a competitive
solicitation, RFP 5405, and the project's intent was to facilitate improvements in REU's safety
program. The RFP came to fruition after a staff review of the program recognized various
areas needing improvement such as training, safety inspection protocols, incident
management, and hazard recognition and awareness.
In response to RFP 5405, staff received proposals from five responding firms. The selection
was based on equal-weighted scoring o£ a) the experience and qualifications of team
members; b) prior references and history working with public-owned utilities; c) project
approach; and d) cost proposal and billing rates. EnSafe was selected as the highest-scoring
respondent by a panel of five reviewers. EnSafe scored 79.5, and the second-highest score was
G10269 services with EnSafe consist of two phases:
Phase I was an assessment that included a one-week site visit and presenting analysis
and recommendations on ways to strengthen REU's safety program. These services
were performed for a firm fixed cost of$62,300.
Phase II builds upon Phase I by providing ongoing support to implement the
consultant's recommendations. Phase II was defined as optional and contingent upon
staff's validation and acceptance of Phase I work. The Phase II work is designated to
be performed on a time and materials basis with a budget not to exceed $80,000. This
allowed for approximately 300 hours of the consultant's time or roughly three months
of ongoing support.
EnSafe is nearing the completion of Phase I and has recommended a Phase II implementation
plan over the next three years. Their recommendations focus on two main areas: a) prioritizing
high-risk activities and creating enhanced policies, plans, and procedures to address them; and
b) developing protocols to establish an effective and sustainable health and safety management
Staff have reviewed and validated EnSafe's Phase II implementation plan, which will cost
approximately $420,000 over three years including approximately 1,400 hours of consultant
support in year one, 700 hours in year two, and 200 hours in year three, In addition to the
consulting fees charged by EnSafe, REU will need to procure a safety management database at
an estimated cost of $100k over three years, and wi11 need to procure additional safety
materials including third party safety training, reference materials and updated policies. By
June 30th, 2027, REU will be we11 positioned to implement a robust safety program using in-
house staff.
Report to Redding City Council Ju1y 29,20Z4
Re: 4S(a)--Adopt Budget Resolution for Safety Consulting Services for REU Page 3
If approved by Council, staff will fmalize the first amendment to C-10269 for execution by the
City Manager or designee to increase the Phase II budget and extend the contract term. In
addition, staff will initiate the solicitation process to procure an appropriate safety
management database in accordance with City Purchasing Policies. Safety program
development and implementation wi11 continue seamlessly, with more critical training topics
scheduled for July through December 2024.
Envi�^onmental Review
This is not a project de�ned under California Environmental Quality Act, and no further action is
Council PrioNity/City NfanageN Goals
• Government of the 215� Century — `Be relevant and proactive to the opportunities and
challenges of today's residents and workforce. Anticipate the future to make better
decisions today."
C-10269 - Consulting and Professional Services Contract- 2024 - EnSafe Inc.
RFP 5405 - Safety Consultant Services for Redding Electric Utility
EnSafe Phase II Scope of Work 2024.07.01
THAT Budget Resolution No. 2023-060 be and is hereby amended as follows:
211 8055 REU—Asset 1Vlanagement $590,000
THAT account titles and numbers requiring adjustments by this Resolution are as follows:
Decrease(Increase)Fund Balance
211-0000-2910000-00000 Fund Balance $ 590,000
Increase Expenditures
211-8055-8923801-00000 Administrative&General-
Consulting $ 590,000
Total $ 590,000 $ 590,000
THAT the purpose is to appropriate $590,000 for modernizing Redding Electric Utility's safety
program for fiscal year 2024-25.
T HEREBY CERTTFY that the foregoing resolution was introduced at a special meeting of the
City Council of the City of Redding on the 7th day of August, 2024, and was duly adopted at said
meeting by the following vote:
�IT� (�F D13ING
'I'HIS C�1�T �'T is r�lade at I�edciing,�alifQrnia,by and between the City of Redding("City")
a muY�zcip�l corpcn•atic�n, and Ez�S�fe Tnc. ("Consultant") for the purpose of Safety Consulting
WH� AS, City d�es not have sufficient personnel to perfornz tl�e se�vices required l�erein
thereby uecessitat�ing this Contract for persc�na� services.
NC7�T, THEI�LFQRE, the Par-ties cavenant and agree, for goad �onsideration hereby
ackna�vledg�d, as follows:
Subject to the tenns and conditions set farth in this Contract, Cor�sultant sha11 provide tQ
Ci.ty the services descr�bed in Exhibit A,attached and incorpora.ted herein. Coz�sultant sha.11
pr�vide the services at the time, place and in the manner specified in Exhibit 1�.
A. City sha11 pay Consultant for services rendered pursuant to this Contract, at the times
and in t1�e manner s�t forth in Exhibit B, attached az�d incorparated herein, ii1 a totat
amount not ta exceeri c�ne hundred fc�rty-two thausand three hundred dallars
($142,300}. This surn includes a11 out-of-pocket travel, lodgl��; and incidenta.l
expenses incun•ed by Consultant that are reasonably assaciated with tl�e provision �f
services under this Cc�ntract. The payments specified 1�erezn shall be the az�1y
payments to be made to Consuitant far services rendered pursazant to this Contract.
B. Consultant shal� submnit monthly invoices ta City for wark coznpleted to th� clate af
the invoice. A11 invoices sha11 be itemizec� to reflect the employees performing the
ieq�ested tasks, the billing rate for eaeh employee and the hours worked.
C. A11 co�-�ect,c�mplete aald undisputed invaices sent by Consultant to�ity sha�l be paid
within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt.
A. Consult�nt shall c�mmence work on or about January 22,2024,ai�d con�plete said work
na Iater than I�ecember 31, 2024. Tilne is of the essence.
�3. If Cor�sulta2it fails to perforr� its dut�es tra the satisfaction of�ity, or if cc�nsultant
fa.ils ta fulfill in a timely and�rofessional manner its a�t�ligations under this C�nt�act, °
_ �
Gonsul�i�g arid Professional Services Agreeznent Page 1 �
Rev. 8/23 �
t1z�n Citg� s1�a11 3�ave ti�e rzgl�t to terminate tlzis Cosl�ract eff�ctive im�azediately upon.
City givir�g written notice thereof to Cc�nsultant.
C. Either I'arty may t�rminate this Cozltract witl�aut cause o��thirty{30) calendal�ays'
written zlatice. Notwithst�ndin� tl�� prec�ding, if t11e term set farth in Sectiorl 3.A,
c�f this Con,tract exceeds a�inety(9Q)calenda.r days in duration, C;ansultant'a sole right
to tez-t�ainate shall be limited t� terminatio7�for cause.
D. Consultant hez•eby ackno�uledges and agrees that the obligation af City to�ay under
this Contract is contingent upon the availability of Caty's funds which are
appropri�ted or allocated by tlZe City Couz�cil. Should the fuz�din� for the project
ar�d/or ��ork set forth herein not be appropriated c�z- alloca�ed by the City Council,
City may terminatc this Agreeme�t by furnishi�lg at least thirty (30) calez�dar days'
written raotice of its i�te�ltion to terininate. In the event of a tern�znation pursuant to
this subdivisio�l, Consultant sha11 nt�t be entit2ed to a r�znedy of� accel.eration of
payl�7ents due over the term of'this Agreeme�t. The Partie� ackz�c�wtedge a�zd agree
that tl�e pQwer to terminate deseribed tzerein is required by l�rticle 16, Section ]8, of
t1�e Ca�ifarnia Constitution, and that co�stitutio��a1 provisi.on :;upersedes any 1aw,
rule, reg�alation or statute whieh canflicts �vith the provisions c�f t1�is Section.
�. In the event that City gives �zotice of termination, Ca��sultant sha�l pram�tly provide
to City any and a11 finished and nn�nished reports, data, studies, pl�atographs, charts
or other work product prepared by Consu�tant pursuant to this Co7itract. City sh�11
h�ve fu�1 c�v,mership, ineluding, but nat Iimited to, intellectual property rights, and
cQntrol af alt s�ch fillished and unfinished reparts, data, studies,photographs, c�arts
ar other wark praduct.
�. In the event that City tenninates the �an�ract, City sha11 pay Consultant the
reasanal�le value of services rendered by Cc�nsu�tailt pursuaz�t to this Contract;
provided, howe�rer, tllat City sha17 not in any manner be Ziable for lost prafits which
maght have been made by C�onsulta�zt had Consuttant cornpleted the serrrices requi��ed
by this Contra.ct. Cansultant shall, not later thai� tcn (10) calendaz days after
terminati�fl af this Con.t�ract by City, furnish to City such fmancia� information a� in
the judgment of the �ity's represezztative is neeessa�y to det�rmine the r�asona�le
value of the services r�ndered by�onsultazat.
C�. In no event shall the termination or expiratic�n of this Contract l�e construed as a
waive�-of any right to seek remedies in �aw, equity or otherwise far a Party's failure
tc�perfonn each obligation required by this Coxatract.
A. City sl�all make its facilitie;� accessible to Cotlsult�izt as required f��� Cc�nsultant�'s
perforznar�ce of its services �nder this Ca�tract, and, upon requ�st of Col�sulta�t,
provid� ]abor and safety equipznent as required by�onsultant far such access.
Cc�nsulting anc3 Professional Services Agreement Pa�e 2
Rev. 8/23
B. Pursuant to the City's business �icense o.rdinance, Consul�ant s�a11 obtain. a Ci�y
business ].icense prior ta commencing work.
C. C�ns�Itant represents and wa�rr�nts t� City that it l�.as a11 Iieeilses, permits,
quali�cations and ap�arovals of any nature wtlatsocver t��at are Iegally r�c�uired for
Cozlsultant to praetice its prafessio�z. Consultant represen,ts a��d�a.rrants t� City tlaat
�onsu�tant s��all, at its sale cc�st and �xpense, keep in effcct or obtain at al� times
c�uring th� ter�n af this Cantract any�icenses, pernlits a�d ap�rovals that are 1ega11y
req�ired for ConsuZtant to practi�e its prafession.
D. Consultant. �l�all, �using the entire tern� of tl�is Coz�trac�, �e construed tc� be an
inde��ndent cc�i�tractot� anc� nothing in this �ontract is inte�ded, zzor sha]1 it be
cc�nstrued, ta create �n emplayer/employee relatioz�sllip, associatio��, joint venture
relationship,trust or partnership or to allow City to exercise discretian ar cantrol over
the prafessional mazlner in which Consu]tant performs unc�er this Contract. Any and
all taxes imposed an �onsulta�t's �i�lcome, zmpa�ed oz assessed by reason af this
Cantz�aet or its �erformance, including but not limited to sales ot-use taxes, s�1a11 be
paid by Consultan�. Cozxsultant shall be respc�i�s�.b1e fflr any taxcs ar penalties
assessed�y reasan of any claims that Consul�a�izt is an emplc�yee of City. Consultant
s1�a11 not be eligible for coverage under City's workers' con�pensation insurance plan,
benefits under t�e Public Employee R�tiren�eilt Syster�z or be eligibie far any other
Ci�y benefit,
E. No pravisian of this Contract is intelzded ta, or shall be for the benefit af,or construe�
to ereate righ.ts in, ar gra�t ren�edies to, any person o1�entity nat a party hereto.
�. I�o partion of the worl{ or services to be perfo�med under this Corztract slzail be
assi�;ned, tz-ansferred, conveyed c�r subcont��acted without the prior written a�praval
c�f City. Consultant p1�ay use the serv,ices of �nde��ndent cozzt�ractors ax�d
su�cantractors to perform a partion of its obiigations under this Contr�ct with the
prior written approval c�f City. Inde�endent contractors and sul�contractors shall be
provi.d�d with a copy of this Can�ract and Consultant sha�� have an affirma.tiv�duty
to assure tha� said independent contractors and subcantractors comply with the same
a�d agree to be bound �ay its terms. Co�sulta.nt sha11 be the responsible pa�rly with
res��ect to al1 actians of its independent contractors and subcontractors, and sha11
abtain suc� insura��c� and indemnity prozTisions from its contractors and
subco�ltractars as City's Risk Manager sha11 determine ta i�e necessa,ry.
G, Consultan.t, at suclz Li�nes and in such fc�rzn as �ity may require, shall furnisl� City
with such periad.ic rep�rts as it may request per�aining tQ the work or services
undertaken pllrsuant to this Contract, the costs ar obligatioi�s incurred or to be
incurred in cannection therewith, and any c�tl�er n�at�ers covered by this Cantract.
H. �o�.sultant shali maintain accounts ar�.d rect�rd�, including person�el, property and
fina�ncia.l r�eords, adequats to ides�tify and accou�nt for all costs pez-tai�ing t� this
Cons�lfing at�d Professianai Services Agreement Page 3
Rev. 4123
Contract al�d suc�c�ther records as may(�e deemed�Zecessary by City to assure proper
acc�untz��; for a11 project func�s. These recr�rds shal.�l be made availabl� for audit
pU,zposes to sta�t� and fed�ral aufl�orities, or any authc�rized represez�tative of Git�.
Consultant sha.�I retain s�c}.i reeo��ds for three {3} y�ars after the expiration of this
Cor�tract, unless priQr permission to destroy the�� is grantec�by City.
