HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - unsigned - 1988-11-28 City Council, Adjourned Regular Meeting City Hall Conference Room Redding, California November 28, 1988 5:15 p.m. The Adjourned Regular Meeting of the City Council was called
toorder by Mayor Johannessen with the following Council
Memberspresent: Buffum, Carter, Dahl, and Fulton.
Jim Williams, Chair of the Redding Redevelopment Agency,
calledthe Adjourned Meeting of the Redding Redevelopment Agency to
orderwith the following Agency Members present:
Ernst, Green, and Rutledge.
Also present were City Manager Christofferson, Assistant
CityManager McMurry, City Attorney Hays, Planning and
CommunityDevelopment Director Perry, Director of Public Works
Galusha,Housing Administrator Maurer, Accountant Robinson, and
City ClerkNichols.
The joint meeting was called to discuss how the two bodies can
insure close cooperation in future activities for the benefit of
the public.
Phil Perry, Secretary of the Redding Redevelopment Agency
(RRA),opened the general discussion by defining the RRA as a
tool toraise money to finance projects. Mr. Perry described the
overallscope and present status of the two project areas which
are (a)the Midtown Mall Project and (b) the Canby-Hilltop-
CypressProject. He provided everyone with a copy of the
"Redding Redevelopment Report" dated February 1988, which
summarizes variousactivities of the RRA. Mr. Perry also
submitted an itemizedreport dated November 28, 1988, of the
Canby-Hilltop-CypressRedevelopment Projects. Mr. Perry
reiterated that the Agency isa tool which gains revenue from
property tax from a frozen base.The Agency constructs projects
to benefit the City that the Citycould not afford to do from
regular resources.
Mr. Perry reported that the next area that is designated
forredevelopment is in the vicinity of Cypress Street and
Highway273. It needs to include a base area value of $50
million. Ithas been suggested that the Midtown Mall Project
be amended byexpanding it to include Public Works activities
such as signals,bridges, street realignment, and street
improvements. It couldbenefit Butte Street, Diestelhorst Bridge,
North Court Street, thenorth side of the Sacramento River, and the
Parkview Area.
Mr. Perry reported that the Canby-Hilltop-Cypress Project
couldalso be amended to include new shopping centers that are
developing, bridges, and street and storm drain improvements.
NorthMarket Street could be cleaned up and redeveloped to return
it toits former status when it was known as the Miracle Mile.
In answer to a question from Council Member Buffum, Mr.
Perryadvised that State Law provides for designating blighted
areas forredevelopment, but it requires that 80% of the area
be alreadydeveloped.
Mr. Perry said that the Park Marina area will be looked
atclosely and noted that a lot depends on owner interest.
Mr. Perry submitted an itemized report of RRA Housing
Programsdated November 28, 1988, and he advised that Housing
AdministratorJan Maurer, Senior Housing Counselor Dave Cook,
and HousingSpecialist Sarah Haddox have done a good job on
the HousingProgram. Ms. Maurer said the Downpayment Assistance
Program isvery popular. She also reported on the Housing
RehabilitationProgram, Mortgage Credit Certificate Program,
Rental HousingConstruction Program, Cooperative Housing, Project
Match, and theRental Assistance Program.
In a review of the Benton Ranch property, Mr. Perry indicated
thatthe City Council Planning Study would just be a concept
design.He pointed out that the Community Development Block Grant
Programset aside $15,000 for Museum design. Mr. Perry remarked
that theRRA, as the owner of Benton ranch, must look to what
type ofmunicipal uses could be placed on the property. The
extension ofthe Sacramento River Trail will be one of the first
items considered. Other projects to consider are the Carter
House ScienceMuseum and a bridge.
Mr. Perry observed that the Agency role is that of an owner
andpartner with the City, and the Agency should be able to
providefinancing for the projects.
It was suggested that a different name be given to the area
suchas Turtle Bay North, Seaport Village, etc.
Council Member Buffum commented that defining the scope of
theproject will be a monumental task and a priority list must
beestablished. A General Plan Amendment may be required to
accomplish what the City Council and the Agency want done
with theproperty.
Mr. Perry recalled that 20% of the land must be used for park
andthe remainder will be for public uses. He recommended
thatnothing be decided until the area is Master Planned.
RRA Member Green commented that possible uses could be a
ballpark,museum, civic center, theatre, and gift shops.
In response to a question from Chair Williams, City Attorney
Hayssaid it would be prudent to ask Mrs. McConnell for
approval ofany plan.
RRA Member Green recommended that a study include the
ConventionCenter and adjacent areas and projects such as the
Logging Museum.
Mr. Perry opined that thought should be given to Master
Planningwhere Redding is going in terms of a population growth of
100,000to 150,000 people. He said it takes about nine months to
amend aRedevelopment project.
Council Member Dahl said it would be good to establish the
bestuse of the Benton Ranch property that meets the criteria
set byLeah McConnell. RRA Member Green inquired how the Agency
Memberscan assist the City to develop that site?
Council Member Dahl asked if action could be taken quickly
toextend the Sacramento River Trail?
Mr. Perry responded yes, and noted that potential impacts on
thelocation of the "trail" are the proposed bridges and
Chair Williams noted that the Agency, in a meeting earlier
today,voted to proceed with the trail extension. They also
voted toform a Citizen's Committee of merchants and owners in
the SouthMarket and downtown area to build consensus on proposed
projectsand expansion of the project area.
Ms. Ernst inquired if there was a question of the placement of
thereplacement bridge. Director of Public Works Galusha
respondedno, and estimated that cost to be about $3.5
million and theCity's share would be about $700,000.
Eihnard Diaz interjected that the cost of a bridge, along
withtraffic projections, were addressed in the Park Marina Plan
andthe Traffic Study performed by DKS Associates and would cost
over$12,000,000. Agency Member Rutledge said that the DKS
study,which was authorized by the Shasta County Regional
TransportationAgency, should be used for review. Council Member
Carter asked ifthe architect's study of Benton Ranch uses will
include the costfigures for a bridge?
City Manager Christofferson replied that the study will
giveCouncil what is necessary to evaluate the project. He
furtherstated that some of the information concerning basic
infrastructure has to come from staff. Mr. Perry pointed out
that the costof the infrastructure will probably remain true no
matter how theproperty is used.
Council Member Dahl concluded that it is good that the Agency
andCouncil finally got together, and another meeting should be
setafter receipt of the architect's study to discuss other
thingssuch as traffic and grid lock.
There being no further business, at the hour of 6:40 p.m.,
ChairWilliams adjourned the meeting of the Redding Redevelopment
Agencyand Mayor Johannessen adjourned the City Council meeting.
Mayor ATTEST: __________________________________ City Clerk 11-28-88