HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso. 1979-127 Providing for the Issuance of $5,700,000 Principal Amount of City of Redding 1979 Water Revenue Bonds and Prescribing the Terms, Conditions and Form of Such Bonds (Supplemental to Resolution No. 2603 Adopted 7/20/59) � . :. : _.. , � �
of the
Providing for the Issuance of
$5,700,000 Principal Amount of
City of. Redding
1979 Water Revenue Bonds
Prescribing the Terms, Conditions and Form
of Such Bonds
(Supplemental to Resolution No. 2603
Adopted July 20, 1959)
Aclopted Ja�ly 30, 1979
' • �
Tnwt.e or CoN•rr:��rs
Rccitals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
Section l. Purpose of Issue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Section 2. Tcrms of 1979 W�tcr Rcvcnuc 13onds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Section 3. Redemption of 1979 R'ater Revenuc 13onds. . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Section 4. Form of 1979 �Vatcr Rcvenuc f3onds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Section �. 6xecution of Bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 1
Section 6. Transfer of Bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I I
Section 7. Registration of Bonds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Scction 8. l3ond Rcgistcr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Scction 9. Bonds Mutilatcd. Destroyed, Stolcn or Lost. . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Scction 10. Temporary Bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Section I I. Issuancc of 1979 Water Rcvcnue Bonds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Section 12. Securit�• of 1979 �V:tter Revenuc f3onds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Section 13. Further Co��enants of the Citv. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Section 14. Appointmcnt of P�ying Agents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Section l�. Terms of Bonds Subject to the Rcsolution. . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Clerk's Certificate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l9
� �
uEso�.uT�o� No. �9-�2�
Providing for thc Issuancc of $5,700,000 Principal Amount of
City of Redding 1979 Water Rc�•cnuc lionds and Prescribing thc
'Perms, Conditiuns and Furm of Such Bonds (Supplemental to
Kesolution No. 2603 Adopted July 20, 1959)
Wxr:kens. the Ci[y Council (the "Council") of thc City of Redding (thc
"City"), on luly 20. 1959, duly adopted its Resolution No. 2Fi03 entitled
"Resolution Providing for the Issuance of 51,260,000 Principal Amount of
'City of Rcdding 1959 VVatcr Rcvcnuc [3onds and of 5650,000 Pri��cipal
Amount of Series A Bonds; Prescribing the Terms, Conditions, Date and
Form of Said Scries A l3onds and of [he Coupons to Be At[ached Thereta and
Prescribing thc Maturities "1'hcreof; Fixing the Mazimum Ra[e of Interest on
dte 13onds of Said Issue; t�uthori•r.ing the Esecution of Said Scries A Bonds
and Coupons; Providine for the Security of the k3onds of Said Issuc and Ap-
pointing a Fiscal Aeent Therefor, and Providing for the Issuance of Addi-
tional Bonds" (herein called the "Resolution");
1�'tirkens, the City has heretofore duly issued and sold $1,260,000 prin-
cipa] amount of 1959 Wa[er Revenuc Bonds pursuant to the Resolution �nd
Kesolution No. 3926 supplemcntal to the Resolution, adop[cd by the Council
on July 17. 1967 (which Bonds arc herein called the "1959 Watcr Rcvenue
WtieKr:As, Section I I of the Resolution provides that thc Ciry may issue
und sell :idditional revcnuc bonds on a parity with thc 1959 Water Revenue
Bonds, subjcct [o thc tcrms and conditions sct for[h in thc Resolution;
Wf�taens, all thc reyuiretnents of law have been complied with in call-
ing and holding the special rcvenuc bond clection hcld in the City on No��em-
ber 7, 1978, at which election a mcusure to issue additional revenue bonds uf
thc City under the Revenuc Bond Law of I941 (thc "Law-') in the aggreeate
principal amount of 55,700,000 for the purpnsc hcrcinaftcr sc[ forth was sub-
mitted to the yualificd voters of the City: and said clection was held and con-
ductcd and notice thcreof duly gi��cn :�nd madc, and die votcs thereat reccived
and r.tnvassed and thc returns thereof made, and the resul[s thereof ascer-
tained, dctermined .ind dcd.ued in all particulars .iccording to the laws pro-
viding for and govcrning said cicctiun, and thc Council did duly and regularly
confirm the cunvass of the returns of said clection and did as t� result of such
conf9rmation determinc and declarc and does hereby certify that more than u
majority of the yualified voters voting on said measurc a[ said election voted
' � �
in (avor of s�id measure and that said measure was carried and adopted at
said clec[ion and the issuance of additional rcvenue bonds as in said measure
so provided was duly :iuthorized;
Wfieer:.�s, thc public interest and necessity demand thc issuance of such
udditional rcvcnue bonds for the purpose set Forth herein;
NOR', THIiH8FOR8, BC: I�' Rr,so�veo by the City Council of thc City of
Redding, as follows:
Se•.crion 1. Pr�rpo.re oJlssfre. (a) The Council has reviewed all pro-
ceedin�s heretofore taken relative to the authori-r.ation of said 55,700,000
principal amount of additional rcvenue bonds and has found, as a result of
such revicw, and does hereby find and detcrminc tha[ all acts, condi[ions und
things rcyuired by law and the Rcsolution to exist, happen and be performed
precedent to and in [he issuance of said addi[ional rcvenuc bonds have existed,
happened �nd becn performed or will exist, happen and be performcd in due
time, form and manner as required by law, :md thc City is now authorized,
pursuant to each and every requiranent of law and the Resolution, to issue
said additional revenuc bonds in [he inanner and f'onn as in this supplemental
resolution provided.
(b) Said 55,700,000 principal �imount of additional rcvenue bonds shall
issue for the purpose set forth in [he following measurc:
iYlr:,�suer: (A) (Water System Improvemcnts—Revenuc Bonds) :
Shall the City of Redding issue revenue bonds in the principal amount of
�5.700,000 pursuant to [he Rcvenuc Bond Law of 1941 to provide funds
for the improvement of the municipal water systcm, comprising a ncw
water [reatment plunt and raw water pump staCion modifications, together
wi[h necessary pumps, valves, control facili[ies and machincry and lands
and easemcnts therefor, und ather works, property or structures necessary
or convcnient for the improvement of [he municipal wa[er system of the
City of Redding'?
