HomeMy WebLinkAbout _ 4.2(a)--Approve Lease Agreement � � �' � � � � � � ' � �' � � ' � ` CITY OF REDDING REPORT TO THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 16,2024 FROM: Steve Bade, Assistant City ITElVI NO. 4.2(a) Manager ***APPROVED BY*** n � t��� ; s' �r 4`IU!�C�?4 rS' �P�it�,C�i ��t t� 4�'11,{'2{}? sbade@cityofredding.org btippin@cityofredding.org SUBJECT: 4.2(a)--Approve Lease Agreement between the City of Redding and Mark Le arra for Executive Han ar No. 6 at the Reddin Re ional Ai ort Recommendation Approve a Lease Agreement with Mark Legarra for Executive Hangar No. 6 at the Redding Regional Airport for a five-year term, at $911 per month adjusted annually based on consumer price index, with the total five year estimated value of the lease to be $56,000, assuming target inflation of two percent; and authorize the Mayar, to sign and execute the agreement. Fiscal Impact The lease agreement is for a five-year term with rental payments set as established in the City of Redding (City) Master Fee Schedule. The Fiscal Year 2023-24 monthly rate for an executive hangar at the Redding Regional Airport is $911 per month adjusted annually based on consumer price index. The total value of the lease over the �ve-year term is estimated at $56,000 assuming target inflation of two percent. Alte�native Action City Council may choose not to approve the lease agreement and provide alternative direction to City Staff. BackgNound/Analysis The City is the owner and operator of the Redding Regional Airport (RDD) which provides services for general aviation and scheduled commercial air service traffic. In addition to services provided by Fixed Base Operators (FBOs) at the RDD, the airport offers aircraft storage space to members of the public. Aircraft storage at the RDD exists in the form of tie-down spaces, closed hangars, and other types of hangars including executive hangars. The airport may not unlawfully discriminate against airport users or provide certain forms of exclusive use to commercial operators, however, airport users interested in conducting a commercial operation at the airport must conform with airport standards and compliance policy, which includes the reguirement to Report to Redding City Council Apri110,2024 Re: 4.2(a)--Approve Lease Agreement Page 2 receive a commercial operating permit. To achieve this, the City executes a lease agreement and commercial operating permit document with the interested party while rental payments are set by the Master Fee Schedule. Mark Legarra is the current tenant of Executive Hangar No. 6 at RDD and does business as Legarra Enterprises. The existing lease agreement and operating permit with Mark Legarra reached its term in October 2019 and has continued as a month-to-month agreement. This new agreement sets a term for the hangar occupancy and commercial operating permit and ties rental payments to the rate as established in the Master Fee Schedule. Under the new commercial operating permit Mark Legarra wi11 be permitted to operate an engine rebuilding and restoration business within Executive Hangar No. 6 and provide aerial fire spotting based out of RDD for lumber companies. Environmental Review This is not a project defined under the California Environmental quality Act, and no further action is required. Council Pr�ioNity/City Manage� Goals • Budget and Financial Management — "Achieve balanced and stable 10-year Financial Plans for all funds." • Economic Development — "Facilitate and become a catalyst for economic development in Redding to create jobs, retain current businesses and attract new ones, and encourage investinent in the community." Attachments Lease Agreement with Mark Legarra Executive Hangar No. 6 LEAS A E T T A LE A E�E+CUTIVE HANGA� NO 6 THIS LEASE AG EMENT is made at Redding, California, by and between the City t�f Redding("City99), a municipal c�rporation and Mark Legarra, dba Legarra Enterprises ("Lessee"), an Individual. WHE AS the City oivns and aperates the Redding Regional Airport ("Airport"). �VHE AS,Lessee desires tc� lease and occupy Executive Hangar Na. 6 located at 3720 Flight Avenue for the purpose of aircraft storage and earrying on c�ammercial activities at the Redding Regional Airport. � NOW, T�IE FO ,the parties covenant and agree, for good consideratican hereby Acknowledged; as fall�ws: 1: HANGAR. Lessee leases from the City and the City leases ta Lessee an the terms and conditions cantained in this Agreement,the hangar knt�wn as Ex�cutive Hangar No. 6 ("Hangar") for aircraft starage and to conduct commercial activities. 2. 'TE p A. The initial term of this Agreement shali be for'five (5} years commencing on May 1, 2Q24 and expiring Apri130, 2029. B. Either party may give written notxce pursuant tc� Section 31 to terminate this Lease with ninety{90) calendar days written notice, 3. USE, A. The Hangar is leased to Lessee fcrr the sole purpose of aircraft'starage, aircraft engine rebuilding and restoration, and providing aerial fire spotting for lumber companies. Lessee sha11 not use or perr�it the Hangar t� be used for any other purpt�se without the priar written cc�nsent of the City.Ailports Manager's approval to huild, rebuild, and restore aircraft engines and perform specified major maintenance aCtivities in the Hangar is subject to Le�see's compiiance with al1 applicable federal, state, and local fire, safety, and building cades and the Airport's Storm Water Pallution Pr�ventian P1an. B: All operational aircraft stored In the Hangar must be insured and registered with The Federal Aviation Administzation {FAA). 