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_ 4.11(a)--Request for Proposals No. 5334 Construction Management Services
GI �" Y � F � � � ° � � � " � � CITY OF REDDING REPORT TO THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 7, 2023 FROM: Chuck Aukland,Public ITEM NO. 4.11(a) Works Director ***APPROVED BY*** � ��n � .�.._ s.N,.�� � � � ��� ukl�n�l,H'ciblic Wc�aks L'��reGt ' 2/?3/2423 ry ip}�in,�C"i ana � '?l27(2423 caulcland@ci.redding.ca.us btippin@cityofredding.org SUBJECT: 4.11(a)--Award Request for Proposal No. 5334 and Authorize Execution of Consulting and Professional Services Contract for Construction Management and Inspection Services for the Lake Boulevard Transmission Water Main Pro�ect Recommendation Authorize the following actions relative to Request for Proposals (Schedule No. 5334), Construction Management and Inspection Services for the Lake Boulevard Transmission Water Main Project(Project): (1) Award RFP to Ghirardelli Associates, Inc., (2) Authorize the Mayor to execute a Consulting and Professional Services Contract for a not-to-exceed fee of $598,261.08 with Ghirardelli Associates, Inc., to provide Construction Management and Inspection Services for the Lake Boulevard Transmission Water Main Project; and (3) Authorize the City Manager to approve contract amendments not to exceed$50,000. Fiscal Impact The requested services will be funded with Water Utility Funds budgeted for FY 2022-23. Alter�native Action The City Council (Council) could choose not to award this agreement; in which case, City of Redding (City) staff would be required to manage construction management and inspection. This would require either consultant services to be solicited far other capital work or reduction in the City's capital program delivery. The Council eould also choose to award to GHD, the second ranked firm. Report to Redding City Council February 28,2023 Re: 4.11(a)--Request for Proposals No. 5334 Construction Management Services Page 2 Background/Analysis The proposed capital project includes: 1. Installation of approximately 9,400 feet of 24-inch ductile iron water main in Lake Boulevard from Keswick Dam Road to Masonic Avenue. 2. Installation o�approximately 1,240 feet of 8-inch PVC water main in Northpointe Road and Redwood Boulevard. 3. Installation of approximately 730 feet of 8-inch PVC in Yuletide Avenue and July Way. 4. The replacement of approximately 300 feet of storm drain pipe in Keswick Dam Road. The design phase of this project is nearly complete and the project is anticipated to be advertised for bid in March 2023. Due to the City's engineering staff's oversight of approximately 15 projects this upcoming construction season, there is insufficient staff to manage a project of this