HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso. 1979-077 Approving Utilities Agreement No. 2-1983 Between the City of Redding and the State of California Department of Transportation . - - -•.�'' • � i � RESOLUTION N0. j</-7 � � '� A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF REDDING APPROVING UTILITIES AGREEMENT N0. 2-1983 BETWEEN THE CITY OF REDDING AND THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TFtANSPORTATION. WHEREAS, the State of California, through its Department of Transportation, has submitted Utilities Agreement No. 2-1983 , providing for relocation of overnead electric distribution facilities on State Highway 299W from Red Bluff Road at Shasta to Walnut Avenue in Redding , made necessary by State highway construction along said route , and WHEREAS, the City Council has read said Agreement in full and is familiar with the contents thereof, and deems it to be in the best interests of the City of Redding to approve said Agreement, and WHEREAS, it has been determined that this matter is categorically exempt from the provisions of CEQA, i30W, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Redding that it hereby approves Utilities Agreement No. 2-1983 , and .the idayor and the City Clerk are directed to sign same on behalf of the City. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was intro- duced and read at a regular meetiny of the City Council of the City of Redding on >Lhe 7th aay� of,� May , 1979 , and was duly adopted at said meeting by tne following vote: AYES : COUNCIirtEtv: Fulton, Gard, Kirkpatrick, Pugh, and Demsher NOES : COONCILMEN:', N0�2 � . ABSENT: COONCSLMEN: NOne. � ATTEST: Q ti ���/ • DONALD M. DEMSHER ����{,ri,��-2.,,,7f,r�, Mayor of tne City of Redding rtILDRED L. B�' XTOi3, City Clerk a P0� (�ROV�p��� � Deputy "U ca' � �i � �� Q � •AR . , �l . v . Fonn DRW 39 �p[v.aavl � � � • � S7'ATE OF CALIFORNIA D�strict County Fioute P.ht. E.A. DF:��wnrue.vr or-"Cnn:vseoxrnrrov 07_ Sna 299 18. 6/23 .� 059139 INTERSTATE------.......-----..............-.._......._....... SOUNCE CODE NO._..--Q2r`�.4------....__.._...._. NOTICE NO. 1.933 OWNEA'S i'ILE A'O._..._a02.G_-_9£3..................._ UTILITIES AGREE�tENT NO.._�-193= Date.- ----- ..._..... - ------------- ....... FIRST PART'Y: State of Califomia, acting by and through its Department of Transportatian, hereinafter callecl STATE. SECOVD PARTY: ._..�Z=�' OF i2=,DDIi•iG hcreinaFter called O�VNP;R. Relocation is requued oE certain utility facilities of O�VNEH, cost oF which is to he borne by S1'A'CG because: O�.oners gor:er li>>e �acilities �:;ere installed in tlie ci�y street p�ior to th� timc th� str.ar.t ]�ecame a part oi tn� State Higln:=ay System and the're �:�as i_r�.��.�.ecily reserved to the city, a "seco�ci�ry easement" for such existi:ly i:acili�ics. O�::aer shall rea'rr.an�c its electric poe;a� line facilities to accornrtto- date high�:iay aradi.�n oaeratio:�s 1c;.t o: Highv�z� Station 520:30�;-. �:iORK BY O;�I�i_R= L?1]. l'rOr:: Sflall. 17C'_ iJC1-'OZ'Ti:.C� o:� 011�11ilCC: 11'1 ��O't1CC:: t0 �2eloc�te iJ"�.1�1�y Faciliiy i::o. 19?� datec e»ril. lc, 19;9, ;�nd in accordance �Y�ith �ciilCT � S JOil ido. �'.-OS6-92 . Co;�ies O": Sc71d DIc7i?S uY0 OII il�C-' lil i:I1C� District 0-=iice o^ i:h� Dcoartment o� Transportation, 1G57 Aiversid� llrive, P.ectdincr, C�� 96001 . P:l;lOY QC_V1r7t.lOi1S -TOe[1 til�? �1JOVE C��.SCY1UeQ �'10T:� fi�1�7 �C� li1�C�e d*1Cj 1i?— cidental �•�or.l: ne-rformed 7�y O�r,ne'r �:�'.ien mutually acce�table by noth parties and upo:� ap�roval by the State. �47i1(.-'1 8�j1CC-'S t0 7CY'�.f:0ii:l 'LIl�?., rearrangement l•:OZ';:. �/1].tl'1 1't5 Ol`7'.l fOYG:�.S an3 to furnish all necessary lauor, raaterials, tools ancl e�uipment 'LCCU1YnC'', t}1C"_'�.'FOY c�.i7C� �O JiOS�CUt� S'..'