'The certificate of aircraft insurance must be approved lay the City and a current valid�opy of the Certificate of Aircraft Registration(AC Form 8050-3)must be an file with the Airports Manager. E'xecutrve Hangar No. 6 tease—Marl�Legarra Page 2 C. Lessee shall have the right in cammcrn with other users of the Airport to the general use �f aIl public Airport facilities, and improvements which are n�t by right the` exclusive use �f other nsers of the Airpart ar subject to approval by'the Airports Manager, including all necessary 1anc�ing area appurtenance� including approach areas, runways, taxiways, aprc�ns; aircraft, and automobile parking areas ar other public facilities at the Airpart. The rights herezn extended to Lessee shall include the right to land take off Iaad and unload persons and personal property from aircraft. Lessee sha�l not store anything c�utside of the Hangar withot�t the prior written approval�f the Airparts Manager: D. N�thing cantained in fihis Agreement shall be construed as entltling Lessee to the exclusive use of any services; facilities, or praperty rights of any nature at the Airport, except the�se af the Hangar far the purpose and approved use`set forth in this Agreement. E, Lessee shall not engage in the sa�e or provision:of alcoholic beverages at the Hangar or Airpart without the prior written consent of the City, 4. PE IT FOR COMMEI2CIAL ACTTVITIES. Pursuant to Redding Municipal Cade Section 3.08.030 City hereby grants t� Lessee a non-exclusive Permit for Commercial Activities ("Permit"} to aperate an aircraft engine r�building and restQration business within Executive Hangar#6 and pravide aerlal fire spotting for Iumber companies from the Redding Regiona� Airport. A breach or default in the terms of this Agreement shall constitute a violation ofthe terzns of the Permit. 5. NTAL PAYMENTS.Lessee shall pay Lessor the monthly fee Iisted on the Aarport Fee Schedule at the rate established for Executive Hangar No: 6, as determined �y resoluti�n of the Redding City�ouncil. 6, IITILITIES. City will provide 'electricity water anc� sewer to the Hangar. Lessee acknowledges that the Airp�rt provides lim�ted electric utility service to the Hangar,L�ssee hereby expressly waives any and all claims and halds the City harmless far damages arising or resulting from failure �r interrupt�on c�f any utility services furnished by the City to Lessee, incl�ding but not limited to, stappages in eiectrical energy. 7. TAXES. Lessee is advised that pursuant ta Revenue and Taxation Cade §107.6, a possessory interest subject to taxation may be created by the grant of this Le�se and that Lessee may be subject ta the payment c�f praperty taxes levied upon the interest. Lessee shall prc�mptly pay before del�nquency any taxes and/or special assessments assessed against the Hangar and any improvements and/Qr Lessee's personai property, and any possessory interest tax Ievied by reason of its use and/or occupancy of the Hangar, t�n demand from the �ity, Lessee shall furnish the City with satisfactory evidence of these payments, Executive Hangar No. 6 Lease—Mark Legarra Page 3 8. INDEMNIFICATION. Lessee shall indernnify and defenct tke City,its afficers;OfF'icials; emplayees,agents and volunteers,against and hald them harmless from any and all claims; losses, damages, civil penalties, and liability far damages, including attorney's f�es and ather cc�sts of defense incurred by the City, whether for damage to or loss of property or injury to or death of person{s}, including praperties Qf th�City and injury to or death of the Crty's�fficers,officials,emplt�yees,agents,and volunteers,arising out c�f ar resulting fram Lessee's passession or use of the Hangar or activities hereunder or from the actions t�f Lessee's afficer�,employees,agents and invitees,unless such damage,lass,injury or death is caused by the sole negligence or willful misconduct of the City. �. ZNSII NCE. A. Unless modified in writing by City' s R�sk Manager, Lessee sha11 maintain the follawing insurance during the duration of this Agreement. i: Insurance Services Office form number CG-O(}01; comm�rcial General Liability Insurance,in an amount nat Iess than$1,�00?000 per occurrence and $2;000,000 general aggregate for bodily injury, personal xnjury and property darnage; ii. Insurance`Services Office farm number CA-0001 (Ed. 1/87); Comprehensive Automobile Liability Insurance,whrch provides far total Iimits of nat less than $1,C100,000 combined single limit�per accident applicable t� all awned, non- oumed and hired vehicles: iii. �tatutary�c�rkers' Compensatian required by the Labor Code of the State of Califarnia and Employers° Liability Insurance an an amount not less than $1,OOO,D00 per accurrence. Both the Workers' Campensation and Employers' I:iability policies shall contain the insurer's waiver of subr�gation in favor of City, its eiected officials, officers, employees, �gents and volunteers. iv, Pr�perty Insurance against ail risks t�f loss ta any tenant improvements� betterments, and contents at full replacement value, The property insurance policy shall contain a waiver of subrogatian in favar of City, its officers, officials, agents, employees and volunteers. B. Any deductibles or self-insured retenti�ns must be d�clared ta and apprt�ved by City;At the option c�f the City, either the insurer shall reduce or eliminate such deductibl�s or self-insured retentians as respects the City,, its elected of�"icials, afficers, employees, agents and volunteers, or the Lessee sha1l prc�cure a bond guaranteeing payment of lo�ses and related investigations, claims �dmznistration and defense expenses. Executive Hang�r No. 6 Lea�e—Mark tegarra Page 4 C. The general and auto liability policies are to contain c�r be endcrrsed fio contain, the following provisions: i: City, its elected officials, afficers; ernployees, and agent are to be covered as additional insured as respects liability arising out of work or aperations perfarmed by or on behalf of Lessee; premises leased or used by Lessee; or automobiles awned, leased, hir�d or borrowed by Lessee. The coverage shall contain na special Iimitations an the scope of protection afforded to City, its elected officials, officers, emplc�yees, agents and vol�nteers: ii. The insurance cc�verage of Lessee shall be primary insurance as respects City; its elected Off�czals,o�cers;employees;agents and volunteers.Any insurance or self-insuran�e maintained by City,its elected officials,officers;employees, agents and volunteers, shall be in excess af Lessee' s insurance and sha11 not COntrlbute W�th 1t, i1i; Ct�verage shall state that the insurance af Lessee shall apply separateiy to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the I3mits of the insurer° s liat�ility. D: Each insurance policy required by this Agreement sha11 be endc�rsed t� state that caverage shall not be canceled except after thirty (3'0} calendar days"prior written notice has been given to City. In addition,Lessee agrees that it shall nat