I. Consuitant sha11�erform a�1 services required pursuant to this Contract in tl�e man��er
a��d aceordirig ta the standarc�s observed by a corr�pete��t�raclitioner Qf�:c�nsultant's
profes�io�7. A11 ��roducts of whatsoeve�- nature which C«nsultant delivers to City
p�rsuant to t1�is Contract sha�1 be prepared in a prafessional manner a�nd conform to
the standards c�f quality nc�rmally ��served by a person}�raetieing t�e �rofessic�n of
Consultant ant� its ager�ts, employees and subeonta-actors assigned ta perform t11e
se.rvices conten�plated by this Contract.
7. A11 completed reports a�zd other data or docu�r�ents, ot� computer media including
clis.kettes, a�1d otl�er materials provided or prepai-ed by Cansu�taz�t in accordance with.
this Contract are the property of City, and �nay be used by City. City sha11 have alI
zntellectual prc�perty rights inc�uding, but nat linlited tc�, copyright and patent rights,
in said documents,camputer media,ai�d c�ther materia�s�rovided by Consultant. City
shall release, defend, indez�nify and hold harn�less Consultant from a11 elaitns, costs,
expenses, c�amage or liability arising aut of �r resulti�ng fro�m City's use �r
madification of any reports, data, docutnents, drawir�gs, specificatior�s or otl�er�rark
prc�duct.prepared by�onsultant,exeept for use by C�ty on tl�c�se portia�ls af the City's
project for which sucb i�ezi�s tivere prepared.
K. Consultaz�t, i�leluding its employees, aget�ts, and subconsultants, sllall not maintain
or acc{uii-e any direct ar indirect interest that conflicts with the perfc�rmaz�ee of this
Cc�nt�-act, Consultant shalt camply with all requirements af the Poli�ical Reform Act
{Govenx�ent �ode § �100 et scq.} a�zd other laws relati��g to �onflicts of i��terest,
including the following: 1) �ons�ltant sl�all not ma1�e or participate in a decision.
made by City if it is reas�nably foreseeable that the decisian may have a materia�.
effeet on Cansultant's econonzie interest, a.l�d 2) if required by the City At�orney,
Consultant shall#"ile financial disclosure forms with the City Clerk,
Consulting and Professional Services Agreemcnt Page 4
Rev. 8/23
�. Unlc�s xn€�d.ifieci i� S�rriti�zg by �ity's Risk Manager, Consulta.nt shall m�int�in the
following noted insurance during the duration of ihc Coz3tract:
Cavera�e Reqmuired 1�Io�Required
Cammercial Cieneral Liabiiity �
C�m�xehensive�el�icle Liability X
Workers' Cc�mpansation and Bmployers' Liability x
Professional Liabilit��{Errors and Omissio�s) x
(Place an"x"in the approprrate bax)
B. C€�verage sha11 be at lea.st as bro�d as:
l. Ins�zrance Service� Office farm nunll�er C�-f�041, Con�7�tercial General
Liability Insura��ce, in an arnount not less than$l,O00,00�per occurrence anc�
$2,Q00,000 ge�eral ag�regat� for b�dily i�jury, pezsonal injury azid property
2. Insuxat�ce Services Office farm number CA-0001 {�d. 1/$7), Camprehensive
Aut�omobite Liabi2ity Insurance, �hieh provides far total limits of not less
than$1,O�O,QO� combined single limzts per ace�dent applicable ta a11 awned,
noz�-owried and hired vehicles;
3. Statuto�y�ijorkers' Compensation required by the Labor Cc�de of the State of
California and Em.plt�yers` Lia�ility Insura�nce i�a an a��nount not ].�ss than
$1,000,000 per occurrence. Both tlle Workers' Compensati�n and.
Emp�lo�ers'Liability polieies shall eontain the insure�'s waiver of subrogation
iz3 favc�r �f City, its elected officials, office�-s, en�plgyees, agents and
4. Prafessional Liability �Errors and Omissions} InsL�rance, ap�roprtate to
Cansultant's profession, agains� lass due to error or omission �r�nalpractice
in an amount not less than�1,OOQ,O(}0.
S. Tlae Czty cioes nc�t accept insuranc� certi�ca�es or etzdorsen�e�ats with t��e
v✓ording <`but only in the event of a n�med insured's sole z7egligenc�" or any
other verbiage limiting the insur�;d's insuranee responsibility.
C. Any deductibles or s�]f-insured retentions must be declared tc� and approved by City.
At thc option ofthe City,e�itlier: the it�.surer sh�ll zeduce or e]iminate such deductib�les
or self-insure�i retentions as respects t�ie City, its eleeted of�cials, of�cers,
employe�s, agents and vo�unteers; ar t11e Consultant shall procure a bond.
Consuiting and Profcssional Services Agleement p��e 5
Rev. 8/23
guaranteeing payment of 1oss�s and related investigatio�s, elain3s admiziistratian an�
defense expenses.
D. The General Lia�ility sha.11 coi�tain oz� be enr3orsed to contaill the fc�llowing
1. City, its elected officials, of�ccrs, em�loyees, an� agents are tc�be cc�vered as
additional ins�red as res�ects liability arising out of work or Qperations
perfc�nned by ar an l�ehalf of�c�nsu�tant; premises owned, leasec� or used by
Cansuttant; or autt�mabiles aufncd, leased, hired or barrowed by Consultan�.
Tl�e cc�verage sha11 coz�tai�� 1�� speeial limitations an the ses�pe of pratect:ion
afforded tc� City, its electec� Offscials, officers, employees, agents and
2. The insur.ance ca�erage af Co��sultan.t shal.l be��•imary insura�ce as respects
Ciry, its elected c�fficials, officers, e�nployees, agents and volunteer�. A�y
insurance or self-insurance maintained by City, its elected af�cials, af�cers,
e�n�ployees, agents and vo��.nteers, shall be in excess Qf �;oa�sultant's
insurance and shall not contribute with it.
3. Coverage shall sta.te that the insurance of Consultant sha1l apply separately to
each insured against w�lom claim is made or suit is brought, exce�at witl�
re�pect tc� the IimiLs af t1�.e insurer's liabi]ity.
4. �aclx irzsurance policy required by this Contract shal]be endorsed to state tl�at
coverage shall nQt be caneeled exeept after thirty (3�) calen.dar days' prio�
writte� notice has bee� giv�n to �City� In addi�ion, Consulta�t agrees that it
shall not red�ce its co�rerage ar Iimits on any such policy except aft�r thirty
{30) calendar day�s' prior writter�.notic�has been given to City,
F,. Insur.ant�e is to be p2acc� with insurers wi�h a current A.1VI.Best's rati�Zg of na less
than A-VII.
F. Consultarlt shall designate the City of Redding, 77'7 Cypress Avenue, Redding, CA
960{�1 as a Certificate �c�lder of the insuranee. Co�sultant sha11 furnish City with
certificates of i��surance anc� �riginal endorsements e�fecting the coverages required.
by t11is clause. Certif"ieates and endorsements sha11 be submitted�lectroi�ical].y via the
PIIi�S �dvantage system. A link will be pravided for the Consultant, ol �hei�-
insurance agent, to entei and upload documea�ts ciirectly tc� PINS Advai�tage. Tl�e
certificates and e�d�rse�nents for each insurance policy are to be sig�ed by a person
authorized by the insu��er to bind coverage on its behalf. All enc�orsenaents are to be
received anc3 approved in PINS Advantage by the City's Risk Manager prior to the
commencement of eantra.cted services, City may withhold pag�ments to Consultant if
adequate certi�cates of insuraz�ce and e�ldorse�nezlts required have not been subtnitted
as described above or pz-ovided in a tiznely manner.
Cansulting and Prafessional Services Agree�nent Page 6
Rev. 8/23
G. The requirements as tv the types and lirnits of insurance coverage tc� be maiz2tained
by C;onsultant as required by Section 5 of this Contract, and any approval of said
insur�nee l�y �i�y, are�z�t intenc�cd to and�.�ill nc�t izl any manner lin�it or qualify the
lia.bilitics and�bligatio�s otherwise assur�ed b_y Consultan.t pursuant to this Contract,
includin�, wi�tho�at limitation, provisions cancerning indemni�cation.
[�. If an�policy of i.nsu��ance requireci by this Sectior�is a"elaims mad�"policy,purs�ant
to Cade of Civil Procedure § 342 and Uovernmcnt Code � 94S.b, C�nsultant sha11
keep said insurance in effect�or a periad af�ezg�teen(18)zn�a�nths after Lhe tern�nation
of tl�is Cantract.
L If any damage, including death, persc�nal injury �r prc�perty damage, occurs in
connection wzth the perforrnance �f this Cc�ntract, C;onsultant shall immediately
x�otify City's Risk Manager by telephone at(53t�} 225�4068. N�o Iater than three (3)
ca]cnclar day� after the event, Cansultant shall subnait a written re�ort tc� Cit�'s I�isk
Manager coiz�aini�zg the followi7�g i�for��na.tion, as ap�Iieat�le: 1)nazne and address of
injured or deceased pe��soz�{s); 2)name and address of witnesses; 3)name and address
of Cc�nsultant's insura��ce company; and 4) a detailed descriptioz3 of the da�nage and.
wh�ther any City�roperty was involved.
A. Consistent with Ca]ifornia Czvil C;o�e � 2782.8, when the services ta be provided
under thrs Contract are clesign �arofessional services to be perfarmed by a design
piofessional, as that ten�� is de�ned under Sectio�l 2782.8, Cons�u.ltant shall, t� the
fullest extent permitted by Iaw, indemnify protect, defend and hold l�annless, Czty,
its elected c�f.ficials, officers, e�nployees, and agents, a.zzd eac��and every one of them,
from and against all aetions, damag�s, cos�s, liabil�ty, claizns, losses, pei�alties a.nd
expenses (includi���, bu� not limited t�, reasc�r�able atte�rney�s fees of the C;ity
Atto�-ney or legal caui�sel retained by City, expert fees, liti�atic�n eosts, a.�d.
investigation costs} of every ty�ae anc� c�escri�atian ta ujhich al�y ar al1 of them may�e
su.bjected by reason of, or resulting from, directly or i�d�irectly, �he neglzge�ce,
recktessness, or willful misc�nduct �f Cansultant; its of�cers, eznplt�yees or agents
an t�he perforn�ance ofprofessional services under this Contract, �xcept when liabili.ty
arises €iue to �he s�l�negligence, active neglige�ee or misec�n�uct of t�l�.e City.
B. Other than in the perf�rmance of prafessional servic�s by a design prc�fessi�nal,
which is addressed salely by subdivisian{A) of this Sectic�n, and t� �he ful�est ext�nt
pern�itted by law, �onsult�z�t s11aII indemnify protect, defer�d and hold harmless,
�it.y, its elected af�cials, officers, e�nployees, a�d agents, and�acl�an€�every on� of
th�n�, from arid again.st all action�, da�,mages, casts, liabili�ty, claims, lasses,penalties
and ex.penses {including, but �o�t limited tc�, reasanable attorn�y's fees of the Ci�y
Attc�rney or lega� ct�unsel retained by City, expert fees, �itigatic�n costs, and
investiga�tion costs) of�very type and deseription tt�wl�icl�a�1y or all�f then�may be
subjected by reasan of t��e pe�-for�nance of the sert�ices required under this Cantract
�onsultiiag azzd Professional Services Agreement Page 7
Rev. 8123
by Cans�ltant its c�fficers, employees or a.gents in the perf�rma�ce of professional
services under t�ais Contraet, exae��t urhe�li�bility arises due t� tlae sole negligence,
active negli�ence or miscc��c�uct of th� �'ity.
C, Th� Consultant's obligation tQ defex�d, indemnif� and 1�Qld harmless sha11 nat be
exc��s�d beca�use �f the Consultant's inahility to evaluate liability. The C�z�sultant
sha.11 r�spond wi�hin thirty{�Q) calendar ciays tt� the tender c�f ar�y claim far defer�se
and i�demnity�y the �i�y, �.nless this ti�ne has bee� extended i.�writi.��g by lhe City.
If the Consultant fa.ils t� a.ccept Qr r�j ect a te�der of defen�e and zndemnity i�wri�ita�
delivered tc� City withi7� tl�irty (30} calendai days, in ac�ditic�n ta any ofher remedy
authari�ed by law, the C'ity may wit�ho�d sucli funds the City reaso�ably co�lsiders
necessary fo��its defense and indemnity until disposition 11as been made of the clailn
c�r un�z1 th�;�o�sul�ant a.ec�pts or r�j�cts the tender of defense in writing delivered tc�
the City, w}�ic�lev�r accurs first. This subdivisic�n shall not be cc�nstrued tc� excuse
tlae prornpt� az�cl conti�ued�erfarmanc� of ihe d�ties requircd of Cc�nsul�ant herein.
D. The of�ligation Ya indemnify, prc�tect, defend, and hald harmless set forth il� this
Sectioil applies to a1I claims and Iia�bi.lity re�ardless of whether any insurance policies
ar� a�plicable. T1ie policy l�mits c�f said insuraziee�o�icies do not act as a limitation
upon the amount of z�ldemnification to be provided by Cansuttant.
E. City shall �iave th� right to approve or disap�rave tl�e 1ega1 cc�unsel t-etained by
Cansu�tant pursuant t� tl�is Section to represent City's interests. �ity sha11 be
rei�nbursed fc�r al1 costs and attol-ney's fees incurred by City i�z enfarcing the
obligations s�t forth in this Sectian.