(c) It is hercby found �md determined that the City now owns and
operates a water system, that the public interest and necessity require that thc
Ciry impruve its water systern, [hat thc improvements set forth in said measure
will constitute an integnil part of said water sys[em and the same shall be
operated as a singlc unificd and intcerated water system, that the Council has
no me.ms of financing the remaining cost of s:iid improvements except by the
issuance and salc of said �5.700,000 principal amount of additional rcvcnuc
bonds, Ihat the revenues from said water system are and shall be pledged to the
� �
payment o[ the outstanding 1959 Water Revenuc Bonds and said additional
revenue bonds proposcd tu bc issucd for thc foregoine purposc, �nd that said
wa[er system, and each and every part thercof, �vhen improved as aforesaid,
will consti[ute a complete warer s}'s[em for [he City. It is herebq found and
detennined [hat said improvemen[s arc ncccssary to enable the City to exercisc
its powers and fimctions, namcly, to furnish su(iicient wa[er service for any
prescnt or futurc 6eneficial use of thc City. rlccordingly, it is hereby found
and determined as follows: (i) Said improvcmcnts to said water system can
bc completed from the funds availablc and to be available to the City from
the procecds of sale of said additional revcnue bonds and othcr sources; (ii)
water servicc charees have been and can bc fixcd, levied :md collccted upon
the Enterprise (as defined in thc Resolution) for the services and facilities
Furnished by the Enterprise; (iii) said wa[er service charges shall constitu[e
thc Revenues of thc Enterprise (as defined in thc Resolution) picdgcd to the
payment of the principal of and intcrest on the 1959 lVater Revenue I3onds
and said additional revcnue bonds and to the security of the 1959 Water
Revenuc Bonds and said additional revenue bonds as herci❑ provided; and
(iv) the Revenucs of the Enterprise (as defined in the Resolution) are hereby
found and dttcrmined to bc and shall constitute the Revenues of the Enter-
prise pledged ro [hc service of the 1959 Water Revenue Bonds and said
�dditional revenue bands herein authoriud to be issued. II is further found
�nd deterniined that said additional revenuc bonds constitute Additional
13onds, as that term is defined in thc Resolution, and said additional revenue
bonds shall be payuble from said Revenues and shall be secured b}' a lien and
chargc upon said Revenucs eyual to thc lien and charge sewring thc 1959
�Va[cr Revenuc Bonds.
SEcnou 2. 7ai�ms o/ 1979 Wnter Revenue Bonds. Said additional
revenue bonds arc hercby au[horired to bc issued by thc City under and
subjec[ to the tcrms of the Resolution and this supplemen[al resolution, and
they shall be issucd and sold �s hereinaftcr set forth �md pursuant to the
Law. Said additional rcvenue bonds shall be issucd in thc aggregate principal
amoimt of Fivc Million Scven Hundred Thousund Dollars ($5,700,000) and
shall bc dcsignated "Ciry of Rcddine 1979 Water Revcnuc f3onds' (hercin
called thc "1979 Watcr Rcvenuc Bonds"). "('hc 1979 Water Revunuc I3onds
shall contain a reci[al that thcy arc issucd pursuant to the L�W.
The 1979 �'�'ater Revenuc 13onds shall be dated Scptember l, 1979, shall
bc coupon Bonds in thc dcnomination uf Fivc Thousand Dollars (55,000)
cach, shall be numbered I to I 140, inclusive, and sh:ill mature in consccutive
numeric�l order from lowcr to highcr us set forth in Ihe following schedulc:
' � �
\taturih� �taturih'
Bond Datc Rond Date
NUmbcrs Princip:d Scp[em- Numbers Principul Scp[em-
(Inclusivc) .�mom�l bcr 1 (lnclusirc) Amo�mt Acr I
I- 10 . . . . . .$ 50.000 1981 28G- 340 . . . .5275.000 1994
II- 20 . . . . . . SOA00 1982 341- 395 . . . . 275.000 1995
21- 30 . . . . . . 50.000 1983 3J6- 45� . . . . 300.000 1996
31- 45 . . . . . . 75.000 1984 456- 520 . . . . 325,000 1997
4G 65 . . . . . . 100.000 1985 52I- 590 . . . . 350,000 1998
G6- 85 . . . . . . 100.000 1986 �91- C6.5 . . . . 375.000 199I
36-105 . . . . . . 100.000 1937 666- 740 . . . . 375A00 2000
106-130 . . . . . . 125,000 1988 741- 820 . . . . �300,000 2001
131-I» . . . . . . 125,000 1989 821- 900 . . . . 400,000 2002
1�6-ISS . . . . . . 150.000 1990 901- 980 . . . . 400,000 2003
186-2I� . . . . . . I�0.000 1991 981-1060 . . . . 400,000 2004
216-250 . . . . . . 175,000 1992 1061-1140 . . . . 400.000 200�
2�I-2A.5 . . . . . . 175.000 I 993
The 1979 Water Revenuc f3onds shall bear interest at such rate or rates,
not exceeding eight per cent (8% ) per annu m, as may be fixed by the
Council at thc time of sale of thc 1979 �Vater Revenue 13onds. Such interest
shall bc payable on September I, 1980 and dicreafter scmiannually on
March I and September I in cach year. The interest coupons attached to
the 1979 Water Revenuc Bonds shall be numbered in consccutive numcrical
order, a��d cach such coupon shall represcnt si� months' intcrest on [he 1979
Water Revenue [3ond to which it is at[ached, except the first of said coupons,
which shall mature un Sep[ember I, 1980, representine interest from Sep-
tcmber I, 197) to September I, 19R0. 13oth tlic princip:�l of and interes[ on
[he 1979 Watcr Revenue 13onds shall bc payable at the principal oHice of
Crocker National 13ank in San Francisco, California (the "Fiscal Agcnt"),
or at the option of thc holder, :rt [he principal o�lice of Irving Trust Company
in Ncw York, Ncw 1'ork, or at thc o0icc of Harris Trust and Savines I3ank
in Chicaeo, Illinois (the "Paying Agents"), in lawful maney of the United
States ot America.