.1C1 i':01:: G111�fC.'.R11V t0 COilJ1Ct10Il. G�oner shall sub.^.ii� a :loticc oi com�letion to the District Utilities Lngineer �aithin ?0 days o�° th^ compl�tion of tlie r:o'rb: desctii�ed herein. . • - • Ut. Agiz[it. ?_-193� paqe 2 '.:IG�iT O_' T.:AY: Totai consi.deration ror rigl7ts oi ��;ay acquired by Oc:=ner for i�is relocatioil siiall not erceed $1 , 0OO. OG unles� prior aaoroval is g1VC�� 1Jt) \.�7� J�LHI.�i�. '�!P^_'--�: (�1t'7i1:^..1' :1?:i pY101 -right= li1 e.reas �:i!tir.n 4/111 '3J/� �:ILt_11P. t}1C P1�Jh!03�T T1Cj1?} O'= F.'ly tl?1C] 4i}1tyY.^-_. �,aner � a ic�.Cll.ltl•^_5 L�i11.1 Y�iJcl1=? O:^. or �� relor..ate:i or. St�tc high�:�ay r.iyht o� �•.•�I, .7oint Jse Agree- n�nt= or Cons�>_nt �o Co?;�.*non Use ARre.�meats sna11 i�e issuec bl Stat��. 1��]V���j'_'�,i�1�: Th� State sh�11 pa;r its r,hare of �he actual cost of the herea.n- described �:�or'i: ev:i.tni� 90 days after receigt of O�.aner ' s itemized �ill in quintuplicate, �ianed by a responsible oriicial or C�:mer ' s or�;�anization, cor:.��iled on the aasis o_ t%ie actual cost and e:;o�nse incurred and charqed or allocate;l � said �;or�: a.n accordance �:�ith the uni�o�-m sy�:tem o:� accounts nrescribeci ior Oriner by tiie Califor;�ia Public Utilities Co;*unissior. or Fece.-ral Co;n,�nunications Commissioe, �ehichever is a.>nlicab]_e. _Tt is un�ierstood �:,c; agr�ee tnat the State �.•rill izot pay for ary �]�i.'L@1"II1C�i t OY 1S7CYvdSC 1C CaU�Cli._� O� ��:ii:^i= � 1c1C1�1t.1L'S 1I7 t�'!E; nec; locatior. anc that O•,•;ner shall civ� cr�ciit to tne State for all accrucd depreci�tion on tne repl�ced _acilities and iol the =:alvage V�l.11� Oi IDc7�CYl�.]. OI iD"c1YtS ScIV2�o6:� 0^C� retain�d DY SOZC i�V O�.�ner. r:t thn el�ction o�' thc O�:�ner, nro�ress bills for costs incurre3 taay be suamitt^_ct ��et to e:tceed O�::zer ' s recorued co�t:; as o= a speci=i< datc less e�timater_i credits an�licai�l� to compl�ted �:�or�: �ahere t:ie recorced co:;ts are suificicnt to r�arra,lt sucn billing. TiZe ii-�a1 'nilli:��� snall ]ae in ih� iorm o� an it�mized stateme�t of tnc total costs charg�d to tli� project, les� the credits provided £or in the agre^r�icnt, and t.ess any a:r,ounts covc,�^d ny �roc�r�ss billings. D�t.=.il�ci records i�o� r�nicii tn_ i�illinc i> com_�i1ed snall be re- i:17.i?^G i,J]! t.1G-' �brYi�.Y _01` ,. ?]E,Y10C�'. Oi �Ol1Y j'c:.-1. 15 i20?A i:Y?C C'l�]ta Oi ih� iina)_ i�i11 and ivill :�e available for. veri`icatio�l by State (a7d Ped�ral} auci.itors . • . - � Ut. [7grmt. ?-19a� Page 3 R/I7 �::pe:�diture Aiit_loriza�ion - 0�9�39. CO:!:s�:CilCtLOC CO:ltTF1Ct 1 UlCla: } 7. �� : I tqht o` ;;ay Funds $1 , 32� . 00 EstimatedCost [oS1'ATE $____1,.32� . 00 O��'NER agrees to perform and ST'A"C1s ngrees to pay for thc above-described work in acrnrdance with '-----t�?].:; c'3n:,'G'C7Rc_'ilt. . ."_..._'___'_'__'_._..._._..._.....""""_"_'_"_""'_'_""'_'__'_"_'__ '____""........._"_...__....._'_..._.._'_""'_"'....._'__"'_'___""'_'____ IN WITNESS �VLiEftCO[�, the partieti have executed this agreement the day and year first above �vritten. --C I�X--�P _izuADlidG. - _ --------- -- - �1-.._ ----....._....- ----� - - ..--.-.. _..--- -....---- ---- Arrr,ov.��. Rrco�t.�s:.ven: f'iuyor ......... .......... . . _. _.._- .......... ...._--------- - - --..... -_....._ - -�- - -- ._..... ----............._............_.. �, D'uMce AiKh�n/iVn'J Agent "s."'""'_"'"_..._..."""..............'"'_'_ '"'"""__"_""""""___'_'"""""'""_"""_..."_"_' (�.L�LI� C1.�..L� '. +- "'"'""""""..........."'""" Xighe ol 1Val Clmrnncr Agent . .'__"""___._....."_'"_"'_""_""__"'_'"""_'_"'"..."'"""_""...'""'_"'___"'_' Ownei_" APPFtOVF�; STA'I'f3 Of� CALIFORNIe\ �EPAII'I'\IF,rT OF' TZU\NSPORTA71p�7 ��-- -- - --- -- ............. _..._ -- -.._... -- - - --- cnr.vm.. n.e:.wo�.n mw OO d oa.