HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso. 1989-020 - Approving the purchase and sale agreement, CDA no. 12820 ill IlAIPi 1 RESOLUTION NO. g9'-20 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF REDDING APPROVING THE PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT, CDA NO. 12820 , BETWEEN PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY AND THE CITY OF REDDING COVERING THE ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTION FACILITIES OF PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY WITHIN THE UNINCORPORATED AREA KNOWN AS THE "OASIS ROAD AREA, ANNEXATION NO. 86-2 , " AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN ALL NECESSARY , DOCUMENTATION. WHEREAS , on June 2 , 1986 , by Resolution No. 86-133 , the City of Redding annexed the unincorporated area known as the "Oasis Road Area, Annexation No. 86-2" ; and WHEREAS , the Shasta County Board of Supervisors ordered the reorganization on April 21 , 1987 , by Resolution No. 87-91 , , pursuant to Resolution 87-5 ; and WHEREAS, said Annexation was approved by the Shasta County Local Agency Formation Commission on March 19 , 1987 ; and WHEREAS , Pacific Gas and Electric (PGandE) serves it electricity to five customers within the annexed area; and WHEREAS, PGandE is willing to sell its electric distribution L facilities within the annexed area to the City of Redding; L, NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of L the City of Redding as follows : [; 1 . That the City Council of the City of Redding hereby Iapproves the Purchase and Sale Agreement, CDA No. 12843 , between PGandE and the City of Redding, a true copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, on the terms and conditions set forth therein. , 2 . That the Mayor of the City of Redding is hereby authorized and directed to sign said Purchase and Sale Agreement and all necessary documentation in connection therewith on behalf of the City of Redding, and the City Clerk is hereby authorized 4Q N4 N li CI li i; s il and directed to attest the signature of the Mayor and to impress the official seal of the City of Redding on the aforesaid documents, when appropriate. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was introduced and read at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Redding on the 17th day of January , 1989 , and was duly adopted at said meeting by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS : Buffum, Dahl , Fulton, & Johannessen NOES : COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ' ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Carter ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS : None IK. / .A,VRICE' JOHANNESSEN, Mayor City (of Redding ATTEST: a ETHEL A. NICHOLS, City Clerk FORM 'PROVED: RArDALL A. HAYS , C ty Attorney -2- s s I ' • DISTRIBUTION REFERENCE Buyer CDA NO. 12843 Region VA NO. 2015 Marketing & Customer Services - KNA (2) PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT ( Lh THIS AGREEMENT is made between PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY, a California corporation (PG&E) , and CITY OF REDDING, a California municipal corporation, Shasta County, California (City) . RECITALS: On April 21, 1987, the Shasta County Board of Supervisors, by ' ' Resolution No. 87-91, and pursuant to Resolution No. 87-5, ordered the reorganization of an unincorporated area known as Oasis Road to be incorporated into the City of Redding. The annexation was certified by the Executive Office of the Shasta County Local Agency Formation Commission on March 19, 1987. I PG&E serves electricity to 5 customers within the annexed area. PG&E is willing to sell its electric distribution facilities within ILthe annexed area to City. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: I' 1. PG&E shall sell to City and City shall purchase from PG&E, PG&E's electric distribution facilities (Facilities) , located in the annexed area. The location of the Facilities are shown on the map attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit "A". In addition, the Facilities are further described on the List of Materials marked Exhibit "B", attached hereto and made a part hereof. -1- • . 2. The Facilities are to be sold as is. PG&E does not warrant the condition of the Facilities. PG&E also does not warrant that adequate land rights cover all of the Facilities. In the absence of such land rights, City shall assume any and all liability in connection therewith. PG&E shall it assign in whole or in part private grants of rights of way and easements for the r'. Facilities concurrently with the delivery of the Bill of Sale deeds for the Facilities described in Sections 5 and 6 hereof. 3. City shall pay to PG&E as the purchase price for the inventoried Facilities, as of November 10, 1988, the sum of $18,400 (excluding any sales u tax legally due) which is the value of the Facilities, including 15 percent for value as a going concern. In addition, City shall pay to PG&E its severance costs of $431, including Contribution-In-Aid-To-Construction (CIAC) tax, for ia total amount of $18,831. Further, City shall pay to PG&E (1) the net value, iN as determined in accordance with PG&E's standard accounting practice, of any additions to and retirements from the Facilities that may be made by PG&E subsequent to November 10, 1988, and prior to the conveyance of the Facilities hl to City, and (2) 15 percent of such net value and (3) any severance costs that may be involved because of the installation of said additions and retirements from the Facilities. PG&E shall deliver to City the Bill of Sale provided for in Sections 5 and 6 concurrently with the payment by City of the purchase price. 