HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso. 1989-022 - Authorizing for professional services between the city of redding and ott water RESOLUTION NO. 4,?-,22., A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF REDDING APPROVING THE AUTHORIZATION FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BETWEEN THE CITY OF REDDING AND OTT WATER ENGINEERS , INC. FOR THE PREPARATION OF THE CITY OF REDDING WATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN. IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Redding as follows: 1 . That the City Council of the City of Redding hereby approves the Authorization for Professional Services dated January 17 , 1989 , between the City of Redding and Ott Water Engineers , Inc. for the preparation of the City of Redding Water Master Plan Update, a true copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein. 2 . That the Mayor of the City of Redding is hereby authorized and directed to sign said Authorization on behalf of ii the City Council of the City of Redding, and the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to attest the signature of the Mayor and to impress the official seal of the City of Redding on the aforesaid document, when appropriate. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was introduced and read at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Redding on the day of , 1989 , and was duly adopted at said meeting by the following vote: AYES : COUNCIL MEMBERS: Buffum, Dahl , Fulton, & Johannessen NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Carter li ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS : None KJMAURICE JOHANNESSEN, Mayor City of Redding ATTEST: FOR ,t:.PPROVED: Ze41 Gz. 46 _ ETHEL A. NICHOLS , City Clerk . A: DALL A. HAYS , C. ty Attorney On :`• r I ,, • OTT WATER ENGINEERS, INC. ., ' 1 _______ 1412 140th Place N.E. Bellevue, Washington 97 L ®TT (2015) 747-1126 f 111111110 AUTHORIZATION FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Contract Date January 17, 1989 ! This agreement gives authorization for consultant services to commence by and between: LName: City of Redding i ' Address: Public Works Department H 760 Parkview Ave, Redding. California 96001 I " Telephone Neer: (916) 225-4171 Contact Person: Bob Galusha , I hereinafter called CLIENT, and Ott Water Engineers, Inc., hereinafter called OTT, on the date shown above. '; ' The work to be performed regarding CLIENT's engagement is described with the following title: Il , City of Redding Water Master Plan Update iI i . 1 and hereinafter called the PROJECT. Unless otherwise stated, the CLIENT is also the present record owner of ! any real property connected with the PROJECT. The CLIENT and OTT for mutual consideration hereinafter set forth, agree as follows: OTT agrees to perform the following specific Scope of Services: , As per the attached Exhibit 1 Protect Approach and Task Description with Proposed ,I Work Distribution percentage. CLIENT agrees to compensate OTT for services on the basis of the Compensation on Agreement, which is part of this Authorization, and which is attached hereto.as Exhibit 2. ! 'H Services requested by this Authorization shall be performed in accordance with the PROVISIONS stated on the back of this form and made a part of the Authorization. By MUTUAL Mgr, the parties hereto have accepted, made, and executed this agreement upon the terms, conditions, and provisions stated above and on the reverse side hereof, and the Contract Date written above. ' CLIENT: OTT WATER BEI� , INC. By: By: N Name: Gene R. Andrews Title: Title: Regional Manager Date: Date: (For Acct Use Only) Previous Ef#: Verbal to proceed as of the Contract Project Number: Date: Project Manager: __,__ Project Type: Project Reviewer: 1 ! , (Fed. 254 Code) Rev. 1/in li i1 Ott Water Engineers, Inc. - ---. ,L, EXHIBIT 1• • PROJECT APPROACH II OTT will efficiently produce a Water System Master Plan Update that provides the City with a high value return for the cost of the study. The slight extra transportation and communications costs will be more than offset by OTT's experience - both on the Redding Water System and other similar projects; and the advantage of dealing with a 1 ,1 single firm as opposed to a joint venture with their combined overheads and resulting administrative markup. All reasonable effort will be made to travel during off hours so that there would be no additional labor charge for travel . Finally with OTT, only experienced mid and senior level personnel will be committed to the project and the current work load is such that the work could begin as soon as authorized by the City. The tasks as described in the RFP have been reorganized and presented as ten major tasks each of which contain one or more of the RFP tasks. TASK I - RECORD AND FIELD REVIEW i (RFP Tasks 1 , Part 2, Part 3) Three key OTT team members will travel to Redding to meet with City engineering and operational