HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso. 1986 - 020 - Approving the bill crediting contract with customer of the central valley project • • RESOLUTION NO. 8 -40 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY SOF REDDING APPROVING THE BILL CREDITING CONTRACT WITH CUSTOMERS OF THE CENTRAL VALLEY PROJECT, ENTERED INTO BETWEEN THE CITY OF REDDING AND THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, ACTING THROUGH THE ADMINISTRATOR, WESTERN AREA POWER ADMINISTRATION, AN AGENCY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN SAME. BE IT RESOLVED by the City of Council of the City of Redding as follows : 1 . The City Council of the City of Redding hereby approves the Contract between the City of Redding and the United States of America, acting through the Administrator, Western Area Power Administration, an agency of the Department of Energy, entitled Bill Crediting Contract with Customers of the Central Valley Project. 2. The Mayor of the City of Redding is hereby authorized and directed to sign all necessary documents on behalf of the City of Redding, and the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to attest the signature of the Mayor and to impress the official seal of the City of Redding on the aforesaid documents, when appropriate. 3 . A true copy of the Contract referred to herein is attached hereto and made a part hereof. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was introduced and read at a regular meeting of the City Council of Iv . , , . • • the City of Redding on the 20th day of January , 1986 , and was duly adopted at said meeting by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS : Demsher, Fulton, Gard , Pugh, & Kirkpatrick NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None Aela,eten14/' ;''',,/ ..:-ieY HOWARD D. KIRKPAT''ICK, Mayor City of Redding ATTEST: :,-w,,a 2 , L ,,,,,-,,,o. t ETHEL A. NICHOLS, City Clerk FORM APPROVED: :) ..1,- NDALL A. HAYS; City Attorney -2- • • Contract No. DE-MS65-86WP59048 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 UNITED STATES 10 DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY 11 WESTERN AREA POWER ADMINISTRATION 12 13 BILL CREDITING CONTRACT WITH CUSTOMERS OF THE 14 CENTRAL VALLEY PROJECT 15 • 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 . - • • Contract No. DE-MS65-86WP59O48 I 1 UNITED STATES 2 DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY WESTERN AREA POWER ADMINISTRATION 3 BILL CREDITING CONTRACT WITH CUSTOMERS OF THE CENTRAL VALLEY PROJECT 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS 5 PAGE ARTICLE 6 1 1 Preamble 7 2-6 Explanatory Recitals 2 .8 7 Term of Agreement 2-3 9 8 Definition and Explanation of Terms 3-4 10 4-5 9 Payment Obligation 11 5-6 10 Payment 12 6 11 General Power Contract Provisions 13 7 12 Enforceability 14 7 13 Exhibits Made Part of Agreement 15 8 14 Execution by Counterpart 16 Exhibit A 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 • • Contract No. DE-MS65-86WP59048 1 UNITED STATES 2 DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY WESTERN AREA POWER ADMINISTRATION 3 BILL CREDITING CONTRACT WITH CUSTOMERS OF THE CENTRAL VALLEY PROJECT 4 1. This Contract made this - day of , 19 , 5 pursuant to the Act of Congress (The Reclamation Act) approved June 17 , 6 1902 (32 Stat. 388) , the Act of Congress (The Central Valley Project , 7 California , and Colorado River-Project , Texas) approved August 26 , 1937 8 (50 Stat. 844, 850) , the Act of Congress (The Reclamation Project Act) 9 approved August 4, 1939 (53 Stat. 1187) , the Act of Congress (Trinity 10 1 River Division Act) approved August 12, 1955 (69 Stat. 719) , the Act of 11 Congress (Flood Control Act-New Melones Project) approved October 23, 12 1962 (76 Stat. 1173 , 1191) , and the Act of Congress (DOE Organization 13 Act) approved August 4 , 1977 (91 Stat. 565) , and acts amendatory thereof 14 or supplementary to the foregoing Acts between the UNITED STATES OF 15 AMERICA, acting through the Administrator, Western Area Power 16 Administration, an agency of the Department of Energy , hereinafter 17 called Western, represented by the officer executing this contract , a 18 duly appointed successor or a duly authorized representative, 19 hereinafter called the Contracting Officer, and the power customers of 20 the Central Valley Project (CVP) which have entered into this contract 21 by executing a counterpart pursuant to Article 14 hereof, which are 22 hereinafter individually called a Contractor, or collectively , the 23 Contractors. 