magnitude and complexity without affecting the delivery of other projects. As such, consultant support is required. CONSULTANT SELECTION PROCESS In November 2022, a formal Request for Proposals (No. 5334), outlining the specific scope of work, was advertised. Proposals were required to include a scope of work and proposed fee. Proposals and fee schedules were received from two firms on December 13, 2022. A review and selection panel was formed consisting of inembers from the Public Works Department. Based upon the stated criteria for review of the proposals and the experience of each firm, the panel ranked the firms as follows: FI12M ' RANK ' Ghirardelli Associates 1 GHD 2 Proposals were evaluated based on the understanding of the scope of work, ability to meet the proposed schedule and maintain the project budget, experience and quali�cations of the proposed staff, ability to work with City staff, project approach, familiarity with state and City of Redding procedures, and geographic location of the team. Applying the criteria to the proposals, the selection panel determined that Ghirardelli Associates, Inc., was the best quali�ied firm to provide the required services for this project. Following the evaluation and ranking, Ghirardelli Associates, Inc.'s, proposed fees were opened, evaluated, and negotiated to include reasonable costs based on the scope of services as well as previous similar project cost comparisons. The consultant fee is estimated and payments wi11 be for actual work performed on a time and materials basis within the not-to-exceed contract limits. However, staff recommends the approval of an additional $50,000 in contingency reserve. Contingency funds may be necessary due to unforeseen project issues. If this reserve needs to be utilized, an amendment would be negotiated with the consultant and the contract would be modified with approval of the City M�anager. The attaehed professional serviees agreement with Ghirardelli Associates, Inc., is approved as to form by the City Attorney. Report to Redding City Council February 28,2023 Re: 4.11(a)--Request for Proposals No. 5334 Construction Management Services Page 3 EnviNonmental Review This action is not a project as defined by the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and no further action is required. Upon design completion, the Lake Boulevard Transmission Water Main Project will be advertised for construction bids. Staff will return to the Council for award of the construction contract, and CEQA findings will be inade at that time. Council Priority/City Manager Goals This agenda item is a routine operational item. c: Nick Visconti, Construction Manager Amber Edenburn, Purchasing Officer Attachments Consultant Agreement �'�T�` �' �� �:l'�� E���"���.