reduee its coverage or limits on any such palicy except�fter thirty{3{�) calendar days'priar written notice has been grven to �ity, E. Insurance is ta be placed with insurers with a current A.M.Best° s rating'of nc� less than A-VII. F: Lessee sha11 designate the City c�f Redding as a Certificate Holder of the insurance': Lessee shall fzimish City with certificates of insurance and original endorsements effecting the coverages required by this clause, Certificates and endorsements sha11 be furnished to: Risk Management Department, City of Redding, 777 Cypress Avenue, Redding,CA 96001, The certificates and endorsements for each�nsurance policy are to be signed by a person authorized by the insurer tQ bind coverage on its behalf. All endorsements are to be received and approved by the City' s Risk Manager prior to accupatian of the Prernises and commencement of acfivities, G; The types of coverage, limits of liability; prc�Visions and endorsements set fc�rth an this sectf on may apply to Less�e's contractor/subcontractor, af any: H, The requ�rements as tQ the types and limits of insurance coverage to be maintained by Lessee as required by this Section, and any apprav�l of said insurance by City, are nc�t intended to and will not in any manner limit or qualify the Iiabilities and obligations otherwise assumed by Lessee pursuant to this Agreement; including, Executive Hangar No. 6 Lease—Mark Legarra ppg�5 w�thout limitation,pravisions concerning�ndemnificatian, 10. LEASE ANI? I)ISCHARGE. City shall not be responsible for; and assumes nc� liability axising from; damage or Ioss to Lessee s pr�perty including, without limitation, aircraft and engine parts. Lessee hereby releases and discharges'the City from ali clazms and demands by Lessee for lass of ar damage ta Lessee's property. AII hangar contents and aircraft are stored solely at Lessee's risk. 11� MAIl'�TENANCE AND PAIR. A. Lessee sha11, at Lessee's sole cosfi and expense;maintarn the Hangar in a safe and attractive condition and in the sarne cc�ndition as received at the beginning of the term, �rdinary wear and tear excepted. B. Lessee shall do, or cause to be done without delay, all thase things which, in the opinion of the Af rparts Manager;are necessary or desirable in the interests of safety or to maintain the Hangar in good repair and appearance. Lessee's maintenance of the Hangar shall include periodic sweeping of the floor and door tracks,pest cc�ntrol and protecting the floor from fueI and c�il erosion. Le�see shall notify City of repairs to the Hangar that are ne�essary or apprapriate C. Lessee shall immediately natify the Azrports Manager t�f any damage to the Hangar and/or Airport, All damag� caused to the Hangar and/or Airpart by Lessee, its' officers, employees9 agents and invitees;shall be repaired at Less�e's sole expense. D. City shall maintain the plumbing and electrical systems, hangar doors, door roliers and guides, 12. ALTE TIdNS TO HANGAR, A, Lesse�shall not make or cause to be made any alterations or improvements to the Hangar, including but not limited tt�, modification� or a�terations of the Hangar's electrical installations c�r equipment, w�tho�t the praor written consent of the Airports Manager. The Airport� Manager may impose restr°rcti�ns upon any propased alterations or irnproVements: All such alterations or improvements shall cc�mply with Airport Policy and aI1 appiicabie building, zoning and fire codes. B. Upon the terminatian of this Agreement, at the sole option af the City: (1) the alt�rataons or improvements shall became pr�perty +�f the City or (2)Lessee sha11 remove all alterations or improvements and return tke Hangar to the City in substantially the same condition as the Hangar existed at the eommencement ofthis Agreement. Executive Hangar No. 6 Lease—Mark Legarra ppge 6 C. Any trade fixtures; equipment, and other property brought; �nstalled, c�r placed by Lessee in or about the Hangar sha11 be and remain the property of Lessee except as �therwise provided herein. Lessee sh�ll;have the right at any time during the term hereof to remt�ve any ar all of its prc�p�rty, subject ta Lessee's oblggation to repair all damage to the Hangar resulting frc�m such removal. 13, MECHANIC'S LIE1�S. Lessee shall keep the Hangar free fr�m any liens arising out of any work performed,materials furnished; or obligations incurr�d by Lessee. 14. WASTE; QUIET COI'�DUCT. Lessee, its agents; and invitees sha11 not disturb, annay or endanger other Airport Iessees, occupants and tenants, Airpart staff and its agents, contractors, or subcc�ntractc�rs,nor cammit any waste or nuisance in or about the Hangar ar Airport which interferes w�th the quiet enjoyment of the Airp�rt by any other Lessee; accupant,tenant,c�r member of the public; Lessee shall not do anything,nor keep anything; in or a�out th:e Hangar that will obstruct the public spaces available to c�ther hangar occupants. 15. AIRC ' . FT, Lessee shall prc�vide tcr the Aiz-�orts Manager a copy of the FAA registration for aircraft stc�red in the Hangar. Lessee sha11 notify the City in writing within ten {10) calendar days c�f any sale of aircraft, change in ownership, subst�tution of aircraft or addition of aircraft.Lessee shall l�eep all aperational aircraft maintained in accordance with FAA crlteria and provide evidence of such maintenance to th� Airports Manager upon request. 16. PROPELLER R(3TC�R BLADE BLAST. Lessee shall nt�t run the engines of any aircraft with the propeller or rotor-blade blast directed in a mann�r that would cause harm to; or jeapardize the safety of any person, aircraft, building or other facility or equipment at the Airport.A11 engine run-ups sha11 be conducted c�nly �n runway run-up aprons: 17. AIRC FT MAINTENANCE AND PAIR. Lessee shall nat engage c�r use the service of a person for hire in c4nnection with any aircraft wc�rl�; mainten�nce or r�pair at or in the hangar. Lessee shalt nat perfarrn major repair or maintenance work ar non-routine, nan-preventative maintenance an the aircraft at �r in the hangar without prior written apprQval of Airports Manager. Airpc�rts Manager may grant appraval to restore aircraft, build kit aircraft or perform specified major maintenance activities in the hangar as long as Lessee is in compliance with applicable fire, safety and building cades, These prr�visians sha11 not limit the aircraft c�wner or piZot from performing routine, preventative maintenance on the aircraft as p�rmitted by the Federal Aviation Reguiations; Under no circumstances sha11 Lessee perft�rm the following 1C$1V1t1�S:' 1. Application of flammable finishes (paint, dc�pe, chemical stripping epoxy, re�an, etc.); Execut�ve Hangar IVo. &Lease—Mark Legarra ppge 7 2, Making, breaking or rep�iring any fuel system connections or cc�mpanents C'.