HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso. 1986 - 008 - Agreeing to exchange of property tax revenues for unihabited annexation no. 85-12 .- - i •` 0 1183A 0 RaecpE psr ba �� \Mlq�p _Q,,�, AT 41,14.1.1t R£COR08 BHAST� U���i�`� (9'061 ,'- DI JAN1 31986 ��` RESOLUTION NO. 3(c:'. a �. EE$ V. . .1' RECORDERE $ ... II A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF REDDING AGREEING TO EXCHANGE OF PROPERTY TAX REVENUES FOR UNINHABITED ANNEXATION NO. 85-12 TO THE CITY OF REDDING (GOLD HILLS AREA) . WHEREAS, Subparagraph (b) of Section 99 of the Revenue and Taxation Code requires the Board of Supervisors and the City Council to agree to the exchange of property tax revenues with respect to property annexed to the City after July 24 , 1979; and WHEREAS, the City of Redding proposes to annex to the City of Redding certain territory commonly known as Annexation No. 85-12 (Gold Hills area) ; and WHEREAS, said annexation is of territory properly charac- terized as uninhabited lands; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors and the City Council agree that for Annexation No. 85-12 to the City of Redding, uninhabited land, the property tax, both secured and unsecured, shall be distributed as follows: 1 . Base year tax - the base year tax as defined i..n Revenue and Taxation Code §98 (f) shall continue to be dis- tributed in the same manner as in the fiscal year previous to annexation. 2. Annual tax increment - that portion of the tax as defined in Revenue and Taxation Code §97 (c) resulting from increases in assessed valuation over the base year valuations shall be distributed to the City of Redding in an amount sufficient to insure that the annexed property earns the same percentage of total tax as was earned by other property in the City immediately prior to annexation. 3 . Any portion of the annual tax increment that would have otherwise gone to any special district will henceforth be distributed to the City of Redding because the City BooK22O3PAu '355 III 111 . , .. • -- is assuming services formerly rendered by such special district. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this annexation, to be recorded by the end of the calendar year (December 31) , shall be entitled to distribution of property taxes from and after the first day of the next succeeding fiscal year (July 1) . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Auditor shall be notified of this resolution pursuant to Subparagraph (b) of §99 of the above referenced code. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was intro- duced and read at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Redding on the 6th day of January , 1986 , and was duly adopted at said meeting by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Demsher, Fulton, Gard, & Kirkpatrick NOES : COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Pugh ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None #76/ejac_QA4-44f HOWARD D. KIRKPATRACK, Mayor City of Redding ... ATTEST: P ETHEL .A. ,NICHOLS, City Clerk FORM, APPROVED Q G • "..`"'RAN ALL A. HAYS, City Attorney 60,"r 1183 -2- B0OX 2203PA if 356 tri° • • 41- /,>o- 1?() PROPERTY TAX EXCHANGE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF REDDING ( City) AND THE COUNTY OF SHASTA (County) FOR. ANNEXATION NO. 85-12 (Gold Hills, Uninhabited) WHEREAS, subparagraph (b) of Section 99 of the Revenue and Taxation Code requires the County and the City Council to agree to the exchange of property tax revenues with respect to property annexed to the City after July 24 , 1979, and WHEREAS, the City of Redding proposes to annex to the City certain uninhabited territory commonly known and described as Annexation No. 85-12 , Gold Hills (the Area) ; NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: 1 . For the annexation listed above, the property tax, both secured and unsecured, shall be distributed as follows: (a) Base year tax - the base year tax as defined in Revenue and Taxation Code Section 98( f) shall continue to be distributed in the same manner as in the fiscal year previous to annexation. (b) Annual tax increment - that portion of the tax as defined in Revenue and Taxation Code section 97(Ib) resulting from increases in assessed valuation over the base year valuations shall be distributed to the City of Redding in an amount sufficient to insure that the annexed p4operty earns the same percentage of total tax as was earned by other property in the City immediately prior to annexltion. (c) Upon annexation, taxes previously distributed to any special district which, after annexation will no longer render services to the territory annexed, will be first distributed to the City to insure the City will receive the same percentage of the total tax earned by other property in the City immediately prior to annexation. 2 . This annexation, to be recorded by the end of the calendar year (December 31) , shall be entitled to distribution of property taxes from and after the first day of the next succeed- ing fiscal year (July 1) . • 411 3 . That the County Auditor shall be notified of this agreement pursuant to subparagraph (b) of Section 99 of the above referenced Code. 4 . This agreement will be effective when executed by both parties. Dated: 111 198 Af40 � ;�,, 4 HOWARD D. KIRKPA .ICK Mayor, City of Redding ATTEST: C4,6?,-.726c.1316 ETHEL A. NICHOLS, City Clerk Dated: March 11, 1986 �� ABE HATHAWAY, Vicel- airman Chairman, Board of Supervisors, County of Shasta, State of California ATTEST: ANN REED ANN REED, County Clerk and ex officio Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, County of Shasta, State of California By A LA j!IMOV .n, Assistant County Clerk