�'��� �.� � . ������ �,�,� �� '���`�� � 1_��"� �"�° �' ���`�I`�'E' �`�' ��c��c��;�t��d�3':in�.� �'�lift�rr���, t�y���b�t�r�c�r.����� �"�t;r�s��.�a��iz��{"�it��"�,a ��c���i�i�ar:l ��sr��r��i��, c� ���ir�.dc�ili ����:.����s, ���., �"�c��ws�i����';� �a�� t�� }��a��s� �� �"�nstru�.t�c-�n M�r�a��rnent ���-vi��� ��r t}r�I�a�� �3c�l���v�r� `I"r�s�is��c�z�Wa��r N�ain�rc��}��t. ��� ���, �"it�c�c��:�s��t��a������fi�i�a�t p�rsca�����1�cj����'t���r�t�� s�rvi�c.s��;�uir�� ���re,i�z th�reby ra��G:�����ti����9����'���1���� ��r��.�r����a��l ��s�vi���. �����',�'���+'� �$��°� �,����1�����;�c.c����t�a�����c�a�r��,��r�c�+��cc�n�i��r�z��+���aer���y���r��v����d��;c�, ��#����c�����: ���'�'I�I�i 1, �CC���tJI.f'�'.�4�"T �� 'V�+Ca'�� �u6Je�t to t��e t�r���s a��� �un�iti�n� �;�t��art�a in zhis�:c�ratr�ct,(�'.ca�,suP��an�sl�ali �rt�vid�tc�City ���;��r��ic���.-d��c�-zb�d i��.��I�i�i��,��t�e�r.�� �i�:���ac�r�.��c���e����.C"��ra��i�° ;t�I��li�rc�vx��: t����:r�ri��� ��.t���za�a�, �1�����rt� 2��ta��a ��t•�p��i�i�� ���:��z���,€�;. ��:+�""�'���i� �. �.�:'� �"��e'��,�"��1� �� ��� �a ��� ��7' �� �'�'� /4, C��}� s}��1� �ay Cc����u�tata� E��r ��r��i�:�� �'����z`�c� �at�rsuz�rtt tc� tl7.�s tyoa�ir�.ct, at th� �ime� azid �is tt3� m�����r sei �t�a-t� itl E��E�ila�# �3, ��tz��h�c� �nd "a��t�r�:rc�r�fied h�r���, ir� a tc�t�at a�ra����t ��� t� �����c� �'iu� �-��r����� ��i����-�i���c`� T�a����r�� '�'��� ��u,��r�c� ���:��-���c� �.�rad t��'1�� (��������.�1��. �"��� s���a ��c1���� �1� �����-��ac��t �������� l�d�s`��� <°��� ���;.i�.��a�t�1 ��,�,��� i�� . ���t b� �"�a�asaz�� � ���t ���: ��.�����a���� �� �����i u����a ��� �rr�a��s��aaa c��'��:�v�c�s �����r �d��s �'��������t. �"��e �a��aa����s ����.���� 1��:���� ��a�.�� i�u ��a� c������;��v�ra���i������x��c��t� �.����.11t���t�"��°��. �c���°���cl�r�� �a�ar��a�. t�� thi��"��i����. ��. 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AI'I Ir�k�c�r rt����ali�rFic�e�cc,rcis avill�e k�pt ir� t13�����aa�t t r�:ac.ur�s�t�r r�vi�w. �o� �r�a�r�������rts�����.�d��� Th� C�ir�rd���i Pr�a��c'C Ivi�r���c�r wif� �rc.3���re � �rc��;r�s� r�Fa�rt ic� ���rcur����nt tl�� CM �cGiu�tre� p��^rtt�ral���! t�car°irs� tk�c� rr�c:>r�t�r, 2r��ic.��at��1 �c����rP:ic:��, fc�r t��� f�,�;�win� rrrtar��h, �n� C:`P�"6 P�uc��;�C s���tt.t� �+�th �����;>a��3iCaa��. �r�1��cti�ar�s��r�t�11c��r��a�;m�t�4h�. Tht� rr���rrk�wri�I�,#v� � %i�k,'��t�ky�is t�s�t wili�cJ�'r���s Ct�c'�,�rc��;r��s caf v�r��k, t��� �r���act wcl�ed€�I�, ir�si�rn7r,�tirar�,�c(����a,�r�ts r��q��irc�cf I�:� �r���i��t��i�� t��c �ch�cd�a�� �r�� t;�arr��l��c� c��I��r�G-��I��, ���c��l�r��� r���c���ri�t�r�� t�a�3t �r��y �ff�e:� kPt� �ch�ci��lt. b����;�t c�r qu�iEity c�F v�r�rk �Srt����cY,. ��7� rr�c�rt will ira�;l�.ar9� ��f��rira�;r;��ah���c.