HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.6(e)--Approve MOU with Colt 45s GI �" Y � F � � � ° � � � " � � CITY OF REDDING REPORT TO THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: January 17, 2023 FROM: Kim Niemer, Community ITEM NO. 4.6(e) Services Director ***APPROVED BY*** � . �: � in1 Ni�n er, �ni nit crvle�s irectrar �/{/7423 5 �ri I�cMaa�d,Ass��tant C"ity = ., 1,']0/2423 kniemer@cityofredding.org btippin@cityofredding.org � SUBJECT: 4.6(e)--Approve Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Colt 45s for the maintenance of Tiger Field and the security of Tiger Field, South City Park, and the adjacent arkin lots throu h June 30, 2024. Recommendation Authorize the City Manager to execute the Amended and Restated Memorandum of Understanding (C-6532) between the City of Redding and the Colt 45s for year-round maintenance, field preparation, and scheduling at Tiger Field, and security services at Tiger Field, South City Park, and the adjacent parking lots through June 30, 2024. Fiscal Impact The modifications listed in the Amended and Restated Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) result in minimal cost for the City of Redding (City). Initially, the Colt 45s team (Team) was to have its own account for garbage service; however, the Team uses the City's garbage container for solid waste. The MOU changes formalize the existing arrangement. Pursuant to the MOU the City shall pay for water, sewer, and electric expenses not to exceed $42,000 annually. Any amount over $42,000 will be paid by the Team. Alternative Action The City Council (Council) could choose not to approve any or all of the proposed items relative to the maintenance and security at Tiger Field. The alternatives wi11 require City staff to renegotiate terms with the Team. Background Tiger Field is the City's historic baseball park in South City Park. It is the only field in the City's inventory that meets regulation baseball field dimensions. Historieally, the field is used by Simpson University, American Legion, Colt 45s, Redding Recreation, 1oca1 high schools, and various other users. The City and the Team entered into an MOU in 2015 to provide y�ar-round facility maintenance, including game day preparations for the Tiger Field facility, field Report to Redding City Council January 12,2023 Re: 4.6(e)--Approve MOU with Colt 45s Page 2 scheduling, and periodic security patrols. The arrangement has worked well for both parties. Last year, Simpson University communicated that it would use its own field and no longer have a need to utilize Tiger Field. This move opens the calendar for more community p1ay. As such, the Team and the City sought clarifications and revisions to the MOU. The City Attorney has reviewed and approved the attached MOU. Highlights of the changes in the Amended and Restated MOU include: � Simplifying the list of priority users • Eliminating game count by user • Reducing the miniinum number of games from 170 to 125 annually • Updating field use request process • Increasing field use fee from maximum of$200 to $250 • Codifying that the Team retains field use fees • Extending the Team's use of Tiger Hall from summer to year-round • Eliminating the requirement for separate trash service EnviNonmental Review This action is not a project as de�ned under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and no further action is required. Council