HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 2022-037 - Approving and Adopting the 38th amendment to City Budget Resolution No. 2021-078 RESOLUTIt�N N(3.2022-037 A RESC}LUTION OF THE CITY OF REDDING APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE 38TH AMENDMENT TO CITY BUDGET RESOLUTIQN NO. 2021-0?8 APPROPRIATING $0 FOR THE CREATION OF SI� NEW POWER PLANT ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGER Pt.�SITIONS FOR THE REDDING ELECTRIC UTILITI' BE fT RE,SOL VED BY THE CITY CCIITIVC�� O�'�'HE�`l7'Y QF REI?l}ING THAT Budget Resolution No. 2021-078 be and is hereby amended as follows: FISCAL YEAR 2021-22 FUND DIVISION DESCRIPTION INCREASE DECREASE 142 852 ELECTRIC $0 142 853 ELECTRIC $0 THAT account titles and numbers requiring adjustments by this Resolution are as follows: PERSt}NNEL FY 2021-22 FY 2022-23 Eleetrical Engineer 2 FTE 2 FTE Electric Utility Senior Project Engineer 1 FTE 1 FTE Engineering Assistant I 1 FTE 1 FTE Electric Manager—Resources 1 FTE 1 FTE Electric Manager—Qperational Technalogy 1 FTE 1 FTE TIIAT the purpose is to apprapriate $0 far the creation of six additional electrical engineering and manager positians for the Redding Electric Utility for fiscal year 2021-22. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Cauncil af the City of Redding on the Sth day of April, 2022, and was duly adopted at said meeting by the following vote: AYES: Cauncil Members—Mezzano,Resner, and Winter 1�10ES: Council Members—None ABSTAIN: Cauncii Members—None ABSENT; Council Members—Dacquisto and Schreder j� 1 { �✓'� t, � { X� L 1 � .+"...�'� �� � 5 �^ �s v' „r' f F MARI�.. �ZZANO,Mayor Pro Tempore � � A'�'�'��`�': FORM APPRQVED: � � � i � P�MELA MIZE, �, Clerk BARRY E. eWALT, City Attorney 26Q CITY OF REDDING ELECTRIC UTILITYSENIOR RESOURCE PLANNER DEFINITION: Under minimal direction, plan, organize, and supervise the develflpment of electric utility resources (generation, transmission, and/or demand-side management projects, wheeling and purchased power contracts)that support the Utility's strategic goals and objectives. DISTII`*TGUISHIN�CHARACTERISTICS� This classification is distinguished from the Electric LTtility Resource Planner c�assification in that persons in this classification act as a lead staff inember and possess a greater breadth and depth of utility specific eXperience and may supervise assigned staff. E�AMPLES OF DUTIES: NOTE: The following are the duties perfarmed by employees in this classification. However, employees may perform other related duties. Duties listed are not necessarily performed by eaeh individual in the classification. 1. As assigned, supervise stiaff involved in the performance af professional and technical studies associated with the City's �ang-term load foreeast and integrated resouree p1an. Measures;Estab]ished guidelines are followed and projects are eompleted in a timely manner; proper and appropriate guidancefoversight is pravided resu�ting in projects that ar� accurate, complete, and of high quality. � 2. Participate in�the development af utility polieies, integrated resource planning, �resource � evaluation, and development of operating and risk management practices and procedures; Facilitate strategie planning processes through data acquisition, eritieal analysis, reporC preparation, and tracking. Measures: Established guidelines are followed; accurate and clear reports are supparted by consistent documentatian to aid in management's policy decisions. 3. Prepare and present public-facing materials to inform the public of resource, including feasibilitylsensitivity reports,white papers,presentatians,memorandums, and other technical reports as required. Measures: C1ear and logieal evaluation of utility resourees, leading to well-reasoned recommendatians for resource feasibility and rate implications. Approve reeommendations for portfolio struetures that meet utility eompliance obligations. Inform and present to the , � � public of utility planning efforts using public-facing materials. Conduct studies, strategically evaluate alternatives, and implement effective solutians for a wide variety of issues. 4. Coordinate and provide trainings for staff; Develop training programs based on applicable areas of knowledge, and identify learning goals and developmental milestones for staff. Measures: Established guidelines are followed; training requirem�nts are analyzed and appropriate training is prc�vided; seminarslcoursesJconferences are attended; appropriate and effective training materials are developed and utilized. 