staff. This trip is anticipated to take two full days in Redding with travel from Seattle taking place on our own time during evening hours. During this trip we would expect to do the following: • Meet to establish City/OTT communication links and procedures. With joint involvement on several key tasks these communication links will be especially important. .p o Briefly go through with City engineers the existing records and reports that have been collected by the City. o Review the status of the KYPIPE model o Physically tour the City water system facilities with City engineering and operational personnel . At each facility OTT would hope to be able to also interview the hands-on person responsible for daily operations. OTT proposes to video tape each of these facilities. Engineering and operations comments would be recorded on this video tape for later review. Photographs would also be taken. The video tape and photographs would be used during the preparation of the report and also provide a permanent record of the condition of facilities. The video tape may also be edited by the City for later staff or council presentations. o Discuss fire flow criteria and participate in meeting with fire chief (if time permits) , I , br ' -1- 'I'll • 4 TASK II - WATER SYSTEM DEMANDS Ifl . (RFP Tasks Part 3, 5, 6, 8, 9) OTT will work with City to determine current and projected water system demands. Items that will relate to system demands include the following: .L o Fire flow requirements (Task 3) I o Update Master Plan Table 11 (Task 5) o A determination of present and anticipated future service areas. Update Master Plan Plate 1 (Task 6) o Update population estimates, projections, and water demands as shown in Master Plan Figures 4 and 5 (Tasks 8 and 9) It is understood that the City will take the lead in much of this work. OTT will review and take the lead in preparing population projections and resulting overall system demands. TASK III - COMPUTER MODELING (RFP Tasks 7, 10, 11 , 12, 13, 14, 22) OTT will work with the City to develop a water system computer model using the latest version of the University of Kentucky KYPIPE hydraulic analysis program. It is understood that the City will complete the model input for the existing system and have the model operational . The primary work involved in this process includes the following: o The City will input model demands for present conditions, 1998 and ultimate buildout (Task 7) . These demands will be based upon system demands and growth projections as determined in Task II . OTT will provide input and review. i o The City will update the computer analysis system map. OTT will provide input and review (Task 10) . o OTT will work with the City to prepare input to the computer model for maximum hour and day demands and maximum day demands with fires at three critical locations (Task 11) . The most efficient distribution of this work will be determined during the organizational meeting. o OTT and the City will review the first five computer runs. Additions to the system will be made as they are judged to be necessary. The model will then be rerun to determine the effects of the changes (Task 12) . o OTT and the City will work together to make maximum day and maximum hour demand runs for both the year 1998 and ultimate buildout. Additions and modifications will be made to the system model as they are necessary to accommodate these demands (Task 13) . o After all future system modifications have been agreed upon, OTT will make a final review of the model results, make any necessary minor changes or additions, and complete final computer runs . The City will provide final review (Task 14 and 22) . l I, -2- Iis ,; 411 • TASK IV - WATER SUPPLY (RFP Tasks 16, 17, 18, 19, 23, 26) OTT will work with the City to determine the capacity of current and potential sources 'j of supply to the water system. The available supply factors will include the following: o Existing water rights and current Bureau of Reclamation contracts (Task 26) . o OTT and the City will work together to determine the firm plant capacity of the 24 mgd water treatment plant. Primary considerations will be the need for improved flocculation, sedimentation, and clarification in light of the amendments to the 1986 Clean Water Act. Improvements will be recommended to provide current and future firm capacities (Task 16) . o OTT, with City review, will determine the adequacy of system supply and booster pump stations . Recommendations will be made for improvements to meet current, ,I' future, and ultimate demands (Task 17) . o OTT will work with the City to review the well supplies in Enterprise and Westwood Manor. OTT will review existing production and water table data and specify sustained yield and/or step drawdown well tests to be completed by City personnel . The purpose of testing will be to determine the approximate firm i capacity of the existing wells. OTT will make recommendations