HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso. 1986 - 005 - Accepting for maintenance and operation sabre court in the regency park subdivision unit no. 03 1182 111 AEC• ' y ;LA plygST Or ;; 00 AT BCIAL RECORDS CALIF.�A V` 'w 5 �f JAN 1 31986 RESOLUTION NO. Jt.. jl RECORDER FEE $ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF REDDING ACCEPTING FOR MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION SABRE COURT IN THE REGENCY PARK SUBDIVISION, UNIT NO. 3. WHEREAS, improvements have been satisfactorily clmpleted in the Regency Park Subdivision, Unit No. 3; and WHEREAS, the Director of Public Works of the City of Redding has recommended that Sabre Court in said subdivision b;e accepted into the City street system now for maintenance and operation by the City; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered this recommendation I and deems it to be in the best interests of the City of Redding to approve same; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Redding that, pursuant to the authority provided in Section 1806 of the California Streets and Highways Code, Sabre Court in the Regency Park Subdivision, Unit No. 3, its hereby accepted into the City street system for maintenance and opera- tion by the City. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was intro- duced and read at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Redding on the 6th day of January , 1986 , and Boox22O3ra3E 352 • • was duly adopted at said meeting by the following vote• AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Demsher, Fulton, Gard, & Kirkpatrick NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Pugh ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None I S/‹.' ,&/ HOWARD D. KIRKPA I ►CK Mayor City of Redding ATTEST: ETHEL A;: NICHOLS, City Clerk FORM`>APPROVED: ire .• , .4z • 'ALL A. HAYS, City Attorney -2- BODK2 03PAGE d53 • _. ; F -`'MIRY. r k •• ' ':'Wl"' .I+�'"'t nom- $��' 'r ' Cf ` 7"eo►a ,, ; x x�+ J fp t Immit'lialli1111111111611111111111 •. - :1 a3 " t11TlETOE LAW rsm,w IMrR 1 — i 'Matow I ® . + 1 N. ' . . 1111111 _ e;_• } t. IIS i OC OWE RAW `, .— __,_____,.. - =_ EE [:::''-- 7} ± " . C ELLE �T e� • T I 1 1 ->I�ITt E I� _� _I iiii 1 • ., ) • . Tj. --- ._ __ . f.H.:4>:. / .4-'---\\\1: ' \-' , ( ' C KP , 111 , ii EAST MESE AE/Et - — SOO I / r . I I �r1 I i ' + � — — I III ' /, IF VL® . . _i___._____ ___„_ .mi. . . . . _ _ ./.- _.,\ • I , f - _J _ 1 . - A in- 7- _ . , . .1 , . _,. , _, _ L-.1 all- :yr- r 1 / iL, / _, , . _ �. � • lj = I SEE" i-1440._ - •: -- .— w�11 - , sr ' .jI : II . g _L _ — Tw-._, -N-- . — „Noe . :AN , 1 .F., „ , 1 1 L . ,. • , \ . i .., . „. . . • f . i— — - rd .OI'®;�->■ }` ti•- • ._______,_ .._.___,-- +:: ' i ►-s _ 'S,--m. - 2 I iii - ri s Al. ' I i ■11 [ lic11111 noIMIIM MEM MN= 11 2 MEM-.1.0=livosa.lo -E. 7- I f i NN .BEE . IMNf1411 rEnt R UIIIIl! iL1i III 1!®m Iir I® '; .111111huinn.Ri _ ■I' ■ ■Emour.....-- ...Ai 1 - b\ 111c2i !P '_ p I I I 1:7_111 # . . • , ® 5 ®iii®1��. . Ai A -1 :: r I . AVENUE iIf: ' - " RI÷ : . .. a. ,� Ili .IN 7 j IQ, 4 • , ; 4�` 7----:—..,,...i. ...rs.a.i ,.. ... ;*max aix_:. _ -.�:—da....:,;...:.....:::,.:_� !w i i��4..rr��k „u:;:3..m..,...u.'< .u,....:..._..c_.. Jocr.«.7 /m...;•,a-... BOOK ' :.3