5. Manage and evaluate eomputer based mQdels related to resource and eommodity costs relating to long-term andJor short-term resaurce procurement, integrated resource planning, load fareeasting, greenhouse gas emissions, building and transportatian electrifieation, demand-side management, portfolio production cost, and portfolio risk analysis. Measures; Timely, complete, accurate and useful models and analyses. Ability to clearly demonstrate results and usefulness in decision making processes. &. Reeommend, assist, and implement goals and objectives by establishing schedules and methods for develapment of long-term forecasts, integrated resource plans, and benefiticost analysis for contract and generation projects;Assist other departments with rate development and demand-sideteleetri�cation program cost development. Measures: Successful cQordination with ITtility andlor City departments to aehieve strategie goals in a cooperative and timely manner. ?. Negotiate, manage, and evaluate contracts and agreements related to long-tierm planning, ineluding project development, transmissian purchase and sa1e, intereonneetion, and power purchase agreements. Measures: Communicates effectively with consultants; ensures tasks are completed for campliance with the contract. Effectiveness of request for propasals as determined by eonsisteney of responses. Objective and logical proposal evaluation. C1ear and logical progress monitoring and aehievement of goals, 8. Represent the Utility's interests to State and Federal agencies, project cammittees, Joint Powers Agencies,and other industry-relaEed organizatians by providing and filing comments, making presentations, and responding to requests for infarmation Measures: Provides timely input, feedback and aetivity updates. Represents the Utility in a responsible and professional manner while ensuring the Utility's objectives are clearly communicated. 9. Monitor, interpret, and analyze State and Federal legislative and regulatory impacts ta long- term resource planning and electric operations to ensure compliance. Measures: Effective communication with legislators and regulatory agencies. Valid recommendations regarding cantinued development of particular alternatives. 1Q. Develop, implement, and monitor the comprehensive integrated resource planning process, including plan development, madeling, analysis, and internaUexternal outreaeh participation efforts. Measures: Prudent collection and evaluation af project data for use in integrated resource planning. Clear and iogical evaluation af factors leading to the recommendations regarding future resource procurement or demand-side management deployment programs.Explainable differences between current and past plans with simple explanations of variances. ll. Conduct and oversee electric utility resource planning projects inc�uding ad-hoc studies relating to long-term resource planning processes,benefiticast studies using a Production Cost Model or other tools tti determine value c�f the electric resource portfolio. Measures: Apply project management best practices to develop feasible schedules to best meet utility goals and system plans. Early identification of potential problems and praposed recommendations to resolve such problems. Successful caordination of project development tasks resulting in their tim�ly, legal,technical and successful comp�etion. 12. Identify, evaluate, and make recommendations to management for potential power project oppartunities to meet the City's power supply needs, including unsolicited new prc�jects or collaborations with other organizatians. Measures: Logical and comprehensive evaluation of alternatives, which includes developing recommendations regarding continued development of particular alternatives in a consolidated format for management consideration. 13. Develop, prepare, and oversee financial models and forecasts used to analyze the Utility's budget and finances related to long-term and short-term resources; Report and present findings to management for wholesale power sales andlor retail electric utility rates cansiderations. Measures:Timely,complete and accurate analyses leading to sound recommendations;ability to present findings to a variety of stakeholders. 14. Complete data requests and regulatory filings for Federal and State agencies, NERC and WECC reliabi�ity agencies, and other agencies as required to maintain compliance and to ensure reliability objectives are achieved. Measures: Timely, complete and accurate reporting with input and involvement from all stakehalders as required. 15. Participate and implement logistics activities under the Emergency Operations plan as directed by Incident Command. Measures: Established guidelines are followed; ability ta coordinate emergency planning operations during significant events that pase a threat to physical assets andlor personnel. 16. Perform other related duties as assigned. QUALIFICATIONS: Knowied�;e of: Various electric power resources; advanced statistical analysis, forecasting, and modeling techniques; complex resouree planning tools (including personal eomputers, software, and applications related ta projecf management, foreeasting and modeling used therefore}; electrification program design and development strategies; pawer and transmission contracts; technical and professiona� business writing procedures and teehniques; Electric Utility operating practices, procedures, and policies; Praduction cost and pawer supply models; applicable State and Federal laws and regulations relevant ta Electric C7tility resource planning and develapment. Abilit,� Interact effectiveIy with the public and employe�s; Demonstrate supervision skills; DevelQp and present complex studies and various reports forlto governing cammissians and regulatory agencies; In�erpret and explain study results to support management deeisions; Negotiate agreements with Federal and State agencies and communieate effectively in both oral and written manner. Education: Any combination of training and experience that provides the required