A. This Coi�tract shall be deeizze� ta have been entered ir�to in Redding, Califo�-nia. A11
questiaz�s regardillg the validity, ir�ter�r�tatiarz c�r performance of any of its terms or
of any ri�;hts ar �blig�ti�ns �f the parties tc� this C�ntract shal� be governed i�y
California l�w. If any claim, at 1aw or Qt�cr�rise, is nxa.de by either party to this
Cca��tract, the prevaili.i7g pa�-ty s�1a11 be entitled to its costs and reasc�nabl� attorneys'
B. This d�c�ament, including all exh�bits, contai�s the ent�r� agreement b�tween the
parties and supersedes wl�a�ever pr�l €�r �jrit�en understandi��g ea.ch n�ay have h�d
priar to the executic�n of this �ontract. This Corltrae� sha11 nat be altered, amenc�ed
or m�di�ed except l�y a u�riting signed by City and Co��sultant. No verbal agreerzzent
or c�nversatior� with ��n.y official, officer, agent ar employee of City, either before,
during or after th� executaan of this Contract, shal� affect or nzadify any �f the terms
ar coz�ditions cont�ined in this �c���tract, nor s1�a11 an� sueh verbal a�reeme�lt or
conversation en�.itic Cc��isulta.nt. tcj any additional payme�It whatsoev�r land�r t�e
te�7z�s af this �t�ntract.
Consu�Ying and I?rofessional Services 1�g�-eemen� Page 8
Rev. �/23
C. Na coveilant or condition to be performed by Consultant�nder this C;antract can be
wai��ed except by the written co��sent of�ity. �orbearance �r inciulgence by City in
a���y regard��rllafisoe��er sha11 nat constitute a w�iver of the cove�.a�Y�t or co�dition ia�.
q�e�tion, Ul�ti1 perforrrtance by eo��sultant of said co�enant c�r condition is cozn�lete,
City shall be entitled to invQk� �ny rezlledy avaiiable to City under thi� Contract c�r
by law or in egu�ty des�ite said forbearance or indulg�l�c�.
D. If ai�y partic�n of this C��tract or the applicatian thereof to any p�rst�n ar cixeuinstance
sha11 be invalid or unezlforceable to al�y �xtent, the r�mainder of t�iis Contraet shal3.
not be affected thereby and sha11 be enforced to the gr�atest extent permitted by 1aw,
E. The headings in this Coz�tract are inserted for convenience only and sllall not
eonstitute a pa�-t hereaf. A waiver of any par�y af any provisior� Qr a breach of this
Cc�ntract r�ust 1��provided i� writi�ig, aaZd sha11 not be cons�u.ed as a waiver�f any
ot��er provision or any succeeding b�-each of the sanze or any�the�-provisions hereil�.
F, Eacl�. P'arty her�to dec�ares and represents that in entering into this Contract, it has
relied and is relying sc�lely u�oz� its own judgment, belief and kz�oujledge of the
nature, ext:ent, effect anc� cansequence relating th�reto. Each Party �urther declares
arrd represents tha.Y tl�is Contract is made without re�aance upon any state�nent �r
representation not c�ntained 13erein af any other Party or any representative, agent or
at�orn�y of the other Pa��t�. The Parties agree that they are aware that they I�ave th�
right to be advised by cotu�sel with respect to the negat�iations,terms, and conc�itions
af this Coz�tract and that the decision oCwhether ar not to seek the advice of counsel
with zespect ta thzs �ontract is � decision which is the sole responsibility csf each �f
t1�e Part�es. Accordingly, no party sha11 be deemed to have bee�l the drafter hereaf,
and t�e principle of law set fortll in Civil Code § 1654 t��.a.t cant:racts are eonstrued
against th� drafter shall not apply.
G. Each af the Parties hereto hereby irrevocably waives any and all right tc>trial by jury
in any acti�n, prc�ceeding, claim or countexclaim, wheth�r in contract c�r tort, at Iaw
or in cquity, arisi��g out of or in a��y way related to this Agree��ent or the transactions
con�e��lplated he�-eby. Each Pa.rty further waives any right ta consolidate any action
which a jury irial has �e�n waived with any ather actian in whic�t.a jury trial catznot
be or has not been waived.
I�. In the event af a canfiict bet�veen t�ze term and conditions of th�b�dy of this Contra�t
and those �f any exl�ibit or attachment hereta, the terrtls and conditio�ls set fortlz in
the bac�y of this Ccantract prvper s.h�.11 prevail. Ir�the eve�lt of a confl.ict between the
tenns and conditio�zs of any tcvo or more exhibit� or attachments hereto, thc�se
prepa.red by City shall prevai].aver th.ose prepared by Cansulta�t.
Consulting at�d Professional Services Agreement Fage 9
�ev. &/23
T1z� �ro��isions set :Cs�rt� i.�.1 Sectir��s 3 t.1�rc��agh 7, i��clusive, of this Contract sh�11 sur�=ive
terl�ination Qf tl�.��ontract.
S��'I'�C}N 9, CtJNfPI.,IA1`�CJ�����'H I_,��5 -1'�C11�L►ISCRIlVIINAZ'If�I'e
A. Consultazlt sha11 c�mpiy �uith a�l ap�alicable lavls, ardig�ances aizd codes of federa�,
state a.n� local g€�vernrz�ents.
F. Iz� the �erfc�rma�lce of this Contract, �c�nsulta�lt s1�a11 �7c�t discr�aninate against a��y
em�a�oy�e ar applicant for employlnent becaus� of race, color, ancestry, natior�al
ox�i�ir�,religiaus creeci, sex, s�xual oriex�ta.tic��, di.sabi�ity, age,marital status,pc�liLical
af�iliatic�i�, or rnernbership or nc�»mcznbershzp in any organizatic�n. �ansultant sha11
talce aff'rrrr�ative action tc� ensure applic�nts ar� em�al�yed az�d t��at en2pl�vees are
treat�ed during their e��7ploy.ment without regard to th�ir race, ccalc�r, a��cestry,natio�r�al
Qrigir�,religiaus creed, sex, sexual o�-ientation., disabiliiy, age,t�arital stat.us,political
affiliation, or membershi�or z1o�lmembership in a��y organization. Such aetio�ls sha11
inelude, but not be limited to, the fc���owing: ezn�loyrnent, �pgradin�, demc�tiozl c�r
transfer, r�ecl�uit�nent or recl�itment advertising, lay�ff or terminatio�i, rates of pay ar
other fc�rms af campensatio�l azld selectioll for�raining.
A. �ity's rcpa-e�entative for thzs C'an�ract is�9i�es Murphy,telepl�one nun�ber�530}339�
7334, email address znu�phy�a cityofredding.org. A1l of Consult�z7t'� questions
��ertais�ing to this Cc�ntract sha11 be referred to �1�e ab�ve-i�am�d �erson, o�� ta the
representatave's designee.
I�. Consultant's z�epre�eni:ative fcrr tlzis Con�ract is Braoke Sinclair, telephone number
(�65} 693-3b23, einail acie��-ess bsi�iclair(�a,en�afe.cc�m. AIl of City's qt�estions
pertail�ing to this Co��tract�hal1 i�e referred t� the abo�e-namsd person.
C. Th� re�resentatives set fc�rth herein shall have authority ta give all natices required
S�CTI{�IV 11 o I�CC)TI��S
A. A�1 notices,r�quests, dema��ds and cstl�er com�n�r�ications hereunde�-sI1aI1 be deemec�
giv�n only if ua��riting �igned by an authorize�repr�s�ntative of tl�� sender(may b�
a�hcr tha�l the representatives referred to in ��ctioz� 10} an� deiivereci by facsimile,
with a hard cc�py mai�ed �rst class, postage prepaid; or when s�nt�y a caurier or an
express servicc� gliar�nteeing overnight deliv�ry ta th� receiving��arty, addressed to
the resp�ctive pas-ties as f�llc�ws:
Consulting and ProfessioYial Sezvices Agreen�eilt pa��;��p
Rev. 8123
Tc� �zty: To �€�nsuttant:
kedding Electric �Jtilit� �3raake Sinclair
3b11 Avtech Parkway 30� Nortlz Peters Road, Suit�2Q0
Redding, CA. 9G002 I�rl�xvilte, TN 3��22
Attenti�n: I�ick�ettel, Ele�tric Utility
�3. Either pa�-ty rr�ay cl�a��ge its address fc�r the purp�ses o� this par�graph by givin�
�rritten taotice c�f such�l�ange to the other party in the manner prt�vided an this Sectian.
C. I�otic�s1z�11 be deemed effective upon: 1)personal service;2)twa cal�ndar days after
n�ailing �r transmission by facsimile, whichever is earlier.
t�. Lach of the undersign�d signatories h�reby rep��es�nts and warrants that they are
ai�tllarized to execute tl�is Cc�ntract�n behalf c�f the respective pa.rties to this C'o��tra.et;
that t��ey have fu11 rig�t, p�wer and lawful authority to undertake a11 abligatians as
prc�vid�c� in this �;o��tract; and that the executio�, perfc�zTnance anc� delivery of this
Contract by said signatori�s has been fully authorized l�y all requisite actions on the
part of the respective parties to this Ct�ntract.
F. When �he i�Zayo�- is signatr�rv to this Cont�-act, the �ity Ivlaxzager a�dlo�� tl�e
T�epart�nent Dir�ct�r havi�g dizect respansibil.i�y fc�i rna�aging the services�arcavicled
l�erein sh��l have authority to exeeute any amendment to this Cc�ntract which dc�es
not increase tl�c an-��ua7t of compensatior� allowable to Consultant or �atherwise
subst�nti�lly change the sca�e of th� Se,rvic�s pr�vid�d herein.
SE�'T�C}N 13. I�ATE GF CC3I`�'�'1ZACT
T11�eff�ctive clate o�'this Ca�ntract sha11 be tl�e c�at� it is si�ned by City.
Consulting arid Prafessic�nal Services Agreemezlt pdg� Z�
R�v. 8123
Il'���I�C`�TE`�S �� E EE�I��;�ity aa�d C;c�nsultan�]za�ve exeeu�e�t�is Cc���tr�ct on the clays agzd yea.r
s�t f�rth �elow:
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�`a�ns�ulting and Prcafessi�nal Serviees Ag�°eeznent �ag���
Rev. 4123
EX I I'�'r� - S�C}I�E F PI�C?JE�'T
The scope of woik i�l�ludes t��o �hases. 1'hase I includes provic�ing scrvices to �erform �n
assessi�lezlt �f R�U's existi��g safety pragram azld presenting recarnmendations or� progra.zn
i.m�roves�ae�zts. P17ase II is at the discretion of KEE�I and includes �aroviding sepvi�es tc� sup�aort
iz�plementing anci administering ar�improves3 safely prQgraz��. A Iist caf tlle services requested i� as
Ph�se I
Phase I consis�s of�erfo�•ming an assessrr�ent and presenting recommendations to REI1.
Revi�w U's current safety pratacols and develc�p recor��rnendatians on nz�tl�ods to imprave the
�ar�gra�n. T11e assessnler�t��i11 include zneeti�lg alzd interviewing�Zeg��bers of each wc�rk group and
reviewing all relevant safety u�fc�rm�tion such as e�sti.ng policies, fornzs, a�d procedures. The
assessnaeilt must.be ct�mpreh�nsive and also consider the following categari�s:
7't�aia�i�a�� E�a�uat�the eunent trainin�prc�gram for ea�h wr�r�ing group inc].uding traini�3g
requirements for each job fu�lcti.an a.��d for new employees. T1�e evaluation must include a
review arzd recommendatic�ns on, metho�s far c3etermining training requirements,
schedulialg, tracking, arld adminastering training.
Safety Ins��c�tio�zs: Evaivatc the current safety i�spection prograrr�for�ach working group
anc3 safety itlspectian requir�ments for each job function. The cvaluatian must include a
review anc�recommen.dations�n safety inspection format, software/�echnology,inspeetion
req�iren�ents by ro1e, proeedure� fc�r trackir�g ins�ections, and methods ol�resalving failed
�'r�e-T�otAk I'lannirag: Evaluat� c;ur��ent pre-v�ork plann�ng pra�edures far each workin�;
graup and pre-work planning requirements for each job f�netiQ7�. The evaluation must
znclude a review and recor�inlendations on tailboard meetings, job hazard anal.yses, and
work plans fo�-standard op�ratic�ns including the format, software, fiequ�ncy, and methoc�s
ft�r trackin�;them.
Incidenl Marzagement.• E�jaivate curre�t i�cident m���agernent proeedut��s for eac1�v,�orkir�g
gi�o�tp and for �ach jc�b �func�ic�n. The evaluation �nust i�nclude a review and
reec�m�nendat.i.a�s ozz ineident reportiz�g, incid�i�t n7anagezne�3t, i�nciderlt investigatian,
�ear-rniss r�porti�g, anc�shari��g of lessons 1eanlec�from.incidei3ts and near��x�isses.
.Reeo�nitio�a c� Aware�2ess: Evaluate th� cu�-rent procedures to recognize and �romote
safety awareness fc�r �ach working grou}� ar�d far each jol� functic��7. The ev�luation must
include revaews az�d recommendations c�n pratacols to incentivize safe behaviar,
Pa�e � 1
con�znunicate s�fety news, engage with safety pr€�fessional� i�z the insjustry, and spl�ad
departnae�lt awaren.ess of safety policies.
