HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso. 2024-065 - Declaring results of Majority Protest proceedings and renewing the Redding Tourism Marketing Business Improvments District St7►L�..TTI�J►l�t NC1. 2024-065 A RESC��.,UTI�1�1 �DF '�'HE CITY CO�IN�IL t3F THE CITY �F T1I�IlYG DECLA N� S�TLT�1�►F AJ4� "�"g'PRt�►"�"EST Pl�t��EEDI1�dGS AI�ID I�tE�IN� THE �7►D�1�TdG TCIU SM l�I�R TING ��1SI1'�ES� �n������Nr��rT �Is�r �T tr��r zn� W E AS, the City of Redding (City} created the RTMBII� for a five (5) Year term on June 3; 2408, by Resolution No. 2008-56; and �VHE AS,the RTNIB�D was subsequently renewetl in 2011 and again in 2015 fc�r an additional ten{10} year term, by IZesQlution No, 2015-038,which ends an December 31, 2t�25; and 6VHE AS,the Property and Bu�in�ss Improvement District Law of 199A�(Streets ancl Highways Code �3�600 et. seq.} authc�rizes the City to renew business impr€�vement districts upon petition by a weighte� ma}ority ofthe business owners located�vithrn the boundaries of the district; and W�IE AS,lodging business awners whcr will pay more than fifty percent(50°l0)bf the prc�pc�sed assessment, as weighted according to the amount of the assessment to be paid by the petitioner, within the boundaries of the RTMBID �ave petitioned the City Gc�uncil to renew th� RTMBID; and W E AS, the renewed 1ZTMBID includes all lodging businesses, existing and ii� the future, available fc�r public occupaney located within the boundaries of the City; and '�HE A�, included with the petitions was a Management District P1an (Flan} summary that describes the prc�pased assessment to be levied �n all lodging businesses, existing and in future; available for public accupancy within the RTMBII� to pay for marketing and sales promotir�n programs and other improvements and activities set forth in the Plan; an� �HE A�, the assessed Iodging busines$es within the RTMBIL) will receive a specific benefit frc�m the activiti�s and improvements set forth in the Pl�n, antl WHE AS,an May 2l,2024,at 6:a0 PM at City Council Chamb�rs,777 Cypress Ave,Redding, CA 9b001, the City Council adopted a R.esolution of Intention,Resolution No. 2024-�44, and E AS,the public meeting and public hearing to conside�r the renewal of the RTMBII�have been prop�rly noticed in acc�rdance with �treets and Highways Code §36623; and WHE AS, on June 18,2�24,at 6:t}0 PM at City Council Chambers,777 Cypress Ave,Redding, C1�96001, the City Council held a public meeting regarding the�enewal ofthe RTMBID;and the �ity Council heard and received objections and protests, if any, to the renewal of the RTMBID and the levy t�f the prQpas�d asse�sment; and l ��E t��,on July 16, 2024,at 6:00 PM at City Council Chainbers,777 Cypress Ave,R�dding> CA 96�01, the City Council held a public hearing regarding th�renewal c�f the RTNIBII), and the City Co�ncil heard an:d received all c�bjections and protests, if any, to the renewal ofthe RTMBID and the levy of the proposed assessment;and ��� �S,the City Clerk has determined that there�vas no majarity pr�test. A majority protest is defined a� written protests received from owners of businesses in the renewec�RTMBID which would pay fifty percent (5(}°l0) or mare of the assessments prop�sed to be levied: Protests are weighted ba�ed on the assessment propc�sed ta be levied on each l�dging business; and WHE AS, tl�e City bears the burder� c�f proVing by a prepc�nderance of the evidence that an assessment imposed for a specific benefit or specific government service is nc�t a tax, that the amvunt is no m�re than necessary tu cover the casts to the City in providing the specific benefit or specifc gflvernment service, and that the manner in which thc�se cvsts a�e aTlocated to a payor bear a �fair or reasonable relatic�ns�ip to the specific benefits or specific government serv�ces received by the payor, 1\.�1'Y y 111L` �. ...Y'll........� i?L'�.�1 .....r.?�.,+L�L'L/ D� 1 lli'� Cl 1�i..�Ll\l...iL l.S71'�.1��:�. l. The recitals set forth hereiz� are actc�pted by the City Council as findings and they are true and cc�rre�t. 2. The RTMBII? is hereby renewed foi a ten(1 t�}year ter�n,begil�ning January 1�,2026; or as soan as possible th�reafter, and ending ten (1�7}years from its sta:i-t date. 3. The Plan dated January 4, 2024, is hereby adopted and approved: 4: The �ctivities ta be provided to b�nefit businesses in the RTMBID wili be funded by the levy of the assessme�t. The revenue from the assessment levy sh�ll nat be used: to provide activities that directly benefit bu�inesses flutside the RTMBID, to prc�vide activities c�s improvements outside the RTIVIBII); or far any purpose other than the purposes specified i�l this Resolution, the Resolution of Intention, and the Plan. Natwithstanding the f€�regoing, improvernents and activities that must be provided outside tlae RTMF3�IL7 boundaries tc�create a specific benefit to the assessed businesses may be pravided,but shall be limited to mark�ting ar srgnage pointing to the RTMBID. 