HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 2669 - Uncodified Ordinance adopting policy to provide guidelines for the approval, acquisition, and reporting requirements for military equipment. ORDINANCE Nt3. 2669
WHEREAS, on September 30, 2021, Governor Gavin Newsom signed into 1aw
Assembly Bill 4$1, which relates to the use of military equipment by state and local law
enforcement agencies; and
WHEREAS, Assembly Bill 481, codified at Government Code sections 70'70 through
7075, inclusive, and as applied to cities, requires 1oca1 1aw enforcement agencies to
obtain approval af a military equipment use policy prior to taking any action which
supports the acquisition and use af military equipment; and
WHEREAS, Government Code section 7071 requires approval of a military equipment
use policy by ordinance at a regular meeting of the City Council; and
WHEREAS, it further provides that the military equipment use palicy must be made
publicly available on the law enforcement agency's internet website far no less than
thirty (30) calendar days prior to adoption of the same by ordinance; and
WHEREAS, subdivision (e) of Government Code section 7071 further requires that the
City Council review any such ordinance at least annually after having considered the
report required by Government Code section 7072; and
WHEREAS, the propased military equipment use policy for the Redding Police
Department Policy 707, is attached and incarporated herein; and
WHEREAS, Redding Policy Department Policy 707 was published on the Redding
Police Department's internet website on March 2, 2022, and was provided to the City
Cauncil on the same day; and
WHEI2EAS, the City Council adopted C7rdinance No. 2647 on May 3, 2022, whereby
Redding Palice Department Palicy 707 was, approved, adopted and found to meet all
requirements under the law.
Sectian 1. Determinations and Qrders.
1. Redding Palice Department Poliey '707 meets the requirements of subdivision(d}
of Government Code section 7070 because substantial evidence in the recard
establishes that:
A. Policy 701 is necessary because there is no reasonable alternative that can
achieve the same abjective of officer and civilian safety; and
B. Palicy 7Q7 wi11 safeguard the public's welfare, safety, civil rights and civil
Iiberties; and
C. The equipment set forth in Policy 70� is reasanably cost effective
compared to available alternatives that can achieve the same objective of
offieer and civil safety.
2. Reddin�;Police Department Policy 707 is appraved and adopted.
3. The Chief of Palice sha11 praduce the annual military equipment report required
by Government Code section 7072, publish the same on the Redding Police
Department internet website, and provide the notice and public engagement
required by subdivision{b) of Government Code 7072.
4. The Chief of Police shall, after undertaking all actions set forth in Section 3,
herein, agendize consideration of the annual military equipment report for a
regular meeting of the City Council.
5. The Chief of Palice shall, na later than ten manths (10) months after the adoption
of this ordinance, and every subsequent renewal of the same, cause consideration
of an ordinance to renew this ardinance for an additional term of one (1) year to
be agendized for first reading.
Section 2. Severability. If any sectian, subsection, subdivision, paragrap�,
sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance, or its application to any persan or
circumstance, is for any reason held to be invalid or unenforceable, such invalidity or
unenforceability shall not affect the validity or enfarceability of the remaining sections,
subsectians, subdivisions, paragraphs, sentences, clauses or phrases of this Ordinance, or
its application to any person or circumstance. The City Council of the City of Redding
hereby declares that it would have adopted each section, subsection subdivisian
paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase hereof, irrespective of the fact that any ane or more
other sections, subsectians subdivisions paragraphs, sentences, clauses or phrases hereof
be declared invalid or unenforceable.
Sectian 3. The City of Redding finds that this Ordinance is not a "project"
according to the definition set forth in the California Environmental Quality Act
("CEQA"), and, pursuant to CEQA Guidelines sections 15060(c)(2} (the activity
wi11 not result in a direct or reasanably foreseeable indirect physical change in the
environment) and 15061(b)(3} {there is no possibility the activity in question may
have a significant effect on the environment), the adoption of this ordinance is
therefore not subject to the provisions requiring environmental review.
I I3ERESY CERTIFY that the foregoing ordinance was introduced and read by the
City Council of the City af Redding at a regular meeting on the 21 st day of May,
2024, and was duly read and adopted at a regular meeting an the 4th day of June,
2024, by the following vote:
AYES: CCIUNCIL MEMBERS: -Dacquisto,Mezzana,Munns,Winter,and Audette
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DATE ATTESTEI7►: �°� ,�' , 2024
'• Redding Police Department
, RPD Policy Manual
Mili�ary Equ�pment
The purpose of this policy is to provide guideiines for the approval, acquisition, and reporting
requirements of military equipment {Government Code § 7Q70; Government Code § 7071;
Government Code § 7072}.
Definitions related to this policy include (Gavernment Cade § 7070}:
Gaverning body—The elected or appainted body that oversess the department.
Military equipment— Includes but is not limited to the following:
• Unmanned, remotely piloted, powered aerial or ground vehicles.
• Mine-resistant ambush-protected (MRAP)vehicles or armored personnel carriers.
• High mobility multipurpase wheeled vehicles (HMMWV}, two-and-ane-half-ton trucks,
five-ton trucks,or wheeled vehicles that have a breaching or entry apparatus attached.
• Tracked armored vehicles that provide ballistic protection to their occupants.
• Cornmand and control vehicies that are either built or modified #o facilitate the
operational cantrol and direction of public safety units.
• Weaponized aircraft, vessels, or vehicles of any kind.
• Battering rams, slugs, and breaching apparatuses that are explosive in nature. This
daes not include a handheld, one-person ram.
• Firearms and ammunition of .50 caliber or greater,exciuding standard-issue shatguns
and standard-issue shotgun ammunition.
• Specialized firearms and ammunition of less than .50 caliber, including firearms and
accessories identified as assault weapons in Penal Code § 30510 and Penal Code §
30515, with the exception af standard-issue firearms.
= Any firearm or firearm accessory that is designed to launch explosive projectiles.
• Noise-flash diversianary devices and explosive breaching tools.
• Munitions containing tear gas or OC, excluding standard, service-issued handheld
pepper spray.
• TASERO Shockwave, microwave weapons, water cannons, and long-range acoustic
devices {LRADs).
• Kinetic energy weapons and munitions.
• Any other equipment as deterrnined by a governing bady or a state agency to require
additional oversight.
Copyright Lexipol,LLC 2024/05121,All Rights Reserved. MIIItBCY EqUlpfTiBftt-�
Published with permission by Redding Police Department
Redding Police Department
RPD Policy Manual
Military Equipment
707.2 POUCY
It is the policy of the Redding Palice department that members of this department comply with the
provisions of Gavernment Code § 7071 witn respect to military equipment.
The Chief of Police should designate a mernber of this departrnent to act as the military equiprnent
coordinator.The responsibilities of the military equipment coordinator include but are not limited to:
(a) Acting as liaison to the gaverning body for matters related to the requirements of this
(b) Identifying department equipment that qualifies as military equipment in the current
possession of the Department, or the equipment the Department intends ta acquire
that requires approval by the governing bady.
(c) Conducting an inventory of all military equipment at least annually.
(d) Callabarating with any allied agency that may use military equipment within the
jurisdiction of Redding Police Department (Governmen# Code § 7071}.