Src'rtoN 3. Reden�r�tion oJ /979 6i�nter Rever�ire Bonds. (ai) 1979
Water Revenue Bonds maturing by their tcrms on or before September I,
1991 shall not be subject to redemption prior to their respectivc stated ma-
turity dates. 1979 Water Revenue 13onds maturing by their terms on or aFCer
Szptember 1, 1992 sh�ll be subjcct to redemp[ion prior to thcir respecti��e
s[a[ed maturity da[es, at the option of the City, as a whole or in part in invcrse
' � �
ordcr of maturities and by lot within uny one maturity if less than all the 1979
Water Re��enuc Bonds of such maturit}' bc redecmed, from funds derivcd bV
the Cih� from any source, on any interest payment date on or aftcr September
1, 1991, a[ the principal amount [hereof and accrued interest to [he date o(
redemption, plus a premium o( onc-yuar[er of onc per cent (�/a of 1 %) of
such principal amount for cach year or rcmaining (raction thcrcof, if any,
between the da[e fixcd for redemption and the fixed maturity date of [hc 1979
Water Rcvcnue I3onds called for redemption, said premium not to exceed
two and one-half per cent (Z�/a%) of such principal amount.
Whenevcr funds are available for the call and redemption of any of thc
I J79 Water Rcvcnuc I3onds then subject to cull and redemption, the Fiscal
Agcnt shall determinc the scrial numbers of the 1979 Water Rcvenue 13onds
to be redeemed in any manner deemcd fair ro iC ;md [he datc of redemption
of such 1979 Wa[cr Rcvenue Bonds.
(b) The Fiscail Agent shall cause notice of any rcdemption of the 1979
Water Revenuc Bonds to be published once a week for [wo (2) successive
u�eeks (the first publication to be not less than thirry (30) nor more than
sir[y (60) days prior ro thc date (iacd for redcmption) in a newspaper or jour-
nal publishing financial ncws, printed in Ihc English languagc and cus[omarily
published on cach busincss day, of gcncral circulation in San Francisco, Cali-
Pornia. Such notice shall state [hc redemption d.uc and [hc redemption price
and shall designate the serial numbers of the 1979 Water Revenuc Bonds [o
be redeemed by �ivine [he individual number of each 197J Watcr Re��cnue
Bond or by stating that all 197) Wuter Rcvenue Bonds bchveen two stated
numbcrs, both inclusivc, huve bcen called for redemption, and shall reyuire
that such 1979 Water Revenue Bonds bc then surrcndered with all intcrest
coupons maturine on or subscquent to thc redemption date at Ihe oflice of the
Fiscal Agent t�r at [he oflice of either P.rying Agent, for redemption at thc said
rcdemption pricc, eiving no[icc also that furthcr interest on such 1979 Water
Revenuc Bonds will not accruc after the redemption date.
A similar notice shall be mailed by the Fiscal Agent to thc original pur-
chaser of thc 1979 Watcr Revcnue F3onds and to thc respectivc regis�cred
owners of any 1979 Water Rcvcnuc l3onds designated for redemption, at leas[
thirty (30) but not morc [hun sixty (60) days prior to thc mdemption datc,
at their addresses appearine on the 1979 Water Revenue Bond registration
600ks in the oflicc of the Fiscal Agent; but such mailing shall not be a con-
dition precedent to such redemp[ion and failure to mail or [o receive any such
noNce shall not affect thc validiry of the proccedines for Ihc redernption of
such 1979 �Vater Rcvcnuc Bonds.
' � �
Such notice of rcdcmption shalf bc so publishcd and mailcd by [hc Fiscal
rlgent at thc �vriuen request of thc Ci[y (which rcyuest shall be gi�•en to the
Fiscal Agcnt at Icast forty-five (45) days pri�r to the date fixed for redemp-
tion), but only after the City shall have depositcd with, or othenvise made
availablc tq the Fiscal Agen[ thc moneys required for payment of the redemp-
tion price of all 1979 Watcr Rcvcnue 13onds thcn ro be called for rcdemption.
togcthcr wi[h dic cs[imatcd cxpensc of �iving such noticc.
Af[er the date fixed for redemption, if notice of such redemption shall
have been duly published and Cunds available for the pnyment af the principal
of und in[erest (and premium, if any) on thc 1979 Wa[cr Revcnuc Bonds so
called for redemption shall have been duly providcd, such 1979 Water Reve-
nuc Ronds so callcd shall ceasc to bc cntiticd to any bcncfit undcr thc Rcso-
lution other [han thc rieht to receive payment of the redemption price, and
no in[erest shall accrue thercon on or after the redemption date specified in
such no[icc.
All 1979 W�ter Rcvcnuc 13onds rcdccmcd pursuanl to thc provisions of
this scction and the appurtcnant coupons, if anV, :i��d all 1979 Water Revenue
13onds purchascd bV the Fisca] Agent pursuant to Sec[ion I(h) o[ tlic Reso-
lution and thc appurtcnant coupons, if anv, shall bc cancellcd and shall bc
surrendered to the City.
Srcno�' =1. Form aJ 1979 Wruer Revenue Bonds. The 1979 \Vater
Revenue Bonds, the interest coupons to bc attached thcreta :md thc form o(
registration endorsement to appcar thereon shall be substantially in thc fol-
1o�3�ing fonns, respectivcly:
No. 55,000
Thc Crrv or• Rrnni�c. a municipal corporation organized and cx-
isting undcr thc Constitution and laws of thc Statc of C:�lifornia (the
"City'), for valuc rcceived, hereby promiscs to pay, exclusively out of thc
special fund hcreinafter mentioned, [o the bearcr (or iE this Bond be regis-
tcred, to the rc��istered owner hereof) on Scptember 1, _, subject to
any righl of priar redemp[ion hcreinaftcr in this E3ond cxpressly provided
for. Ihe principal sum of Frvr Tr�ousn�u DOLLARS (55,000) toge[her
� �
with interest thercon Gom the datc hereof ut the rate of
per cent (_%) per annum until payment af said principal sum in full.