knawledge, skills, and abilities is qualifying; typical edueation would include a �achelor's degree in business, engineering, finance, mathematies, or other related�e1d fram�n aceredited college, university, or � equivalent. Experience: Typical e�perience would include two (2) years performing duties similar to an Electric Utility Resource Planner or Resaurce Analyst, or similar duties with an Electric Utility. Special Requirements: Possession of the appropriate valid California driver's license, or the ability to acquire one within ten days of appointment. Est.4/22 ��1 CITY OF REDDING POWER PLANT ENGINEER I DEFINITION: Under general supervision, provide engineerin� assistance to pawer generation management in developing, supporting, monitoring, instituting, and overseeing power generafion programs, procedures, prajects, and technical equipment and systems to ensure safe, retiable and environmentally sound operation and maintenanee of power generation facilities including complete engineering and design projects; perform technical evaluation of pQwer generation issues, and a variety af regulatory campliance and suppart tasks; monitor power plant companent performanee to identify performance enhancement opportunities;000rdinate,monitor,and provide technical guidance to pawer generation reliability, health, safety, and environmental compliance programs. DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS: This is a professionalleve�engineering position,typically a meehanical or chemical engineer,that does nat require a professional engineer license and primarily perfarms engineering funetians related to power praductian. Employees at this level receive only oecasional instruction or assistance as new or unusual situations arise, and are fu11y aware of operating proeedures and policies af the work unit. Employees at this �evel do not have direct supervisory responsibilities but do manage projects, project teams, and contractors and may participate as a team member or team leader in the conception and completion of capital projects. Employees utilize City goods and services procurement procedures. This position typically reports to an e�ectric manager. EXAMPLES OF L?UTIES: NOTE: The fallowing are the duties performed by employees in this classi�cation. However, employees may perform other related duties. The duties listed are nat necessarily performed by each individual in the classifieation. 1) Implement Power Generation division safety procedures. Cantinuously strive far improvement of division safety culture; safe work environment, contractar safety, and department safety compliance. Measures: Safety eomp�ianee programs are compliant to current regulations, Power Generation staff has been trained on the latest safety compliance pragrams and proved to be knowledgeab�e. 2. Implement Power Generation division environmental procedures. Continuously strive for improvement of department compliance far air, water, and waste regulations. Continuausly develop a staff culture of environmental compliance, Measures: Environmental campliance programs are comp�iant to current regulations. Power Generation staff has been trained on environmental compliance programs and proved to be knowledgeable. 3. As assigned, lead or partieipate as a team member on power plant capital projects Qr plant improvement projects. This inc�udes but not limited to writing bid specs, writing service contracts, obtaining necessary regulatory approvals, procuring materials, testing and cammissioning af projects, overseeing financial tracking of prajects, ensuring plant documentation is updated, and training of plant personnel on equipment and operational changes as applicable. Measures: Assigned project(s} were implemented and the abjectives fQr plant improvement were achieved. Assigned project{s) goals were achieved with no safety violations, with no regu�atory violations, and within financial constraints. 4. Perform energy efficiency evaluation of plant power cycle to determine process efficiency. Perfc�rm performance evaluations of plant companents. Use performance data to determine health of plant equipment, to locate energy �osses, and to find opportunities for plant performance improvement. Measures: Efficiency evaluations are conducted per industry methods.Data is used to monitflr plant condition and apportunities for improvement are identified, 5. Implelnent Power Generation division DOT procedures. Continuously strive for improvement of department compiiance D4T regulations. Continuous�y develop a staff culture of DOT compliance. Measures: DOT compliance programs are comp�iant to current regulations.Power Generation staff has been trained on DOT compliance programs and proved to be knowledgeable. 6. Imp�ement Power Generation division NERC eompliance program. Continuously strive for improvement of assigned NERC standards. Measures: Power GeneratiQn department is compliant with assigned NERC standards. Power Generation staff has been trained on assigned NERC compliance programs and proved to be knowledgeable. 