+�TULLTE'iLCJT9 Ul]1VQiS' 11TIPr."?, L�T1�CSg e.CC.}� 3: Any fuelrng or refueling of the aircraft except as provided in Seetian 18, 4. Washing ar painting the aircraft; 5, Welding or storage of welding equipment, ar 6. Use open flames c�r�ther sources c�f ignition such as electrzc c�r fueled heaters: 18, FUELING, A; No fueling or de-fueling of aircraft may be canducted while any part of the aircraft is in the Hangar: S. Self-fueiing c�f aircraft is subject to the prior �vritten approval of the Aizports Manager. All self-fizeling of aircraft sha11 be conducted in accordance with applicable Federal Aviatic�n Administration (FAA) rules and regu�atzons and comply at all times with a11 federal, St�te, and local laws, rules, regulatic�ns and ordinances, ineluding the Uniform Fire Code,If applicabl�, Lessee sha11 remit fuel flowage fees to the City in�he amount shc�wn on the City's then curremt Schedule of Fees and Service Charges. C. A fi�el storage system for the engine test bed sha11 meet all Federal, State,and local fuel tank safety and enVirc�nmental regulations, requirements, and permits? including the Spall Prevention Control and Countermeasures Plan. 19. RI+GHT TO INSPEC'T. A, The City and its authorized c�fficers, agents, employees, valunteers, eantractors; s�bcontxactors, anc�other representatives sha11 have the right to inspect the Hangar fc�r any purpose, including but nt�t limited to the following: i. To inspect the Hangar at reasonable intervals during regular business haurs to determine whether Lessee has complied with or is ccrmplying with the terms and candi�ions of this Agreement; ri; Ta make repairs, additiQns or alterations as may be nec�ssary or convenient for the conduct, safety, improvement or preservation of the Airport; rii, For emergency purxrases; Executive Hangar No. 6 tease—Mark Cegarra ppg�g iv. In the exercise of City police pawer and v. Inspection for compliance with fire safety cades. B. Except for inspections for the purposes listed�n subsections 19.A.3. and 19.A.4:, the Cit� sha11 provide Lessee written nc�tice at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance of the inspectian. No inspectian by c�r on behalf af the City of the Hangar shall be deemed tt�constitute an interference with Lessee's use of th�Hangar; 20. RULES GiULATIONS AND ACCESS +C(}I�TRClLS. A: Less�e shall,at Lessee's sole ct�st and exp�nse; comply with all requirements of all City, caunty; state and federal authorities no�v in force, or which may hereafter be in force,pertaining to Lessee's �peratian and use of the Hangar and the Airpart. B; Lessee shall faithfully observe and cornply with the Airport Qperating Ru1es, Regulations and Minimum Standards and a11 city and county ordinances and state and federal statutes and regulations, now in foree ar which may hereafter be in force. C: Lessee shall at a11 times comply with the Air�ac�rt's Storm Water Pollutit�n Prevention Plan (SWPPP} and follow best management practices to prevent the discharge or flc�w of non-storm water discharges, Lessee shall do all those things required and requested by City in order for the Airpc�rt to maintain compliance with the Airport's SWl'Pl'. If there are any fines irnposed upon the City fcar violatian af the SWPPP caused by the action ar inaction af Lessee, its employ�es, agents; and invitees;the City will pravide Lessee with written notice af such fines.Lessee shall within thirty(30} days of receipt of said notice defend and indemnify the City for such fine�. D: City, co�ntys state or federal regulations or directives may restrict access to the Arrport. Lessee shall, at Lessee's sole cost and expense, comply with all access cantr4ls, procedures and directives in fc�rce, or which may hereafter be in force. E: Lessee is subject to an annual fee as sh�wn in the �i�y's then current Sch�dule of Fees and Serv#ce Charges for an Airport proximity card to aperate automatic vehicle gates to acce�s the Airport. 21. HAZA ' OUS MATERIALS. A. Lessee shall not store c�r use combustibl�chemicals or materials at or in the Hangar except those chemicals or materials permitted by the Fire Department,Lessee shall not store dispense or otherwise handle fuel compresse� gasses ar other hazardous Executive Hangar No. 6 Lease—Mark Legarra Page 9 materials. Lessee shall prop�rly dispose of all wastes and hazardous rnaterials in a �awful manner and in appropriate receptacles. Fr�r purposes of this paragraph, hazardt�us materials include but are not limited to; i. 5ubstances which are flammable, explosive, corrosive, radi�active toxic; ii. Those asbestc�s-containing mat�rials de�ned and described in Environmental Profection Agency Report Nt�. 56/5-$5-024 {3une l9$5} whether or not friable, or�ny reiated�r successor report, c�r other applicable government regulations defining or describing such materials; iii: Pesticides as defined by Section 136(u} of FIFRA {7 U,S.C; Section 136) as may be present zn soil or groundwater; iv. "Hazardaus wastes" as defined in�ection 25117 c�f the California Health and Safety Code, or a�a chemical that is kn�wn to the State of California "tc� cause cancer ar repraductive toxicity" under the Safe I7rinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Aetic�n of 19$6, California Health and Safety Code sections 25�49.5 et. Seq.; and v. Hazardous materials, substances or waste, or taxic materials, substances or waste, as those terms or similar terms are defined by any ather federal, state or lacal law, rule,regulation, ordinance or�rders: 22. FEDE QUI MENTS. This Lease shall be subordinate ta the provisions of any existing or future agreement between the Lessor and the United States concerning the operation or maintenance of the Airport, the executic�n of which has been or may be required as a conditian precedent to the expenditure of federal funds for the development of the Airport.