p�ryablc annuully thc first ycur on September l, 1980 and semiannually
[hereafter on March 1 and Sep[ember I in each ycar. Unless this Bond
bc registered, such interest, on or prior to maturity, shall be payable only
on present�tion and surrendcr of thc proper in[erest coupons hereto at-
tached �s they respectively become duc. l3oth thc principal o( and interest
on this Bond are payablc, exclusively out of said special fund, in lawful
moncy of the Unitcd S[ates of America at the principal ol9ice of. Crockcr
National E3ank ii� San Francisco, California (thc "`Fiscal Agent"), or at
thc option of the holdcr, at Uic principal officc of Irving Trust Company
in New York. New York. or at [he ofTce of Harris 7'rust and Savines
F3ank in Chicago, Illinois (thc `Paying AgenLs'°). �
This Bond is one af a duly authorized issue of revenue bonds of the
City (the "13onds") limited in agereeate principal amount to Fiac Million
Scvcn Hundred Thousand Dollars ($5,700,000), all of likc tenor and
date (excep[ for such variations, if any, as may be required to designate
varying numbers, maturities, interest ra[es or redcmption provisions) and
is issucd under and pursuant [o thc Constiwtion :�nd statutes af thc Sta[e of
California, includino tho Rc�'enue 13ond Law of I 941 (hercinafter refcrred
to as the "Law"), and under and pursuant to the proceedings of the Ciq�
duly adopred and taken, including Resolution No. 2603 adopted by thc
City Council of the City on July 20, I959 :ind Rcsolution Na. 79-127
udoptcd by the Ciry Council of thc City on July 30, 1979 (which two
resolutions are hercin to¢ether called thc "Resolution"), and a vote and
assent of a majority of the yualified voters of the City voting at a special
election duly callcd and held for tha[ purpose. Referencc is hereby made
to the Resolution, all of thc provisions of which are hereby incorporated
herein :md in the coupons appurtenant hereto, for a specific description
of the securiry therein providcd, the naturc, extent and manncr of cn-
forcement of such security, and :i statement of the rights of bearers or
regis[ered owners of thc I3onds. to all of [hc provisions of which [he
bearer or registered owner hereof consents and agrees. Each taker and
subseciucnt holder hereof and of said coupons, whcther s�id coupons nrc
attached hereto or detached hercfrom. shall have recourse to all o( the
provisions of thc Law and [hc Rcsolution and shall bc baund by all of
the terms and conditions thereof.
This 13oncf is issucd for the purposc of raising money for [he
acquisition and construction of improvements to an Enterprise conr
prising the municipal wa[er systcm of thc City. F3oth the principal hercof
� � �
and interest hereon, and of all Bonds ol said :iuthorized issuc, all thc
City of Redding 1959 1Vater Revenue F3onds (die "19�9 Bonds") and
aIl Additional Bonds thut inay be issucd pursuant to ttic p�ovisions
of thc Resolution, in accordance with thc terms and conditions thercof,
are equally secured (except as to maturiry, redemption provisions and
varying interest rates and cxcept inso[ar as any sinking fund accoimt
or accounts established in accordance with the provisions af the Reso-
lutian m:»' a(Ford .�dditional sccurity [or ainy 1959 Water Rcvcnuc 13onds
or any Additional 13ondsj �+�ithout prioriq� fqr numbcr, datc of Bonds, of
sule. of executian. or o( delivery. by :i plcdgc. charge and lien upon the
Revenues of the 6ntcrprisc plcdgcd to thc paymcnt aF the principal and
intercst on the Bonds in accordance widi the provisions hereof and of
Uie L:nv :md the Resolution.
Both the principal hercof and interest hercun, and o[ all Bonds of
said authorized issuc and of the 1959 Bonds, are payable esclusively
from [he special fund hercinafter and in thc Rcsolutio�� referred to, which
said fimd is hercby pledged for the security of the Bonds of said autho-
rized issue. the 1959 13onds, and all Additional Bonds issued pursuant to
Ihe Resolution. The City hereby coven.mts and warrants that for Ihe pa��-
mcnt of this Bond and all other Bonds of said authorircd issuc, the 1959
Bonds, and all Additional 13onds issued pursuant to thc Kcsolution and
interest hercon :uid thercon �vhen duc and for thc protection or bet[er
securing o( all such l3ands, therc has bcen crca[ed and will bc maintained
a special fund (designated the "1959 Water Rcvcnuc Fund") into �vhich
alI of the Revenucs of [he Entcrprise shall bc deposited, and the City will
promptly pay this Bond and all Bonds of said suthorizcd issuc, lhc
I959 Bonds, and all Additional Bonds issucd pursuant to the Resolution
and all in[erest accniine hcreon and thereon and all premiums (if any),
when due or redccmed, out of said special fund, all in accordancc with
thc tcrms hereof and the terms and provisions of thc Resolution. This
Bond, including intcrest hereon, is a special obligation of [he City and
is payable solely from the Revenucs pledeed ro the payment hcreof and
the City is not obligated to pay the same except from said Revenues.
"I'his Bond is not secured bv thc tasing power of [he City.
The City hereby covenants and warrants that i[ will operate the En-
tcrprisc in an etlicient and cconomical mtmner and will operate, maintain
.md prescrvc thc Entcrprisc in eood repair ;�tid working order from thc
Rcvenues available for such purpases as provided in thc Resolution and
that it �vill pcescribe, revise and collect such fccs, tolls, ratcs and other
charges in conncction therewith as will produce Revenues at least cqual
� �
[o the amounts thereof prescribed by the Resolution and suflicien[ [o
pa}' the intcrest on and principal of the Bonds in accordance with the
provisions of the Resolution.
t3onds maturing bV thcir terms on or before Septcmber 1, 1991
arc not subject to redemption prior to [heir respective stated maWrity
dates. Bonds maturing by thcir tenns on ar after Septembcr I, 1992
are subject to redemption prior to thcir respectivc statcd maturity da[es.
at [he option of the Ciry, as :i whole or in part in inverse order of
maturity und by lot within any onc maturity if less than all the Bonds
of such maturity be redeemed, from Funds derived by the City from any
source, on any interest p.iyment dute on or aftcr September L 1991, at
the principal amount thercof amd accrued interest to the date of redemp-
tion, plus a premium of one-quarter of one per cent ('/a of I °la ) of
such principal amount for cach ycnr or rcmaining fraction thcreof, iC
any, between the datc fized for redemp[ion and thc fixed maturity date
of the Bonds cullcd for redemption, s:iid prcmium not to exceed two
and onc-hulf per ccm (2'/%) oF such principal ❑moun[.