(ej Preparing for, scheduling, and coordinating the annual community engagement
meeting ta include:
1. Publicizing the details af the meeting.
2. Preparing for public questions regarding the department's funding, acquisitian,
and use of equipment.
(f) Preparing the annual military equipment report for submissian ta the Chief af Police
and ensuring that the report is made available on the department website(Government
Code ; 7072}.
(g} Establishing the procedure for a person ta register a compiaint or concern, or how that
persan may submit a question about the use af a type of military equipment, and how
the Department will respond in a tirnely manner.
The following constitutes a list af qualifying equipment for the Department:
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV}
Armored Vehicle
Mobile Command Vehicle
Explosive Breaching
.50 Caliber Rifle
Rifles identified as assault weapans under Penal Code Sections 30510 and 30515
Noise Flash Diversionary Devices
Tear Gas and Munitians
Copyright�exipol,��C 2024l05(21,All Rights Reserved. MIIItBP)/EqUIp1Ti8�t-2
Published with permission by Redding Police Department
Redding Police Department
RPD Policy Manual
Military Equipment
Kinetic Energy Weapans and Munitions
For inventory details - See attachment: RPD AB481 Inventory_4-'11-22.pdf
The Chief of Police ar the autharized designee shall obtain approvaf from the governing bady by
way of an ordinance adopting the military equipment policy. As part af the approval process, the
Chief of Police or the authorized designee shall ensure the proposed military equipment policy is
submitted to the governing body and is available on the department website at least 30 days priar
to any public hearing concerning the military equipment at issue (Government Code§ 7071). The
military equipment policy must be approved by the goveming body priar to engaging in any of the
following (Gavernment Code ; 7071}:
(a) Requesting military equipment made available pursuant ta 10 USC § 2576a.
(b} Seeking funds for military equipment, including but not limited to applying for a grant,
soliciting ar accepting private, local, state, or federal funds, in-kind donatians, or other
donations ar transfers.
(c} Acquiring military equipment either permanently ar temporarily, including by borrawing
or leasing.
{d) Collaborating with another law enforcement agency in the deployment or other use af
military equipment within the jurisdiction of this department.
{e) Using any new or existing military equipment for a purpose, in a manner,or by a persan
not previously approved by the governing body.
(f) Soliciting ar responding to a proposal for,or entering inta an agreement with, any ather
person or entity to seek funds for, apply to receive, acquire, use, or collaborate in the
use of military equipment.
(g) Acquiring military equipment through any means not provided above.
Military equipment used by any member of this Department shall be approved far use and in
accordance with this Department policy. Military equipment used by other jurisdictions that are
providing mutual aid fo this Department, or otherwise engaged in law enfarcement operations
in this jurisdiction, shall comply with their respective military equipment use policies in rendering
mutual aid.
Upan approval of a military equipment policy,the Chief of Police or the authorized designee should
submit a military equipment report to the governing body for each type of military equipment
approved within one year of approval,and annually thereafter for as long as the military equipment
is available for use (Government Code § 7072}.
Copyright�exipol,LLC 2024f05J21,Ail Rights Reserved. MI�It81 y EqUlp11'18t1t-3
Published with permission by Redding Poliee Department
Redding Police Department
RPD Policy Manual
Military Equipment
The Chief of Police ar the authorized designee should also make each annual military equipment
report publicly availabie on the department website for as long as the military equipment is
available for use. The report shall include all informatian required by Government Code § 7072
for the preceding calendar year for each type of military equipment in department inventory.
Within 3d days of submitting and publiciy releasing the annual report, the �epartment shall hold
at least one weli-publicized and convenientiy located community engagement meeting, at which
the Department should discuss the report and respond to public questions regarding the funding,
acquisition, or use of military equipment.
Capyright Lexipoi,L�C 2024105/21,All Rights Reserved. MilltafY EqUlpil'leltt-4
Published with parmission by Redding Poiice Department
RPD Policy Manual
Copyright Lexipol,LLC 2024105/21,AII Rights Reserved. AttaCI11Y1@CitS-S
Published with permission by Redding Police DepaRment
� . -
RPD Policy Manual
RPD A64$1 Inventory_4-'1 '1 -22.pdf
Gopyright Lexipol,LLC 2024105121,All Rights Reserved. RP�AB481 (11V@f1tOI'y_4-11-22.pdf-6
Published with permission by Redding Police Department
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Military Equipment Inventory
Dates Revised
April 11, 2022
Section 1—Unmanned,remotely piloted,powered aerial or ground vehicles
CA Gov't Code§7070(c)(1)
Equipment Name: Unmanned Aircraft Systems(UAS}
C2uantity Owned: 14
Equipment Capabilities: Remotely piloted aerial vehicle capable af providing live and recorded video
images captured from aerial positions, inciuding images enhanced by Forward Looking infrared {FL.IRj,
thermal, and optical zoom lenses.
Products in UAS fleetJdescriptian:
The fallowing make up the UAS fleet for the Redding Palice Department. All products are manufaetured
by D11 and include commercial-grade and eivilian models. Commonly used by construction and utility
companies far the inspeetion of buildings, powerlines, windmills and other infrastructure. All UAS are
battery powered, remote operated devices. Qperators utilize a handheld controller to control UAS and
view live feed fram UAS-mounted camera. Flight time varies by madel, but average approximately 25-30
minutes per battery, depending on weather and flight conditions. The UAS has also proven to be useful
to public safety agencies in firefighting,search and rescue,pre-operational surveillance,and othertactical
situations where aerial views enhance the safety and efficiency of law enforcement and fire personnel.
The Redding Police Department utilizes the following UAS models:
DJI Matrice 210{s}—four units.
DJI Matrice 300(s)—two units.
dJl Mavic 2(s)—two units.
DJI Phantom 4(sj—twa units.
DJI Pro—one unit.
DJI Spark—one unit.
D11 Mavic Mini (s�—two units.
Purpose/Authorized Uses: Unmanned aerial systerns may be utilized to enhance the Department's
mission of protecting lives and praperty when other means and resources are not available or are less
effective. Any use of a UAS will be in strict accordance with constitutional and privacy rights and Federal
Aviation Adrninistration (FAA} regulations.
The Redding Police Department also works in conjunctian with Redding Electric Utility in annual power
line inspections as part of the REU Wildfire Mitigation Plan.
Fiscal Impacts: Initial startup cost was funded by the REU Wildfire Mitigation Plan—which was$176,825
in 2020. Two Martrice 300's were purchased in 2021 for$74,184.
Costs associated with replacementjrepair of equipment�$5,000;the price of the UAS is based upon each
specific madel. The most expensive UAS is the Matrice 300 with a cost of approximately$35,Q00 for all
attachments,cameras, etc.
The allotted annual Redding Police Department UAS budget is$20,000.
LegalJProcedural Rules Governing Use: The use of the UAV is in accordance with Redding Police
Department Policy 606 and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA} Regulations.
Training Required: UAS will only be operated on deployment by Department personnel who possess a
valid Remote Pilot Certificate and have received Department approved training in operation, applicable
laws, policies,and procedures regarding the use of the UAS.
t3ther: UAS consistently improve and advance from year to year. There may be times when equiprnent
becomes available that are imperative for successfully operating the fleet while old technology becomes
Section 3-High mobility multipurpose wheeled vehicles (HMMWV),two-and-one-half-ton trucks,
five-ton trucks,or wheeled vehicles that have a breaching or entry apparatus attached.
