HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso. 1986 - 022 - Approving the contract between the city of redding and drazen-brubaker & assocuates inc • • RESOLUTION NO. Ask,111 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF REDDING APPROVING THE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF REDDING AND DRAZEN-BRUBAKER & ASSOCIATES, INC. FOR RATE ANALYSIS SERVICES IN CONNECTION WITH THE PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY FERC RATE CASE, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN SAME. BE IT RESOLVED by the City of Council of the City of Redding as follows : 1 . The City Council of the City of Redding hereby approves the Contract between the City of Redding and Drazen-Brubaker & Associates, Inc. for rate analysis services in connection with the Pacific Gas and Electric Company FERC rate case. 2. The Mayor of the City of Redding is hereby authorized and directed to sign all necessary documents on behalflof the City of Redding, and the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to attest the signature of the Mayor and to impress the official seal of the City of Redding on the aforesaid documents , when appropriate. 3. A true copy of the Contract referred to herein is attached hereto and made a part hereof. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was 1 . • introduced and read at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Redding on the 20th day of January , 1986 , and was duly adopted at said meeting by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Demsher, Fulton, Gard, Pugh, & Kirkpatrick NOES : COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None A6V744W/4. '1.:4:1_1 HOWARD D. KIRKP TRICK, Mayor City of Redding ATTEST: ?:?:5e,Q 72&•111.2 ETHEL A. NICHOLS, City Clerk FORM PPROVED: /,42 RA DALL A. HAY , City Attorney -2- • • p� ��11T-01 • JAN 1. 3 1986 CITY OF REDDIN© ELECTRIC DEPT. • This agreement is made as of the Id day of ) /(1-.".. .,ty , 1986, by and between the City of Redding, California (City) , and Drazen-Brubaker & Associates, Inc. (DBA). In consideration of the premises anll of the mutual promises of each party to the other herein contained, it is hereby mutually agreed as follows. ARTICLE I - STATEMENT OF SERVICES • DBA agrees that it will make available to City qualified utility rate and economic consultants and necessary support personnel , to carry out the services to be rendered in connection with the Pacific Gas and Electric Company FERC rate case; . such services being as described in the letter of January 10, 1986 from Maurice Brubaker to the City, as modified from time-to-time by mutual agreement. Any material of a confidential nature provided to DBA by City will be held confidential by DBA and not disclosed to third parties with- out the prior consent of City. ARTICLE II - COMPENSATION In consideration for the services performed by DBA, City agrees to compensate DBA on the basis of its hourly rates (copy attached) in ef- fect at the time that the services are provided, plus compensation for out-of-pocket expenses and computer services. 0 0 Page 2 ARTICLE III - BILLING DBA shall submit periodic statements to City, detailing the hours worked by each category of personnel , describing the nature of the services rendered, and a breakdown of expenses incurred. Payment will be made within thirty (30) days of receipt of invoice. If there is a dis- pute about any portion of the billing, payment for the undisputed portion will not be withheld. • ARTICLE IV - TERMINATION OF SERVICES Services may be terminatedby the City at any time and the City will be obligated only for the fees and expenses incurred by DBA up to the date DBA receives written notice of such termination. • -IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed or 'caused these presents to be executed as of the day and year first written above. W'tness: Drazen rubaker & Associates, Inc 4 /- -t —c.__, 1, . ..4---/—e,--1—e—e--As._ ....y: A ,i../-i.,..-`--, ------ --7---, f-x-rt ___ Name r 0 4 . \) 4.ii, '" ,Z‘-)--:-. Title Witness: City of Redding, California By: Name Tit] e ___, s • • . • • DRAZEN-BRUBAKER 8 ASSOCIATES, INC. I DRAZEN-BRUBAKER & ASSOCIATES, INC: HOURLY RATES AS OF JULY 1, 1985 Principals* $135 per hour Senior Associates* $100 to $120 per hour Associates $ 85 to $100 per hour Senior Consultants $ 75 to $ 85 per hour %UConsultants5Consultants $ 55 to $ 75 per hour Senior Analysts $ 40 to $ 55 per hour Analysts • $ 30 to $ 40 per hour' Special Typists and Computer Clerks $ 20 to $ 30 per hour *Add $30 per hour when services involve negotiation of contracts. I',