,Stat�etr�ry Repoa�tir�.g arzd �'r�ntr�cals: Perfc�rna a com�reheflsive evaluation of the cur�rent
safety��olicies fc�r each c�epaz•tn�ezzt anc�for each job fi�nction thrc�ugh the lens of statutory
cc�n�plianc;e&identzfy a.r1y ga�s in�olicies�r protocc�ls.Exatnples afpolicies and�rotocals
t€� �val�ate inclt��e safety ins�ectians, pre-task pla�ining, training, a�d i�7cid.�nt
��anage����nt. The evalu�9iai1 must include a revieu�and recc�rz�m�ndations �n th�meth��s
of ke��sing tl�e�rogram c���pliant and up ta date.
Ad,�nznist��ation.• Evaluate th� c�zrrent procedur�s�o administer t��e safety pr€�gram for e�ch
wc�rking graup azlc� for �ach jt�b functian. The evaluatio�� znt�st i�lclude a revie�u and
r.ecc�mznen.datio�s on th�jc�b funetic�ns and th�hi.erarc�y o�rale� i�vol�ed in adminis�ering
t�e �rogr�m, ti�ne analysis �f staffing requi�-eme�ts, c�xga�izational �o�1s t€� ciesigz�afe �nd
maz2age rol�s and re5�onsibilities, and protocols to ixnprove ths pro�ram over time. The
�ssessrr��rat must also evaluate the v�iability�f inco��orating environmental compl�iance i.z�to
the salety pro�ram and its administration stru�ture ancl provide a staffing analysis.
F'repar� a repc�rt t� docum�rzt reco�n�nendations to strengtlaen tlle existing safety prc�grazn arising
frozn the assessznent. Th�repc�rt shall include a scope c�f work,pricialg, a�7d a tirneline far Phase II
services. ��ns��itant sh�ll cotlaborate with kEU to vali�ate t17e �-ecozra7n�ndatic�ns a��ic� ensure the
r�p�rt co�lveys az3 actro�zable scope c3f work 1�efore incorpc�r�ting c���te��t into the deliverable.Each
�rc�tocol recc�minendatior� must o�tli�le t17e reasonin�; 1�ehind it, the rcco�zlnended approach to
�d��inister it, az�c�provide a���nal�sis of the staffili�burden requixed.REU�1as outla��ec1 the c�esir�d
state of each aspect of the pragram nated abov� as follows:
T��ai�ain�r� T�ae desired state includes clarifying traii�in� re�uireme�t� for eac}Z jc�b
classifica�tiQz�, strea�mlining tra.ining mazlagement and. recordi�g pr�cedures, ct�orc�inating
inter-d�part�nental�ra�ning &scheduling, �nd i�zplementing rma�tdatc�ry onboarding safety
Sa�ety Ila�peeti�fzs: TT�e c�esirec� state is t� e�pand safety irtsp�ctic�r� r�qui�-e�nents bcyor�d
supelvis<>rs, est��alish standardized in�p���ic�n forn�ats, inc�ntivize ha�ard identi�eation &
resolutian, utilaze izlspec�ion c�ata f�r ��alytics � traznin�, and incor�<>�-a��e cross-
departnlen�al pe�-spe�;t.ives into safety inspecti�a�s.
Pa�eeW�rr1� PZaTa��in�: The desir�d state is for �reework planning protocc�ls �o acti�J�l�
ide�tify haza��ds, �ngage employees beyaz�d crew and �upervisors ia� pre-wark planning,
d�velop and train€�n woric�lans fc�r standarcl work op�rati�ta-s,t�.tiiize p.re-task plan data for
���� � z
analytics and traini.ng, and incc�rparate cross-depaz�ttnent pes-speetives into prea��c�rk
�l an�zi�tg,
Incide��t M�znag��a2erzt: The desired stat� i� tc standardize protac.ols, ine��r�rate �ncid�nt
rep�r�ing a.nd ro«t cause analysis �rotacols ta learn fr�� iz�cidez�ts, prc�tnate re�orting c�f
��ar-miss e�>ents, atad incorp��a.te incident rnanag�ment�prs�tacols infia frai�i�ng.
.Tzecog�ritio�z. and Auvareness: TI�e desired state i��cludes es��blishi�g� a stanc�ardized saf'�ty
incentive program, improving cammuz�ication �rrc�tocols ancl inf�rmation s��aring,
incr�asing awareness, �ublishin� safety pc�licies, and pro�nating em�l�yee;participation in
safety �c�ucatiQ�a.
�dministratic�n: T�sa desired sfa�te znvolves dev�loping a role & r�spc�nsibil.i�ty 7natrix fc�r
each cPepartznent, establishing an escalatic�n hierarcl�y, desi�;n�ting safety lead�rs wi�hin
vari�us ��orking g�-oups, stzl�cturing safe�y lneetings, anc� inaplementing protocols fc�r
cc�ntinuous iznprovement,
Statutor y R��ort�i�zg ar�d P�otocals: The desired sLate is to be co�nplia��t �vitl� statuta�y
requirezzlents and ta establish standardized protc�cols for n2onitori�g ec�lnpliance�z.tracking
and u�rdatia�g policies to ens�re �v�r�11 c�mpizance.
C�nsultaz�t s17a11 hold progress rneetings during Phase I to discuss r�co�n�n���dations ��1d ��•es�nt
3Q%, 6Q%, a.r�d 9tl% draft� c�f the report deliverable. Consultallt sha11 formally sub�nit a 60°lo ai�d.
9Q% d��aft report for REU review a�zd com�nent prie�r to subznitting the ��1a1 deliverable.
� The consu].ta�t w�1a. inf€�rm.all� preserlt con��t�tlfindings and ��gage in (�/� in t�e
30% pragress zneeting. This stage is defined by having an outline �f tlle
recorz�mendatit�ns aald approach in im�l�menting them.
� The consultagzt will forrna�Iy sul�mit a �0% deliverable ar�d pagegturn th� cor�tenf.
with R.EU at the 60% progress mee�in�, This stag� is de�ned by valic�ating the
format of the report and validat�ng all recc�mznendations Fcrr cc�nsic��ra.tio�a
* The cansultar7t will formally submit a 9Q% deliverable and �age-turn the content
witl�12EU at the 9�°lo progress zneetinga T�is stage is d�fiz�ed by a report co�taii�irag
ai1 validated cantezlt and a complete report wit��the exceptian of zni��c�r f�rznattiz�g.
The 90% delive�-able z���st contaizl alI assessmer�t findin�s and recommende�
The recomn�enc��tions fc>r impro�T�ment i��ust}�e su�spc�rtcd by examp�es f�c���a t�e industry and/e�r
reasc�ning l�elaind t��e reconzmendatio�� such that they may justify �ecisioza��nal�ing to the pt��Iic.
Consultant sha11 prepare a�1d submit a "10(�%" de�iv�rable to U which rraust izlclude a repc��-t
u�ith the fzndings af the assessinent. Th� consult�nt will present the assessnlez�t in-person to REU
$z erz��ge in Q/A an �he deli�erables and recamin�nd�tions.
Page � 3
Phase II
�'l�ase II consists of designin�, develo�il2g, and impleme�ting improv�m�nts to I�EU�'s safety
Pro�ram I��si�n& Developnlent:
R�U wi11 cleuide on�P��protocals t�n�o�re fc�rivard with based upan Car��ultaa�t's re�t�mn�endati�ns
frc�n7 Pha�e Z, �l�d �o�asult�nt may be engaged in developing tlle protocois c�ut�ined in tl�eir
recommer�datian.. Cc�nsultant wzll develc�p an �sti�nate for F°l�ase II serviees based on 9he protcsc�l
R�IJ elects ta move f�rward �Tith. C�nsulta��t u�i1�tneet with R.I;U cmployees ir1 order tc� d�velop
�pilat t1�e protocal at a mutua�ly a�reed-upo�a frequer�cy.
The consulta�nt �nay be ezlg�ged in routi�se support in in�plemer�ting or updating protc�cols or a�
d�termined n�cessary by I�CU. L�o�sultant wi11 develc�p an esti�nate c�f services as requested by
�,U. Services n�ay ailc]udc b�z�are not lin�ited to peric�dic updates of IZE[_11�olici�s &procedures,
incide�zt in�7�stigation &ananageznent, and adrnrnistration af sc�ftware.
�;lari�c��i€�ns & Ke�Proiect Requircments
1. C;onsult���t will hos�t a weekly progress m.eeting for the durati�z� €�f the�r�ject. Co�sulta�lt
�vill prepare the zneeting agen�as and distribute mecting z�inutes. l�rogr�ss meetings can
be t�ebabased.
2. The farm�t of the assessz���nt/recomm�ndation must be appra�Ted by REU prior ta
sul�rnit�ing and prese�tir�g the 90%v�rsi��.
3. Cansultant must llave staff avaalabl�tc�travel to Redding, CA as r�ecessary to cQn�plete the
�. Consult�nts m�st ha�Te th� c�pabilit:y to administer and train R�U employees on all
software recoznnzended in tl�eir protocol.
S. I'1�ase 1 n�ust include a rniniznun�of S�days on-site.
b. Supea�viso�-�and ezz�ployees wiZ1 need to b�intervieu�ed to gain�erspective in the evaluatio��
to identify gaps. Cooperatz�n and the abality ta sha��e perspect�ve wit�out fear of
rep�rcussio�l �s paranlo�nt.
7. Cc�nsultant's recomm�radations ne�d to differentiate between which prc�tocols are required.
in order to rneet miz�imurn requirem�nts and which protocols are recorruzaended in order ta
�e consistent, with industry star�dards or best praetices. Soth in�ast �be �onsidered in the
8. ConsuItants' recon�n�e��datic�ils rnust identify th�roles and respoi�sibilit�es and estimate the
tizn� cc�n�mitments r�qu�.ired of I�EU cmployees invotved in a�r��inist�ring the p�-ogra�n.
9, C�ons�ltant's recamrr�endations must iracll�de a hierarehy ofroies within t11e safety program.
10. The consu2tant inus� evaluate the viability of administering t��e safety �rc�grain �vit�i and
wit��out full-time dedicated safety staff.
pa�e � �
1 l. The consult�nt gnust eia.]uate the viability of incc�rparating environmental cc��7pliance into
the safet�program �nd its administratzc�aa structure
12. De�ai-tu�re or reassign�nent of, Qr sub�titutic�n for, any mem.bc�r of the desigr�ated �rc�ject
team sha1l not be �zlade;�uitl�out the prior writter� appT�ova1 of REU.
Page � 5
Exhi it �- Fee S�he ul�
�t�a�e 1
Phase 1 shail be performed for a firm fixed price ot$62,300.
The schedule of values will be as fallows:
Phase 1 Schedufe af Values
Preparation and Qata Gathering
C?utline of Appdicabie Regulations $ 7,62C�
Unsite verificatior�
Site Visits C'amp/eted $ 12,120
30%RepQrt Proqress Meeting $ 12,120
Research and Report Develapment
60%Assessment Report $ 27,750
90%Assessment Report $ 6,000
1t7Q°o Assessment Report $ 3,000
Meetings and Foliow-Up
10C1%Assessrraent Report $ 3,690
Total $ 62,300
Payment will become due tapon REU acceptance of the listed deliverable.
REU m�st provide written noti#ication for Consultant to begin Phase 2 services before the work shall
Phase 2 work shafl be perForm�d on a tirr�e and materiais basis with a cost not to exceed $�0,000.
The foflowing labor rates shail appiy for the duration of the prajects:
� _ _____.
,= s � � ��
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� .t��„ ��� ��� � �� . ��
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f �.�ve6 7
4ssc�c��stc� �r�r�cip�1 ��5C�
F�ri�3ci��9 �25�
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n`' ��prart ���c���ist ���
The follawing hourly rate categories shall apply�o praject personne!for the duratior� of the praject:
� � ,
� � � ��� � �
��� � �
�Y t `�2'"` '�i'+ 3�`{A x L3t 4' �'' � � �y'`�`
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7S��.h "���`C4`��^"'"��,.�.}�., �''��� r �'�5 e�, "���'"�" 1 .w t w �:
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�r�s��� �ir�clais�, ���tV�, �SP* ��
�acF���l �a�rn�r, �SF�, �IFaI* �.�
�ar�ce Gr��n�, �SP� �5
�9artna� �(a)rt�r* l.4
��yless �ift�t�r�, �IFi, CSP L6
��� �ra�a�4rr��r�, �IF6, CS� Lf
Cady Yousho�k, CCF-�, CSP, CF�I�1P�* L5
C�len �i�rtchi �6
�rr�y Spanr�, PE �.6
C�iar�� E��z�� �3
.)ar�rt W�11er �.�
��tar(�s �lil��r�* ��
Danr�y €��anes, CtJSP*� ', �.6
`Kt.'y'f?E'f"SOt'�;1C?� '�Sct�JCt7�t7t`#'C�C��t"
� Cans�ltant shall notify REU irr writing wf�en the Phase fl projeet eost reaehes�C}% of the r�ot-to-
exceed arnount.