CA Gov't Code§7070(c)(3)
Equipment Name: Lenco BearCat G2
Quantity Owned: 1
Lifespan: 15+years
Equipment Capabitities: The vehicle is equipped with emergency lightsJsirens, ratating roof hatch,
running boards, proteetion against chemical agents, back-up camera, battering ram attachment,CS{tear
gas) deployment nozzle, and spotJflood lights. The vehicle is armored with a 0.5 — 1.5" thiek steel and
ballistic windows rated to stop a 0.50 caliber bullet.
Manufacturer Product Descriptian:The Lenco BearCat is the standard tactical armored vehicle forspecial
operations units within the US Law Enforcement community.Since the early 2000s,agencies sucn as�APD,
LASD SEB,NYPD ESU,Baston PD and hundreds of Federal,State and l.ocal Law Enforcement agencies have
made the BearCat part of their standard operating pracedure. The G2 has excellent on-road driving
characteristics and maneuverability in tight urban settings. The large floor plan seats 10 — 12 fully
equipped officers.
PurpasejAutharized Uses: The Bearcat is primarily used far Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT)Team
incidents, safe transport af SWAT personnel to and from critical incidents, high risk warrant service
operations, dangerous high risk tactical operatians, high risk rescue operations, training, community
engagement efforts and any other applicatians deemed appropriate and approved by the SWAT
Commander, Division Cammander or Chief of Police.
Fiscal Impacts:The cost of the Bearcat was approximately$309,035 which was purchased in 2019 by the
Hilltop Business Group for the City of Redding.
LegaljProcedural Rules Governing Use: The use af the Lenco Bearcat G2 is gaverned by Redding Palice
Department Policy 706.
Training Required: Officers are to be trained in the operation of the Bearcat prior to use. Training
requirements will be set by the SWAT Commander and will include knowledge of the listed policy, rules
af the road and basic knowledge of electronicJmechanical functions on the vehicle.The training will also
inciude a driving exercise.SWAT personnel will receive advanced training and are expected to maintain a
higher level of operational knowledge and expertise.
�nly Redding Police Department persannel who have completed training and passess a valid Califarnia
Driver's l.icense will be authorized to drive/aperate the Bearcat, unless a delayed deployment of the
Bearcat would result in serious bodily injury or death.
The SWAT Commander, or hisjher designee, is responsible fnr training afficers an praper use, driving
techniques and ensuring the vehicle is properly serviced and maintained.
Other: The vehicle is designed to meet the tactical needs of law enforcement agencies tasked with
responding to acts of violence and/or terrorism. The purpase is to enhance law enforcement's ability to
serve and protect the community.
Section 5-Command and tontrol vehicies that are either buiit or modified to facilitate the operational
control and direction of public safety units.
ca�o�c code§�a�o�c�ts�
Equipment Name:City of Redding-Mobile Command Vehicle(MCVj
Quantity Owned: 1
Lifespan: 15+years
Equipment Capabilities: The vehicle provides mobile, remote access ta radio, internet planning and
operatianal resources to assist with the command and control of major incidents and other planned
operations. The vehicle also has the capability to dispatch afficers and firefighters, as well as receive
emergency calls.
Manufacturer Product description: The City of Redding - Mobile Command Vehicle was built in
conjunction with the Redding Fire Department, Redding Police Department, and Redding Electric Utility
as a unified command vehicle but can also alternate between fire, police, and utility for department
specific missions.The vehicle was custom buift by Pierce Manufacturing in Appleton Wisconsin in 2021.
Purpase/Authorized Uses:The MCV can be deployed far any fire, police, andjor utility incidents which it
would be deemed beneficial to do so.
Fisca) Impacts: The initial casts af the MCV was approximately $560,Q40 which was purchased in 2021
with funding from the Redding Electric Utility Wildfire Mitigation Plan.The annual upkeep for the vehicle
is appraximately$5,000.
LegalJProcedural Rules Governing Use: Redding Police Department allows the use of the MCV with the
approval of the Divisian Commander. A Class C license is required to drive the vehicle.
Training Required: A Class C license is required to drive the vehicle. The Redding Palice Department
supervisor assigned to the MCV will ensure operators are trained in the operation and functions of the
MCV. Trained personnel will operate the MCV and will be assigned to the vehicle during operations to
faeilitate its operation.
Other:The MCV is not a tactical vehicle but rather a multi-purpase vehide to help facilitate command and
control during field incidents in the City af Redding.The vehicle daes not have any armor nor is it deployed
in such a manner as to be used in such a way.The vehicle is to be deployed at the periphery of a tactical
incident if one such arises.
Section 7-Battering rams,slugs,and breaching apparatuses that are explosive in nature.This does
not include a handheld,ane-person ram.
CA Gov`t Code§7070{c)(7j
Equipment Name: Energetic Explosive Breaching
Quantity Owned:
942 feet Detonating Cord, 50 grains per faot.
Biasting Caps—42
Percussion Primers—50
lifespan:5 years
Equipment Capabilities: Energetic breaching is used to gain rapid access ta a room or structure when an
emergent law enforcement need exists.All efforts are made to minimize the amaunt of energetics appiied
to a target, while still achieving a pasitive breach. Energetic breaching materials are used to make
breaching charges of various shapes and strength which are specifically designed far the target. The
materials release gasses, heat, and light when initiated. The pressure from the gasses reieased presses
against mediums and/or the target to cause the structure of the target to fail for a successful breach.
Breaching charges are specially designed to cause structura)failure of the desired target. Various types,
configurations, and energetic weights are maintained for use,as needed.
Manufacturer Product Description:The detonating cord is a thin,flexible plastic tube usually filled with
pentaerythrital tetranitrate (PETN, pentrite). Witn the PETN exploding at a rate of appraximately 6400
mjs, any common length of detonatian cord appears to explode instantaneously. It is a high-speed fuse
which explodes, rather than burns, and is suitable for detonating high explosives.
A blasting cap is a small sensitive primary explosive device generally used to detonate a larger, mare
powerful and less sensitive secondary explosive such as TNT,dynamite,or plastic explosive. Blasting caps
come in a variety of types, including non-electric caps,electric caps,and fuse caps
PurposeJAuthorized Uses: It is the standard operating procedure of the Redding Police Department
Special Weapon and Tactics {SWAT} Team to utilize a SWAT team member or member af the Shasta
County Bomb Squad who has attended the necessary training required to provide the option of explosive
breaching. Explosive breaching is a SWAT team tactical aption and can be employed when a rapid entry is
critical to the success of the SWAT mission.
Explosive breaching shauld anly be considered after other reasonable methods or pracedures have been
exhausted or deemed inapprapriate.Explosive breaching can provide a sufficient tactical advantage which
should alsa be considered to justify its use.
An explosive breach should be viewed as a breaching tool to be used in dangeraus situations with minimal
risk to afficers and occupants of target structures.
Explosive breaching techniques may not be appropriate in all breaching situations. An explosive breach
should not be employed in the following circumstances:
a. The construction of walls, doors or the building is not known.
b. The location of the occupantsJvictims is nat known.
c. There is a known presence of unstable chemicals or other incendiary materials.