Priority/City Manager Goals • Economic Development — "Facilitate and become a catalyst for economic development in Redding to create jobs, retain current businesses and attract new ones, and encourage investment in the community." Attachments MOU with Colt 45s Regarding Tiger Field (C-6532) MEM� Nl)UM QF Ul�1�ERSTANDING TIGER FIELD TH1S 1��IEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING("MOU"')is entered into by and between t11e Citiy of Reddirlg ("CITY"); a mui�icipal corporatioti, and t11e Colt 45s ('°T�AM"), a Califonlia non�rofit public bene�t corpor•ation. WHE AS, CITY is owaier of the llistoric Tiger Field baseball field ("'Tiger Field") located in South City Park i�� Redding, California; aiid WH� AS, the Colt 45s baseball teaan plays a sumn�er league with college players; �WHE AS, CITY and TEAM have worlced coaperatively on iinprovements, �rogrammiilg and maint�nance af Tigex Field, and WHE AS, CITY daes not have sufficient persounel to perfonxl the services required liereiii tl�ereby necessitating this agl'een�ent; alzd WHE AS, tllis MOU sha1� su�ersede and replace a11 �rior MOUs; agi:eem�nts and undeg•standings, oral or wt7tten, between tlze CTTY and tl�e TEANI regarcling the use and inaizltenallce af Tigei-Field. N(�W THE FO �, CITY and TEAM agree that TEAM ��ill inaintain Tiger Field oi1 a year-rauild basis including gazne day field preparations, tlie adjacent restroom, seating, dugouts, batting cages, and colzcessiol� stazads, and provide security far Tiger Fie1d; Soutl� City Park, and the adjacerlt pa�•king lots, in accordance witl7 the follawing terms and conditions: SECTItJN 1. PRt?P�RTY A. Tl�e properties su�ject to this MOU shall be i•eferred to as tlie "Tiger Field Area", as is described in Exhil�it A, attached and incorpoi•ated 1lerein. B. All uses of Tiger Field shall cam�ly witli ar�d adliere to all applicable federal, state and local 1aws, rules antl regulatiotis incltzding,but not limited to, Tibei�Field site cievelopme�lt perrnil and occu��ai�ey limits set�y the Fire Ma:rshal or other appz•opriate authority: S�CTIQN Z, SCHEDULING A., TEAM is respozzsible for all field schedule eoardination and shall provide CITY a sclsedule of the coriz�leted gailles each quarter on April 15, July 15; OctoUer 15, alid Jarluary 15. ' Schedule ta be emailed to ckincaid@cityofredding,org: C-6532: MOU Colt 45s—Tiger Field Page 1 T. User groups are to submit Facility U'se fonns to TEAM fa1- approval: Usei- group ilzsurance requireinents wi11 be stabn�itted �nd approved by CITY. 2. Prioz-ity of��se is as follaws: a. Adults (Colt 45s, Reereatioii Leagues, and Silnpson U1�iversity) b: Youtli{American Legiol�, Little League; Schoals, Travel teazns) B. Numbez-of�atnes scl�eduled eacl� year will be betw�en 125-160. C. Field tase requests will ve schetluled on a fitest come fir-st sez•ve basis in the prioi:ity of adults first then youth. Requests nlay be sent as early �s the days outlined below: 1. S1�ri�1g use (Marcli—May) due Deceinber 15t�' 2. Suminer use{June —August) due Apiil 15i1' 3: Fall use (Septenll�er—Novez��berj due July l 5fi' 4. W�nte1:u�e (L)ecemUer—Febr-uary} due October 1 St�' D. Rec�uests rnay be su1�1-�Iitted up to 721zaus�s ii� advance of z-equested date. Requests wi11 be hoi�ored as sclledules ai�d staffing allow. E. CITY inay close Tiger Field for safet� and i7�ajor inaintezlance considerations as laeeded. Suc11 closi:iz�es will