�c�amc�r'�tsr�� ���y��as��ct�uf urc�r� rcarx7��@��t��c� ��r�vr�r�t;�rr������r�c��, �.� �:�r��ra��c��l�qs�iri���'�e��������r lra�� ��,s�rr� �s tF�� vv�r�t �arc��re�s��, �I�� �cs��tr�c:i�r r�a4�y s�rk�rnit �����ue�t5 6�r �r7fc�r�7�,.�tac�ri �(�;�i). 1Fie�� r�qLa�si� w�l� br� ic�rv��rc�e�� t� tt�� �a��rt��ri�t�} �S�r,y�4;} fc��' t'�va�u�� ��7� tr�� r��sx�or�sc �>rc�v�deci kt� tf�� t:.�r�C�'�€;l�ar �r� � timeiy r�������r�, I�c�r�am��t�t�rr�r�l la�;s wt�9 !a� �to7izc}d t�a r�cs��rr��e�t�rt�l s77t�r��te+r th� r�=��rt�st�ar��ol c�arra��l�t��1. �.7 �������t��d��'� ���ar R�s�c�er�� �:�7�ii�e�iil ��r7� St��.;ct�r-�� f�¢��r,���o�ta�:iu:� w3!'i �r��„��e "u��n��:� t�rt����, �s i�ec�s��ry. �#���r7�;� �rcie.srs will�e�r��a�r�� i���cc�arda�ic�wi�h tl��C�Itr��r�s Cans����acti�ar�lut�nu��i,�r�d il���i�y's Prc�j�c��Vl�rr�c�r'� ins�ruc�'i�ar�s. �l��n��{`�rr�c§�r �����rcav��� ar,�s�il�c�rity tca F�r���e� w�17 k��:s�es�r��i irc�rr� f��c� Crty�a�fc�rc<���ry��rk cav�i�� ��r�ti�r kh�cl��ra�r� art�c r is�e�rf��i�~�e:ci. �.� ����h€��"r����������n�p��� ��ar�a�rrt�ss p��yrn�n��starr�zkt��rvill Ea�p���p�r��d naraia�h'ily�ri tacccr��ri�c�witl�r t��c City's�rac��3c�t�rmes Fc�e��a��rr�vts�. + TP�� g�r��;r�ss ���yr��r�t r�c�u���s uvi�� �rt�l��c�� ���� ����ectl�y ��i�f��rr���r�� fi�a ���y r�rr�niF�BY', ����r�fiity�o��P�r�7�����t �r�ic�t������e,ar�d t�7�t�u�r��rtyi��rsd ar��au��t r�rr��s�ir���c�i e47~E���r�nt���ac�it�rn��t�ch�r-t�e a�r���r�.1�"€�uRrili sub���� witl� e��h prca�r�ss�5�i�r7�t�,-��ur��3�'crc�im�ntsj��.�,tifyir��; t}�c���ntities tc��c��z�icl. C�i�r t��rr� v�eiEl �r�����r� sc�ur�^,�: ��,�.�.�€r��A��s f�r ��y���r�t �t�� wc�ri< ��r�e�rrr,r��� E�i �y<��r�� itc;r�7 l�st�� rn th� �� ��ti�m���. I`���{s ��r.�r�� d�rc�rrs���ts a�i�l incRu�� c��cul�tit�ns, i��lc-� mc��sr���=.s �r�c� cr�ur�t� ta ��� art���'� ��acurr��r�t�hc��x;��;��.������i�y{£,� ��f �i:��ri wnr������r��3�c1 cae��7�ar+u,�rr�ss��y�ae�ic�c�, �a��,�ally c���cl�rr7can�F� wiYfi�; r��atr�f�c�'�atr�c��r�€�t�d��k�y th�C"�ty ar�d ���t�°�c��r. �"h��e s�s��r����cic�c+�rr�t^��t��t�rdll���ffil�� ir�t��c�arajec�r��rarrvc�s ar�t�urill �r��hc� 9���,�s�c�r �a�yr�7�r����;w�ll�s tk�������c�il.�a��l� ��c�r�rt��r7r.�r�l�art���c�t x-+��c�rc��. �.� �r�t'����4����a4� 1h� ��ntr4-�c�car wi61 l�e r�c�d��r�4cl tcr s���ir�it � l���se�ir�e C:f>M sch���il�? 71c�n� wi�h n�nnthly ��pc�a��:�i ��rca�r��s sc����ul��s. �Ak"s st��� wil6 �E��a�ca���;�iRy r�vi�.w ta�r-� ;a�����sa� �,rra��c�u�c� ��ar� cra�r���fa�ir�e.� witth ���� c�m�tr�c� e�c�c�����-er��s, wc�rk wir��c�ws, �ri� ���er�ai �:c�r�5trsacticsr�� la,�ic. C�a���j tl°i�� k�����ler�� sc��d��l� i� cc�m�l�tcd� c�u� t,��r��trt�i;tic���ins�ae�s:tc�rs�+,ti�l rr��irr7l�`��� v�n�a� ��gailt schecis:al�fr�r����s�h�d�Jlc��ct�vity t��ssi�t i��r�vi��w�f���sc�� scfl��j�a�� ���d��tc�. Ur��� v�r,r� p; �carr-�Eal�4�j, c���r si���� uviEl r�vMew tf�� �ira�,I �as.