Fiscal Impacts:initial startup was funded by Department SWAT budget—estimated$2,500. Future fiscal
impact—25 grain detonation cord—estimated between $0 and $349 annually. 50 grain detonation cord
—estimated between $Q and$1,915.49 annually
Legal/Procedural Ruies Governing Use:Explosive breaching is commanded by the SWAT Commander and
procedures are outlined under Redding Police Department Policy404. Explosive breaching may only occur
after authorization by the SWAT Commander in the field, and during training exercises.
Training Required: Explasive breaching personnel sttall train with SWAT at minimum two times annually
and often enough to be proficient in the practice of explosive breaching.All explosive breaching personnel
shall attend a certified breaching schoal.
Other: Explosive breaching is specifically assigned and utilized by the Redding Palice Department SWAT
Section 7-Battering rams,slugs,and breaching apparatuses that are explosive in nature.This does
not include a handheld,one-person ram.
CA Gov't Cade§7070(cj(7)
Equipment Name: Remingtan Breaching Shotgun (Model 870, 12 Gauge)and ammunition
Quantity Owned:
Breaching Shotguns—2
Hornady%oz breaching round—SO
Lifespan: 15—20 years
Equipment Capabilities:To quickly force entry through locked and/or barricaded doors,the Department
authorizes tne use of the breaching shotgun. The use of the breaching shotgun allows officers to defeat
doors that mechanical breaching tools would normally be unable to open. The primary function of the
breaching shotgun is for forcing entry.Although the breaching shotgun is a firearm, it has been modified
for breaching purposes. Additionally, the selected ammunition is frangible and designed to defeat door
locks and hinges.
Manufacturer Product Description:Starting with a receiver machined from an 8%z—pound billet of steel
might not be the easiest way to build a shotgun, but the end result is well worth the extra effort. No other
pump shatgun can match the Model 87d's strength and smooth, effortless operation. Its legendary
reliability is the heart of its popufarity, as evidenced by the more than 13 million outdoorsmen, law
enforcement offieers, competitive shooters and home defenders who have chosen the never-say-die
pump gun since its introduction in 1950. That same reliability has made the Model 870 one of the mast
adaptable shotgun designs ever, and the best-selling shotgun of all time.
Hornady 12 Gauge breaching round frangible%oz slug is designed ta fit a variety of mission applications
including entry(limited penetratian},breaching,and training. It features a%ounce frangible sintered slug.
PurpaseJAuthorized Uses:When a decisian has been made ta eanduct an emergency entry,the breaching
shotgun may only be used when it appears reasonably necessary to prevent death or great bodily injury.
Officers are also required to obtain the approval of a supervisor unless the circumstances make it
impractical to obtain authorization andJor delayed response wauld jeopardize the safety of citizens,
officers ar suspect(s).
Fiscal Impacts:Approximately$S00 annually. Department SWAT budget.
I.egaljProcedural Rules Governing Use:The use of the breaching shotgun is governed by Redding Police
Department Policy 404.
Training Required: The training for the use of the breaching shotgun is governed by Redding Palice
Department Policy 4Q4. All training and proficiency for the breaching shotgun will be documented by the
SWAT Commander.
t7ther: Breaching shotguns are assigned to the SWAT Team.
Section 8 and 9-Firearms and ammunition of.50 caliber or greater,excluding standard-issue
shotguns and standard-issue shotgun ammunition.
CA Gov't Code§70�0(c)(8)and 7070(c)(9j
Equipment Name:Armalite,AR-SO .SO caliber rifle and ammunition
Quantity C}wned:
Ammunition .50 BM6—236
�ifespan: 10+years
Equipment Capabilities:The AR-50A1 rifle is a large caliber rifle that allows for specific uses by our SWAT
Team. The capability of the large caliber allows for the penetration of ballistic, steel armor in a critical
Manufacturer Product Description: The AR-50A1 is a single shot bolt action rifle chambered for the
powerful .50 BMG cartridge. The rifle features a unique octagonal receiver and utilizes ArmaLite's
proprietary V-Channel chassis. Designed for the challenges of long-range shoating, the AR-50A1 is
exceptionally accurate with a highly effeetive muzzle brake.
Purpose/Authorized Uses:Use of the.50 caliber Sniper Rifle per Redding Police Palicy 404:
a. SWAT members must obtain SWAT Cornmander approval prior to training with the.50 rifle.
Training must be at sites approved by the SWAT Cammander.
b. The rifle shauld only be deplayed during a crisis with SWAT Commander approval unless exigent
circumstances justify an immediate deployment.
c. Only trained officers may deploy the rifle.
Fiscal Impacts: Na cost. Rifle was obtained in 2010—citizen forfeiture and retained per34005(b}PC.
Legal/Procedural Rules Governing Use:All applicable State, Federal and Local laws governing police use
of force.Various Redding Police Department Policies an Use of Force,SWAT,and Firearms.
Training Required: Training and qualification with the rifle will be tne responsibility of the SWAT
Commander. �nly those SWAT members that have trained/qualified will deploy the rifle,when necessary.
Other:This rifle is assigned to Redding Palice Department SWAT Team.
Section 10-Specialized firearms and ammunition of less than.50 caliber,including firearms and
accessories identified as assault weapons in Penal Code§30510 and Penal Code§30515,with the
exceptian of standard-issue firearms.
CA Gov't Code§7070(cj(10)
Equipment Name:Stag Arms AR-15 .223 rifle and ammunition
Quantity Owned: 2
�ifespan: 10+years
Equipment Capabilities:The Stag Arms AR-15 rifle is a semi-automatic rifle defined in sections 3051d and
30515 of the Pena!Cade.
Manufacturer Product Description:The Stag Arms AR-15 is a magazine fed,gas operated rifle available in
.223 caliber and fires from a rotating lacking closed bolt.
PurpaseJAuthorized Uses: Officers may deploy the rifle in any circumstance within Redding Palice
Department Policies on Use of Farce and Firearms.
Fiscal Impacts: None. Obtained in 2013 through evidence retention per 34005{b} PC.
legaljPracedural Rules Governing Use:All applicable State, Federal and Local laws gaverning police use
af force.Various Redding Police Department Policies on Use of Force and Firearms.
Training Required: Officers must successfully complete a CA POST certified 24-hour patrai rifle course as
well as regular Department firearms training and qualifications as required by law and policy.
Other:These specific rifles are assigned to Redding Palice Department SWATTeam.
Section 10-Specialized firearms and ammunition of less than .50 caliber,including firearms and
accessories identified as assault weapons in Penal Cade§3Q510 and Penal Code§30515,with the
exception of standard-issue firearms.
CA Gov't Cade§7070(c)(10)
Equipment Name: DRMO AR-15 Carbine .223 rifle
Quantity Owned:57
�ifespan: 10+years
Equipment Capabilities:The AR-15 carbine rifle is a semi-automatic rifle defined in sections 3051Q and
30515 of the Penal Code.
Manufacturer Product Description:The Carbine Rifle AR-15 is a magazine fed,gas operated rifle
available in .223 caliber and fires from a rotating locking closed bolt.
PurposejAuthorized Uses:Officers may deploy the rifle in any circumstance within Redding Police
Department Policies on Use of Force and Firearms.
Fisca) Impacts: None. Obtained through the Defense Reutilizatian Marketing Office (DRMO) pragram.