l�e noticed witll as much advai�ce war•ning as �ossil�le: F. TEAM may cl�arge alzd retain fee up to $250�er game to usei�groUps; exce�t tl�e CITY. Ap�licable Iightil�g fee as outliz7ed in the Master Fee Sclledule shall be tralzsnlitteci to CITY, TEAM's��yine�it to CITY will be made fcrr eacll qltai�tel°with the game schedule as outliiled iyi Section 2.A within 30 days af tlie end of`t11e subject quarter with tlze actual facility sclledu�e at�aclled. SE�'I'I(3N 3. MAi1�1TENAN�E AND SECIJItITY A. TEAM is r-esponsible foa� the lnaintei7al�ce and security of Tiger- Fie1d, ilicluding tlle adjacerlt z-esti-oona,caaicession bui1di11g al�d seati�lg areas sl�all be provided i1i accorda��ce with E�l�ibit�, attached and incoz�oiated her�in. B. TEAM shall provide security guag-ds to��trol Tiger Fielci, Soutlg City Pai�k a11d the adjaeei�t parkir�g lats wliell games are�layed. C. Pursuant to Sectioz� 1?81 of tlze Labor Code;TEAM is advised tliat t11e inaiiltellarice work canienlplated in tl�is cotitract is subject to t11e payilient of prevailing �Tages. TEAM shall cc�m�ly tiuitlz all laws relating to tlie perfortnatl�e of pul�lic work iilcludiilg, l�ut liot ' liinited to; pay1ne11t of prevailing wages; tlie enl�loyr�7e71t of appi�entices pul�suant to ' C-6532: MOU Colt 45s—Tiger Fiefd Page 2 Section 1777.5 of t11e Labor Code arld the obligation set forth in 5ection 1726 of tlle Lavor Code tQ �rovide t11e City of Redding aildlox- Departineiit of�i�dustrial Relatiail� certified payrolls when rec�uired. Copies of tlie prevailil7g�7age rate Fo1� eac11 craft, clzssificatioli or� typc of worlcer are ai1 file witli tlie City of Redditlg. Iil the everlt t11at volunteers laerfot�ri� sucla w�ark �ursuant ta Labor Cade section 1720.4,��r�evailillg wages sliall r�ot be�-equii-ed." D: TEAM accel�ts and acluZouTledges t11at sozile work perforined in accordance with Exhivit B inay be subject ta p�-evailiilg �uages; a1�d TEAM will cotnply witl� all laws a��d regulatior�s�ertaining tliereto. E. Except �s �i-ovided in t1�is M�U, CITY shall have no yes�ausibility for any cast associated witl� tlle n�ailztetlance and private secul-ity services at Tibet-Field. F. Any t�se of cl�emic�ls, 1ie��bicides and�esticides mus� l�e approved by CITY prioY-to use. G. Except foi- CITY-appi-oved veliicles, TEAM s11a11 nat a�low pl:ivate vehicles on Tigeg Field. H. TEAM shall prom�tly clean aiid inspect Tiger Field ai�d facilities fi�llowiilg all events. TEAM sllall pronlptly notify CITY of any dainabe to Tiger Field tllat it discavers. SEC'1'I4N 4. AD��ER'I'ISIl�G A. TEAM shall be I�ei�nitted to attacll s�onsor niatei-ial to fel�cing ar7d will cooperate witl� other users to do tlle same. SECTI(JN 5. TE AND TERMINATI�}N A, This MDU sllall ret11ai1� iil full force aild effect for.Tuly 1, 2015 to Jurie 30, 2024. B. CITY or TEAM anay te7��nii�ate this MQU witl�aut cause wit11 tliirty (3�) calendai� clays wz�itten notice to tlze otllel-pa�y. �ECTItJI� 6. �NDEMI�IITY; ATT(.