for existing Enterprise wells and practical limits for expansion. OTT will determine the effects of State regulations on the Westwood Manor system and make an , ,;, evaluation of upgrading that system to pump into the Cascade system. Finally � ' OTT will work with the City to review the operation of the well field and make recommendations for operational improvements (Task 18 and 19) . o OTT will review work completed by the City regarding a new supply for the Buckeye Zone. OTT will then provide recommendations for City review and comment to finalize the most cost effective and efficient method to provide • a new supply which will meet current water quality standards (Task 23) . TASK V - WATER STORAGE (RFP Task 20) OTT will provide a review of City water system storage facilities for current, future, and buildout needs in each zone. Storage requirements will relate to maximum day plus fire demands for each zone. Master Plan figures will be revised accordingly for review and drafting by the City. TASK VI - COST ESTIMATES (RFP Task 21 ) OTT will prepare cost estimates of proposed system modifications and improvements for City review. These cost estimates will include supply, treatment, storage, and distribution. • II -3- I+ • • iii t II TASK VII - MASTER PLAN UPDATE (RFP Task 15) OTT will prepare an update to a prioritized capital improvement plan and schedule. Prioritized improvements will include water treatment, pump stations, wells, storage, and distribution systems. Products will include a tabulated description of the recommended improvements with priority, year of implementation, adjusted cost, and comments . Mark-ups of Master Plan Plates 3 to 6 will be provided to the City for review and drafting. TASK VIII - BENEFIT AND CONNECTION FEES (RFP Tasks 24 and 25) OTT will divide recommended improvement into zones to prorate Benefit Fees (Task 24) . OTT will also review current methods of determining connection fees and make recommendations for modifications to the fee structure (Task 25) TASK IX - REPORT PREPARATION (RFP Tasks 27, 28, 29, 31) OTT will compile the results of this work into a report which will follow a format agreed to be the City (Task 27) . The report format will be outlined and agreed to during the record and field review visit . Report writing and editing will be completed by OTT. The City will be responsible for the drafting with OTT input and review (Task 28) . OTT will provide reproduction and assembly of two final draft and thirty final copies to the City (Task 31) . TASK X - MEETINGS (RFP Task 30) In addition to the initial record and field review trip, OTT will plan to send two representatives to one mid-project study session with Council and Staff and one formal presentation at a City Council Meeting. It is anticipated that other coordination and transfer of information can be done efficiently on the telephone and through the mail and courier service. i Ij II -4- - October 31 , 1988 ' Page 2 • 411 dEXHIBIT 1 I Proposed H Task Task Description Work Distribution Percentage 1 No. Consultant City Cost 1 . Review existing water system records (90) (10) and reports ( including fire underwriter 90 10 2000 H . reports) H 2. Field review of water system facilities (100) ( reservoirs, pump stations, ground water wells, and pressure reducing stations) . 90 10 3070 Note any deficiencies and recommend improvements. 3. Consider fire flow requirements. Discuss (10) (90) with underwriters and review ratings and I . recommendations. Discuss with fire chief. 10 90 350 4 . Update water system schematic (update of (100) Figure 1 in 1982 Master Water Plan) . -- 100 0 1 Drafting (100) -- 100 0 '� 5. Determine and tabulate water demands (25) (75) !, 1 , (update Table 11) . City prepares, consultant l reviews. 20 80 630 I r 6. Determine present and future service (50) (50) areas for design (update Plate 1) . 40 60 750 7. Prepare node diagram populations (80) (20) distribution maps for present conditions and design years 1998 and ultimate. 20 80 400 • ISP 8. Prepare population estimates (update (80) (20) Figure 4) . 70 30 800 1 , 9. Prepare projected water supply rates (80) (20) (update Figure 5) . i 80 20 960 i j � 10. Prepare system map for existing main (25) (75) lines to be included in computer analysis. Li. 20 80 850 —5— Ili ,I, SII rsd,,.c, ,--. . .. October 31 , 1988 Page 3 • .. Work Distribution Percentage � I Task Task Description Consultant City Cost l No. I , 11 . Prepare input for existing system under (50) (50) following conditions: • a. Maximum Hour Demand , ' b. Maximum Day Demand ! ' c. Maximum Day Demand with major fire. I ! d. Same as c. with different fire location. II„ e. Same as c. with different fire location. 60 40 1620 iii 12. Review results of first five runs. Make (50) (50) necessary system additions and re-run 40 60 1350 each program if necessary. ;i, 11 13. Repeat MDD and MHD for 1998 and ultimate (50) (50) conditions. Include additions to system which appear will be necessary and desirable. 