� All ir�terna{ cop�ring,eorriputer usage,and report materiais are incl�aded in the labcar rat�s.
� Labor rates ir�clude all�eneral and administrative fees, overhead, and profit.
� t�ther direct costs and expenses far Phase 11 shall be billed at eost plus 1S%fee.
� Phase 1 pricing ineludes alf travel and sub-consultant eosts required for the Car�sultant to
complete the work as described in ExhibitA.
� I T Y ,,.�- CITY � 1
� ��;:'� 777 �ypress Aver��e, Reddir��, C� �6C}�1
, . �"�� PC:J BC�� 43�C?71, Redding, CA �6C}4�-�t�71
� 1 F �,�:` w �"�'� cityc��r�c�clir�g.�r�
September 26, 2023
(Schedule Number 5405)
In accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Code of the City af Redding, sealed
prapasals must be submitted to the City Clerk's 3ra floor office of the City of Redding, located at
City Hall, 777 Cypress Avenue, Redding, California 96001 prior to 3:00 p.m. PST, Monday,
October 23, 2023, for furnishing the City of Redding a proposal(s) to provide safety consultant
services for the Redding Electric Utility per the attached specifications and general conditions.
The said proposals will be opened at 3:00 p.m.PST,on Monday,October 23,2023,in the
designated City Hall Conference Room as posted in the main lobby of City Hall, '7'77 Cypress
Avenue, Redding, California.
The �roposer sha11 provide the ori i�na1 (unbound) pro�osal and one (1) exact co�y of the
praposal in PDF format on a USB"thumb"drive. Fax or electronic submission of proposals wi11 not
be allowed. The City will award any resulting contract in a manner consistent with the City
Purchasing Ordinance.
The cut-off date and time for receiving questions regarding this RFP is 5:00 p.m.
PST, on Friday, October 6, 2023. All inguiries must be made in writing and may be submitted
to the email address shown below.
Purchasing Division
���,f� ��.� ��.� ���r�����
Michelle Kempley,Purchasing Officer
�k���1��,��tyc�fr�dd�r� .�c�r�
If a potential bidder/proposer received this solicitation document through
some means other than surface mail from the City of Redding(such as from the City
of Redding Internet web site, or from another prospective bidder/proposer), it is the
responsibility of the potential bidder/proposer to advise the assigned City of Redding
Purchasing contact of its intention to submit a bid/proposal so that any addenda or
other correspondence related to this solicitation will be sent to the potential
bidder/proposer.When contacting the Purchasing Division,the bidder/proposer shall
provide the solicitation number located on the cover page of this document.
Transmittal of this information must be in writing, by U.S. Mail, fax, or e-mail.
Transmittal of this information via telephone is not acceptable.
Please submit bid/proposal as directed in the RFP package. Forward to:
City of Redding
City Clerk
777 Cypress Avenue
Redding, CA 96001
Proposals must be received by the Cit_y Clerk's office prior to 3:00 p.m. PST on the date
indicated below. Mailing envelope is to be clearly marked on the outside with the
following notation:
"Proposal for Schedule No. 5405; opening at
3:00 P.M., on Monday, October 23, 2023"
Note: Signatures must be legible, indicating fu11 �rst and last name.
The City of Redding
Purchasing Division
Request for Proposals for Safety Consulting Services
RFP Number 5405
���C��I"I� �...�1�1�1�`�
September 26, 2023
INTRODUCTION......................................................................................Page 2
BACKGROUND INFORMATION.................................................................Page 2
SCOPE OF PROJECT................................................................................Page 3
PROJECT TEAM......................................................................................Page 7
PROPOSAL FORMATiREQUIREMENTS......................................................Page 7
SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS....................................................................Page 9
STANDARD CONSULTANT AGREEMENT...................................................Page 9
EVALUATION CRITERIA........................................................................Page 10
PROJECT SCHEDULE..............................................................................Page 10
CONTACTS............................................................................................Page 10
ATTACI3MENTS....................................................................................Page 11
1 ( F� � � ^�
The City of Redding (City) is soliciting proposals for safety consultant services including:
assessing Redding Electric Utility's (REU) existing safety program, providing recommendations
for safety program improvements, and supporting the administration of a uti]ity-wide safety
program. The project will inc]ude on-site and remote work, and the on-site work will involve
travel to various worksites in the general vicinity of Redding, California.
The scope of services is further described below in this Request for Proposals (RFP) which
includes a description of the scope of services, proposal requirements, and instructions for
submitting your proposal.
The City of Redding and REU is a 61 square mile municipality located in Northern California, 160
miles north of Sacramento, and serving a population of roughly 92,000. REU, a department of the
City of Redding, is a publicly owned, not-for-profit electric utility with approximately 44,500
customers both residential and commercial. REU generates over 800,000 megawatt hours of
electricity annually with a peak load of over 250 megawatts.
REU operates a Power Plant located at 17120 C1ear Creek Road in Redding that serves as its
primary local generation resource. When necessary, REU supplements power production with
power market purchases when economically feasible. The Power Plant has a total nameplate
capacity of 191 MW and consists o£
(3) Gas Turbine Peaking Units
(2) Combined-Cycle Gas Turbines
(1) Steam Turbine
The utility also owns and operates a sma11 hydro project at the base of Whiskeytown Dam. REU
is a member of the Balancing Area of Northern California(BANC)and operates its own scheduling
and marketing desk as a certified California lndependent System Operator (CAISO) Scheduling
Coordinator(SC); as well as a current participant in the Energy Imbalance Market(EIM). Redding
Electric also has contracts for supplied power with the Western Area Power Administration
(WAPA)—Sierra Nevada Region, and transmission rights on the California-Oregon Transmission
Project (COTP) in the amount of 140 MW.
REU manages '71.6 miles of ll SkV lines, roughly 746 miles of overhead and underground 12kV
distribution lines, and 11 115kV to 12kV substations. Redding Electric currently has the following
North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) utility registration functions:
Distribution Provider(DP)
Generator Owner(GO)
Generator Operator(GOP)
Resource Planner(RP)
Transmission Owner(TO)
2 � � � � �
Transmission Planner(TPL)
Transmission Operator(TOP)
The organizational structure of REU's employees and approximate number of employees of the
various classifications is included in"Attachment A—REU Program Organization Structure"
The scope of work includes two phases. Phase I includes providing services to perform an
assessment of REU's existing safety program and presenting recommendations on program
improvements. Phase II is at the discretion of REU and includes providing services to support
implementing and administering an improved safety program. A consultant services agreement
wi11 be executed for the combined services. It is the intent of the City to hire a consultant who will
provide complete comprehensive safety consulting services with minimal support from City
personnel. A list of the services requested is as follows:
Phase I
Phase I consists of performing an assessment and presenting recominendations to REU.
Review REU's current safety protocols and develop recommendations on methods to improve the
program. The assessment will include meeting and interviewing members of each work group and
reviewing all relevant safety information such as existing policies, forms, and procedures. The
assessment must be comprehensive and also consider the following categories:
Training: Evaluate the current training program for each working group including training
requirements for each job function and for new employees. The evaluation must include a
review and recommendations on methods for determining training requirements,
scheduling, tracking, and administering training.
Safety Inspections: Evaluate the current safety inspection program for each working group
and safety inspection requirements for each job function. The evaluation must include a
review and recommendations on safety inspection format, software/technology, inspection
requirements by ro1e, procedures for tracking inspections, and methods of resolving failed
�'Ne-Wark Planning: Evaluate current pre-work planning procedures for each working
group and pre-work planning requirements for each job function. The evaluation must
include a review and recommendations on tailboard meetings, job hazard analyses, and
work plans for standard operations including the format, software,frequency, and methods
for tracking them.
IncidentManagement:Evaluate current incident management procedures for each working
group and for each job function. The evaluation must include a review and
3 ( 6� � � �
recommendations on incident reporting, incident management, incident investigation,
near-miss reporting, and sharing of lessons ]earned from incidents and near-misses.
Recognition and Awa�eness: Evaluate the current procedures to recognize and promote
safety awareness for each working group and for each job function. The evaluation must
include reviews and recommendations on protocols to incentivize safe behavior,
communicate safety news, engage with safety professionals in the industry, and spread
department awareness of safety policies.
Statutory Reporting and P�otocols: Perform a comprehensive evaluation of the current
safety policies for each department and for each job function through the lens of statutory
compliance and identify any gaps in policies or protocols. Examples of policies and
protocols to evaluate include safety inspections, pre-task planning, training, and incident
management. The evaluation must include a review and recommendations on the methods
of keeping the program compliant and up to date.
Administration: Evaluate the current procedures to administer the safety program for each
working group and for each job function. The evaluation inust include a review and
recommendations on the job functions and the hierarchy of roles involved in administering
the program, time analysis of staffing requirements, organizational tools to designate and
manage roles and responsibilities, and protocols to improve the program over time. The
assessment must also evaluate the viability of incorporating environmental compliance into
the safety program and its administration structure and provide a staffing analysis.
Prepare a report to document recommendations to strengthen the existing safety program arising
from the assessment. The report shall include a scope of work,pricing, and a timeline for Phase II
services. Consultant shall collaborate with REU to validate the recommendations and ensure the
report conveys an actionable scope of work before incorporating content into the deliverable. Each
protocol recommendation must outline the reasoning behind it, the recommended approach to
administer it,and provide an analysis of the staffing burden required.REU has outlined the desired
state of each aspect of the program noted above as follows:
Training: The desired state includes clarifying training requirements for each job
classification, streamlining training management and recording procedures, coordinating
inter-departmental training and scheduling, and implementing mandatory onboarding
safety training.
Safety Inspectians: The desired state is to expand safety inspection requirements beyond
supervisors, establish standardized inspection formats, incentivize hazard identification
and resolution, utilize inspection data for analytics and training, and incorporate cross-
departmental perspectives into safety inspections.
4 � � � � �
P�e-Work Planning: The desired state is for pre-work p]anning protocols to actively
identify hazards, engage employees beyond crew and supervisors in pre-work planning,
develop and train on work plans for standard work operations,uti]ize pre-task p]an data for
analytics and training, and incorporate cross-department perspectives into pre-work
Incident Management; The desired state is to standardize protocols, incorporate incident
reporting and root cause analysis protocols to learn from incidents, promote reporting of
near-miss events, and incorporate incident management protocols into training.
Recognition and Awa�eness: The desired state includes establishing a standardized safety
incentive program, improving communication protocols and information sharing,
increasing awareness,publishing safety policies, and promoting employee participation in
safety education.
Administ�ation: The desired state involves developing a role and responsibility
matrix for each department,establishing an escalation hierarchy,designating safety leaders
within various working groups, structuring safety meetings, and implementing protocols
for continuous improvement.
Statutory Reporting and Protocols: The desired state is to be compliant with statutory
requirements and to establish standardized protocols for monitoring compliance and
tracking, and updating policies to ensure overall compliance.
Consultant shall hold progress meetings during Phase I to discuss recommendations and present
30%, 60%, and 90% drafts of the report deliverable. Consultant shall formally submit a 60% and
90% draft report for REU review and comment prior to submitting the final deliverable.
• The consultant will informally present and engage in questions and answers in the
30% progress meeting. This stage is defined by having an outline of the
recormnendations and approach in implementing them.
• The consultant will formally submit a 60% deliverable and page-turn the content
with REU at the 60% progress meeting. This stage is defined by validating the
format of the report and validating all recommendations for consideration
• The consultant will formally submit a 90% deliverable and page-turn the content
with REU at the 90%progress meeting. This stage is defined by a report containing
all validated content and a complete report with the exception of minor formatting.
The 90% deliverable must contain all assessment findings and recommended
The recommendations for improvement must be supported by examples from the industry andior
reasoning behind the recommendation such that they may justify decision-making to the public.
5 � P � � �
Consultant sha11 prepare and submit a "100%" deliverable to REU which must include a report
with the findings of the assessment. The consultant will present the assessment in-person to REU
and engage in questions and answers on the deliverables and recommendations.
Phase II
Phase II consists of designing, developing, and implementing improvements to REU's safety
Pro�ram Desi�n and Development:
REU will decide on the protocols to move forward with based upon Consultant's recommendations
from Phase I, and Consultant may be engaged in developing the protocols outlined in their
recommendation. Consultant will develop an estimate for Phase II services based on the protocol
REU elects to move forward with. Consultant wi11 meet with REU employees in order to develop
and pilot the protocol at a mutually agreed-upon frequency.
The consultant may be engaged in routine support in implementing or updating protocols or as
determined necessary by REU. Consultant will develop an estimate of services as requested by
REU. Services may include but are not limited to periodic updates of REU policies and procedures,
incident investigation and management, and administration of software.
Clari�cations and Kev Proiect Requirements
1. Consultant will host a weekly progress lneeting for the duration of the project. Consultant
will prepare the meeting agendas and distribute meeting minutes. Progress meetings can
be web-based.
2. The format of the assessment/recommendation must be approved by REU prior to
submitting and presenting the 90%version.
3. Consultant must have staff available to travel to Redding for routinely scheduled meetings
4. Consultants must have the capability to administer and train REU employees on all
software recommended in their protocol.
5. Consultant should estimate spending five days on-site for Phase 1.
6. Supervisors and employees will need to be interviewed to gain perspective in�he evaluation
to identify gaps. Cooperation and the ability to share perspective without fear of
repercussion is paramount.