`Should the effect of such agreement with the United States be to take any c�f the property under this Lease or otherwise diminish the commercial value of this Lease, the Lessor shall nok be held liable therefor.However,if the c�mmercial value is appreciably diminished, the Lessor and Lessee sha1l engage in gaad faith negotiations to determine a fair and equitable adjustment tc�rentals and fees, GENERAL CIVIL RIGHTS PROVISIt?NS In all its activities within the scope of its airport program,the Contractor agrees to comply with pertinent statutes, Executive Orders,and such rules as identified in Title VI List of Pertinent Nondiscriminatron Acts and Authorities to ensure that n�persan shall, on the grounds of race;color; national origin(including limited English prc�ficiency), creed, sex(including sexual orientatic�n and gender identity);age,or disability be excluded from participating in any activity canducted with or benefiting from Federal assistance: This provision is in addition to that required by Titie VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. EXeGutiVe Hpngtrr NQ. 6 lepSe—MpCk LegpCrp Page 1U If the Contractor transfers its obligation to another,the transferee is c�bligated in the sarne manner as the Contractor. fiitle VI List of Pertinent Nandiscriminatioan Acts and Authorities During the perft�rmance ofthis contract,the Gcsntractor, for itself, its assignees, and successors it� interest(hereinafter referi•ed to as the"Cantractor")agrees to comply with the follawing non- drscrimiilation statutes and authorities, including btitt not timited t�: • Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964(4� USC § 2000d et seq., 78 stat. 252)(prohibits discrimination on the basis of race,coic�r;national origin); • 49 CFR part 21 (Non-discrimination in Federally-Assisted prograins of the Department of Transportation—Effectuatian of Title VI of t�e Civil Rights Act of 1964); f The Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Praperiy Acquisition Policies Act of 197a,{42 US� § 45�1)(prohibits unfair treatmei7t of persons displaced or whose property has been acc�uired becatase of Federal or Federal-aid programs and projects); • Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 {29 USC § 794 etseq.);as amended(prohibits discrimination c�n the basis of disability}; and 49 C�'R part 27(Nondiscrimi��ation on the Basis of Disability in Programs or Activaties Receiving Federal Financiat Assistance); • The Age Discrimination Act af 1975, as amended{42 USC § 5I01 et seq.)(prohibits dis�rimination an the basis of age); • Airport and Airway Improvement Act of 1982(49 USC § 47123), as amended(prohibits discriminatian based Qn race,creed�colc�r,natianal origin,or sex); • The Civit Rights Restoration Act of 1987{PL 100-259){broadened the scope,coverage and applicability of Title VI of the Civi1 Rights AcY of 1954; the Age Discrimination Act of 19�5 and Section 504 oftlae Rehabilitation Act of 1973, by expanding the definition of the tel-tns "pragrams or activities"to include all of ihe prt�grams oi�activities of the Federal-aid recipients, sub-recipients ar�d contractors,whether such programs or activities are Federally funded or not}; • Titles II and III of the Americans with I?isabilities Act of 1990(42 USC § �2101, et seq) (prolai6it discritninat�on an the basis t�f disabiiity in the operati�n of public entaties,pubiic and private transp�rtation systems,places c�f public accommodati�n;and certain testing entit�es}as implemented by U.S. Department of Transportation regulatrons at 49 CFR parts 37 and 38; * The Federal AviationAdministration's Nondiscrimznation statute{49 USC § 47123)(prohibits discrimination on the basis of race,colar�national origin,and sex}; i Executive Qrder 12898,Federal Actions t�Address Environmental Justice in Minc�rity Populations and Low-Income Populations(ensures nandiscrimination against minorily populatic�ns by discouraging programs, poiicies;and actrvities with disproportionatety high and adverse human health or environmental effects on minority and Iow-income populations); * Executive Order 131b6,Improving Access to Services for Persans with Limited Engllsh Proficiency, and resutting agency guidance;,national origin discrimination includes discrimination because of Iimited English proficiency(LEPj. To ensure compliance with Title VI,you must take reasonable steps to ensure that LEP persons have meaningful access ta yoaar programs[70 Fed. Reg. 74087 {2005)]; � Title IX of the Educatian Amendments af 1972, as amended,which prohibits you from discriminating because of sex in education prcrgrams or activities(20 USC � 1581; et seq). Execut�ve Hangar No, 6 Lease— ark Legarra Page 11 Compiiaztce with Nondiscrimittation Requirements, During the performance afthis contract,the Contractor,for itself; its assigneesg and successors in interest(hereinafter referred to as the"Contractor"), agrees as follows; 1. Compiiance with Regulatians; The Contractar(hereinafter includes consultants)will comply with the Titie VI List ofPertinent Ntrndiscriminatian Acts and Authorities,as they may be arnended from time to time,which are herein inccarper�-ated by reference and rnade a part of this contract. 2. Nandiscrimination: TI�e Contractar,with regard to the work performed by it during the c�ntract;will not discriminate on the grounds of race,color,national c�rigin(ancluding limited English proficiency), creed, sex(including sexual orientatian and gender identzty}, age, or disability in the selection and retention of subcontractors,including procurements af materials and leases of equipment. The Contractor will n�t participate directly or ind�rectly in the discrimination prohibited by the Nondiscrimination Acts and Authorities; 4nclusiing employment practices when the contract covers any a�tivity, project;or program set ft�rtll in Appendix B �f 49 CFR part 21. 3: Solicitatians far Subcontracts,including Procurements of Materials and Equipment: I1�al1 solicitati�ns;ezther by competitive bidding or negotiation rnade by the Cc�ntractor for work to be performed under a subcantract5 including procurements of materiais, or leases of equipment, each potential subcontractor or supplier will be notified by the Contractor of' the cantractor's obligations under ti�is contract and the Nondiscrimination Acts and Authorities on the grounds af race;color,or national origin. 