Notice of any such redemption shall be published by thc Fiscal
r\eent, as aeent of thc City, once a weck for hvo (2) successive weeks, in
a newspaper or journal publishing finimcial ne�vs, printed in the English
language und customarily published on cach business day, of general
circulation in San Francisco, California. Thc first publication of such
notice shall bc not Icss thtu� thirt�� (30) nor more Ihan sixty (60) days
prior to the datc fixed for such redemption. After thc date tixed for such
redemption, if the Fiscal r\gent, as agent of [he City, shall have duly
publishcd noticc of such redcmption and the City shall have provided
funds availablc for payment of thc principaL premium, if any, and
accrucct intcrest un thc Bonds so callcd, intcrest on such Bonds shall
Thc 13onds of sxid ❑uthorized issuc and thc coupons appertaining
dierero, :md [hc Resolution, may bc amended, altered or modified a[
.my [ime, in thc manner, to thc extent and upon the terms provided in
the Rcsolution.
It is hereby certified, recited and declared thxt all ucts, conditions
and Chings rcquired by law to cxist, happcn and bc ��erformed preccdent
to and i�t Ihe issuance of this Bond have exis[ed, happened and becn
perForntcd in duc [imc, form and manncr as rcyuircd by law and that
the amount of this Bond, togcther with all other indebtedness of thc
City, does not exceed any limit prescribed by the Constitu[ion or statutes
of said Statc.
� �
This Bond may be reeistered in the manner provided in the Rcsolu-
tion and thereafter the principal hercof :�nd interest hereon shall bc
payable only to such registercd owncr.
In �Vrrhi;ss �V�irxr:or, the Cit�� of Rcdding has caused this Bond
ro be esecuted tmder its o(licial scal, signed by i[s Mayor and its Treas-
urcr �md coimtcrsiened by its Clcrk. and has causcd thc intcrest coupons
attached hereto to bc si�ned by its Treasurer and d�is I3ond to be �ated
Scptcmbcr I. 1979.
Mayor of the Cirr o/Redding
[Seal J
Treasioer of the Gty of Reddrng
Ciq� Clerk of�he City of Reddrng
Coupon No.
On thc Ist day of , _
(subject to an}' righ[ of prior redemp[ion reserved in
thc within mcn[ioned Bond to which [his coupon
appertains) thc Cit}� of Rcdding will (unless thc within
menCionecl Bond be reeistered) pay to thc beamr cxclu-
sively from thc special fund referred to in the within
ntcntioncd Bond at thc principal ollice of Crackcr Na-
[ional Bank in San Francisco, California (Ihe Fiscal $
Agent of said City) or at the principal oflice of Irving
Trust Compan}� in Ncw 1'ork, Ncw York, or at [he otlicc
of I-larris Trust and Savings I3ank in Chicaeo, lllinois
(thc Paying Agcnts ol' said City), thc sum set forth
heroon in lawful money of the Unitcd States oC America,
bcing inlerest then due un its 1979 Wa[er Revenuc Bond,
dated September I, 1979, No•
Trensurer oJ the Crt��of Redding
� �
This Bond is regis[ered in [he namc of thc registered owner �ahosc
❑ame and address' appear las[ in the spacc below and bo[h Ihe principal
of and interest an this Bond are payablc to such registercd owner.
Nore:"I'here must be no writing in ihe space below escepl by the Fisc;�l Agent.
Uate of Namc of Address of Signature of
Rcgistry Registered Owner Registercd Owner Fiscal Agent
Src'r�o� 5. E.iecrrtio�� uJ Batds. Thc �layor of thc City and thc
Treasurer of the City are hereby cach authori-r.cd and direc[ed to sign each of
thc 1979 �ti'atcr Rcvcnuc Bonds on bchalf of thc City, and ttte City Cicrk of
[he City is hercby au[horized and direc[ed to countcrsicn each of the 1979
Water Rcvenue l3onds and to impress or imprint by facsimile the afticial seal
o( Ihe City thcreon. 'fhe signa[ure of [he Mayor and the signature of [he
Treasurcr m.�y be printed, lithogr:iphed or cngraved facsimile signatures, but
[hc City Clerk shall manually coun[ersign cach 1979 Water Revenue Bond.
The Trcasurcr of the City is hereby .iuthorized and directed to sign each of
[he intcrest caupons by printed, lithographed or cngraved facsimile signature.
In casc any sudi o0iccr ���hosc signaturc or countcrsien�[urc appears on thc
1979 Water Revenuc 13onds or coupons shell ceasc to be such oFlicer before
the dclivery of the 1979 Water Revenuc 13onds tu the purchaser, such signa-
turc or countersignature sh�ll neverthcless be valid and sufticient for all pur-
poses [he s�me as though such oRicer had remaincd in oBice until thc dclivery
of thc 1979 Water Revenue Bond,.
Sr:crio� 6. l'rnnsfer oJ Bonds. As provided b}� thc Law, all 1979
Watcr Rcvcnuc Bonds shall bc ncgotiable instrumen[s transferable by delivery,
unless rcgistered as to principal and interest in the manner provided in Section
� �
7. The City and thc Fiscal Agcnt and the Paying A�ents may trcat the bearer
of am� 1979 �1'ater Revenue f3ond which shall not at the time be reeistered
as to principal :md interest, and thc bearer of any coupon, as Ihe absolutc
owner of such 1979 Water Revenue 13ond, or coupon, as the case ma}' be, for
thc purpose of recciving payment thercof and for all other purposcs, and the
City and the Fiscal Agent and the Payine Agents shall not be affected by any
notice or knowledge to the contrary, whether such 1979 Water Revenuc Band
or coupon shall be overdue or not.
St:c'r�o,� 7. Registrntion o( Borids. Upon prescntation of any 1979
Water Rcvenuc Bond at the ofFce of the Fiscal Agent in San Francisco, Cali-
fornia. for such purpose by the holder thereof, the Fiscal Agent will cut off
and cancel the coupons auached to such 1979 Water Revenuc Bond and will
register or cause to be registered on the books required to be kept pursuant [o
Section R, in thc name of the holder or his nominee, the ownership o( such
1979 �Vater Revenue Bond, such registration being noted on such 1979 Water
Revenue Bond. Aftcr such registration and notation, no transfer of any such
1979 Water Rcvenuc Rond shall be valid, unless made on said books at the
requcst of the rcgistered owncr or his duly <wthorized attorney and similarly
noted on such 1979 Water Revenue Bond. Thc addresses appearing in thc reg-
istration book shall be deemed ro be for all purposes thc addmsses of the reg-
istered owners. The person in �ahose name :my 1979 Water Revenue Bond is
reeistercd shall be decmed the owner thcreof for all purposes hereof. The Fis-
cal Agent shall pay interest to the owner of �my registcred 1979 Water Rev-
cnue E3ond by check mailed to such owner a[ his address appearing in [hc
registration book and shall pay to thc owner or his legal assignee the principal
of ;my registered 1979 �Vater Revenue Rond upon presentation and surrender
o[ such rcgis[cred 1979 Water Rcvenuc l3ond at maturity or upon the prior
redemption thereof. r111 such payments shall bc valid and ef�cctual to satisfy
and dischargc liubility upon such 1979 Watcr Rcvenuc Bond m thc cx[cnt of
thc sum or sums so paid.