5. The City Gouncil finds as follaws: a} The annual assessment rate is twc�percent(2%} af gross shc�rt-terrn�Ieeping r�rom rental revenue: During the ten{10}�ear term,the assessment rate may be increased annually by the RTIVICJ by a ma�imum of one quarter of one percent (0.25%0} c�f gross short-terzn sleeping room rental revenue per year. The total assessment rate shall not exceed three p�rcent {3°l0). Based on the benefit received, assessments will not be c�llected on stays c�f more than thirty (30) cc�nsecutive days, counting portians of calendar days as full days,nor on stays by any afficer ar empl�yee of a fareign government who is exempt by reason�f express prc�vision of federal law or 2 intemational treaty. The assessment shall be collected on stays until the periad of thirty (30� days has expired unless there is an agreement in writing between the �p�rator and the c�ccupant providing for a longer period crf occupancy. b} The activities funded by the assessment wilI provide a specific benefit to assessed businesses within the RTMBID that is nt�t provided to those not paying the assessment: c) The assessment is a char�e impased for a specific benefit cQnferred or privilege granted direetly to the payor that is not provided to thos� not charged, and which does not exceed the reasonable cc�sts ta the l�cal government c�f canferrrng the benefit or granting the privile;e. d) The assessment is a charge imposed for a specific government service or product provided directly to the payar that is not pr�vided to thase not charged; and which does nat e�ceed the reasonable costs to the local gc�v�rnment of providing t�e selvice or p�°csduct: e} Assessrnents irnpvsed pursuant ta the RTMBIL}are�evied solely upon the as�essed business, and the business owner is solely respc�nsible fr�r payment of the assessment when due. If the crwner chaoses to ct�llect any portion of the assessinent from a transient, that portion sha11 be specifically calleci out and identified it�r the trarnsient in any and all communications fr+�m the business owner as the "TMBIU Ass�ssment"�r"Tourism Assessment;" 6. The assessments levied for the R:TMBID shall be applied tawards marketing and sales promotion pragrams to market City of Redding iad�ing business�s as t�urist,meeting and event t�estinations, and other improvements ancl activities. 7. Assessments levied on lodging businesses pursuant ta this Resc�lution shall be �evied on the basis of benefit. Because the services provided are inten�ed to increase sleeping rooyn rentals, an assessrnent ba�ed on gross short-teim sleeping room rental revenue is the b�st measure c�f benefit: 8. The assessments for the er�tire RTMBII�will total apprc�ximately$1,400,000 in year one (l}. 9: Bonds sha11 not be issu�d tc� fund the RTlltIBII7, 10. The RTMBID sha11 include a11 �fldging business, existing and in the future, available f�r public occupancy lc�cated within the baundaries of the City of Redding. A baundary rnap is attached hereta and incorporated herein by reference. 11. The assessments shall be used for the purpos�s set forth abov� and any fiinds remaining at the end of any year rnay be used in subsequent years�n which the RTMBID assessment is levied as long as they are used cansistent with the requirements set farth herein. 3 12. The assessments to fund the activities and imprc�vements for the RTMBID will be callected by the City on a monthly basis, and in a�cardance vvith Streets and Highways Code§36631. 13. The City Cauncil,through adoptit�n c�f this Resalutic�n and tl�e Plan, has th� right pursuant tc� Streets and Highways �c�de §36651, to identify the body that shall implement the propc�sed program, which sha11 b� the �wners' Assc�ciation of the RTMBID as defined in Streets and Highways Code §�6612. The City Council has determined that Redding Tr�ul•ism Marketing Group;Inc., shall be the RTMBID Qwners' Association, 14: Re�ding Tourism Marketing Group, Inc:,pursuantfo 5treets and Highways Code §�6650, shall cause t� be prepared a report fc�r e�ch fiscal year, exc�pt tihe first year, for w�ich assessments are to be levied and collected ta�ay the costs ofthe impravement and activities described in the rept�rt. The first repart shall be due after the first-year of operatian c�f the RTIv�BII?. I5; The RTMBID renewed pursuant to this Resolutic�n will be'subj�ct ta any amendments to th� Property and Business Improvement I)istrict Law of 1994 (Calif�rnia "�treets and Highways Code §3bb�0 et, seq.}. 1b. The City Clerk, c�r his c�r her designee, is directed to take all necessary action�to complete the renewal of the RTMBII� and tc� levy the assessments. 17: This R:e�c�lution shall take effect im�nediately upon its adoptic�n by the City Council: Z E �IT ���t�'I�+'�' that the faregoing resalution was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council af the City of Redding on the 16th day of July;2024;by the following vote; t�YES, +C4UI'�CIL ME ERS: _Jcshnson,Mezzanc�,Munns,antl Winter NOES: +C�}UNCIL ME ERS: -None ABSENTi C�lUI'�CTi�ME ERS: - Audette A�STAIl'�. C+DUNCIL IVIE E12�: -I�ione � � �� < �� , 'I��� SA AU ,IYlayor ATT�ST. k+ APP`R�}VEDr: "1 4 �t � f� 4 v �3 / `. `^„�r �, � �; x � .�:''�'� «� �,�Hr�, ENE'TIPT+DN,° ity Clerk CI� STIA1�t li�I.��JRTIS, City Attorney 4 Boundary 14Zap F��c�d�ng T�ur�sm M�rketinc� �usiness �mprovem�nt C�istrict {RTI�BIC�} Shasta C�arn Btud `^`"'.�-.- -....: �r �, .t � S1a���29g� ` ., � �� ����g8 <, 5 k }�yy�i+�� y�%�}14 ��` J $, ! ¢: a .. ,,,,.,»,.;� '�' r,a *"�y�t'�. . ...,+'� 3,: . ,� . ... „ ,� ` �. x a� 4 a = _ .: u ..� . ' � � V1'. 5t y _.� A4; t �5 ".�S��r���� � x � »�,. � e >� 2j� �t v. a � � . ��� a �, 4. � � . � � ,� �;.��� �� t� �.�. � � � � �.n ,� � � < ,.. � : - «� *. � � � �, w. »� � �_ � ` • .. �;�r R�dding�ity Limits ` ,�r, i .�� _ s