7. Administer contracts for electric utility projects or programs; coordinate bidding process including evaluation and award. Ensure projeets or programs are built on schedule,within the financial constraints of the project and as per contract requirements.Inspect and ensure projects or programs are built according to contract and in a safe manner; ensure good public relations are maintained throughout projects. Measures: Thoroughness and timeliness; solve unexpected problems whrch may arise in an efficient and correet manner; maintain necessary standards; ability fo establish good working relationships with all personnel involved. 8. As assigned, oversee plant staff to eomplete projects or plant daily planned work or fill in as temporary supervisor in the absence of department supervisor. Measures: when assignments are made, projects are completed as planned, project stafF are kept up to date on changes ta their tasks, and temporary assignments are fulfilled as required. 9. Performs related duties as assigned. QUALIFICATIONS: Know]ed�e of: Power plant system function, aperation, and maintenance. Performance and efficiency principles, statistics, data analysis and trending, thermodynamics, physics, and other related technical areas, Regulatory compliance in air emissions, water quality, waste handling, hazardous materials handling, safety and health,DQT pipeline, and NERC. Ability to: Interact effectively with the City of Redding team, contractors, visitors ta the Power Generation facilities,and the public; demonstrate good oral and written communication skills and supervisc�ry skills; evaluate government regulations and industry standards and apply them to Power Generation methods of condueting business; troubleshoot a variety of problems stemming from power produetion facilitytequipment operations and maintenance. Education: Any combination of training and experience that provides the required knawledge, skills, and abilities is qua�ifying; typical education would include a Baehelor's degree in the appropriate engineering discipline from an aceredited college, or university, or equivalent. Experienee: Typical experience would include three years relevant experience in one or more of the following: Power plant engineering, industrial process engineering, design engineering, engineering consu�ting, industrial project management,power generation operati�n or maintenance. Special Requirements: Possession of the appropriate valid California drivers' license or the ability to acquire one within ten days of appointment. Possession of Fundamentals of Engineer (FE}. Two years of additional relevant experience or a relevant advanced eollege degree may be substituted for the FE. Est 4J22 262 CITY OF REDDING P4WER PLANT ENGINEER II DEFINITION: Under general supervision, provide engineering assistanee to power generation management in developing, supporting, monitoring, instituting, and overseeing power generation programs, procedures, projectis, and technical equipment and systems Yo ensure safe, reliable, and environmentally sound, operation and maintenanee af power generation faei�ities including complete engineering and design projeets; initiate performance improvement and eost saving measures based on data analysi�and engineering eXpertise;perform technieal evaluation of power generation issues, provide technical support in designing, specifying and replacing power plant equipment and a variety of regulatory compliance and support tasks; monitor pawer plant component performance to identify performance enhancement opportunities; coordinate,monitor, and provide technical guidance to power generation reliability, health, safety, and environmental comp�iar�ce programs. DISTINGLTISHING CHARACTERISTICS: This is a professionallevel engineering position,typieally a meehanical or chemical engineer,that requires a professional engineer license and primarily perfarms engineering funetions related to power production.Employees at this level function as valuable teehnical resourees and mentors to other staff, and are self-motivated. Employees at this �evel receive only occasional instruetion or assistance as new or unusual situations arise, and are fu11y aware of operating procedures and palicies of the work unit. Employees at this level do not have direct supervisory responsibilities but do manage projects, project teams, and contractors and may participate as a team member or team leader in the conception and completion of capital projects. Employees utilize City goods and services procurement procedures, This pasition typically reports to an electrie manager. EXAMPLES (�F DUTIES: NOTE: The following are the duties performed by employees in this classification. However, employees may perform ather related duties. The duties listed are not necessarily performed by each individual in the classificatian. � 1. Implement Power Generatian division safety pracedures.Continuously strive for improvement of division safety eulture, safe work envirc�nment, contractor safety, and department safety eompliance. Measures: Safety compliance programs are eompliant to current regulations. Power Generation staff has been trained on the latest safety eomp�iance programs and proved to be knowledgeable. 2. Implement Power Generation division enviranmental procedures. Continuously strive for improvement of department complianee for air, water, and waste regulatians. Continuously develop a staff cu�ture of enviranmental compliance. Measures: Environmental campliance programs are campliant to current regulations. Power Gen�ration staff has been trained an environmental compliance prc�grams and proved to be knowledgeable. 