24 25 WITNESSETH 1 2 2. WHEREAS , Western operates an electric power system, including 3 transmission facilities , as a part of the CVP; and 4 5 3. WHEREAS, the Contractors , who are preference customers of the 6 CVP, individually operate electric utility systems which include genera- 7 tion , transmission , and distribution facilities ; and 8 9 4. WHEREAS , Western has arranged for the purchase of supplemental 10 power from various suppliers to help serve the requirements of customers 11 of the CVP, including the Contractors ; and 12 13 • 5. WHEREAS , in exchange for consideration from Western , the 14 Contractors have agreed to pay all or -a portion of their Power Bills , as 15 described herein , directly to suppliers of power to Western. 16 17 6. NOW, THEREFORE , in consideration of the mutual covenants set 18 forth herein , the parties hereto agree as follows: 19 20 TERM OF AGREEMENT 21 22 7. This Agreement shall become effective on the first day of 23 January 1986. Unless terminated as provided herein , this Agreement 24 25 ' 2 11 • shall remain in effect as to Western and a Contractor until the • 1 expiration of that Contractor' s Power Sales Contract . 2 3 This Agreement may he terminated by Western as to a Contractor, or by a 4 Contractor as to Western under the_ following conditions: 5 6 (a ) After six month 's written notice of intent to terminate; 7 or 8 9 (b) Upon termination of a Contractor's Power Sales Contract , 10 ` according to the provisions of such Agreement . 11 . 12 DEFINITION AND EXPLANATION,OF TERMS 13 14 8. (a) "Power Bill " means the hill delivered by Western to a 15 Contractor each month for the sale by Western and purchase by that 16 Contractor of power from the CVP pursuant to that Cont'ractor's Power 17 Sales Contract. 18 19 (b) "Power Sales Contract" means the agreement between a 20 Contractor and Western which requires ; among other things , payments by a 21 Contractor to Western for electric service from the CVP, These 22 contracts are identified under Exhibit A , attached hereto. 23 - 24 25 3 • • (c) "Power Purchase Agreement" means an agreement between 1 Western and a supplier which requires payment by Western to that 2 supplier for power purchased from that supplier and delivered to Western 3 to supplement CVP generation. 4 5 PAYMENT OBLIGATION 6 •7 9. (a) Each Contractor hereby agrees to pay a portion of Western 's 8 payments due to suppliers in accordance with the terms of any Power 9 Purchase Agreements . 10 11 (b) Each Contractor and Western agree that the Contractor 12 assumes no obligation to the specified supplier for such payments and • 13 that such payments are made as an administrative and accounting 14 accommodation to Western. Each Contractor and Western further agree 15 - that all obligations for supply of the Contractor's power allocation 16 from Western remain with Western and no special conditions for supply of 17 power to the Contractor are placed on the Contractor by this Agreement . 18 19 (c) Western shall determine -the amount of a Contractor' s 20 Power Bill to be paid to a supplier specified by Western. Such amount 21 • shall be deducted from that Contractor' s Power Bill , and in no event 22 shall that Contractor be obligated to pay an amount under this Agreement 23 in excess of its Power Bill , based on metered , scheduled , or estimated 24 quantities of CVP capacity and energy . 25 4 • (d) Any refusal to pay a supplier in the time period 1 specified on a Contractor' s Power Bill shall constitute non-payment of a 2 portion of that Contractor's Power Bill and he subject to provisions of 3 that Contractor's Power Sales Contract for nonpayment of bills in full 4 when due. 5 6 (e) Except to the extent provided in Article 9(d) above , in 7 the event that a Contractor breaches this Agreement , said breach shall 8 not constitute a breach of , or otherwise affect that Contractor's Power 9 Sales Contract , and a breach of a Contractor's Power Sales Contract 10 shall not constitute a breach of , or otherwise affect , this Agreement . 