Legal/Pracedural Rules Governing Use:All applicable State, Federal and Local laws governing police use
of force.Various Redding Police Department Policies on Use of Force and Firearms.
Training Required:Officers must successfully complete a CA POST certified 24-hour patrol rifle course as
well as regular Department firearms training and qualifications as required by law and policy.
�ther:These rifles are assigned to Redding Police Department officers assigned to patrol and detectives.
Section 1U-Specialized firearms and ammunitian of less than.50 caliber,including firearms and
accessories identified as assault weapons in Penal Code§30510 and Penal Code§30515,with the
exception of standard-issue firearms.
CA Gov't Code§7070(cj(10)
Equipment Name: PWS MK1 .223 rifle
Quantity Owned: 18
Lifespan: 10 years
Equipment Capabilities:The PWS MK1 rifle is a semi-autamatic rifle defined in sections 30510 and
30515 of the Penal Code.
Manufacturer Praduct Description:The PWS MK1 is a magazine fed,gasjpiston operated rifle available
in .223 caliber and fires from a rotating locking closed bolt.
Purpose/Authorized Uses:Officers may deploy the rifle in any circumstanee within Redding Poliee
Department Policies on Use of Force and Firearms.
Fiscal Impacts:$1,250 per rifle. Department budget purchase in 2018.
�egal/Procedural Rules Gaverning Use:All applicable State, Federal and �ocal laws gaverning police use
of force.Various Redding Police Department Policies an Use of Farce and Firearms.
Training Required:Officers must successfully complete a CA POST certified 24-hour patro) rifle caurse as
well as regular Department firearms training and qualifications as required by law and policy.
Other:These specific rifles are assigned to Redding Police Department SWAT Team.
Section 10-Specialized firearms and ammunition of less than.50 caliber,including firearms and
accessories identified as assault weapons in Penal Code§30510 and Penal Code§30515,with the
exception of standard-issue firearms.
CA Gov't Code§7070{c)(10)
Equipment Name: Bushmaster XM15-E25.223 rifle
Quantity Owned:5
Lifespan: 1d+years
Equipment Capabilities:The Bushmaster XM15-E25 rifle is a semi-automatic rifle defined in sectians
30510 and 30515 of the Penal Code.
Manufacturer Product Description:The Bushmaster XM15-E25 is a magazine fed,gas operated rifle
available in .223 caliber and fires from a rotating lacking clased bolt.
PurposejAuthori2ed Uses:Offieers may deplay the rifle in any circumstance within Redding Police
Department Policies on Use of Force and Firearms.
Fiscal Impacts:Approximately$900 per rifle for original purchase from Department Budget. No fiscal
impact in future.
LegalJProcedural Rules Governing Use:All applicable 5tate, Federal and Local laws governing police use
af force.Various Redding Police Department Policies on Use of Force and Firearms.
Training Required: Officers must successfully complete a CA POST certified 24-hour patrol rifle caurse as
well as regular Department firearms training and qualifications as required by law and policy.
Other:These specific rifles are assigned to Redding Police Department SWAT Team.
Section 10-Specialized firearms and ammunition af less than .50 cafiber,including firearms and
accessories identified as assault weapons in Penal Code§30510 and Pena)Code§30515,with the
exception of standard-issue firearms.
CA Gov't Code§7Q70(c)(10)
Equipment Name:CMM6 AR-10 carbine rifle
Quantity Owned: 1
�ifespan: 10+yea rs
Equipment Capabilities:The CMMG AR-10 carbine rifle is a semi-automatic rifle defined in sectians 30510
and 30515 of the Penal Cade.
Manufacturer Praduct Description:The CMMG AR-10 carbine is a magazine fed, inertiaJrecoil aperated
rifle available in .308 caliber and fires from a closed chamber.
PurposejAutharized Uses:This rifle is specifically assigned to the SWAT Team and may be deplayed in
any circumstance within Redding Police Department Policies on Use of Force,SWAT,and Firearms.
Fiscal Impacts: No cost. Rifle was abtained in 2Q16—evidence firearm and retained per 34005(bj PC.
LegaljProcedural Rules Governing Use:All applicable State, Federal and Lacal laws governing police use
of force.Various Redding Police Department Policies on Use of Force and Firearms.
Training Required: Training and qualification with the rifle will be the responsibility of the SWAT
Cammander. Onlythose SWATmembers that havetrainedjqualified will deploythe rifle,wnen necessary.
Other:This specific rifle is assigned to Redding Police Department SWAT Team.
Section 10-Specialized firearms and ammunitian of less than.50 caliber,including firearms and
accessories identified as assault weapons in Penal Code§3051Q and Penal Code§30515,with the
exception of standard-issue firearms.
CA Gov't Code§7070(c)(10j
Equipment Name: H&K MP-5 Submaehine Gun 9mm
Quantity Owned: 1
Lifespan: 10+years
Equipment Capabilities: The H&K MP-5 is a select fire submachine gun utilized by the Redding Palice
SWAT Team in the 1990's and early 2000's, prior to the move to the AR platform. The firearm is not
deployed by the SWAT Team.
Manufacturer Produet Description:The H&K MP-5 Carbine is a magazine fed,gas operated submachine
gun available in 9mm caliber and fires from a closed chamber.
PurpaseJAuthorized Uses: This rifle is specificaliy assigned to the SWAT Team and may be deployed in
any circumstance within Redding Palice Department Policies on Use of Force,SWAT, and Firearms.
Fiscal Impacts: Purchase with Department funds in 1990's for SWAT. No fiscal impacts.
LegaljProcedural Rules Governing Use:All applicable State, Federal and �ocal laws governing palice use
of force. Various Redding Police Department Policies on Use of Force and Firearms.
Training Required: Training and qualification with the rifle will be the responsibility of the SWAT
Cammander. Onlythose SWAT members that have trained/qualified will deploy the rifle,when necessary.
Other:This specific rifle is assigned ta Redding Police Department SWAT Team.
Section 10•Specialized firearms and ammunition of less than.SO caliber,including firearms and
accessaries identified as assault weapons in Penal Code§30510 and Pena)Cade§30515,with the
exceptian of standard-issue firearms.
CA Gov't Code§7070(c)(10)
Equipment Name: Loya)9 Manufacturing M4-EX03
Quantity Owned:6Q
Lifespan: 10+years
Equipment Capabilities: The �oyal 9 M4-EX03 is a semi-automatic rifle defined in sections 30510 and
3Q515 of the Penal Code.
Manufacturer Product Descriptian:The�aya)9 M4-EX03 is a magazine fed,gas operated rifle available in
.223 caliber and fires from a ratating locking closed bolt.
PurpasejAuthorized Uses: Officers may deploy the rifle in any circumstance within Redding Police
Department Policies on Use af Force and Firearms.
Fiscal Impacts: Purchased on April 4, 2022 with department budget, approved by council on March 15,
2022. Cost-$83,976.75. No fiscal impact in future.
LegaljPracedural Rules Governing Use:All applicable State, Federal and �ocal laws gaverning police use
of force.Various Redding Police Department Policies on Use of Force and Firearms.
Training Required:Officers must successfully complete a CA POST certified 24-hour patral rifle course as
well as regular Department firearms training and qualifications as required by law and policy.