'7. Consultant's recommendations need to differentiate between which protocols are required
in order to meet minimum requirements and which protocols are recommended in order to
be consistent with industry standards or best practices. Both must be considered in the
8. Consultant's recommendations must identify the roles and responsibilities and estimate the
time cominitments required of REU elnployees involved in administering the program.
9. Consultant's recommendations must include a hierarchy of roles within the safety program.
6 � �� � � �
10. The consultant must evaluate the viability of administering the safety program with and
without full-time dedicated safety staff.
11. The consultant must evaluate the viability of incorporating environmental compliance into
the safety program and its administration structure
REU�is requesting aIl proposers shall assure REU a designated project team wi11 be used for this
proposal. Departure or reassignment of, or substitution for, any member of the designated project
team sha11 not be made without the prior written approval of REU.
Each response to this RFP sha11 include the information described in this section. Please provide
the information in the specified order. Failure to include all of the infor�mation specified may be
cause fo�rejection. Additional information may be provided, but should be relevant to the goals
of the RFP. Any additional information a proposer would like to include that is not speci�cally
requested, should be included in an Appendix to the proposal.
Proposers are encouraged to keep their proposals brief, but sufficiently provide detailed
information in order to allow proper evaluation.Note,excessive information will not be considered
favorably. Unauthorized eonditions, omissions, limitations, or provisions attached to a proposal
will render the proposal non-responsive and may be cause for rejection.
Any erasures or alterations of any kind, without initialing each and every such change, wi11 be
grounds for a rejection.
There shall be an original, unbound paper proposal with document pages sized at 8-1/2 inches by
11 inches inside, or folded to such a size. Use section dividers, tabbed in accordance with the
sections specified below:
• Cover Letter:
o Title of RFP
o Name and Mailing Address of Consultant
o Contact,Person, Telephone Number, Fax Number, and Email Address
o A statement that the submitting Proposer will perform the services and adhere to
the requirements described in this RFP with wet-ink signature in: ��TI� signed by
a member of the organization having the authority to negotiate and execute
contracts on behalf of the firm. Cover letter must acknowledge receipt of any and
all addenda, if any were issued(if in doubt, contact Michelle Kempley, Purchasing
Officer at (530) 225-4137 or mkempley@cityofredding.org).
• TAB A- General Firm Profile:
o Include company name, contact information, office location(s), type of firm,
staffing levels, date established, history, growth, philosophy, number of years in
7 ( � � �; �
business under the same name, financial strength, number and type of
• TAB B-Experience:
o Include a description of firm experience providing safety consulting services for
municipal utilities as described in the RFP scope of services. This information
should demonstrate substantial knowledge, experience, and success in providing
appropriate and cost-effective consulting services.
• TAB C- Project History:
o List of all utility and public agency clients including current clients and any from
the last ten years, length of engagement for each, and services provided for these
clients. Please include any relevant examples of how the firm was able to improve
these clients' safety programs.
• TAB D-References:
o Include a minimum of three references,with a description of the finn's experience
in performing similar work, which the City may contact(name, telephone number,
location, description and timeline of services performed). The results of
discussions with these references will be rated to determine a portion of the
proposal's scoring.
• TAB E- Qualifications of Project Team:
o Address and contact information for the project team �hat will be assigned to the
proposaL This information shall represent the actual team members to be assigned
to the City's account, and any changes shall only occur with the City's permission.
• Tab F-Project Approach:
o Specific and detailed description of the approach and work strategies or plans for
services that will be provided or set forth in the scope of services and an associated
• TAB G-Exceptions:
o Describe all proposed exceptions, alterations or amendments to the scope of
services or other requirements of this RFP. T1ie nature and scope of your proposed
exceptions may negatively affect the evaluation of your proposal.
o A lump sum proposal for Phase I services.
o A comprehensive, specific statement indicating how REU's Phase II services
would be priced and the estimated monthly costs to provide the requested
services. This shouid include a detailed and complete itemized list of all
8 � F� � � �
applicable labor costs, fees for services, and any and ali other charges. Please
specify all pricing options available(flat fee for service; additional hourly rate
for consulting help). Cost shall not be mentioned anywhere in the cover letter
or body of the proposal.
o Hourly rate sheet for al1 staff involved and any additionai fees.
Your submittal package shall include the following;
l. One (1) original, unbound with wet-ink signature in blue and one(1) sealed cost proposal
One (1} exact digital copy of your proposal in PDF on a flash drive (minus the cost
2. Proposals shall be submitted no later than the time and date indicated in the cover page of
this RFP. A11 submittals shall be submitted in a sealed envelope or container and clearly
marked on the outside, "Proposal REU Safety Consulting Services, Schedule 5405."
3. Proposals shall only be submitted to:
City of Redding
Attn: City Clerk Department
777 Cypress Ave
Redding, CA 96001
4. Faxed or emailed proposals will not be accepted.
5. REU/City of Redding shall not be responsible for proposals delivered to a person or
location other than that specified herein.
6. Postmarks wi11 not be accepted and proposals received after the deadline date and time may
not be accepted or considered.
7. REUfCity of Redding reserves �he right to waive minor defects and/or irregularities in
proposals, and shall be the sole judge of the materiality of any such defect or irregularity.
8. REUfCity of Redding reserves the right to cancel this request for proposals at any time.
The vendor selected to provide the scope of services listed in this RFP sha]l use the City of
Redding's standard eonsultant and professional services contract upon award. A copy of this
agreement is attached to the back of this RFP. By submitting a proposal, the vendor agrees to
utilize the City standard agreement form for the life of the contract.
9 � P � � �
The following evaluation criteria and rating schedule wi11 be used to determine the most highly
qualified firm(s):
Evaluation Criteria Maximum Points Possible
A. Experience and qualifications of firm and 25
team members
B. Prior references and history working with 25
ublic owned utilities
C. Pro'ect A roach 25
D. Pro osed Costs 25
Total Possible Points: 100
RFP Issued....................................................................Tuesday, September 26, 2023
Deadline for Final Questions.................................................... Friday, October 6, 2023
Addendum issued(If Necessary)by.......................................... Tuesday, October 10,2023
Proposal Submission Deadline................................................Monday, October 23, 2023
Evaluation of Proposals................................................................ October 23-27, 2023
Interviews(If Necessary) .................................................Wednesday,November 1,2023
City Council Consideration for Approval................................ Tuesday,November 21, 2023
All inquiries ar questions are to be submitted in w�iting (email) to the contact indicated below:
Michelle Kempley, Purchasing Officer: �7�1���p�e�����t�c��rec�c�i�e��
Inquiries should reference the specific section(s) of the RFP involved. Clarifications provided that
are deemed material to the understanding of this project, will be shared with all known interested
parties by way of formal written addendum.
Do not attempt to contact other individ�uals or REU1City departments in this regard. Information
provided by anyone other than the above contacts may be invalid and proposals wl�ich are
submitted in accordance with such information may be declared non-responsive.
10 � P � �` �
A. REU Program Organization Structure
B. City of Redding Consulting and Professional Services Contract(see Section 5 for Insurance
C. Request for Proposals General Conditions
11 � � � � �
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Attachment C —REU Program Organization Structure
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THIS CONTRACT is made at Redding,California,by and between the City of Redding("City"),
a municipal corporation, and ("Consultant") for the purpose of
WHEREAS, City does not have suf�cient personne] to perform the services required herein
thereby necessitating this Contract for personal services.
NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties covenant and agree, for good consideration hereby
acknowledged, as follows:
Subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Contract, Consultant shall provide to
City the services described in Exhibit A,attached and incorporated herein. Consultant shall
provide the services at the time,place and in the manner specified in Exhibit A.
A. City sha11 pay Consultant for services rendered pursuant to this Contract, at the times
and in the manner set forth in Exhibit B, attached and incorporated herein, in a total
amount not to exceed ($_). This sum includes all out-of-
pocket travel, lodging and incidental expenses incurred by Consultant that are
reasonably associated with the provision of services under this Contract. The
payments specified herein shall be the only payments to be made to Consultant for
services rendered pursuant to this Contract.
B. Consultant shall submit monthly invoices to City for work completed to the date of
the invoice. All invoices sha11 be itemized to reflect the employees performing the
requested tasks, the billing rate for each employee and the hours worked.
C. All correct,complete and undisputed invoices sent by Consultant to City shall be paid
within thirty(30) calendar days of receipt.
A. Consultant sha11 commence work on or about and complete said
work no later than . Time is of the essence.
B. If Consultant fails to perform its duties to the satisfaction of City, or if consultant
fails to fu1fi11 in a timely and professional manner its obligations under this Contract,
Consulting and Professional Services Agreement Page 1
Rev. 8/23
then City shall have the right to terminate this Contract effective immediately upon.
City giving written notice thereof to Consultant.
C. Either Party may terminate this Contract without cause on thirty(30) calendar days'
written notice. Notwithstanding the preceding, if the term set forth in Section 3.A.
of this Contract exceeds ninety(90)calendar days in duration, Consultant's sole right
to terminate shall be limited to termination for cause.
D. Consultant hereby acknowledges and agrees that the obligation of City to pay under
this Contract is contingent upon the availability of City's funds which are
appropriated or allocated by the City Council. Should the funding for the project
and/or work set forth herein not be appropriated or allocated by the City Council,
City may terminate this Agreement by furnishing at least thirty (30) calendar days'
written notice of its intention to terminate. In the event of a termination pursuant to
this subdivision, Consultant shall not be entitled to a remedy of acceleration of
payments due over the term of this Agreement. The Parties acknowledge and agree
that the power to terminate described herein is required by Article 16, Section 18, of
the California Constitution, and that constitutional provision supersedes any law,
rule,regulation or statute which conflicts with the provisions of this Section.
E. In the event that City gives notice of termination, Consultant shall promptly provide
to City any and a11 finished and unfinished reports, data, studies,photographs, charts
or other work product prepared by Consultant pursuant to this Contract. City sha11
have full ownership, including, but not limited to, intellectual property rights, and
control of all such finished and unfinished reports, data, studies, photographs, charts
or other work product.
F. In the event that City terminates the Contract, City sha11 pay Consultant the
reasonable value of services rendered by Consultant pursuant to this Contract;
provided, however, that City shall not in any manner be liable for lost profits which
might have been made by Consultant had Consultant completed the services required
by this Contract. Consultant shall, not later than ten (10) calendar days after
termination of this Contract by City, furnish to City such financial information as in
the judgment of the City's representative is necessary to determine the reasonable
value of the services rendered by Consultant.
G. In no event shall the termination or expiration of this Contract be construed as a
waiver of any right to seek remedies in law, equity or otherwise for a Party's failure
to perform each obligation required by this Contract.
A. City shall make its facilities accessible to Consultant as required for Consultant's
performance of its services under this Contract, and, upon request of Consultant,
provide labor and safety equipment as required by Consultant for such access.
Consulting and Professional Services Agreement Page 2
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B. Pursuant to the City's business license ordinance, Consultant sha]1 obtain a City
business license prior to commencing work.
C. Consultant represents and warrants to City that it has a11 licenses, permits,
qualifications and approvals of any nature whatsoever that are legally required for
Consultant to practice its profession. Consultant represents and warrants to City that
Consultant sha11, at its sole cost and expense, keep in effect or obtain at a11 times
during the term of this Contract any licenses, permits and approvals that are legally
required for Consultant to practice its profession.
D. Consultant sha11, during the entire term of this Contract, be construed to be an.
independent contractor and nothing in this Contract is intended, nor shall it be
construed, to create an employer/employee relationship, association, joint venture
relationship,trust or partnership or to allow City to exercise discretion or control over
the professional manner in which Consultant performs under this Contract. Any and
all taxes imposed on Consultant's income, iinposed or assessed by reason of this
Contract or its performance, including but not limited to sales or use taxes, shall be
paid by Consultant. Consultant shall be responsible for any taxes or penalties
assessed by reason of any claims that Consultant is an employee of City. Consultant
shall not be eligible for coverage under City's workers' compensation insurance plan,
benefits under the Public Employee Retirement System or be eligible for any other
City benefit.
E. No provision of this Contract is intended to,or sha11 be for the benefit of,or construed
to create rights in, or grant remedies to, any person or entity not a party hereto.
F. No portion of the work or services to be performed under this Contract shall be
assigned, transferred, conveyed or subcontracted without the prior written approval
of City. Consultant may use the services of independent contractors and
subcontractors to perform a portion of its obligations under this Contract with the
prior written approval of City. Independent contractors and subcontractors sha11 be
provided with a copy of this Contract and Consultant shall have an affirmative duty
to assure that said independent contractors and subcontractors comply with the same
and agree to be bound by its terms. Consultant shall be the responsible party with
respect to all actions of its independent contractors and subcontractors, and sha11
obtain such insurance and indemnity provisions from its contractors and
subcontractors as City's Risk Manager sha11 determine to be necessary.
G. Consultant, at such times and in such form as City may require, shall furnish City
with such periodic reports as it may request pertaining to the work or services
undertaken pursuant to this Contract, the costs or obligations incurred or to be
incurred in connection therewith, and any other matters covered by this Contract.
I�. Consultant shall maintain accounts and records, including personnel, property and
financial records, adequate to identify and account for all costs pertaining to this
Consulting and Professional Services Agreement Page 3
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Contract and such other records as may be deemed necessary by City to assure proper
accounting for all project funds. These records shall be made available for audit
purposes to state and federal authorities, or any authorized representative of City.