��urlt sc}�c��1ul�� G����sr�5t��l �a�t�a�l cc�rn�a��tiar��at�s. �,�.� ��'�������r+�������p�����t���������� �� .�� e,.�,.. ���,ti. ��_�.� �� ��� ��i�����l�i .�. ��w �_ e��� u.,,�« �� _wa� ..,. � A . � w�� � � r � �� C���r I��,iderat Er��}i����r wiEl r-��anti���r� �, c�n��r��,�r�cy ��I�r�s�� st��t���,, uvf�ieh w^ill i��cl�d�� �hx4�r��;� ��r��r` cc�r�r�nit�t�nt�, ��i��{�I �nd �ri�ici��t��c� c�v�t�r�sr� �r�c� un�i�c� ru�Q i��� �c�r��r,��ct iterxj� r�r��r7i�t€t.s, ��ci �t�rni�r��n� �drr�ini�trative cl�ducticar7�, sti���l�t� in th� �c�iatr��t �Ic�cumeE7ts. � capy ta��t7is st��us sF�eet wi!! �e �r�rlaacl��1 ��ath l�r� rr��raC�afy�,�ir�rc�c!}a Asscrcr,�te�' �rta�r��ss r��rrat��•��t�,�arlv�aic�. �'�� �r�y's �r��t3ct t+��r����� wit! �� r7�tifi�� ir��me�c�t�ly�,I��au�c��s���u���f�.��c��i�su���r'i��. �.�.1 �"t�ratr�c�rar�'r�s����� ��ar��d��t;tc.�r cr��t-r�e=��ca�;;�iEar� r.rrcm�}:�ca��l� c�r v��l�a� c�b��;�r7��r�r�� r.o,t �rr��sras�ls w�ll b� t���rt���hly r��vi�uvcd arr�f v��tc�d t�ar ���sar��k�lc�r��s�,wh�tk��� tae��c��a�rr���ts th� r��=���q��J����r��casc���f#h��r�����,is ir��carr7�li�n�;�:wit}� {�raa��et a�r�c�e-�a�rlts �r1c���rN�7�t�t����-�atir�r�s, �r�c���,�.e������trt with�&���rc����t r�c����n�r�nts. �.�� U��Ri��`t�a����������a� l�r���r��n��n'� i.atiGiky wori� e��r>���� �6��r�� +��ill h�� �.Pts!i���c�,r�f��Ct:�, �ar�tlr krr�av�^ra t�r��.# un�n���a. C�t�� c.onstru�tuc�n �ns��ct��v�i�(v�rify th�i�f��r��r�tra�t�sr i��nttf��s�Id�c��r�tific�c� util�ti�s�r��h��F��f���ri�r� t����xc�v�t`sr�n. Tl��i;wil� k���i��wit�7 v�:rifyiru�,,��1 I_lS,�rs�rkific��ti���n,�rc�pra���ac�rly�r�:A���sr��1��e��a f���c-�fl �.�t�lcty�;t���:�h�alcfi.r�;�e�cG�!f�;crlh�c�lir��; r�per�ki�r��.�r�s�ti�f��tc�rily�r�r�a�dct���. €�� ��c9di��t�rr t�r I�r��uvvn �atil�t�r.�s, ��r�l��-�c�wr� ���iv�� �-sr�c� �ala�r��ft�n�d t�nc��r�rt�t�racl �rtiBiti��s will ineuit��ly k�c� cii�cav�,rt�d. �1tur ir��c��r.t�r uaat��ssi�� tt7�c'�j��t�:�c:i�r i.uith r`c��ratrfut`�atir��a t�f t�r�c��r���r c�t ttr�tdtrii��^�n�"wd��v�rr�y tt�x�t �h� c�^,�n�i' h�s �k�,�r�dc�r�c�c� t�7t� t��i�ity: 9� th�.= ��inflic�ir`t� �atility i� n�at �I��-�r��itartr��, w� vvrll cr�t�r€�ir��at� r�=1�a�.�'�ic�r�r��tP�e�cnr�flb�t�r����t�lity w�t�� ����t��'rlity��,vn�.r. �.�� P�������a�r�������r����S�a�a������a�;� �,�3 �a�raj�ct s���rt�ilt�ls �i,c� s67���� �9r��vvir��s �vil9 E�r, Ica��er� �r�t� t#��> �i�si�en� �r7�in��r's c�f�it��. Ursc�s�� �t t�a� st���r�i�i�l o t�r c�'r��nr�a��;a tinri�l t�c� ��t�ai��e� ir� �t�e��ie.��c����c�fc�r r�cc�r�3 k���,rr��.