50 50 2480 14 . Review results and make changes and/or (80) (20)20 1470 additions and re-run as necessary. 15. Prepare a master plan of the water (80) (20) ., distribution system showing the date, location, and size of proposed line additions, replacements (an update of Plates 3 to 6) . 80 20 5200 1L 16. Review Water Treatment Plant facilities. (50) (50) a) Confirm plant capacity b) Summarize effects of the Amendments I ' to the 1986 Clean Water Act on the 1 operation of the water treatment plant. Prepare cost estimates for any recommended improvements. c) Review the effectiveness of the existing floc and sedimentation basin and recommend 50 50 3180 improvement alternatives. 17 . Review pumping facilities adequacy (Pump (100) Houses 1 ,2, 3, 4 and 5 and associated mains) . Make recommendations for needed improvements. Revise Figures . 90 10 2680 I i 1I I d October 31 , 1988 ! Page 4 • • Hj ' Task Task Description Work Distribution Percentage No. Consultant City Cost 18. Review well supply in Enterprise Area. ( 100) Work to include the following: a) Review existing well capacity. b) Review existing water table conditions c) Recommend well site locations for i , , Nos. E-12, E-13, and E-14. d) Estimate limit of well field expansion IL' e) Review current well field operation and 60 40 2880 recommend improvements if necessary. (Well Tests) p ! , 19. Review Westwood Manor well supply. (100) Work to include the following: r a) Effects of new State Regulations ' '' b) Is it economical to upgrade and pump into Cascade system. c) Capacity of wells 60 40 2340 , ('r,'eu Tests) ! 20. Review storage facilities. Make (100) recommendations for needed improvements and prepare staging plan of improvements. Revise Figures. 90 10 2180 6 21 . Prepare cost estimates for recommended (100) improvements. 80 20 2430 22. Submit final 1988 runs on computer, (80) (20) consistent with final master plan. 80 20 1625 1 ' 23. Review work completed by the City and (80) (20) finalize the location of a new water supply source and treatment system for the Buckeye Zone. 80 20 1940 are 24 . Recommended improvements to be divided (100) IH,'' into zones to aid in the determination of Benefit Fees. If an improvement benefits two zones the cost should be prorated. 90 10 870 25. Review the current method of determining (80) (20) ! connection fees and recommend changes if necessary. 80 20 1120 h , -7- 111 0c.t.ober 31 , 1988 Page 5 • • ill, Task Task Description Work Distribution Percentage No. Consultant City Cost 26. Determine serviceable population considering (80) (20) existing water rights, current Bureau contracts and different scenarios on use of wells. 80 20 800 , , 27 . Write report (100) 100 -- 5200 j . 28. Drafting and drafting coordination (20) (80) 10 90 300 29. Reviews , rework, and miscellaneous. (80) (20) 80 20 800 30. Staff meetings and final presentation (50) (50) 50 50 2800 31 . Reproduction, copying, and assembling. (100) Consultant ' s cost to include printing & 100 -- 1700 'I binding. (30 Copies) The city desires to use the computer (Micro Fortran 1000 225 program KYPIPE water network analysis Pipe Version) program. Purchase of the program and extras should be included in the cost. Meetings: Minimum of 1 study session with Council and Staff. Minimum of 1 Formal presentation of report to Council at a Council Meeting. Meetings with City staff as necessary to coordinate transfer of information and work products. TOTAL COST $ 55, 000 • Ih ' I —8— jl ii 111 41111, EXHIBIT 2 COMPENSATION AGREEMENT The Fixed Fee for the PROJECT is fifty five thousand dollars ($55, 000) . The cost breakdown by Task in Exhibit 1 are estimates only for the purpose of proposal comparison and will serve to estimate monthly percent complete for billing. The actual Task costs are expected to vary from the estimates but will total to the Fixed Fee amount. The CLIENT may elect to request a change in the percentage or level of OTT ' s work on any identified Task or add or delete Tasks to or from the PROJECT. OTT may elect to request a change in the percentage of work for any Task or modify a Task description to streamline and expedite the PROJECT or to address unforseen conditions. In either case, the compensation would be adjusted by an increase or decrease in the Fixed Fee amount and/or a realocation of funds and the corresponding level of work from one Task to another or to I'. a new Task. Any change in the Fixed Fee, the percentage of work, the amounts of realocated funds and Scope of Services will be agreed to by both OTT and CLIENT in writing prior to inclusion as a modification to this Authorization. Monthly billing in accordance with the Provisions of this Authorization will be on a percent complete basis which will approximately agree with the estimated cost breakdown shown in Exhibit 1 and/or as modified by mutually agreed to changes in the Scope of Services. 1 1 I � 1 I G��