Other:These rifles will replace the patrol rifles obtained with the Defense Reutilizatian Marketing Office
(DRMO) program. The 57 DRMO rifles will be returned and no longer used by our Department.
Section 10-Specialized firearms and ammunition of less than.50 caliber,including firearms and
accessories identified as assault weapons in Penal Code§30510 and Penal Code§30515,with the
exceptian of standard-issue firearms.
CA Gov't Code§7070(c}(10j
Equipment Name:Ammunition .223 and .308 Caliber
Quantity Owned:
Caliber: .223
Brand/Grain: Federal j 55
(2uantity: 10,720
Caliber: .223
Brand/Grain: Hornady/55 Tap Urban
Quantity: 380
Caliber: ,223
Brand j Grain: Hornady J 55 FMJ Training
Quantity: 6,200
Caliber: .223
Brand j Grain: Federal j 55 Frangible
Quantity: 100
Caliber: .3pg
Brand/Grain: Federa)Tactical/168
Qu a ntity: 1,300
Caliber: .308
Brand J Grain: Federal Bonded j 168
Qua ntity: 460
�ifespan: 10+years
Equipment Capabilities:Ammunition used for the AR-15 style carbine rifle defined in sections 30510 and
30515 of the Penal Code.
Manufacturer Product Descriptian:
Federal American Eagle Ammunitian is designed specifically fartarget shooting,training and practice.This
ammo is laaded to the same specifications as Federal's Premium loads, but at a more practical price for
economical practicing.This ammunition is new production in reloadable brass cases.
Hornady TAP Urban .223 duty ammunition features a 55 grain match grade, polymer tipped,fragmenting
bullet.The cartridge offers high velocity and performance similarto that of other polymertipped Hornady
.223 bullets. The cartridge has a match grade brass composite shell casing and a small rifle,staked primer
Federal Premium�aw Enforcement BallistiClean.223 Remington 55 grain Frangible RNT Lead-Free 20JBox
features a lead-free, Reduced Hazard Training(RNT)frangible bullet, built for high volume,close quarters
tactical training.The frangible bullet does nat expand and is made to break apart into small fragments on
impact with hard targets, greatly reducing ricochet. This ammunition is new production, non-corrosive,
boxer primed, in reloadable brass cases.
Custam made for your Urban Rifle, Tacticalm TRU° was specifically designed for use in semi-automatic
rifles or "Urban Rifles," such as variants of the M-16 or AR-15. TRU bullets are specifically engineered,
ranging from fragmenting designs for tactical entry to deeper penetrating bullets for patrol. This is
particularly important in today's urban settings.
Federal Cartridge .308 Win Tactical Bonded Tip 168 Grain Duty Ammunition is made exclusively far law
enforcement and achieves accuracy and terminai performance unmatched by any other ammunitian.
Designed to defeat the toughest barriers with minimal defiection,Tacticai Bonded Tip ammo has quickly
became the choice for some of the most intense conditions.
PurposejAuthorized Uses: Ammunitian used for the AR-15 style carbine rifle defined in sections 30510
and 30515 of the Pena)Code.
Fiscal Impacts: $10,000 annua(ly.
�egalJProcedural Rules Governing Use:All applicable State, Federal and Lacal laws governing palice use
of farce.Various Redding Police Department Policies on Use of Force and Firearms.
Training Required:Ammunitian used for the AR-15 style carbine rifle defined in sectians 30510 and 3Q515
of the Penal Cade.
Other: None.
Section 12-"Flashbang"grenades and explosive breaching tools,"tear gas,"and"pepper balls,"
excluding standard,service-issued handheld pepper spray.
CA Gov't Code§7070(c){12)
Equipment Name:CS Gas systems
Quantity Owned:
Deftech Spede Heat CS—18
Deftech 40mm Ferret Round CS—2
Deftech 12-gauge Ferret Round CS—70
CTS 5230B�aunchable CS-38
CTS 5230 Non-l.aunchable CS—15
CTS 52301�—12
C�EAROUT Tear Gas Grenade—{5)2 oz, and (3)6 az.
Deftech 40mm Launcher—1
Remington 870�auncher-4
Lifespan: 5 years on CS gas
1d+years on (aunchers
Equipment Capabilities: The use of CS gas causes mucaus membranes and exposed skin to became
inflamed resulting in a burning sensation. It provides a temporary respiratory effect and induces
discomfort on exposed skin.
Manufacturer Product Descriptian:
TF►e Spede-HeatT"'CSJKinetic:a high volume,continuous burn it expels its payload in approximately 20-40
seconds. The payload is discharged through four gas ports on top of the canister, three on the side and
one an the bottom.This launchable grenade is 6.12 in.by 2.62 in.and nolds approximately 2.9 oz.af active
The Ferret° 40mm and 12-gauge round: non-burning and suitable for indoor use. Used primarily by
tactical teams, it is designed to penetrate barriers, such as windows, hollow core doars, wallboard and
thin plywood. Upon impacting the barrier, the nose cone ruptures and instantaneously delivers a small
chemical payload inside of a structure or vehicle. In a tactical deployment situation,the Ferret is primarily
used to dislodge barricaded subjects from confined areas. Its purpose is to minimize the risks to all parties
through pain compliance,temporary discamfort andjor incapacitation af potentially violent or dangerous
CTS 5230B CS Baffled Canister: Pyrotechnic grenade designed for indoor use delivering a maximum
amount af irritant smoke throughout multiple rooms with minimal risk af fire. �aunchable.
CTS 5230 CS Canister: Large diameter burning grenade that discharges a high valume of smoke and
chemical agent thraugh multiple emission ports. Specifically for outdaor use and should not be deployed
on rooftops, in crawl spaces or indoors due to potential fire hazard. Can 6e hand thrown or launched.
Discharge duration can reach up to 40 seconds.
CTS 5230J1 CS Canister:A large diameter burning grenade designed ta discharge a high volume afsmoke
and chemical agent rapidly through multiple emission ports.The smoke compositian is formulated ta burn
rapidly decreasing the possibility that the grenade can be picked up and thrown back at crowd
management afficers.Tne 1et-l.ite should not be deployed on rooftaps, in crawl spaces or indoors due to
fire producing capability. Can be hand thrown or launched.
Deftech 40mm Launcher - The 40LMTS is a tactical single snot launcher that features an expandabie
ROGERS Super Stoe and an adjustable Integrated Front Grip(IFGj with light rail.The ambidextrous Lateral
Sling Mount (LSM) and Q,D mounting systems allow bath a single- and twa-point sling attachment. The
40�MTS will fire standard 40mm less lethal ammunition,up to 4.8 inches in cartridge length.The Picatinny
Rail Mounting System wil)accept a wide array of enhanced optics/sighting systems.
CLEAROUT grenade - delivers enough CS to reach incapacitating level established by military tests to an
area of 23,000 cubic feet(1,700 cubic meters)with an equal amount of OC. Recent tests of OC alone have
established its effectiveness thaugh no ineapacitating concentration has been determined.
Shotgun �auncher-Starting with a receiver machined from an 8%—pound billet af steel might not be the
easiest way to build a shotgun, but the end result is well worth the extra effort. No other pump shotgun
can match the Madel 87Q's strength and smooth,effortless operation. Its legendary reliability is the heart
of its popularity, as evidenced by the more than 13 million outdoorsmen, law enforcement officers,
competitive shooters and home defenders who have chosen the never-say-die pump gun since its
intraduction in 1950. That same reliability has made the Model 870 one of the most adaptable shatgun
designs ever, and the best-selling shotgun of all time.