�we���ts��r����lal ccspY) w"sJs ka� s�i-�t tr�tl7e �,1�:sd�r� �r��ir���r fc�r iev��w �r�c� rYi�rk-���a �ft�r �n ir�iti�i ���rsc�ry r�vi�w�(ti�� �t�b�r�if���csr s���i� clrawi���'is c�rr��;i��r��3 cc�rn�7���. �tl��rs wil7 k�e r�uted ta tt�r=�P�'rc��t'k�t�����;�e�r��[��s r�c���ired�nci tl���it�+; wii��ca�ta��3n7�nt r�e�tify's���when th�su�m4tt�l sF�uu{����r�t�srr���d tc��t���F���i��nt�r��;int��r`��sfdi��. C r��k�n� o� ��i�s�;itt��Gs will F�� �a�rt �r� t�� K�rc��;��b�� r�i�cy�i��;� ��n� w�6f �ik.� T�t�ckc�ci k�y ca��r st�f�. I�� 9�7� ��vt���t i���t t��F r�vi�we�.� �rc� e€�tr�b&����� r.,�rrr�r i���� 1hE�ir ����6ys�s �vEth r� tft€� ���c,iff�t{�ir�c fr�dr�i�,, t��� ��s�ti�rat Lr���rrrt��xr u��!f c�l! ��ar a s��acry�:d�l �r�e�tir��;with �ll#�.�rt�es �r�ve�lvr�ei�nc-J'����rr��iA�e� � s��p��tic�i. �.�� ������I����i��6r��„�°������;�,����9���8�a��c�i�ra ��I's c�a€��tru�ticar� ir�sp��tars, t��ecler fil�e �iFr��tic.�n csf th� �C��si�f�r�t �n��necr, �vi�l c��c,r�ir��i� �II r���e�sary �u��lity�ss�ar�r��;� ir��at�r���:�1� t��tin� �rtd ir���a��i.ic�n Fc�r th� �r�j�c�, ir��;ludin€� Pre�vis�t�n��l i�r��t�ri�l s��n��lir��;/ I�ts�i�t� sr�r�v��:�s,that t:t�rri��ly �v��F-r �he ���y �t Rec�c�rr��`s �t�I�, t��� "caec.�nk��it�lc" ��r7r9 F�I�Wt4 st�r�d��r��;. t�u� su�act�ns�lt�nt �'�v�rri���i Fn��wr���rgn; �r��. ��='�I�, wilR �rc�vs��� tt�� na�c:c:3���ry ��arn�alir7�, ����'s��� �n� �I�r�t iri�;�ae5�t��ra S��uiG�s. �.�.� S��rw����������������a..���s�������� t�ur� Re�id�nt ���ir���r �ill r'�vi�u+all suk�m�it�� �c�r�strut.ti�-ar��t��in� r�E�t.,ests. Tw��cc�r��ra�f:c�r is r�s��tar7si�ai� fr�r prrvidin�c�r�strtac:tiraz� sY�f�ir�� �i�c� s��rv��ysn�; f�ir ti°r�is prTt���ct. T�7� t���,i�n cc�r7siilt�snc N, �r�vic�in� surv�y �tsntre�l �r�d �I�ct��cara�c �ar���cts �il�s �s n���'��'. C��� ��p�;r�aval r,f st�kin� r������ts �veCl Le lit�7ii:�d t�,F�rc.avidMr�� rl�ce%ss�ry cac�fia�l pt�n�at�. C�ur c�r�s���u�:tia�rT t��rr��w�i6 r�v�ew the st�kira� nr�t€.� ;�rrci mc�nitc�r��,� �:�r��r��cCcar's surv�y�;��Y st,�ki��;v�r��k tc��jcic���r���ly mas��tt�r s��rv�y�tar�t��ls G=rtc��r�����ct�h��cr�n2r-�-�c:tc�r"s i�y�aatt; �.�.� ��"���'�a ����t����,���s� Cft�s�ac9h�rci�c�tc�th�plan�,cic�ails��r-r�9�II a���alicc�k�l�specif ic�tit���s is r�c��rer�d ir��rd�r-tr�pr-�p��rly�;t�rtstr'uc� �r��# at�rr�irti�t�r tki� ��°t�je�t: �ctivitkes €rac:lr�c�c3, h��t �ar�^ rsc>i lir��st�d tr�, r��i�rt�icris�� cr�r�ti�7u�au� ����tcy �:e�c�rc�ir��a���r�, °:�°�uir�� r����ic,cs c�f r�c�n-ccrir,�ii�rt��, r�ta���at�irii€��st'r�ct ���F��rj����:i�tt���i@ P��c�9 {�c�dit:i��, c����a��i�r�� .� �� �� ,�.��a v�.�m.a�.� �.� ��,�. .�.v� mrv.. e.,v�� �.w _,.,� � �w�.�.m._�. �� �F������#���� ;"�� A i 5 U.C i.A Y L 5� fi d�ily r�v��vw �f �he� c�r�t��.�rtEr�n cs�ar�r��ti�ns, ��i� �c�h���f,��; tc� ��I� �a���,lic�bl� ca,�r�tr�ct �;�a�.