HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 11-18-21 - Special 46S Redding City Council,Special Meeting Civic Auditorium Properry Workshop No.4 "777 Cypress Avenue Redding,CA 96a01 November 18,2021,5�15 PM The City Couneil Chambers ar-e fully c�pen to the public and in eomplianee with current guidelines from the California l�epartment Qf Public Health regarding indoor meetings. The meeting was ealled to order by Mayor Erin Resner�vith the following Council Members present�Michael I)aequisto,Mark Mezzana,Kristen Schreder,and Julie Winter� A1so present were: City Manager Barry Tippin, City Attorney Barry I7eWalt, Eeonomic Development,Znnovation,and Equity Manager Janelle Galbraith,City Clerk Pamela Mize,and Executive Assistant Luisa Klapperich. City Manager Tippin noted that this is the final workshop regarding the Civic Auditorium Properties. PRESENT�TION REGARDING THE VARI�US AVAILf1BLE OPTIONS FOR THE CITY QF REDDING-OWNED CIVIC AUDITQRIUM PROPERTIES AND "THE STEPS RE�( UIRED I'OR EACH 3(a). Summary report associated with the City of Redding-owned praperties that include the Rodeo Grounds, Civic Auditorium,Turtle Bay Expioration Park,and associated open space. City Manager Tippin provided a PowerPaint preseniation and summarized the Report to City Council (staff report),both ineorparated herein by referenee. He provided an averview of the six options contained in the staffreport for the Council's consideration. Shannon Phillips, Ch'ref �perating Officer for The McCannell Foundation, and Ivlichael Lockwood, Principal-in-Charge for Populous, provided a PowerPoint presentation,ineorparated herein by reference. The fallawing speakers expressed support for the development of the property:Bennett Gooeh,Reddin�Rodeo Association,Rick Boudro,President of Asphalt Cowboys,7ulie Dyer,Advanced Redding,Mimi Moseley,Jake Mangas,Tyler Dunbar,Steve Williams, Matthew Vililson, Randi Slaughter, �imberly Johnson, John Truitt, Tenessa Audette, Lynn Frit�,and Carrian Foster, State Senator Emeritus Maurice Johannessen reealled past projects within the City. Katheryn MeDonald proposed that citizens be inciuded as key stakeholders in discussions regardang the property. Brooke McL�onald, Winter Hawk, Iverson,Robin Grissom, Michelle Radeliff=Garcia (Walking North), Jonathan Freeman, Robert Tryga, and Caleen Sisk spoke in opposition to the develapment of the praperty. Mercy Kravitz voieed oppositian to the development or sale of the riverfront property and stated that,rather than selling the property to private developers,it should be returned to the Wintu. CIT�' CLER�i'S IVOTE regareling public comment: The C`ity Clerk nated that the comments made by Mer-cy Kravitz were previously recorded incorrectly ancl �he mznutes above represenis�the correeted statement Arthur Gareia,representing the Wintu Tribe {Tribe), advised the Council to give the riverfront praperty back to the Tribe instead of selling it to private owners. 1111812021 466 Jessie,Greg I3urgin,Jr.,and Richard Gallardo stated the riverfront property is of great significance to indigenaus peopie and they should be included as stakeholders in any deeisions made regarding development af the property. Steve Kohn and Stephanie Hughes opposed selling the property but favored the development of a Master Plan. Julie Buick objected to the property being designated as surplus. Misa Jao favored a plan that included an envirflnmental impact study at the beginning af the project. � Radley Davis and Rebeca Ladron de Guevara, president of Wintu Audubon Saciety, asserted that environmentai studies should be conducted before deciding to sell the property. Kevin Crye opposed selling the property but was in favar of development. Gary Cadd suggested that a publie vote shourd determine the property's future. Kathy Grissom requested elarifieation of the areas being considered for sale. Ronnean Land was impressed with the vision presented by Populous� John Wilson complimented the openness of the�uorkshops and opined that Council Membar Winter should recuse herself due to confliet of interest issues. Kathy Ilill, Charles W., and Tim Garman supparted the Council researching alternatives to improvelenhance the subject area. A diseussian amongst the Council ensued. A MQTION WAS MADE by Council Membar Dacquista, seconded by Council Member Mezzano to accept the summary report and take no action. The Vote: AYES: Council Members—Dacquisto and Mezzano NOES� Council Members-Schreder,Winter,and Resner ABSTAIN: Council Members-None ABSENT: Couneil Members-None A MOTION WAS MADE by Couneil Member Winter,seconded by Cauncil Member Schreder, ta accept the summary report and direet staff to: (1) continue developing infarmation regarding the subject properties;refine the information ah�eady developed; and create plans for next steps to develop the properties andlor change the use of the properties whetber or nat for publie or private enterprise; (2} research alternatives which would allow developmentlimprovement to the area withont the requirement to declare the property surplus and loak to other cities and meet w7th the parties who inade the initial unsolicited proposal and make determinations whether ather options may exist to create a publiclprivate partnership to improvelenhance the subject area;and(3) begin the process to surplus identified properties and simultaneously- cantinue the direaeion provided in iteln number one, above; and (4) directed sYafF to return to the City Councii for consideration at a future date. The Vote: AYES: Cauncil Members-Mezzano,Schreder,and Winter � NOES: Council Members-Dacquisto and Resner ABSTAIN: Gouncil Members-None �BSENT: Councii Members-None 1 ill s��a�1 467 ADJOIJRNMENT There being no further business,Mayar Resner declared the meeting adjourned at the hour of 8:30 p.m. �A�I'RE)�r��.'.e��{, � r ,�. F _m. W � �' _... :.... ff: _____ �Erin D. esner,Mayar ATTEST: {"�; � `�{{� r� . �.1��f Pamela Mize,City �rk t illsrzo2l