4. Information and Reports: The Conti-actcar wiil provide a11 information and rept�rts required by the Acts,the Regulations,and directives issued pursuant ther�to and will perrnrt access to its books,records,accounts,otl7er sources of information,and its facilities as may be detarmined by the Spansor or the Federal Aviation Administratic�n ta be pertinent to ascertain compliance witla such Nandiscrim�nation Acts and Autharities and instructic�ns. �Iliere any;infarmation required of a cantraetor is in the e�clusive possession of ancather who fails ar refuses tc�fumxsh the infc�rmation,the Contractc�r will so certify to the Sponsar or tlle Federal Aviation Administration,as apprapriate; and will set forth what efforts it lias made to abtain the information. 5: Sanctions far Noncompliance: In the event'ofa Contractar's noncompliance wzth the non-discrimination provisions ofthis contract;the Sponsor wi11 impose such contract sanctions as it or the F�deral Aviation Administration may determine to be appropriate, including, but not limited to: a. Withholding�ayments to the Cantractor under the contract until the Cantractor cornpiies;and/or b. Cancelling,terminating; or suspending a contract, in whc�le or in part. 6. Incorporatic�n of Provisions: The Contractor wi11 include tlie provisians of paragraphs one through six in every subcontract, including procurements of materials and leases of equipment,unless exempt by the Acts,the Regulations,and directives issued pursuant theretca. The Contractor will taka action with respect to any subcontract or pracurement as the Sponsar or t11e Fed�ral Aviatit�n Administration may direct as a means of enforcing such prc�visions including sanctians for noncomplianee. Provided,that ifthe Contractor becames ir�volved in,or is threatened with litigatioll by a subcontraetor,or supplier because of such direction,the Contractor ma re uest the S onsor to enter inta an Exeeutive Hangar No. 6 Eease—Mark Legarra Page 12 litigatic�n to protect the interests�f the Sponsvz-. In additian,the Contractor may request the United States to enter into the litigation to protect the interests of the United States: CLAUSES F(?R TRANSFER t�F REAL PROPERTY ACQUIRED QR 1MPR(�VEI)UNDER THE AIRPfJRT IMF"ROVEMENT PR�GRAM A. The Lessee for himself/herself;hls/her heirs, personal representatives, successors in interest,�nd assigns; as a part af the consideration hereof,does hereby cavenant and agree as a covenailt running with the Iand that: 1. In tlie event facilities are cflnstructed,maintained,or otherwise operated on the property desc�-ibed in this lease fc�r a purpt�se for which a Federal Aviatron Administration activity, facility, or program is extended or for anotherpurpose involving the provision of similar services or benefits, the lessee will maintain and operate such facilities and sel�vices in campliance with all req�irements imposed by the Nondiscrirnination Acts agld Regulations listed in the Tit1e VI List af Pertine�t Nandiscrimination Acts and Atathorities(as may be atnended)such that no person on the grounds of race,colcrr, or national arigin,will be e�ccluded from participation in,denied the benefits of,or be otherwise subjected ta discrimination in the use of said facilities: B. With respect to licenses; leases,permits,etc.,in the event of breach of any c�f the above Nondiscrimination ccavenants; City of Recicling wi11 have t11e right to terminate the lease and to enter,i:e-enter, and repossess said lands and facilities thereon, and hold the same as if the Zease had never been made or issued. C. With xespect to a deed, in the event of breach of any of the above Nondiscr�minati�n covenants,the Gity nf Rerl�litig wilt have the right to enter or re-enter the lands and facilities thereon,and the above-described lands and facilities will there upon revert to and vest in and becoi�ne the absolute properiy of the C'aty of Reclding and its assiga�s. 23: DAMAGE DE�TRITCTION. A. If the Hangar is damaged or destroyed by fire, flood, earthquake, the elem�nts; Casualty, war, ric�t, public disorder; ar any other cause nc�t the fault of Lessee, its officers, empl�yees, agents or invitees, so as to render the entire Hangar unusable for Lessee's Q�erations, the City shall have the optian ta either repair the H�ngar ; or t�rminate this Agreement, In the event that the City elects to terminate this Agreement, rent for the month in which the Hangar is damaged shall be prarated and the unearned portion ref�nded to Lessee. In the event the City elects to repalr the Hangar,the City sha11 endeavt�r to pravide to Lessee anather acceptable Hangar, an�1 this Agreement sha11 remain in fu11 force and effect except that the City and Lessee shall negotiate in ga�d faith the amount �rf the rent to be paid by Lessee during the time the City repairs the Hangar: B. If the Premises are partially damaged or renttered partially unusable by fire, fload, earthquake;the elements,casualty; war,riot,public disorder;t�r any other cause nat the fault of Lessee, its officers, employees, agents or invitees, Lessee shall give the City written notice of such damage, and if the City does not commence repairs within thirty (3�) calendar days from the date of the notice, Lessee may elect t� Execut'ive Hangar No. 6 Lease—Mark Legdrra Fage 13 terminate this Agreem�nt by giving written notice to the City of Lessee's election to terminate this Agreement. If Lessee e�ects not to terminate this Agreement,this Agreetnent shall continue in full force and effect except that the damage to the Premis�s �haii be repaired by and at the expense af the City, and until such repair is substantiaily completed so that full use and occupancy of the Premises by Lessee �s possible, the rent shall be apportioned according to the �ortian of the Premises which remains useable,If such repairs are not campleted within c�ne hundred eighty (l&0)calendar days from the date c�f the Lessee' s notice of the damage;either party may terminate this Agreement by givang the other party written notice within ten (10)days of the expiration of the ane hundred e�ghty(18Q)day period ofthe party's election to terminate this Agreement: 24. ASSIGNMENT.Lessee