The registered owner of any registered 1979 Water Revenuc Bond may
ut any timc (provided such 1979 Water Revenuc Bond shall not have been
called for rcdemption) present such I979 Water Rcvenue Bond to the �iscal
Agent and request conversion of such 1979 Water Revenue Bond inro a cou-
poi� 1979 W�ter Rcvenue 13ond, in which evcn[ Ihe Fiscal Agent shall canccl
the registration of such 1979 Water Revenuc 13ond and shall attxh thereto
coupons for all unmamred intcrest [hercon and as a condition of any such con-
version may require such charee therefor as it may deem proper, not exceeding
$5.00. AIl transfers, registrations and discharges Erom registration shall other-
� �
wise be without expense to thc holder, excep[ that any taxes or odier govern-
mental charges required to bc paid with respcct to the same shall be paid by
the Bondholder re9ues[ing the transfer, registration or dischargc from rcgis-
tration as a condition precedent [o thc exercise of such privilege and except
that the Fiscal Agent may rcyuire of such Bondholder such cash adjustment
as may be necessary wi[h respec[ [o the firs[ coupon ncx[ to mature on cach
coupon 1979 �'�'ater Rcvenue Hond issued upon conversion of a reeistered
I)79 V✓ater Revenue 13ond so tha[ no eain or loss of interest shall result from
such convcrsion. All [rmsfers, registr.uions and discharges from registration
shall be made under such roasonable regulations as the Fiscal Agcnt muy
Secno� 3. lJond IZegr,rrer. The Fiscal t\�'cnt will keep or c.iuse [o be
kept �t its principal of�ice in San Franciseo, California, sufficient books for the
registration and transfer of the 1979 �Vater Revcnue Bonds, and, upon presen-
tation for such purpose, thc I�iscal Agent shall. under such rcasonable ree-
ulations as it may prescribe, rcgister or transfer or cause to be registcrcd or
transfcrred. on said books. 1979 Water Revenuc Bonds �s hcrcinbcfore
Srcrio� 9. l3o�ids dl�urinted. Destroced, Stolen or Lust. In case anq
1979 Wutcr Revenue E3und shall become multilated in respcct of the body of
such 1979 1Vater Revenue Bond or the coupons, if any, appertaining thercto,
or shall be believed by the City to havc bcen des[roycd, s[olen or lost, upon
proof of ownership satisfactory to thc City and upon the surrender of such
multilutcd 1979 Watcr Rcvcnuc F3ond wi[h its coupons, i[ any, at thc otlicc of
the Fiscal A2ent in San Fr:mcisco, California, or upon thc rcceipt of evidence
satis(actory to thc City of such destruction, theft or loss, and upon receipt also
of indemniry satisfactor�� to the City, and upon payment of all cxpenses in-
curred by the City in the premises, the City shall executc and deliver at said
oHice of the Fiscal Agcnt a new 1979 Natcr Revenuc Bond or Bonds of the
same maturity and for the same aggrcgaCe principul amount, with the coupons,
if any, appertaining thcreto, of like tenor and date. belring the same numbcr
or numbcrs, with such notations as �hc City shall dctcrminc, in cxch,ingc ;ind
substitution for and upon cancellation of the multilated 1979 Water Revenue
t3ond :md i[s coupons, if any, or in licu af and in substitution for the 1979
Watcr Revenue Bond and its coupons, if any, so dcstroyed, stolcn or lost.
If �iny such deslroyed, stolen or lost 1979 Water Revenue Bond shall
have maWred, paymen[ of the amount due thercon may be madc by the City
upon reccipt of likc proof, indcmnity anef paymcnt of expcnscs.
� �
Any such duplicate 1979 Water Revenuc Bonds or coupons issued pur-
suant to this section shall be entitled to equal �nd proportionate bene(its with
all other 1979 Water Revcnue Bonds issued hereunder. The City and the Fis-
cal Agent shall not be reyuired to treat both the original 1979 Water Revenuc
Qond and any duplicate 1979 Water Revenuc Bond as being outstanding for
the purpose of determinine the principal amount of 1979 Wutcr Rcvenuc
Bonds which may bc issued hereunder or for the purpose of determining any
perecntage of 1979 Water Rcvcnue E3onds outstanding hereunder, but both
the original and duplicatc 1979 �'�'ater Revenuc f3ond shall be trcated as one
and thc same.
Srcr�o� 10. �emporan lionrl.e. Until dcfinitivc 1979 Water Reve-
�me fionds shall be prepared, the City may cause to be execured and delivered
in lieu oP such definitive 1979 �Va[cr Revenuc Bonds and subject [o the same
provisions, limita[ions and conditions as are applicablc in the case of definiti��e
1979 Water Revenuc Bonds, except that they may be in �ny denominations
authorized by the Counci! and shall be registrable as to both principal and
interest, one or more temporary printed, lithographed or cngraved 1979 Water
Revenue Bonds in bearer form withou[ coupons as may be authorized by the
Council, substantially of thc santc tcnor and, until cxchanged for dcfini-
tivc 1979 �Vater Revenue I3onds, entiticd and subject to the same benefits and
provisions of this supplemcntal resolution as definitivc 1979 Watcr Revenuc
Bonds of thc same maturity. If[he City issues [emporary 1979 Water Rcvenue
Bonds it will executc und furnish definitive 1979 Water Revcnue I3onds with-
out unnecessary delay and thercupon the temporary 1979 Water Revenue
Bonds may be surrendercd at the otiice of the fiscal Agent in San Francisco,
Californi,i, without expense to thc holdcr, in exchange for definitive 1979
Water Revenue Ronds of like aggreeate principal amounL of the same char-
acter and mawrity. All temporary 1979 Water Revenue Bonds so surrendered
shall be cancclled by the Fiscal Agent.