Consultant shall retain such records for three (3) years after the expiration of this
Contract, un]ess prior permission to destroy them is granted by City.
I. Consultant shall perform all services required pursuant to this Contract in the manner
and according to the standards observed by a competent practitioner of Consultant's
profession. All products of whatsoever nature which Consultant delivers to City
pursuant to this Contract shall be prepared in a professional manner and conform to
the standards of quality normally observed by a person practicing the profession of
Consultant and its agents, employees and subcontractors assigned to perform the
services contemplated by this Contract.
J. All completed reports and other data or documents, or computer media including
diskettes, and other materials provided or prepared by Consultant in accordance with
this Contract are the property of City, and may be used by City. City shall have a11
intellectual property rights including, but not limited to, copyright and patent rights,
in said documents,computer media,and other materials provided by Consultant. City
shall release, defend, indemnify and hold hat�nless Consultant from all claims, costs,
expenses, damage or liability arising out of or resulting from City's use or
modification of any reports, data, documents, drawings, specifications or other work
product prepared by Consultant,except for use by City on those portions of the City's
project for which such items were prepared.
K. Consultant, including its employees, agents, and subconsultants, shall not maintain
or acquire any direct or indirect interest that conflicts with the performance of this
Contract. Consultant shall comply with all requirements of the Political Reform Act
(Government Code § 8100 et seq.) and other laws relating to conflicts of interest,
including the following: 1) Consultant shall not make or participate in a decision
made by City if it is reasonably foreseeable that the decision may have a material
effect on Consultant's economic interest, and 2) if required by the City Attorney,
Consultant shall file financial disclosure forms with the City Clerk.
Consulting and Professional Services Agreement Page 4
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A. Unless modified in writing by City's Risk Manager, Consultant shall maintain the
following noted insurance during the duration of the Contract:
Covera�e Required Not Required
Commercial General Liability X
Comprehensive Vehicle Liability X
Workers' Compensation and Emp]oyers' Liability X
Professional Liability(Errors and Omissions) X
(Place an"x"in the appropriate box)
B. Coverage shall be at least as broad as:
1. Insurance Services Office form number CG-0001, Commercial General
Liability Insurance,in an amount not less than$1,000,000 per occurrence and
$2,000,000 general aggregate for bodily injury, personal injury and property
2. Insuranee Services Office form number CA-0001 (Ed. 1/87), Comprehensive
Automobile Liability Insurance, which provides for total limits of not less
than $1,000,000 combined single limits per accident applicable to a11 owned,
non-owned and hired vehicles;
3. Statutory Workers' Compensation required by the Labor Code of the State of
California and Employers' Liability Insurance in an amount not less than
$1,000,000 per occurrence. Both the Workers' Compensation and
Employers'Liability policies shall contain the insurer's waiver of subrogation
in favor of City, its elected officials, officers, employees, agents and
4, Professional Liability (Errors and Omissions) Insurance, appropriate to
Consultant's profession, against loss due to error or omission or malpractice
in an amount not less than $1,000,000.
5. The City does not accept insurance certificates or endorsements with the
wording "but only in the event of a named insured's sole negligence" or any
other verbiage limiting the insured's insurance responsibility.
C. Any deductibles or self-insured retentions must be declared to and approved by City.
At the option of the City,either: the insurer shall red�uce or eliminate such deductibles
or self-insured retentions as respects the City, its elected officials, officers,
employees, agents and volunteers; or the Consultant shall procure a bond
Consulting and Professional Services Agreement Page 5
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guaranteeing payment of losses and related investigations, claims administration and
defense expenses.
D. The General Liability sha11 contain or be endorsed to contain the following
l. City,its elected officials, officers, employees, and agents are to be covered as
additional insured as respects liability arising out of work or operations
performed by or on behalf of Consultant; premises owned, leased or used by
Consultant; or automobiles owned, leased, hired or borrowed by Consultant.
The coverage shall contain no special limitations on the scope of protection
afforded to City, its elected officials, officers, employees, agents and
2. The insurance coverage of Consultant shall be primary insurance as respects
City, its elected officials, officers, employees, agents and volunteers. Any
insurance or self-insurance maintained by City, its elected officials, officers,
employees, agents and volunteers, shall be in excess of Consultant's
insurance and shall not contribute with it.
3. Coverage shall state that the insurance of Consultant shall apply separately to
each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with
respect to the limits of the insurer's liability.
4. Each insurance policy required by this Contract shall be endorsed to state that
coverage shall not be canceled except after thirty (30) calendar days' prior
written notice has been given to City. In addition, Consultant agrees that it
shall not reduce its coverage or limits on any such policy except after thirty
(30) calendar days' prior written notice has been given to City.
E. Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M.Best's rating of no less
than A-VII.
F. Consultant shall designate the City of Redding, 777 Cypress Avenue, Redding, CA
96001 as a Certificate Holder of the insurance. Consultant shall furnish City tivith
certificates of insurance and original endorsements effecting the coverages required
by this clause. Certificates and endorsements sha11 be submitted electronically via the
PINS Advantage system. A link will be provided for the Consultant, or their
insurance agent, to enter and upload documents directly to PINS Advantage. The
certificates and endorsements for each insurance policy are to be signed by a person
authorized by the insurer to bind coverage on its behalf. All endorsements are to be
received and approved in PINS Advantage by the City's Risk Manager prior to the
commencement of contracted services. City may withhold payments to Consultant if
adequate certificates of insurance and endorsements required have not been submitted
as described above or provided in a timely manner.
Consulting and Professional Services Agreement Page 6
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G. The requirements as to the types and limits of insurance coverage to be maintained
by Consultant as required by Section 5 of this Contract, and any approval of said
insurance by City, are not intended to and wi11 not in any manner limit or qualify the
liabilities and obligations otherwise assumed by Consultant pursuant to this Contract,
including, without limitation,provisions concerning indemnification.
H. If any policy of insurance required by this Section is a"claims made"policy,pursuant
to Code of Civil Procedure § 342 and Government Code § 945.6, Consultant shall
keep said insurance in effect for a period of eighteen(18)months after the termination
of this Contract.
L If any damage, including death, personal injury or property damage, occurs in
connection with the performance of this Contract, Consultant sha11 immediately
notify City's Risk Manager by telephone at (530) 225-4068. No later than three (3)
calendar days after the event, Consultant shall submit a written report to City's Risk
Manager containing the following information, as applicable: 1)name and address of
injured or deceased person(s);2)name and address of witnesses; 3)name and address
of Consultant's insurance company; and 4) a detailed description of the damage and
whether any City property was involved.
A. Consistent with California Civil Code § 2'782.8, when the services to be provided
under this Contract are design professional services to be performed by a design
professional, as that term is defined under Section 2782.8, Consultant shall, to the
fullest extent permitted by law, indemnify protect, defend and hold harmless, City,
its elected officials, offieers,employees, and agents, and each and every one of them,
from and against all actions, damages, costs, liability, claims, losses, penalties and
expenses (including, but not limited to, reasonable attorney's fees of the City
Attorney or legal counsel retained by City, expert fees, litigation costs, and
investigation costs} of every type and description to which any or all of them may be
subjected by reason of, or resulting from, directly or indirectly, the negligence,
recklessness, or willful misconduct of Consultant, its officers, employees or agents
in the performance of professional services under this Contract, except when liability
arises due to the sole negligence, active negligence or misconduct of the City.
B. Other than in the performance of professional services by a design professional,
which is addressed solely by subdivision(A) of this Section, and to the fullest extent
permitted by law, Consultant shall indemnify protect, defend and hold harmless,
City, its elected officials, officers, em�ployees, and agents, and each and every one of
them, from and against a11 actions, damages, costs, liability, claims, losses, penalties
and expenses (including, but not limited to, reasonable attorney's fees of the City
Attorney or legal counsel retained by City, expert fees, litigation costs, and
investigation costs) of every type and description to which any or all of them may be
subjected by reason of the performance of the services required under this Contract
Consulting and Professional Services Agreement Page 7
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by Consultant its officers, employees or agents in the performance of professional
services under this Contract, except when liability arises due to the sole negligence,
active negligence or misconduct of the City.
C. The Consultant's obligation to defend, indemnify and hold harmless shall not be
excused because of the Consultant's inability to evaluate liability. The Consultant
shall respond within thirty (30) ca]endar days to the tender of any claim for defense
and indemnity by the City,unless this time has been extended in writing by the City.
If the Consultant fails to accept or reject a tender of defense and indemnity in writing
delivered to City within thirty (30) calendar days, in addition to any other remedy
authorized by law, the City may withhold such funds the City reasonably considers
necessary for its defense and indemnity until disposition has been made of the claim
or until the Consultant accepts or rejects the tender of defense in writing delivered to
the City, whichever occurs first. This subdivision shall not be construed to excuse
the prompt and continued performance of the duties required of Consultant herein.
D. The obligation to indemnify, protect, defend, and hold harmless set forth in this
Section applies to all claims and liability regardless of whether any insurance policies
are applicable. The policy limits of said insurance policies do not act as a limitation
upon the alnount of indemnification to be provided by Consultant.
E. City shall have the right to approve or disapprove the legal counsel retained by
Consultant pursuant to this Section to represent City's interests. City shall be
reimbursed for all costs and attorney's fees incurred by City in enforcing the
obligations set forth in this Section.
A. This Contract shall be deemed to have been entered into in Redding, California. All
questions regarding the validity, interpretation or performance of any of its terms or
of any rights or obligations of the parties to this Contract shall be governed by
California law. If any claim, at law or otherwise, is made by either party to this
Contract, the prevailing party shall be entitled to its costs and reasonable attorneys`
B. This document, including all exhibits, contains the entire agreement between the
parties and supersedes whatever oral or written understanding each may have had
prior to the execution of this Contract. This Contract shall not be altered, amended
or modified except by a writing signed by City and Consultant. No verbal agreement
or conversation with any official, officer, agent or employee of City, either before,
during or after the execution of this Contract, sha11 affect or modify any of the terms
or conditions contained in this Contract, nor shall any such verbal agreement or
conversation entitle Consultant to any additional payment whatsoever under the
terms of this Contract.
Consulting and Professional Services Agreement Page 8
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C. No covenant or condition to be performed by Consultant under this Contract can be
waived except by the written consent of City. Forbearance or indulgence by City in
any regard whatsoever shall not constitute a waiver of the covenant or condition in
question. Until performance by Consultant of said covenant or condition is complete,
City sha]1 be entitled to invoke any remedy avai]able to City under this Contract or
by law or in equity despite said forbearance or indulgence.
D. If any portion of this Contract or the application thereof to any person or circumstance
shall be invalid or unenforceable to any extent, the remainder of this Contract sha11
not be affected thereby and shall be enforced to the greatest extent permitted by law.
E. The headings in this Contract are inserted for convenience only and shall not
constitute a part hereof A waiver of any party of any provision or a breach of this
Contract must be provided in writing, and shall not be construed as a waiver of any
other provision or any succeeding breach of the same or any other provisions herein.
F. Each Party hereto declares and represents that in entering into this Contract, it has
relied and is relying solely upon its own judgment, belief and knowledge of the
nature, extent, effect and consequence relating thereto. Each Party further declares
and represents that this Contract is made without reliance upon any statement or
representation not contained herein of any other Party or any representative, agent or
attorney of the other Party. The Parties agree that they are aware that they have the
right to be advised by counsel with respect to the negotiations, terms, and conditions
of this Contract and that the decision of whether or not to seek the advice of counsel
with respect to this Contract is a decision which is the sole responsibility of each of
the Parties. Accordingly, no party shall be deemed to have been the drafter hereof,
and the principle of 1aw set forth in Civil Code § 1654 that contracts are construed
against the drafter shall not apply.
G. Each of the Parties hereto hereby irrevocably waives any and all right to trial by jury
in any action, proceeding, claim or counterclaim, whether in contract or tort, at law
or in equity, arising out of or in any way related to this Agreement or the transactions
contemplated hereby. Each Party further waives any right to consolidate any action
which a jury trial has been waived with any other action in which a jury trial cannot
be or has not been waived.
H. In the event of a conflict between the term and conditions of the body of this Contract
and those of any exhibit or attachment hereto, the terms and conditions set forth in
the bady of this Contract proper shall prevail. In the event of a conflict between the
terms and conditions of any two or more exhibits or attachments hereto, those
prepared by City shall prevail over those prepared by Consultant.
Consulting and Professional Services Agreement Page 9
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The provisions set forth in Sections 3 through 7, inclusive, of this Contract sha11 survive
termination of the Contract.
A. Consultant sha11 comply with a11 applicable laws, ordinances and codes of federal,
state and local governments.
B. In the performance of this Contract, Consultant sha11 not discriminate against any
employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, ancestry, national
origin,religious creed, sex, sexual orientation, disability, age,marital status,political
affiliation, or membership or nonmembership in any organization. Consultant shall
take affirmative action to ensure applicants are employed and that employees are
treated during their employment without regard to their race, color, ancestry,national
origin,religious creed, sex, sexual orientation, disability, age,marital status,political
affiliation,or membership or nonmembership in any organization. Such actions shall
include, but not be limited to, the following: employment, upgrading, demotion or
transfer, recruitment or recruihnent advertising, layoff or termination, rates of pay or
other forms of compensation and selection for training.