sha11 not voluntarily assign,encumber,or s�blet its interest in this Agreement or in the Hangar, ar a11ow any oth�r persan ar entity (except its authorized representatives) to occupy or use any or ali part(s} of the Hangar; without first obtaining the City`s prior written consent,which shall nc�t be unreasanably withheld.Any assignment ar encumbrance withaut the City° s consent shall be vaidable and, at the sa�e election of the City, sha11 constitute a default Qf this Agreement, No c�nsent to any assignment or encurnbrance sha11 constitute a further waiver of the provisions of this section: 25. DEFAULT. A; The occurrence of any af the follawing sha11 constitute a material breach or default of this Agreement by Lessee: l. Storage af an aperatic�nal aircraft within the Hangar that is nat prc�perly registered and insured, 2. Failure tQ pay any payment due under this Agreement when due,if the failure to pay cc�ntinues for five(5)calendar days after notice af the failure has been �1V�11 tb L�SS��; 3-. Failure to perform any other provision of this Agreement if the failure ta perform is nc�t cured withan thirty{30)caiendar days after notice of the failure has been gaven to Lessee. If the bxeach or defau�t cannot be reasonably cured within thirty (30) calendar days, Lessee shall not be in breach �r defauit of this Agreement if Lessee commences to cure the breach c�r default within the thirty {30) calendar day periad and diligently and in good faith continues to cure the default: 4. Failure to ma°rntain current licenses. 5. Intentionally supplying the City with false or misleading information or misrepresenting any material fact an documents ar in statements to or before the City and it� emp�oyees: Executive Hangar No, 6 Lease—Mark Legarra Page 14 B. Natices given under this sectlon shall specify the alleged breach or default; and sha11 demand that Lessee perform the prQvasions of this Agreement or pay the payment that is in arrears, as the case may be, within the applicable tzme period, or this Agreement is terminated. Lessee shall cure said breach or default no later than thirty{30) calendar days after City delivers notice of the d�fault pursuant tt� Section 31, No such notice sha11 be deemed a terminatic�n af this Agreemet�t Qr a revocatlon af the Permit unless the Czty sa elect� in the notice: C. The City, at any time after Lessee commits a breach or d�fault of this Agreement,can cure the breach or default at Lessee's cost. If the City, at any time,by reason of Lessee`5 breach or default, pays any sum c�r does �ny act that requires the payment o�'any s�un, the sum paid by the City shall be due imrnediately from Lessee to the City at the time the sum is paid, and if paid at a later date sha11 be subject to late fees anct penalty charges as shc�wn in the City' s then current Schedule of�'ees and Charges; The sum,together with the late fees or penalty charges; shall be an additional payment owed to the City pursuant to this Agreement: 26. CITY' S MEDiES FOR DEFAULT. A: Upc�n the occurrence of a defauit that is nat timely cured by Lessee, the City may immediately terminate this Agreement and recQver pc�ssession of the Hangar.Qnce the City has terminated this Agreetnent, Lessee shall immediately surrender the Hangar tc� the City. (Jn termination of this Agreement, the City may recaver from Lessee all of the fo�ic�wing: 1: The w�rth c�f any unpaid rent that had been earnecl at the time af the terminafzan,to be computed by allowing interest at the maximum amount of Interest permitted by law; 2, Any other amount necessary to compensate the City for aIl the detriment praximately caused by Lessee's failure to perform obligations under this Agre�ment, including brokerage cc�mmissions and advertising expenses, expenses of remodel�ng the Hangar far a new Lessee (whether for the same ar a different use}and any special concessions made to obtain a new Lessee; and 3. Any oth�r amounts`in addition tc�or in lieu of those listed above,that may be permitted by applicable law, B. Upon the occurrence of a default that is not timely cured by Lessee, the City shall have the remedy described in Civi1 Code section 1951.4,which provides that when a Lessee has the rrght tc� sublet or ass�gn (subject only to reasonable limrtat�ans), the City may continue the iease in effect after the Lessee's breach and abandonment and recover rent as rt become due. Accordingly, if the City does nt�t elect to terminate this Agreement an accc��nt of any default by Lessee,the City may enforce ai� of the City's rights and remedies under this Agreement including the right tQ re�c�ver ali rent as it i�ecc�rnes due, Executive Hangar No. 6 Lease—Mark tegarra ppg+��5 27, SU N1�ER OF HANGAR. A. On the expiration; eancellatian ar termination of this Agreement, Lessee shall surrender possession af the Hangar to the City and return the empty Hangar in substantgally the same conditian as the Hangar existed at the commencement�f the Agreement, ordinary wear and tear excepted; The Hangar shall be retu�ned to City broc�m elean and free of debris,and in good operating order, condition and repair. B. Lessee shall remove all perst�nal property and perfarm any and al1 necessary restoratian made necessary by the removal of any personal prope�ty on or before the date of expiration,canceliation or termination of this Agreement. City may elect to retain or disp�se of in any mann�r any alterations or L�ssee's personal property that Lessee does not remove fram the Hang�rr on the expiration, cancellation or terminatic�n of the term of this Agreement as allowed or required by this Agreement, by gaving at least five (5} ca�endar days' notice to Lessee. Title t� any such alterations or Lessee's personal property that City elects ta retain ar dispose of shall vest in City c�n expiration of the five (5} calendar day period. Lessee waives all claims against City for any damage to Lessee resulting from City's retention or cl�sposition of any such alterations or Lessee's personal property. Lesse� shall be liabl�t� City for City's costs for storing, removing,and d'rsposing of any alteration or Less�e's personal property. C. Lessee sha11 reimburse the City fQr any darnage done t� the Hangar caused by Lessee's use or actians neglect or omissions or operatic�ns. Damage done to the Hangar shall include, but not be limited ta, intesic�r and/�r eXterior wa11s, han�ar doors and floors. City sha11 �rovide written notice to Lessee of the amount due to City for damage to the Hangar or Airport which shall be due and payable immediately from Lessee. D. If Lessee fails to surrender the Hangar tc� City on expiration, cancellatic�n or termanatic�n as required by this sect�on, Lessee shall hold City harmless from all damages resulting fram Lessee's failure to surrender the Hangar;inciuding,without limitatian, ciaims made by a succeeding Lessee resulting from Lessee's failure to surrender the Hangar. 