Secno� I I. lssi�nnce o( l979 Water lZevenue lio�rds. At any time
aftcr thc adoption of this supplemental resolution, [he City may sell and
dcliver the 1979 W�ter Revenue f3onds in the aggregat� principal amount of
not [o exceed Fivc Million Se�•en Hundred Thousand Dollars (S5,700.000).
Upon thc receipt of payment for thc 1979 �Vatcr Revenuc Bonds wlicn the
same shall have becn duly sold by [hc Cit;�. thc procecds from such salc shall
be paid to the 'I'rcasurer uf thc City and the Trensurer shall set aside and
deposit the proceeds received from such salc in thc following respective funds
and in thc following order of priurity:
� �
(u) The Treasurcr shalf deposit in the Intcrest Fund provided for
in Sec[ion 9(d) of the Resolution the accrucd interest ro Ihe date of pay-
ment of the purchasc price of the 1979 Wa[er Revenuc Bonds received
upon the salc thereof.
(b) The "Creasurer shall deposit in the Reservc Fund provided for
in Section 9(E) oF Ihe Resolution that sum which is nccessary to raise thc
amount containcd therein to an amount cyual to thc Maximum Annual
DebC Servicc on thc outstanding 1959 Water Rcvenuc Bonds and the
outstanding 1979 Water Revenuc Bonds.
(c) Thc remainder of the proceeds received from the sale of the
1979 �1'ater Revenuc E3onds (includine any premium, but excluding
accrucd interest from thc date of thc 1979 Wa[er Re��enue Ronds so
sold to thc date of deli��cry :ind p.ryment of thc purchasc price thcreof)
shalt be set aside and deposited by the Trcasurer in a scparate fund, [o
be known .is the "1979 W�ucr SYstem Impra��emcnt Pund," which said
fund the City hereby covenants and aerees to esriblish and main[ain.
Thc money in thc 1979 W:ucr Systcm Improvcmcn[ Fund shall bc uscd
in the manncr provided by law for [he purpose of thc improvement of
the Enterprise described in said mcasurc, including payment o( all costs
of said special revenuc bond clection and all costs of the issunnce of the
1979 Water Rcvenue f3onds, and all en��ineering, inspection, Iegnl and
fiscal aigent's fces incidcnt thereto, and reimbursement to the City for all
funds advanced by thc Ciry from its eeneral fund aFter said special
revenue bond election for the improvemcnt of thc Enterprisc.
Any balance remaining in the 1979 Water System Improvemen[ Fund,
aEter complction of the improvemcnt of the Enterprise, shall be transferred ro
thc Fiscal Agen[ for deposit in Ihe Rescrve Fund (provided for in Section
9(f) of the Resolution) to the extent neccssary at that time to restore the
Rescrve Fund to the amount reyuired in Section 9(f) [hereof, and any remain-
ine balance shall be transfcrrcd to the Fiscal Agent tbr dcposit in [he Reve-
nue Fund (provided for in Section 9(b) of the Resolution) and applied for
any purpose thcrcof.
r\II maney held in thc 1979 Wutcr Systcm Improvemcnt Fund shall bc
secured at all times by such obligations and to the fullest extcnt required by la�v
and shull not be invcstcd, e.rcept that :�ny moncy in said fund not immedi-
❑tely rcyuired ro bc expcndcd may be invcsted in dircct negotiable obligations
of thc United States of America or in nego[iable obligations fully guaran[eed
us ro both principal and interest by the United States of Amcrica which ma-
wre prior to the date on which the City estimates that such money will be
� �
required for expenditure bV the City ❑nd in any event not ntore than three
(3) years from the date of purdiase. AIl interest and proft received on any
money so imes[ed shall be deposired in and for the purposcs of said �und.
Secrw` 12. Securiq� n/ l979 Wnter Revenuc Boi�ds.
(a) The 1979 Water Revenue I3onds shall be revcnuc bonds, pay�ble
esclusively from the Revenues of thc f nterprisc as in Ihc Resolution provided,
and are not ro be secured by thc tasing power of thc City. No recourse shall be
had for the paymcnt o( the 1979 Watcr Revenue Bonds, or interest thereon,
or ;�ny part tticreof, against die gener:�l fund of thc City, nor shall the credit or
taxing power af the City bc deemed to be plcdgect thereto, and thc holders of
the 1979 Wa[er Revenuc Bonds, or o1' the coupons therem appertaining, shall
ncvcr havc the right to compcl the exercise of the taxing pawer by lhe Cit}' or
the Forfciture af �my property of the City. The principal of and interest on thc
1979 �Vater Revenue I3onds and any premiums upon thc rcdemption of any
thereof shall not be a debt of the City nor a legul or eyuitable pledge, charge,
lien or encumbrance upon any property of the City or upon any income,
reccipts or revenues of the Ciry except the Revenues of the Enterprise pledged
to the payment thereof as in the Resolution and this supplemental resolution
(b) The 1979 Watcr Rcvenue 13onds hcreby aulhorized to be issued
and the 1959 Watcr Rcvcnuc Bonds and all Additio��al Donds which may
be issucd in accordance with [hc terms nnd conditions of thc Resolution
shall be special oblieations of thc City and shall bc sccured by a pledge of
and shall be a chargc upc�n and shnll be payable, as to principal [hereof,
interest thercon, and any prcmiums upon the redcmptic�n of any thereof,
solely from and secured by a lien upon the Rcvcnues of the Enterprise pro-
vided in the Resolution. "fhe City hcreb�� pledecs and •assigns For the security
of all such Bonds all of thc Rcvcnucs of the Enterprise, including the Rc��c-
nues of improvements, additions and extensions there[o which may hereafter
bc constructcd or acquircd (rom Rcvenucs or from thc procecds of sale of
Ihe 197) Watcr Revenue 13onds or of such Additional Bonds. Thc sums
rcyuired [o mcct [hc paymcnt of intcrest on and principal o( all such 13onds
and any premiums upon thc redcmption of any thereof shall be secured by
an exclusive pledee, charge and licn upon all of the Revcnues of the Enter-
prise, and all of the Revenucs, together with any interest earned thereon,
and all other funds provided for in Section 9 of the Resolution and �ny other
funds that may hereaCter bc created from the Rcvenues for the payment of
principal of or interest on or the better securing of the puyment of principal
of or interest on am� of such Hunds, shall constitute a trust fund for thc
� �
sccurity and paymcn[ of thc intcres[ on and principal of all such 13onds and.
excepc .�s othcnvise spccifir.illy authori•r.ed by the Resolution, sh;ill not bc
uscd for any othcr purposu so long �s :iny ul such f3onds or thc interest
thereon are outstandine or unpaid: escept that out of all [hc Revenues therc
may bc �pportioned, so Iong as thc intcrest on tmd principal of all such Bon<Lc
are paid as the same bccome due ancl payaiblc. roeether «�ith all othcr
pxymcnts and chargcs rcyuired for thc prutcction or bcttcr sccuring of such
13onds, such sums 1'qr such purposcs ❑s arc authorizcd and providcd for in
Section 9 oC [he Resolution.