� E3I FEES A. TEAM shall indeillnify and defend the CITY aild its officers, em�loyees; agents, a�ld valunteers lbaiilst, ar�d laold tlletl� hai�nless fi•am, any �lid all claizns, losses; pe7ialties, cian�ages alid liabiiity for damabes of ar7y lcind, iilcludil7g attoniey's fees and otl�er costs of defeiase ir�curi:ed by t��e CTTY, includiilg l�ut nat limited to claitns relati�lg to conlpliance with tl�e �revailing ���age law ai�d occ��patio»al safety lau�s, daiz�age to oY• lass of pro�erty or injt�ly to ol- deatll of persoil, iilcludir7g properties of flie CITY a1�d injury to or deatl� of CITY of£'icial�, eil�ployees, agents, oi: volullteers arising, directly or iildi�-ectly out of; or resultirig fram t11e TEAM's opet•atioils Ilereunder or tl�e perfoz-a��atl�e of tlle t�voY�k descl•ibed lreiein ol� tlie i�se of the j�int use facilities by tlle Team, unless suc11 daulage, loss, irijury or dcath is c��tsed l�y the negligence of t1�e CITY, its afficials, einployees, agents or vc�luilteels, G-6532;MOU Calt 45s—Tiger Field Page 3 B: CITY sliall indei�ulify azid defeiid tl�e T E A M, its off cez•s, directoz-s, employees, agents, represeiitatives; volui7teers; contractors, subcontractors; successars a�1d assigns against, a1��1 hold tl�eln liar•mless fronl, any aiid all claims, losses,penalties, damages and lial�ility foi� danlages of a11y ��ind, i7icluding attoY7�ey's fees and otlier costs af defense inclirred by T�A IVI, iilclttdir�g but t�ot 1i11�ited to damage to or loss of property or injury to ar deatlz of person, i�lcluding �roperties of TEAM and injury to or deatll of TEAM officers; directors, employees, agellts, iepresezitatives, volunteers, contractors, subcoi�tracto�•s, successor-s and assig7ls ar•ising directly or izidirectly c�ut af, or resultii�g frorn CITY's o�erations llerel�ndei-or the�erforzl�alrce of the work described l�ei-ein or tlle use of tlie joii�t use facilities by CITY, unless such danlage� loss; iizjury or death is causec� by ti�e negligence�f TEAM, its officez�s, di�-ecto�-s, employees, agents, representatives, �Tolunteers, coiztractors; successars and assigzls. C. In ar�y dis�l�te betweezi tl�e parties to tllis MOU, wlletlrer ar not resultzn; in liti�ation, the �revailing party sliall be entitled to recover froti� tlie otlaer party all reasonable eosts, includillg t�Titl�out limitation,reasonable attorney`s fees. "Prevailing �arty" sliall include witliout limitation, a ��arty wl�a disrnisses an action for s�ecific pel•fortnance or foz� damages iil exc�1a17ge for suins already due,pel•fonz�ance of cavenants allegedly breached or collsideration substantially equal to the relief souglit in the actioll, or whicil when i•ecei�red fron� tl�e othet� party, in cazznectioi� with ar�y dispute, eonstitutes perfoz-n�ance substailtially equivalent to ai�y af these. No sum for attorney"s fees sha11 l�e illcluded iiz calculating the ainount of a judgii�ent for puzposes of deciding wl�ether a party is ezititled to its costs or attoi7�ey's fees. SEC'I'It�N 7. INSU NCE � A, TEAM shall obtain lia�xlity insurance an� 17a171e C1TY as a11 additional insured under TEAM`s insuranee - �olicies, - witll the exceptian of worlcer's coinpeiisatioiz, as follows: l. Calninercial gelleral liability iizsurance (at least as bz:oad as ZSO fo1-m CGfJQ01) with 1i1i1its no less t1ia11 one inillion dollars($1,0OO,OQO)�er occu�-reilce far bodily injurY; persoiial iiljury; or prQ�ei-ty damage. 