PurposejAuthorized Uses:Utilized during confrontations with vialent or potentially violent suspects as a
less lethal optian to assist with the dispersal of violent crawds andjor arrest of suspects.
Fiscal Impacts:Appraximately$5,000 annually.
Legal/Procedural Rules Governing Use: The use of this equipment is governed by Redding Police
Department Policy 407.7.2(b}.
Training Required: Specialized training as deemed by the SWAT Commander and CA POST certified
Department chemical agent instructors.
Other: Recognizing that the missions of the SWAT Team are perfarmed in a hazardous environment,and
recognizing that the safety of innocent persons, officers, and suspects is often jeopardized by the
hazardaus conditions, it shall be the intent of SWAT to utilize special equipment in an attempt to lessen
the risk of injury or death to all invo�ved during the perfarmance of a SWAT operation. The SWAT
Commander will ensure that only those team members properly trained and certified in the use of the
special equipment wil!utilize the equipment.
Section 12-"Fiashbang"grenades and explosive breaching tools,"tear gas,"and"pepper balls,"
excluding standard,service-issued handheld pepper spray.
CA Gov't Code§7070(cj(12)
Equipment Name:CTS and DTS Diversianary Device
t2uantity OwnedjSaught:
CTS Mini Diversionary Device-74
CTS Low Rall Device- 12
CTS Training Diversionary Device Fuse—79
Lifespan:5 years
Equipment Capabilities:The use of this device is to create a lightJsound diversian during critical incidents.
The device utilizes a laud bang and emits a bright light made to disorient the suspect(s).
Manufacturer Product Description:The diversionary device utilizes a M201A1 type fuse with a single use
aluminum body. This compact unit is designed around a 6.5-gram water resistant cnarge, capable of
producing an effective, yet reduced 162dB stimuli. Its size and shape are industry familiar and allow it to
fit in standard tactical pouches. The device should only be deployed in areas that have been visually
abserved to be clear of potential hazards. It is recommended that the immediate area for deplayment be
visually affirmed to be clear of personnel and that the device is delivered so that the ports are free from
abstruction. If the bottom ports are obstructed by an object ar wall, the device body may move. The
cleared area for deployment should be 5-6 feet around which the device is expected to come to rest.
PurposeJAuthorized Uses: Used during critical incidents as a diversionary device to disorient and
illuminate suspects.
Fisca) Impacts: Department budget—approximately$700 annually.
LegaljProcedural Rules Gaverning Use:The use af flashbangs is governed by Redding Police Department
Policy 4Q4.
Training Required: Specialized training as deemed by the SWAT Commander and CA POST certified
Department Diversionary Device Instructors.
Other: Recagnizing that the missions of the SWAT Team are performed in a hazardous environmeni, and
recognizing that the safety af innocent persons, officers, and suspects is often jeopardized by the
k�azardaus conditions, it shall be the intent of SWAT to utilize special equipment in an attempt to lessen
the risk of injury or death to all involved during the performance of a SWAT operation. The SWAT
Commander will ensure that only those team members properly trained and certified in the use of the
special equipment will utilize the equipment.
Section 14-The following projectile launch platforms and their associated munitions:40mm projectile
launchers,"bean bag,"rubber bullet,and specialty impact munition(SIM}weapons.
CA Gov't Code§7070(c){14)
Equipment Name: Deftech 40 mm kinetic energy launcher and DeftechJCTS projectiles
Quantity Owned:
Deftech 40mm �auncher—1
Deftech, eXact iMpact Sponge 40mm—20
CTS-4557, Foam Baton 40mm-41
�ifespan: 10 years
Equipment Capabilities: This Department is committed to reducing the patential for violent
canfrontations. Kinetie energy projectiles,when used properly,are less likely to result in death or serious
physical injury and can be used in an attempt to de-escalate a potentially deadly situation.
Department approved kinetic energy prajectiles are fired fram 40 mm launchers.
Manufacturer Product Qescriptian:
The 40LMTS is a tactical single shot launcher that features an expandable R06ERS Super Stoc and an
adjustable Integrated Front Grip(IFG)with light rail.The ambidextrous Lateral Sling Maunt(LSM)and QD
mounting systems allow both a single- and two-point sling attachment. The 40LMTS will fire standard
40mm less lethal ammunition, up to 4.8 inches in cartridge length. The Picatinny Rail Maunting System
will accept a wide array of enhanced optics/sighting systems.
The eXact iMpactT"' 40 mm Sponge Raund is a paint-af-aim, point-of-impact direct-fire round. This
lightweight, high-speed projectile consisting of a plastic bady and sponge nose that is spin stabilized via
the incorporated rifling callar and the 40 mm launcher's rifled barrel.The round utilizes smokeless powder
as the propellant, and,therefore, have velocities that are extremely consistent. Used for Crowd Contral,
Patrol, and Tactical Applications.
The CTS-4557 Sponge Baton is a spin-stabilized projectile delivering blunt trauma effect. Although it is
extremely accurate and consistent, accuracy is dependent on the launcher, using open sights vs. an
improved sight, enviranmental conditians, and the operator. Effectiveness depends on many variables,
such as distance, clothing,stature,and the point where the projectile impacts.
PurposeJAuthorized Uses:A sworn peace officer may utilize the Kinetic Energy Projectile in the discharge
of hisjher duties when other options have been exhausted, are ineffective, or are inappropriate during
attempts ta contral or subdue combative or violent individuals and the use of deadly force can be
The Kinetic Energy Prajectile shall be used with discretion and care in circumstances which permit the
lawful use of lethal or less lethal force.
Fiscal Impacts:$809.75 per 40mm launcher and$18.35 per 40mm projectile
Legal/Procedural Rules Governing Use:The use of 40mm kinetic energy projectile is governed by Redding
Police Department Policy 302.
Training Required: The SWAT Commander shall ensure that all persannel who are authorized to carry a
40mm contral device have been properly trained and certified to carry tne specific control device and are
retrained ar recertified as necessary.
Praficiency training shall be monitored and documented by a certified,control-device weapons instructor.
Ail training and proficiency for control devices wil) be documented.
Other: 40mm kinetic energy projectile launcher and projectiles are assigned to the Redding Police
Department SWAT Team.
�c��1�Qt"i'il� PO Box 631A37 Cincinnati,t�H 45263-1437
A��1 t4ViT Q� PU L1CAT1
E�fn Barnhart
Reddin�Ciry Of
Po Bax 496071
Reddii7�CA 960a9-6071
STAI`E OF W(SGC}NSIN, COUNTY OF BROWN ��?���,� �y��� ��,��#���� ,`�''�„�h,
The F�ecard Searchlight; a newspaper pubGshed in tl7e city�,f ,g�� ;
Redding, Shasta Couetty, State of Galifarnia,�nd per�onal ��". ,., ���a p:;
knowledge of the facts herein state and#hat ti7e notice hereto
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��+QU��t7`it}yyp,�lp ' aEd reauir�menfs under fih� ' fhis brdinance,;�rr its appli- ��zzdnm�; �unr��, �ies���$
dc�w. � cz�►d Autl�ff�:
��F'C��t7'IAdt����1J1��- c�fi�n t� an�t �a�rs�n or �Nt��g, CtJtJ�l�ll,
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��U1�l�t��T �1"C'�` CQU�+C(L ��' Y"}�� ' �°easan held t� b� invaiid or ,4�S�Pl�". C�U�i��L.