�ci�ic��ti��r�r> ��rf� st�nd�c�c�s. C=����i�lc1 st�{f���d�rre�aa���le��r�r��c:�s�rry r���r��s�ar�ic:��w����ta�-��n����t wr��l�7�r, sf7i�t���r�ti+�r�, p�r��r�nc�[c�rt th7� proj�ct, ec���i�rin�i�t u�e�t�, �r�c�;ir7�? �af ��rc� �ccr�uia� a���vit+�s {incla�c�ir�� ���curaie r�cc�rt�ir�� c�f 1�7k�t�r. c��i;�r�s�,nt �t�d rr���t�ra��� us��c��, ��hc��-,�� ak�arivcrs���n�s, tr�(c� ir�stru�[Nc�r�s nii�i� ����us�ic�r7�; �r�c� �ny ut�t�r�fa�ly c��c�srr���c�5 p��`tar�c���t kt�t1��s������, �ct�r�r��_slc�; krud�?�t,c��a,�li3y�r�t�ss�f��ty et>I����i�s�a�� 7t��f��si��r�t En�ir�e�r wa�l tt��Fr� rc:v�aw tl7cw•s�° i�s�ac�s<ir�c����s�arr��rc��;�r�rs tc�w��r� r�c��r,l�.�t��rr��r r:orr�ciiv� ��[��an�s�. �.�7 �`��t tl���� d1cc��t�nc�s c�f ����t�ra�aCs tl��� ar�� ir��c�rp�sr���ci e�tt� t�� +�crrk v�+ill bcY r�c,cc�pt��� �y sG�rn{�lin�; �ar��l t�stin�, �ncl c.erti�it;�te caf ct�rr��a�i�n�c. t���6r�a��cJ��li'� c,t�rrst��r�t�ca�°� �t��f, 1�3c1 by tr7� f��snd��t �r��in��r will revie�� �rl� skikan�3t;�al; �,��c� cran�n���r�t c��� th� ��c���E���lity c�� �9•i� �r�*���rr;�l ���'�ro� �art��c�s�� fe�r @r��r�r�c�r'����c� �rttt� ��� �rc����t. Iell ��L�ratE�� rr7�t�5ri�l �vi�� b�����r�e.��s��ly �:f�a��ar�°��rrt���c� ir�t&�r,.° Farc.-ro���C;t r��carcfs err,:c�or�c������.�wttE� tc�e' t:�itr�n, Cc�rr�,tru��icarE It���rr����S,�sr�cl t6��x��iy'�(>t��€�3dd�y�s�4�r�cic� F�I�aw� ({�,��'}. �.�.� "�r�����c���r�s� C��r €���id�rrt E�r�in��r wili r��vi��uv th� ct�r�tractrar"s traf�ic crar�ir�9 �>��r��fc�r�c�r�sist�n�y with th����arapri�t� tr�ff������7x��1 pit�r�. k;�y�lerr��r�ts c�f th�ti t�waffi���r�tr�l p����r irrc,�����r�,� ].. B�ta vt✓nrlc on�ak�F���tsl�v�r�!�s tca cac;�:�ar Mc�r��l�y il�r{sta�E� Frid�y b�t�n++�er� t}i�h�urs c�i�7:t1C1Afv��i�,c��:��7�M tc> �avui� �e�M traf�ic:flr�w�>. i?. �h���-,ntr�c�tcaa r����,+anrr�rb�vve�k�r7�s4 wit6�a����ir�y r���r�t;tic�n tc�wt���ha�is. .�, �tdciitic�r7�al P�rr�c�lcas��r�:����7 L�l�c� C$iatslc�v�ar�c�tat taac;intr�r>+��cit��r��f�3t�rlf7p�a�r�t+�f}rivc���r�� �t�+l���n�r.�4v�.nut.�w�l� lac:: t`ast€E�°t��' tc}7��)�-'N7 t�7:�tJ��U, 41�cerwr��y tE�r��s��k7 �rieiriy. 4 Tr�f€ic��n�rol�al�n�>�i�ll�a��r�r.�i�fc�ra;��nct�^�iti�tR��C:�iii'c�rr���s�v1�i�u�l�f E�i��ferrt�7 Tr���ic:�:���r�![��v`sc�s {(.�A-MUT�;Ci). �. �rt�tfs�.�anires! �csbrrtii4S,�l�;ws14 ta���r�si�t���vvi%4�tF�� �.it,� caf ��:r�t�i��,'�"��.�7���in�s�t�r��m��r�ry Tr��f'ic �crntr�� I�I�r��1��'!�� C�e�u�lrapr�7ent." In tk���v�rfit t"��ct�ntr��tc�� u�:�irss wt.�t���rrot��r �rr�ffi�CcrrtCr�I�,nd thc tr�#��� �uratrr,a� ��r�irr� ic��c7l��rr��r�t�d i�nnt ��pt`�v��l� r�ur�ielci �nsa�e�tt�r wi�i �fi��a #�°rt� �af�ec��r�wc�rk ir7 ��r�cc��c�<�r7��rrv'ith ��`�e rc�visi�ra� �� �,�-���r� �OU af tV��C�rc'��t�.r�hrc���k. �?:�.� ��f��t ��ai�li�sid�nt�r7�;�iic��-a��t��ns��c�c.t'Ican���(f�ril(�.c�nr��act�ne�d�r�t�r��cr�t �rc�j�ct s�9�ty rri��tin�s in�cct�r�ar�ca� witF� �ar�-�a�ct fs�c�uir�cs7cnts. 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