2. Wol-kers' cognpezlsation illsurance as reqt�ired by the State of Californza a.nd eln�loyer's liability ir�suraiace, the latter wit11 liinits no less tllan calze inillion dollaY•s ($1,000,000) pei�accidei�t Car- br�dily il�jury or disease. B. CITY shall requil•e i�lsttrance for all special evez�ts scheduled by it. c-�s3z: Mau Colt 45s—Tiger Field Page 4 SEC'I'I�N S. AGENCY; INI�EPENDENT �4NT CTORS A. Neither pai-ty ta tllis MOU is, ar may represent itself ta be, a�z age�it, partner, erllployee, ox- joint tTeBzhu�e of ar with tlle otlzet• �aa�ty by reasola of this MQU. Neitlier party is autl7orized to ezlter ir7to agreell�ents o1- create �t1y debts or obligations a11 behalf of t�ie c�ther party. TEAM sha11 be coiisidel�ed a1i independellt cozltractor: S�CTIC)N 9: C�NSIDE TION A: In cansiderafian of TEAM's obligalioz�s hereunder, CITIT s�1a11 provide 14 cases of��aper towels, thi-ee �3) cases of toilet �aper, six (6) gallons of alI-purpose cleaner, eigl�t (8) cailisters of lic�uid soap a11d twa (2) cases of garbage can lirlers azlnually. B: TEAM sliall 17ac�e access to ai�d exclusi��e use of Tiger Hall South. Redding Parks Division wi11 colltinue tise af Tiger Hall No�-t11. SECTION lfl. UTILITIES A. CITIT shall pay fo1• water, sewer, and electrical expenses not to exceed $42,Q00 annually. Any ainol�nt over $42,000 will be paid l�y tlze TEAM. S�GTI(JN 11, Pt)SSESSt�RY INTE +ST TA� A. Pursuant ta California RevenLie and Taxatiol� Code § 107.6, TEAM is l�ereby adviscd tl�at tllis docutneilt may create a taxal�le possessory i�ltei�est within tl�e ineaning of tlie Rcvellue and Taxatiolz Cade. TEAM is solely res�otlsible fot• t�1e ti111e1y pa}nl�ent of sucl� tax, iYi tlse event t11at it is assessed. SECTI47�1�T 12. MIS��LLANEOLTS I'Rd�►VISIONS A. Tllis M{�U, uTl�iclx includes alI exhibits attached l�ereto and incorporated by reference liez�ein, coutains all of tl�e repl-esentations and the ei7tire u��tdei•standing aaZa agreemeizt l�etu�eel7 the pa1-ties pertainillg to tlie use and maintenailce of Tiger Fie1d. Tlxis M(7U sha11 not be altered, arzlen�eci, o��modified except vy a writillg signed l�y�11 pap�ties. B. Upoi� behalf of the CITY ��Id witll the agreement of tlie TEAM; tl�e D�1•ector of Coinl�lunity 5ervices is atatllorized to nlake inodificatioils a11d azner�diZ�ents to tl�is MQU tlzatt�o not sigl�lficantly modify its ter�ns and conditions. C-6532: MOU Colt 45s—1`iger Field Page 5 C: Subject to tlle approval of the CITY Manager or his designee, CITY inay permit tt�e TEAM to sazbcontract the perfon�lance of some or all af its obligatioils liereunder to otl�ers. Tl�e City Manager ar designee°s action of tl�e written rec�uest of TEAM shali be made i�o latcr t�1an faurteen (14) days after suc11 request is lilade. Failure to aci aii T E A M ' s wz�itten request witlliiz folt�-teen (14) days shall be deemed an ap�roval of t�ze request. Wit17 submittal of proper insurance docuYnentatioil, CITY approves use of McEntire Landscaping, Inc. alzd No�-th State Secut-ity Irzc. D: In tlle et�el�t aily covel�allt, col�dition or �ravisioz� af tl7is MC�U is held ii�valid l�y any court of coil�petent ju��isdictiotl, tlae invalidity of t11e san�e sllall in no way affect aily other covenant, caildition, or prc�visi�n thereof, pro�rided that the validity of ariy such covenant, condition o�• provision does nat inaterially pa�ejudice eitller tlle CITY oi- tlle TEAM in tllezz- respective riglits aald abligatiolls coiltaialed in tl�e valid covenants, conditions and provisiorls: E. Subject to tlle�7ovisions of Section 12. 