������5. �n 5��fember �1�� �� ����1�� �C��S 'c�nenf�r�epbie, su�h invaiid- ������5; ����e
�, 2U2�, �'itsuerrtt�r Gav�tt C?���t�!A$�'#3LLt)�S: . itY nr un�nf�r�e�abi3itY shcsll ��S"�'d1lA�; Ct)UhI���,
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���m�r�� �iit 4�i: �taa�h �ssd��de��, ; er��c�ree�rlaiiatv aF tt�e remc�'rn- �7`ne�sr�,�rt� t1
r�iC�4��fio th�u5���mitit�ry i. ���din� �+aPtc� ��p���- in� ��C#i€�ns, �u�sectiar�s, i"�h1�SSA AUC}�T��,
�u��sctt�nt bY sfa#e c��d Icscpl , rrt�r�t P��ic� 7t�7 rn��s the subdivisit�r�s. '�carca5raphs, i
Et�� �nfiorcerrr�r�t� ag�ncie.�. r��uirements of �crbc�iulsio�a seraF�nc�s,�Iauses ar sshrases �C��i�t�.IP�Rt�}{��: '
�n,� ' td} ea� C�c�v�rnm�n� �cad� of thts CSrdincan�e, o�' ��s � h ��)rx �� ze�t'�
�d����45. Assembly Bi1I ' �ection 7U7t��caus�substan- appticaticsn f� c�rsy persan or C�I�IST'IA�U �h. CUP�T°�S,
��, Cd�dlfl�t'� £!F �G43UL'1't1YC1�F°9�` f�C9I �VlC��Ct�@ LC1 $�fE." t"�"Cf31"t� CtC'CUtT15'��C1C�. 'Chi�' �ifY ��'�$I+���4�"�i�Y
���� ��ctie�ras �tJ70 thrt�uc�h ' estabtishes that: �ctuncii ' of the C�tv c,f A�l"7'�S`�';
�U75, ir��cius3��, c�rtd �rs '�. P�iicv 707 i� ncc�s�arv R�c9dis�� h�rebY dec4s�r�s Isl�hcarMe�ie"�ipton
�s��l��� ts� cities, r�quire� 1��ause th�r� is 'no r����srt- 9hs�t 1f i�auitl htsv� taciap��d �����,��� �-l�r���, �lt9r
i�di iaw �nf�rC�em�nf'agen- abl� pilernc�fiv� th�t can c� s�ction, suk�sectt�an �t��k
�t�s �s� c�btain a�aprc�vat of c� '���i�v� the sc�rrs� abi�ctive suk�iv�sic�n pdrez�rcapl�< C7�T� �T`�'�5'T��: Jun�'S> `
trt1l���ry eque�srrteht I u5� ��o�fic�r ar►d ei�itian scafety; s�rtt�nc�, ciause �r �hrase 2024
t��Y �ricar 4o fiakirrg �nY and ' " h�reof, 'irr�s��c#ive s�f tFs� June 14,20�d
cactt�r� which sUps��srts �he� �, �'ol�cY 7UT vvrtl sasfec�ucsrd fac9 thcst anY �tte �r mor� 1�2�1�Ai �
acqui�iti�ars and r��� pf mila- th� public°s welfare, saf�tY, �afiher sectissnsr �ubse�fiians
tr�r'Y�qui��nertt; and civPl righ�s crnd ci�ol iib�r- �u�divisicsns �ara9raphs,
�1����AS, ' �c�verr�rrrent �ies; anzi sen#�nces,cic�uses ar�shrr�ses
� �c4'i�� �{�77 r�equrres C.Th��quiArrt�rtt set fiCsr#h in 3t�rec�f be d�c9c�r�d invpdid�ar
ass��rr'�v�t af q mi�itcarY ec�ui�- �'a1�cY 7�� ts r�scrnabtv'cos# unenfc�rceable.
m�ra�u��p��icy ta�+ortlinc�nee 'e�fecfiive cc�rrs�s�re� f� ava�!- �.�, The Ci4v ' �f
�f p r�u#ar m tin� �� th� �bl� �sl#�rn�a��,��� tg��� ct�n
�if����T1C"t{: �a�t�p t�CYti�Y�' 9h� s6�C'�"4� C�&5i�c�iY�
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�srra��d�� t#��� i�h� a^ni�oic�r~y 2. ��'dclirt� �ssft�� �S�par�-
��ip�r��nt �s� �st��ic� rrs�s�t
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Redclii�g Cil},pt' t�����t�at� �,4���t�J������d€
d�tr�d�Y�9� T� �11 h�i�s, k:�rr��Ciar�i�s, c:r�dtt���, �
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Reddimc CA 960�49-b0�1 �f����v�rn� ����fi�`,csr�s,s���if Sar'aPa�. F'�rrab����n '
7��� fi�rth� R'F'�:#atEc�n f�r �rc��t� hcs��r��r�.�ife� �S�
�l���co�r�� ��t�SU�P'i�r C��.tr#c���C111fr��r��ct,C4r.�Yi#Y t
STATE OF WISGC7NSIN, Ct�tJNTY OF BRC7WN ��,�i��n�� Ttte �'e�(ti�rt fc,� �rt>bc�t� r u��t� fhqt
�af't�r :b�c�us ���int����p�srsetr��z�t°e�r�s�eh��t�v�f�a�
r��r� r� esf#I���i�cet��r�fi.
The Record Searchlight, a newspaper published in the city of ������� 7'h��titlnn r�cta��st�fih�c��c�cl��tt<�,,����
Redding, Shasta County; State af Gaiifiornia, and persanal ������� �� �������d �� �r�bc�t�. 7`�e uuf1S c��
knowledge of the facts herein state and that the notiee hereto �tid€ttrr� �`��i�����'��������°���`�#�!����°������t��
i�l��y�'f�C� �`���S���ipt?C�qtJ�*��S GtUf�l�f"F'�Y$4{1C��S11�1�
annexed+,vas Published in said newspapers in the issues ���,���� f�� (��������� ���s�����,����� �� �
atta���d °uth�sri�Y�ilt a(1a�t�te�erson�a�repr����
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�p�rtrr'�� ���r�s�nt�tiu� �T3fP � rectuir�d tc� �it��
and that the fees charged are legal. �������� ��'s�r�s �ani��s �h�;y t�au� s�a�i�� ��rt���
Swom to and subscribed before on 06l14l2024 �ro������ .�ar� sed acti�n»� T`ft� ind��nd�nt rat�t�
����i�� c �'"r!I �grpnt�d�rnl�ss an inter��t�c��r�r�s
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Order No: 10281343 #of Cap es: rn�l�#�rv �qui�s r��' u ���f����r esc��rarr�css pra�idec�'rr� t�rc�b��������e��
Customer No: 1251695 2 p�al�c� �ar��r 1� ialt�rr� �s�a� ��� ��r S ic�##��tic��arrra is���ilab�e frt�rrt
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