3. As assigned, lead or participate as a team member on power plant capital projects or plant improvetnent prajeets. This inc�udes but not limited to writing bid specs, writing service contracts, obtaining necessary regulatory approvals, procuring materials, testing and commissioning of projects, overseeing financial tracking of prajects, ensuring plant documentation is updated, and training of plant personnel an equipment and operational changes as applicable. Measures: Assigned project(s) were implemented and the objectives for plant improvement were achieved, Assigned project(s) gflals were achieved with na safety vialations, with na regulatory vio�ations, and within financial constraints, 4. Perform energy efficiency evaluation of plant power eycle to determine process efficieney. Perfarm performance evaluations af plant components. Use perfarmance data to determine health of plant equipment, ta locate energy losses, and to find opportunities for plant performance improvement. Use data to develop propc�sals for pracess improvement. Measures: Efficiency evaluations are conducted per industry methods.Data is used ta monitar plant condition and opportunities for improvement are identified. 5. Maintain awareness of industry trends, changes, and innovative technica� and cost-savings opportunities.Use this knowledge to improve the power plant and associated equipment.Share acquired knawledge with staff as appropriate and help management in maintaining technical expertise among power plant staf£Support root cause analysis for failures.Proactively develop plans for mitigating power cycle and administrative defieieneies, �ystems, processes, and procedures. 1Vleasures: Information is shared on a regu�ar basis with staff. Ideas and industry news are routinely evaluated and proposed to management when appropriate. Participates in troubleshoating and failure evaluations. 6. Implement Power Generation division DOT procedures. Continuously strive for impravement of department campliance I}OT regulations. Continuously develop a staff culture af DOT campliance. Measures: DQT compliance programs are compliant to current regulations.Power Generation staff has been trained on D4T compliance pragrams and proved to be know�edgeable. 7. Imp�ement Power Generation division NERC compiiance program. Continuously strive for improvement of assigned NERC standards. Measures: Power Generation department is compliant with assigned NERC standards. Power Generation staff has been trained on assigned NERC compliance programs and proved to be knowledgeable. 8. Administer contracts for electric utility projects or programs; eoordinate bidding proeess including evaluation and award. Ensure projeets or programs are built on schedule, within the financial constraints ofthe project and as per contract requirements.Inspect and ensure projects ar programs are built accarding to contract and in a safe manner; ensure good public relations are maintained throughout projects. Measures: Thoroughness and time�iness; solve unexpected problems which may arise in an effieient and correct manner; maintain necessary standards; ability ta estiablish good working relationships with all personnel invalved, 9. As assigned, oversee plant staff ta complete projects or plant daily planned work or fill in as temporary supervisar in the absence of department supervisar. Measures: when assignments are made, projects are completed as planned, project staff are kept up to date on changes to their tasks, and temporary assignments are fulfilled as required. 10. Performs related duties as assigned. QUALIF'ICATIONS: Knowled_�: PQwer plant system function, operation, and maintenanee. Performance and ef�ciency prineiples, statisties, datia analysis and trending, thermadynamics,physics, and ather related technical areas. Regulatory compliance in air emissions, water quality, waste handling, hazardous materials handling, safety and heaith, DOT pipeline, and NERC. Abilitv to: Interact effectively with the City af Redding team, contractors, visitars to the Power Generation facilities, and the publie;Demonstrate good oral and written communication skills and supervisory skilis; Evaluate government regulations and industry standards and apply them to Power Generation methods of conducting business; Troubleshoot a variety of problems stemming from electrical generation facility/equipment operations and maintenance; Develop cost and technical proposals with an understanding af the effects on the overall eleetric utility's strategic position. Education: Any combination of training and eXperience that provides the required knowledge, skills, and abilities is qualifying; typical edueatian would include a Baehelor's degree in the appropriate engineering discipline from an accredited college, ar university, or equivalent. Experience: Typica� experience wou�d include five years relevant experience in one or more of the fol�owing: Power plant engineering, industrial process engineering, design engineering, engineering consulting. Special Requirements; Possession of the appropriate valid California drivers' license or the ability to acquire one within ten days of appointment. Possession af a Professional Engineering(PE) license. Est 41�2