28. ADMINIST TION BY CITY. Whenever Lessee is required to secure the appraval or consent of the City purs�ant to this Agreement; the City shall mean the Airparts Manager. 29, VOLUNTEER ASSISTANCE. Under no circumstances wi11 Les�ee u5e City employees whom are on duty to perform work at the Hangar. Under no circumstances will Lessee use City employees whom are off duty to perform work at the Hangar if the nature af the work is substantia�ly similar to the employee s regular work duties for the City. Executive Hpngpr lVo. 6 Lease—Mdrk Legdrrp Page 16 �a. I�vTE Ta°r�oN vENu�;a�v�aTTo ��FEE�. A. This Agreement shall be deemed to have been entered into in Redding; California: All questions regarding the validity, interpretat�on Qr performance of any of its terms or of any rights or obligataQns of the parties to this Agreement shall be governed by California law, and any action brought by either party t� enforce any af the terms of this Agreement sha11 be filed in the Shasta County Superior Court: If�ny claim, at law or atherwise, is made by either party ta this Agreem�nt; the prevailing party shall be entitled to its costs and reasonable attoxneys' fees: B. This document eontains the entire agreement between the �aarties and supersedes whatever c�ral or written understanding each may have hact prior to the exec�tion of this Agreement. This Agr�ement shall nat be altered, amended or modified except by a urriting signed by City and Lessee. Na verbal agreement or canversation with any official, officer, agent or emplc�yee c�f City, either before, dtxt•ing c�r after the execution c�f this Agreement, sha11 affect or modify any of the terms or conditions contained in this Agreement, C. If any portion of this Agreement or the application therec�f to any person or circumstance shall be invalid or unenforceab�e to any extent,the remainder of thzs Agreement shall not be affected tihereby and sha11 be enfcrrced to the greatest extent permitted by law. D, The headings in this Agreement are �nserted for convenience only and shall not constitute a part hereof. A waiver af any party of any provzsion or a breach af this Agreement must be pravided in writing, and shall n�t be construed as a waiver of any c�ther pr�visic�n or any succeeding breach of the sazne or any t�ther pravisions herein. E; Each party heretc� deciares and represents that in entering into this Agreement, it has relied and is relying salely upon its own judgment,belief and knowledge of the nature, extent; effect and cansequence relating theret�. Each party further deciares and represents that this Agreem�nt is made without reliance upon any statement or representatian nat contained her�in of any other party or any representative, agent or attorney of the other party; The parties agree that they are aware that they have the right to be advised by c€�unsel with respect to the negatiations, terms, and conditions of this Agreement and th�t the decision of whether ar not to seek the advice t�f cc�unsel with respect to this Agreement is a decision which is the sole responsibility of each of the parties. Accardingly, no party shall be deemed to have been the drafter hereof, and the principle o£Iaw s�t forth in Civil Code § 1654 that ce�ntracts are construed against the drafter shall not apply: FX�GUtIVE /'/pt?t,�Q'/'NO. �LEQISe—�C1C�f�$t„Jp(Cp �p�C'17 31. NOTICES, A. A11 notices; requests, demands and other communications hereunder shall be deemed g�ven only if in writing signed by an authorized representative�f the sender and delivered by facsimile,with a hard copy mailed first class, postage prepaid, or when sent by a courier c�r an express service guaranteeing avemight delivery to the receiving party, addressed to the respective parties as follows: TO CITY: T+� LESSEE; City of Redding Mark Legarra(dba Legarra Enterprises) Attn.: Airports Manager Attn: Mari�Legarra 6751 Woodr�xm Circle#240 3720 Flight Ave Redding, CA 96002 Redding, CA 960�2 B: Either party may change its address for the purposes of this par�graph by giving written natice of such change to the other party in the manner provided in this Section, C. Notice shall be deemed effective upon: (1) personal service c�r (2) two calendar days after mailing or transmissit�n by facsimile, whichever is earlier. 32: BINDING ON HEIRS AND SUCCESSORS� This Agreement shall be binding on and shall �nure to the benefit of the heirs, executors� administrators, success�rs and assigns of the parties hereta,but nothing in this Section shall be construed as a consent by City to any assignment of this Agreetnent or any interest in the Agreement by Lessee except as provr�ted in Section 24 of this Agreement. 33. TIME C!F ESSENCE. Titne is of the essence of this Agreement and Qf each and every provision therein, 34. AITTHQRITY T{3 +Ct?NT CT. The City Manager or his designee shall have authority to execute onbeh�lf af the City any am�ndment to this Agreement which does not decrease the amount of compensatian due to City or otherwise substantially change the terms provid�d herein. The City Manager, or his designee, shall likewise have the right to terminate this Agreement either due ta defa�lt ar upc�n mutual agre�ment Qf the Parties, 35: DATE t}F AG EMENT. The date of this Agreement shall be the date it is �igned by the City. ExeCutive Hangpr No. 6 tease—Mark tegarra Ppge 38 IN WITNES�WHE QF, �ity and Lessee have executed this Agreement on the days and year set forth below: CITY�F DDING Date: ,2024 TENESSA AUDETTE,Mayor ATTEST: APF'R�DVED AS TQ FtJ . CH STIAN CURTIS City Attorney SHA ENE TTPTQN, City Clerk By; LESSEE ..�� __..�_______._ Date: °�� �`� v-- ,2Q24 � �-~�µr~�� �� �g;�°� By: MA LE ��� ���.���_ _ ��-�w�... ���� �