(c) All of the 19�9 Water Rcvenuc I3onds and all of U�c L979 Water
Revenuc 13onds hcreb�� authoriud to bc issucd and all Additional Bonds which
mav be issucd in accordancc a•ith thc tcrms :md conditions of thc Rcsolutioii
shall bc cyu.illy secured (except :is ro maturi�y, rcdemption provisions and
varying intcrest ratcs and csccpt insofar as any sinking fund account or ac-
counts cstablishcd in accord:incc �eith thc provisions of thc Resolution may
afFord additional securiq� for any 19�9 V✓uter Revcnue Bontls or :iny Addi-
tion�l I3onds) without priority ibr numb�r, d�itc of Bon�s. ot salc, of �xecu-
tion, or of dclivery, by said plcdge, char��c and lien upon the Revenues of the
Entcrprisc pursuunt ro the Lnw and thc Rcsolution. S:iicl plcdgc, chargc ;ind
licn shall bc prior anct paramount tp �in�� :uid all othcr daims and oblieations
that may arisc or bc incurmd against thc Rcvenucs.
Sr:c'rioN 13. rrrrrl�er Corenn+vs' af the Citc. The City, as issucr uf
Hic 1979 Wa[cr Revenuc Bonds, hereby covenants diat it will make no usc
of thc procecds oE am� of thc 1979 Watcr Rcvcnuc Bonds which would causc
any of the 197) Wuter Rcvenuc Bonds to bc "arbitragc bonds" under Scetion
l03(c) of thc Internal Rcvenuc Code; and, to that end, so ]onc as any oP thc
1979 Watcr Itcvcnuc 13onds ❑rc outstandine, thc Cily with respcct to thc
proeeeds of such 197') �Vater Revenue 13onds, and �II o0icers having cusrody
ar control of such proceeds, shall comply with ull requirements of said section
and the rcgulations of the United St.�tes Departinent of the Treasury thera
undcr, to thc extcnt diat such rcgul.itiuns nrc :u thc time opplicablc and in
Sec'Pto� 14. fi ppoinlmc�u uf Pn}'i�zy .�I geiue. 'I'hc principal o0icc of
Irvine Trust Company in Nc�a l'ork, Ncw York, and thc otlicc of Harris
Trust and Savings [iank in Chicagu, lllinois. ❑rc hereby appointed as Paying
Aecnts f'or thc purposc of payine the principal of and interest on any of thc
1979 Water Revenuc 13onds presentcd for payment in New York, New York,
� �
or Chicago, Illinois. The Fiscal Agen[ shall entcr into such an•angements
with each Paying Agent as shall be necessary and desirable in order to cnable
such Paying Agent to carr}� out the dutics of its oftice The Fiscal Agent and
thc Paying Aeen[s arc hcreby authorizcd to redeem the 1979 Wa[er Revenuc
13onds and intcres[ coupuns apper[aining thereto when duly presented for
paymcnt at maturity, or on call and rcdcmption or on purchase by thc Fiscal
AgenC prior ta maturity, and to canccl all I)79 Water Revcnuc Bonds and
coupons upon paymcnt thereof and to return the same so cancelled ro the
City. The Fiscal r\gen[ shcill kcep accur�[c rccords of all funds administered
by it and of all 1979 W:ucr Revenuc lionds :inil coupons p:iid and discharged.
'1'he Council is hereby authorired to compensate the Fiscal Agent and thc
Paying Agcnts for thcir rospectivc scrvices rendered pursuant to the provisions
of this supplemental resolution.
Sec'no� I5. Term.c oJ lio�rds Sr�bject ro rke Reso6uion. Excep[ as
in this supplemcn[al resolution olhcnvise cxpressly provided, every tcrm and
condition contained in thc Resolu[ion shall apply to this supplcmental resolu-
tion and ro the 1979 H'ater Revenuc Ronds with the same force and eftect
as if thc samc wcrc hcrein sct forth at Icngtli, with such omissions, variations
and modifications thercof �s may be appropriat� to make the same conform
[o this supplemental resolu[ion.
Pnsst:n n�i> Auo��Tr;n this 30th day of July. 1979. by thc following vote:
Avrs: Comicilmcmbcrs - Gard, Kirkpatrick, 1'ugh, and Demshcr
Noes: Gouncilmembers - None
t\ust:N'r: Gouncilmembers - F ton �{^1
cQ "—`\ \ �"—�/
b4nyor o/ihe City o/ Redding,
��'` �i � : .! . / ,t.c. �——
�- Ciq� Clerk oJ�he Crty"oJ
Redding. Crdi(oniia�
. � �
19 ;.
I , MPLDRED L. BRAYTON , City Clerk of�,the City of Redding, Cali;fornia, ,
hereby certify that the foregoing is a ful,l , true�and� correct copy of a , � •',
resolution duly adopted at an adjourned regular meeting of the City Counci.l ,�
of said City duly and leqally held at the �regular �meeting place thereof on � '
the 30th day of July, 1979, of which meeting all of the members of said City
Council had due notice and at which a majority thereof were: present; �that at
said meeting said resolution was adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Councilmembers - Gard, Kirkpatrick , Pugh, and Demsher
NOES: Councilmembers - Plone
ABSENT: Councilmembers - Fulton
that I� have carefully compared the same with the original minutes of said
meeti,ng on file and of record in my office ; that sai:d resolution is a full ,
true and correct copy of the original resolution adopted at sai:d meeting
and entered in said minutes ; and that said resolut�on has not been amended,
modified or rescinded since the date of its adoption , and is now in full
force and effect.
WITNESS my hand and the seal of the City of Redding this 30th day of
Ju�, 1979.
/f/�oA.c,cu� :�( �'�1�-t�/ 'T�
� Ci ty Cl erk of the ,C�t�
Redding, Caliform a
(Seal )