8.,11eitl�er t11is MOU nor a11y intel�est iiz tlais MOU wi11 l�e assigna6le l�y any party witlloizt tlle ��riar ��ritten corlsent of the atlaer party. Sul�ject to t}�e restrictiol�s against assignmelxt contained 1lerei�s, tliis MDU is and sl-tall be binding upon tl�e parties hereto and t�leir suecessors and�ssigns, and sl��ll renlaizi in full force and effect ulltil ten17ir1ated as �rovided liereial. F: Tlle t�ndersigned individuals represeut and wai-raiit tliat tliey eacl� liave fiall autl�ority to ente�•i11td and 1�e bound by tl�is MOU on vehalf of theinselves and each entity an wlzose l�ehalf tliey execute this MOU. G. Tl�e ca�tions lieadir7g tlie variaus sections of tl�is MOU are for convenience and s1ra11 nat l�e ct�lzsidereti to liYl�it, ex�and,or de�ne the cantetlts of the res�ective sections. Masculii7e, feminii7e, or iletiter geilder, atld t11e siribt�lar alid tlle plural iiunzber shall eacli be cansidered to include llie otl�et� �Tlieneve�- the cont�xt so reqltires. If any party co�isists of moa�e than ozle person, each strcl-►pers�n shall be jointly and severally liable. II. Iii tlre event of a dispute betweeii tl�e parties to this MC7U over tl�e nleaaiing of tliis MOU, 1�o party shall be deenaed to have l�eezl the drafte�• o,f this MOU; and tl�e p�•inciple of law set fortll in Civil Code � 1654 tihat cantracts are co7Ystrued against t11e drafter s1�a11 not a��ly. I. In the perfori�iance af tliis MOU, TEAM shall not discri7ninate agaitlst a7iy ein�layee or a�plicant for eil�ployineilt because ofl�ace, color, azlcestry, llation�l origir�, a-eligious cree�, � sex, disability; age, iizarital stattis,political af�liatioi�, or inenlbersl�ip or non,�mernbership in any arga��ization:TEAM sllall talce af�1•mative action to ensul•e applicants ar-e elnployeci C-6532: MOU ' Colt 45s—Tiger Field ' Page 6 and tllat employees ai-e treated durii�g thei��em�loyi�lent witliaut regaz�d to tl�eit race, color, Iancestiy; national ori�iil, -religious creed; sex, disability, age, marital status, palitical af�liatiarz, or ii�einbership or iion-zneinbersllip in al�y organizatiola. S�zcl� actiol�s shall include�bi,tt 11ot be linlited to,tl�e fc�llowing: eznployinent,u�gz-acling,demotio�l 07�transfei�; i•ecruitmel7t or recr�iitineilt ad��ertisizig,layof`f or teixilination, rates of pay or otller fol7ns of colnpensation and selection far traii�ing., J. Tl�e laws of the St�te af California shall gove7-�� tlle interpretatioz� of and tlie��esolution of disputes utlder tliis MQU, Ve�luc shall be ii1 tlle Sttperior Caurt of the Courlty af 5hasta. If ai7y claiin; at lav��or otl�erwise, is made by eitliel�party to t11is MOU, the prevaili�lg party shall be entitiled to its costs and z•easallable attorrieys' fees. SECTIC�N 13. Nt�TIC�S A, Any notices or denlands tilat may be given by eitller party l7ereunder sl�all l�e deeil�ed to 1�ave beeu fully ai�d property givei� w�1en made in writing; enclased iz1 a sealed envelape and tiepositeci iil tlae United States Post t)ffice, cer-tifieti mail; postage pp•epaid, addressed as follows: �ITY Cf�LT 45s I�i�n�er-ly Nieiner Ricic Bosetti Community Services Di�-ectos� 1471 Ar-�oyo Manoi-Drive 777 Cyp1-ess Aveiiue Redding, CA 96003 Redding, CA 96001 bosetti cr cllarter.�let kniezner ,citvc�freddin .�a1:g (530}22'7-4443 (530) 225-4085 S��TI�N 14. EFF�CTIVE DA'I'E CJF MOU A. The date caf this MOU sha11 �e tl�e date signed by tlle CITY. c-6s�z: nnou Gait 45s—Tiger Field Page 7 IN TTI�TESS � �C7�F, CITY �nd T�AM have executed tl�is M�U on tlie days at�d year set forth l�elow: CITY OF REDDING, r�10�[unicipal Corporation atetl: B�RRY TIFPII�, �I'I'Y 1VdANAGER AT'TES'�': APPROVE TO F0�2M: �ARRY E. eWALT, CITY ATTORNEY PAMEL�MIZ�, CITY CLERK II�ARRY E. edVALT, CIT'Y ATTO EI' � L'I' 4Ss: ated. ��SI.IE MELBiJRG, �� AI�1 ^�,, Taxpayer ID # 46-3630958 c-6�s2: nnou Golt 45s—Tiger Fieid Page 8 � � �� 1 '�� ��� � : `���� �::... � .