A. City's representative for this Contract is ,telephone number(530}
, fax number (530) All of Consultant's
questions pertaining to this Contract shall be referred to the above-named person, or
to the representative's designee.
B. Consultant's representative for this Contract is ,telephone number
(� , fax number (� . All of City's
questions pertaining to this Contract shall be referred to the above-named person.
C. The representatives set forth herein shall have authority to give a11 notices required
A. All notices,requests, demands and other communications hereunder sha11 be deemed
given only if in writing signed by an authorized representative of the sender(may be
other than the representatives referred to in Section 10) and delivered by facsimile,
with a hard copy mailed first class, postage prepaid; or when sent by a courier or an
express service guaranteeing overnight delivery to the receiving party, addressed to
the respective parties as follows:
Consulting and Professional Services Agreement Page 10
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To City: To Consultant:
B. Either party may change its address for the purposes of this paragraph by giving
written notice of such change to the other party in the manner provided in this Section.
C. Notice shall be deemed effective upon: 1)personal service;2)two calendar days after
mailing or transmission by facsimile, whichever is earlier.
A. Each of the undersigned signatories hereby represents and warrants that they are
authorized to execute this Contract on behalf of the respective parties to this Contract;
that they have full right, power and lawful authority to undertake all obligations as
provided in this Contract; and that the execution, performance and delivery of this
Contract by said signatories has been fu11y authorized by all requisite actions on the
part of the respective parties to this Contract.
B. When the Mayor is signatory to this Contract, the City Manager andlor the
Department Director having direct responsibility for managing the services provided
herein shall have authority to execute any amendment to this Contract which does
not increase the amount of compensation allowable to Consultant or otherwise
substantially change the scope of the services provided herein.
The date of this Contract shall be the date it is signed by City.
Consulting and Professional Services Agreement Page 11
Rev. 8/23
IN WITNESS WFIEREOF,City and Consultant have executed this Contract on the days and year
set forth below:
A Municipal Corporation
Dated: , 20
City Attorney
Dated: , 20
Tax ID No.:
Consulting and Professional Services Agreement Page 12
Rev. 8/23
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PINS begins with the City of Redding. The City of Redding logs into PINS and emails a request
for insurance to the Vendor/Contractor. The Vendor/Contractor forwards the email onto their
Insurance Agent(s). The Insurance Agent(s) logs into www,PIi�ISAdv�r�����,cc�� and
completes the insurance certificate online.
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VendorlContractor will receive an email from: ��r� 1 c� i�s�d���� �,�c�
Thank you for your cooperation!
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A11 submitted proposals and information included therein or attaehed thereto sha11 become
public record upon their delivery to the City. Proposals may be reviewed by outside
interested parties after a11 proposals received for a particular project have been reviewed
and the intended awardee has been selected.
By submission of a proposal, Consultant understands and agrees that the City of Redding
is subject to the California Public Records Act(Cal. Gov. Code section 62500 et seq.), and
that all or part of the proposal submitted by Consultant may be subject to disclosure therein
regardless of whether the proposal or part thereof is marked as proprietary. The City
reserves sole discretion to determine whether disclosure is necessary under State law, and
Consultant hereby releases City from all liability relating to such disclosure. City shall
have no obligation to litigate the issue of disclosure under the Act on behalf of Consultant.
The City of Redding reserves the right to amend, alter, or revoke this RFP in any manner at any
time. At the City's sole discretion, modifications, clarifications, or additions will be
distributed as an addendum to all known proposers. It is the responsibility of all interested
parties to verify the existence of addenda (check Purchasing's website at
v�w�o�ity�f�°�dd�n�.���/I��zr���sin �ic�s or calU email the stated City contact).
A11 costs incurred in the preparation and presentation of this proposal sha11 be wholly
absorbed by the vendor.
All proposals wi11 be firm for a period of ninety(90) calendar days following the required
date of submission unless an alternate time frame is stated in the Request for Proposal.
If there are any deviations from the specifications set forth herein,the bidder shall note the
deviations in his proposal. Failure to note a deviation from the specifications may be
grounds for rejection by the City of that particular proposal. Where deviations are noted,
the City reserves the right to accept a proposal containing such deviations provided that,in
the sole opinion of the City, the deviation or deviations so noted do not affect the overall
capability of the alternative item or process proposed to perform the function for which it
is to be acquired and such deviations result in lesser total cost to the City for the subject
item or service.
Page 1 of 3
Any proposer may withdraw their proposal, either personally or by written request at any
time prior to the scheduled closing time for the receipt of proposals. Such requests are to
be directed to the City Clerk.
Proposals submitted wi11 be subject to the City's selection procedures for technical and/or
professional consultants. Accordingly,final selection wi11 be based upon overall capability
to perform services and not exclusively upon cost of services.
The City may make any investigation it deems necessary to determine the ability of a
Proposer to carry out the obligations indicated in the Request for Proposal and the
submitted Proposal. At the City's sole discretion, the Proposer shall furnish to the City aIl
information and data for this purpose if materials submitted by, or investigation of, any
Proposer fails to satisfy the City that the Proposer is properly qualified to carry out the
stated obligations.
The City of Redding reserves the right to accept the proposal that is in the best interest of
the City. The City's decision shall be final.
The City reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, to waive any non-material
irregularities or information in any proposal, and to accept or reject any combination of
The award of the contract, if it is awarded, shall be made on the basis of availability
of budgeted funds and to a responsible Contractor who presents the best value to the
City per Redding 1VIunicipal Code 4.20.040(C).
4.20.Q4Q(C) �'�ocu�e fc�� the city the a�eeded quality in sup�lies, s��^vices ancl equipment
that prove ta 13e the best value to the city. Dete�°minati�n of b�st vc�lue may ta1�e into
consideration additional elements Iaeyo�ad eost�such as war�anty, life cycle related c�sts,
lec�d tiTne, desi�ed aestheties, wo�k expe�ience c�s ver^ified thr�ugh re,f'e�ences o�° w��k
exarnples, vendc�r loeataon,p�ior�wo�k�with the eity o�oth��^facto�s r�eemed relevant by the
purchasin� offtcet^ in the��°acuretnent c�f th� n�ed�d sup�lies, equi�ament o� tivo�k ta b�
perfor•mecl. . .
The awarded Vendor/Consultant may be required to obtain a City of Redding Business
License per Il��ni�al. �c�d� 6,02—I3�s���ss I,i���s�s.
Page 2 of 3
6.02.020 It is unlawful for any pe�^son to be engaged in business in the city without having
a vczlid license from the city to do so, in compliance with any and all regulations contained
in this chapter pertaining to the business, unless the person is exempt under the provisions
of this chapte�. No person who is an employee, o� the direct representative of a licensee,
shall be Nequired to pay a license fee for doing any part of the wo�k of the licensee.
The selected firm shall exeeute an agreement with the City within ten (10) working days after
notification of selection,unless the time for execution has been extended for good cause at the sole
discretion of the City. Failure of the selected firm to meet contract submission requirements (e.g.
insurance)or failure to timely execute an agreement with the City may result,in the sole discretion.
of the City, a decision to select from the remaining proposers or to eall for new proposals.
Page 3 of 3
�d ir� El��tri� t�li�y
P��s� �I S��pe �f �1fc�rk
June 28, 2024
r j t � r
EnSafe conducted a program assessment of Redding Electric Utility's (REU)written safety programs and
procedures, practices, and training as compared to the applicable California Occupational Safety and
Health Administration's (Cal/OSHA's)Safety Orders in California Code of Regulation (CCR)Title 8. In
addition, EnSafe conducted a cursory review of environmental programs as compared to California
Environmental Protection Agency's (Cal/EPA's) requirements. EnSafe staff assessed over 50
environmental, health, and safety(EHS) regulatory programs with the emphasis of assessing safety in
detail and conducting a cursory review of environmental compliance programs. As a part of the onsite
review, practices of 15 work groups were assessed and approximately 35 interviews were conducted to
allow employees an opportunity to provide insight to culture,training, use of written documents, and
offer suggestions for improvements.
Of those regulations applicable to the work tasks performed at REU,a risk priority ranking was
conducted with the focus on 1)the likelihood of an injury occurring related to each EHS program, 2)the
possible severity if an injury occurred, 3j the observations made by EnSafe while onsite,and 4)the level
of controls REU has in place currently such as job planning,training, and procedures to mitigate hazards.
Detailed recommendations were provided for each EHS program ranked as priority 1 as outlined in the
Safety Assessment and Report developed by EnSafe,which closes Phase i of the project. Phase 11
executes the recommendations to develop a holistic EHS program that includes Cal/OSHA and Cal/EPA
regulatory requirements, REU policies and procedures, and industry best practices over a three-year
S II � C
EnSafe will implement a phased approach over a three-year period to ensure effective EHS program
development and transition to REU.The first year will be heavily supported by EnSafe to establish
foundational policies, plans, procedures,training content, and Job Safety Analyses (JSAs)for Priority 1
risks identified in the Regulatory Applicability Review. During this phase, external consultants will
contribute approximately 1,430 hours, internal EHS staff will dedicate around 1,000 hours, and senior
staff, supervisors, and managers will invest about 1,500 hours.
In the second year,the focus will shift to addressing Priority 2 risks,with a significant portion of the
workload transitioning to internal EHS staff.This phase will see external consultants contributing around
700 hours,while internal EHS staff will be responsible for approximately 1,700 hours.The involvement of
seniors, supervisors, and managers will remain substantial,totaling about 1,300 hours.
By the third year, REU will be moving towards full internal implementation,with minimal external
support required.The focus will be on Priority 3 risks,with external consultants providing approximately
250 hours of support. Internal EHS staff will continue to play a key role,contributing around 1,700 hours,
with seniors, supervisors, and managers dedicating about 800 hours.This gradual transition will ensure
that REU staff are well-prepared to independently maintain and enhance the EHS programs,with EnSafe
providing only minimal support as needed.
�d ir� El��tri� t�li�y
P��s� �I S��pe �f �1fc�rk
June 28, 2024
EHS program development and implementation will include the following to ensure long term success:
Pr����t S�t 11p
1. Develop an REU SharePoint for all employees, supervisors, and managers with access restrictions
to allow control of documents.
2. Develop an electronic tracking system to ensure REU and EnSafe have a robust action item
tracking system, know the status of each written document (i.e., in Development, Under REU
Review, In Revision, and Final), and houses all content to eliminate the need to email for review.
3. Develop a Required Training Matrix that includes employees and leadership and the ability to
track attendance.
4. Provide administrative support for set up and management of training tracking until REU
resources are available estimated up to 6 months. Administrative support will include working
with supervisors to assign,schedule,track attendance, and send training invitations and
reminders for training coordinated by EnSafe.
5. Facilitate progress meetings to track progress of EnSafe deliverables.
�rit��r� Prc��r�r� �ssist�r���
1. Facilitate technical discussions to consider adopting the American Public Power Association's
(APPA's) Safety Manual.
2. Update, revise,and/or develop required plans,job safety analysis, procedures, and forms for
approximate 55 EHS programs as per Attachment B Regulatory Applicability Review of the Safety
Assessment and Report. This will include remote sessions via Teams and while onsite during the
weeks of training. EnSafe will use the priority rankings within Attachment B and intends to focus
on the following priority 1 programs in Montns 1-12.
• Electrical Safety- High Voltage • Respiratory Protection
• Vegetation Live �ine Clearance • Persona) Protective Equipment
• Fall Protection • Motor Vehicle Safety Equipment
• Powered Platforms and Manlifts • Material Handling, Storage, Use, and Disposal
• Aerial Lifts • Persona) Protective Equipment
• Fall Protection • Qualified Rigger
• Traffic Control • Mobile Cranes and Derricks
• Electrical Safety- �ow Voltage • Substation Entry
• Enclosed Spaces � Access to Power Plant
• Cranes,Slings, and Hoists • Polychlorinated Biphenyls
• Heat Stress/ Heat Stroke • Hazardous Materials
• Powered Industrial Trucks
3. Training and Education of Staff
a. Customize, develop, and/or coordinate training for EHS programs including high voltage
technical training for transmission and distribution (T&D) staff. Training will be
conducted in person and remotely via Teams for staff with computer access and in
�d ir� El��tri� t�li�y
P��s� �I S��pe �f �1fc�rk
June 28, 2024
person (estimated 3 days on site monthly for the next 6-12 months as needed)for staff
without computer access.
b. Develop hands-on activities that reinforce topics and evaluate performance to ensure
c. Utilize local trainers,when possible (e.g., PIT certifications), manufacturer
representatives to train on equipment used at REU,and build internal capabilities to
assist and maintain training.
4. Assist with Culture Improvements
a. Provide best practices and templates for REU leadership to implement such as
developing monthly safety topics and content,developing a post-incident"lessons
learned" communication tool, and assisting with the development of safety metric
b. Develop and conduct safety leadership training.
c. Assist with the implementation of an EHS management system.
�t r � S
EnSafe's goal is to develop documents that can be maintained by future REU EHS staff as follows:
1. Deliverables will be developed using Microsoft products or other products approved by REU
2. Content will be provided in English only.
3. Deliverables will be saved in shared access folders such as SharePoint for immediate REU access.