11 12 (f) Agreement by a Contractor to pray a portion of the 13 payments for the Power Purchase Agreement obligation of Western shall 14 not be contingent upon Congress making appropriations for expenditures 15 by Western for such Agreement. 16 17 PAYMENT 18 19 10. (a) In accordance with article 9(c) , Western shall notify 20 each Contractor of the amount to he paid by specifying the amount on 21 that Contractor's Power Bill . 22 23 24 25 5 • • (b) Each Contractor shall pay to the designated supplier the 1 amount due within the time period specified for payment on its Power 2 Bill . 3 4 (c) Payments shall be made to the supplier by an electronic 5 transfer of funds or check , at the option of each Contractor, unless 6 otherwise agreed between Western and the Contractor. Documentation of 7 payments shall be sent to Western as soon as practicable. 8 9 (d) Western agrees to credit each Contractor 51 ,000 per month 10 on that Contractor's monthly Power Bill for payment(s) made by that 11 Contractor to a supplier(s) in order to offset any costs associated with. 12 making payments directly to Western suppliers,. The first such credit 13 shall be reflected on that Contractor' s monthly Power Bill subsequent to 14 the first payment to a supplier. 15 • 16 • GENERAL POWER CONTRACT PROVISIONS 17 18 11. The General Power Contract Provisions dated July 15 , 1985 , are 19 hereby attached to and made a part of this Agreement ; Provided , however, 20 that Articles 1 .2 , 2 through 27 , 29 , 30, 31 , 32, 35 , 3RI , 39 , and 40 , 21 shall not be applicable under this Agreement. 22 23 24 25 6 • • ENFORCEABILITY 1 2 12. It is the intent of the parties hereto that this Agreement 3 shall not confer any rights on third parties to enforce the provisions 4 of the Agreement . This Agreement can only be enforced by Western or a 5 Contractor. 6 7 EXHIBITS MADE PART OF AGREEMENT 8 9 13. Exhibit A (Contract Identification) is attached hereto , and 10 made a part thereof. Such exhibit shall be in effect until respectively 11 superseded by a subsequent Exhibit A. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 . 21 22 23 24 25 7 • S EXECUTION BY COUNTERPART 1 2 14. This Agreement may be executed in a number of counterparts and 3 shall constitute a single document with the same force, and effect as if 4 each party had signed all other counterparts . 5 6 IN WITNESS WHEREOF , the parties hereto° have executed this Bill Crediting 7 Contract No. DE-MS65-86WP59048, in counterparts . 8 9 10 WESTERN AREA POWER ADMINISTRATION 11 By 12 Title Area Manager Address 1825 8611 Street 13 Sacramento, CA 95825 14 15 16 • 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ° 8 • • Contract No. DE-MS65-86WP59048 1 BILL CREDITING CONTRACT 2 3 4 5 (SEAL) CITY OF PALO ALTO 6 Attest • _ By . . Title - - - . Title 7 8 9 (SEAL) . - CITY OF REDOING 10 Attest By 11 Title • • Title - 12 13 14 (SEAL) CITY OF ROSEVILLE 15 Attest By • Title • . - • Title 16 17 18 (SEAL) CITY OF SANTA CLARA 19 Attest By 20 Title Title 21 22 23 (SEAL) SACRAMENTO MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT 24 Attest _ By Tit-le Title 25 - 9 •I • . . ` BILL CREDITING CONTRACT NO. DE-MS65-86WP59048 EXHIBIT A (CONTRACT IDENTIFICATION) 1. This Exhibit A, made this day of , 198,6 to be effective under and as a part of Contract No. DE-MS65-85WP59048 , dated , 1986, (hereinafter called the Contract) , shall become effective on; the first day of January, 1986, and shall remain in effect until superseded by another Exhibit A; Provided, That this Exhibit A or any superseding Exhibit A shall be terminated by the termination of the Contract. 2. The Power Sales Contracts and their contract numbers are identified below: City of Palo Alto Contract No. DE-MS65-85p59007 City of Redding -Contract No. DE-MS65-85,p59008 City of Roseville Contract No. DE-MS65-85WP590.09 City of Santa Clara Contract No. DE-MS65-85'4P59010 Sacramento Municipal Contract No. 14-06-200-290 Utility District