� �I � � � ��y���s�� � � ~�����. .�� �. . Pt'dJ@Ct,P,i'B8 �_.,./� / f (� �� 1 � e `� �� � ��l � � , , Q � � � ; , ,� ��. , , ;: ��- ��-- �'� � r L: , � � �� r � ' � ��- /' ��< � /�,, �i'�� �``'��.�,� , ( �� �, /�{,� � ; $ t � � , � j / j � '/ { � � :--� � � � ° �:� � �-. � � ���� �� � ��- ��-,,'�� �..'� � ' \ ,,i �� ��� �� �.. � �� . � � �, ��� � J �- o � ��`� � � O � `�r� � Exhibit A Tiger fieJd C-6532: MOU Colt 45s—Tiger Field ' Page 9 ' EXI�IBIT B MAINTENANCE AND SECURITY SCOPE OF WQRI� T'E� � �I II.,I�'I � DAILY GAME DAY DUTIES Openiizg � C}pen gates upon arri�J�l. Lacic tlle lock back on gatc- do not leave lzan�ing open. � Unlock Restrooms ar�d stock witll supplies. � Check to see �,arl�age cans are ]ined. � TurY1 liglit� a1� as needed. Prepaiatian Duties • For ga���e preparation, put away rubl�er inats fi�oln Pitcl�er"s Mou1�d a�7d Batter's Bax. Use thein for an-cleck batters circles loeated in�lallc up ally. If practicii7g lceep Battel-'s Box i-ul�bei-s out at�d use "�itclling plank" Iocated ii� old 3rct base bu11 pen area. • Water dowi� ir�field. • Drag if needeci. Please do �Zot di�ag di�-t onto tl�e gz•ass. Inste�d- stop, sliake dr�ag, lift drag tzllto "rnachii�ery°, t�a1�e to distribute dirt sl�akera from drag bacic i�lto is�field. • Li1�e tlle field witll field rnag•lcet- �zint oz11y in Slatnzner Season. Glean-up Duties m P��11 t�ze l�ases aut t�efore you start. Malce sure yau do not drag any claser than 6" fi�om grass-liiie. Use'sn7all drag for base line. Use lianc� rake f�r vase cut outs, Uatter's boa area, arid pitcl�er's ino��nd are�: Note:� Please do not drag dirt onto the �n�ass, Instead- stap, sllake di-ag, lift cirag urito "macl�ia�ery", ralze to disti•il�ute dirt sliaken from drag back inta in�eld. • Rake and pack down B�tter-'s Box, Piteher's Mound, ai-ai�nd Bases, and in Bull�ens. Use a "tainpe7.". 4 �UatEr down Pitclzei-'s Moui�d, Batter's Box a�ld Bulipens. � Put rtablaer �nats bacic over Batter's Bax. a Pic1� u�� all littei� ayld place in r-eceptacles (includirlg restz-oonls, ble�clrers, L�z1de1-bleacller and dug outs). � Any trasl7 bags inore tllan 112 full mi�st l�e retno�Ted troln receptacle, tiecl and placed in dunlpster (including in bathrooins). � Reline aliy rece�tacle that tlle liner was r�eilloved. • Hose do�rn spills in bleacllei-s. C-6532; MOU ' Colt 45s—Tiger Field Page 10 - Cleall up and wi�e down concessioiis area per procedure. a Locic t�estroams and gates l�efore leaving. � Ttarn ligl�ts off as lieeclec� before Ieavii�g. ROUTINE MAINTENANCE DUTIE5 Maw grass twice a week duriiYg tlle growizlg seasor� at least twice a mantll November througl� Ma�•ch. At least v✓eekly du1•irig playizig seasoll or- as ileeded. • Hase and/or l�1ow bleacl�ers. - Hose and/or blow decl{s. � Hose and/or blow dlzg outs. • Scrub garbage receptacics. - Weed infield. @ Weed sidelines and bullpei� areas. • I�ase outside of builditlgs anci l�acksto�s. DUTIES AS NEED�D • Miizor facility re�airs � Irrigation l�epai��s; not lnainline re�airs � Fertilize � Weed i�lfieltl ��T�' E� 1�1SI II.�I'TIES - Flunzbing • Electrical � S�fety issues � 5tr-uctural�-epairs m Mizlor facility re�airs � Mainlizle ii�-igation repairs � Graffiti remc�ti�al C-6532c MOU Cait 45s—Tiger Field Pa,ge 11