4. The current ad valorem taxes for the tax year in which the Facilities and any additions and betterments are conveyed shall be prorated as of the date of conveyance. City shall pay to PG&E on demand such part thereof as is attributable to the 1 portion of the tax year from and after delivery of the deed of conveyance hereunder. PG&E shall supply City with a retention of the 111 h -2- 1,11 2- 1 it is i • • tax bill received from the County of Shasta and any supporting documentation supplied by the State Board of Equalization. 5. PG&E shall execute and deliver to City a Bill of Sale (a copy of which is attached as Exhibit "C") conveying Facilities to City within the time set by order of the California Public Utilities Commission (Commission) , authorizing this agreement. 6. The facilities sold are presently subject to the lien of PG&E's First and Refunding Mortgage Indenture. Within a reasonable time following execution of this agreement and bill of sale, PG&E shall obtain the removal of this encumbrance from the trustee of the indenture. ,4„ 7. Upon execution and delivery by PG&E of the Bill of Sale, City shall assume all public utility obligations of PG&E to provide electric service to the 5 customers in the area now supplied from the Facilities and any other customers added by PG&E prior to the delivery of the Bill of Sale. 8. City acknowledges that some of the Facilities sold under this agreement may contain polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), a hazardous material . 111. City warrants that any and all of such Facilities that may contain PCBs are � I being purchased for its own use, and not for resale. City warrants that, in the event that it ever sells such Facilities, it will disclose, in writing, to all potential buyers, that such Facilities may contain PCBs. City shall obtain and comply with all permits necessary for the purchase, transportation, use, handling, treatment, storage and/or disposal of the Facilities, whether as a result of the PCB content or otherwise. City shall comply with all applicable -3- ilk federal , state and local laws, standards, rules and ordinances, including, but li not limited to: 15 USC, Section 2601 et seg; the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 40 Paragraph 761 et seq; the California Health and Safety Code, Section 25100 et seq and the California Administration Code Title 22, Section 66100 et seq. Buyer is aware that Environmental Protection Agency or other public agency j regulation may require the removal , replacement and/or relocation of this iI equipment at certain times. 9. From the date of conveyance forward, City shall assume all responsibilities of the Facilities and City shall indemnify PG&E, its officers, agents and employees, against loss, damage, expense and liability resulting from injury to or death of person, including, but not limited to, employees of PG&E or City, or injury or property, including, but not limited to, property of PG&E or City, arising out of or in any way connected with City's ownership, operation and maintenance of the Facilities, excepting only such injury or death as may be caused by the sole negligence or willful misconduct of PG&E, its officers, agents or employees. City shall pay costs that may be incurred by PG&E in enforcing this indemnity provision, including reasonable attorney's fees. City further agrees that any loss, damage, expense I i and liability that arises out of or is in any way connected with the Facilities that may contain PCBs will be assumed by the City from date of conveyance forward and is expressly within scope of this indemnity. 10. Any action by City arising out of or in any way connected with the sale contemplated by this agreement, whether sounding in tort, contract, strict liability or otherwise, must be commenced within two years after the cause of action therefore has accrued. -4- � �� i410 • 11. This writing is intended by the parties hereto as the final and complete expression of their agreement concerning the sale of the Facilities described herein and there are no warranties, terms or conditions not otherwise stated herein. 12. No agent, employee or representative of PG&E has any authority to bind PG&E to any affirmation, representation or warranty concerning the Facilities sold under this agreement, and unless an affirmation, representation 01 or warranty made by an agent, employee or representative is specifically included within this agreement, it has not formed a part of the basis of this bargain and shall not in any way be binding on PG&E or otherwise enforceable. If 13. This agreement can be modified only by a writing signed by both I parties. j dill 14. This agreement and interpretation of the terms hereof shall be h r governed in all respects by the laws of State of California. 15. For and in consideration of the receipt of the Facilities, City hereby releases and forever discharges PG&E, of and from any and all claims, demands, actions or causes of actions, known or unknown, including all injuries, deaths and property damage arising out of or in any way connected with the ' I hazardous properties of the PCBs which may be contained in the Facilities that occur after the date of conveyance of the Facilities. 1', I -5- • Ih I 16. This agreement shall not become effective until the Commission , , shall , by its order, authorize PG&E to carry out its terms and conditions. I ' Dated: , 1988. I � CITY OF REDDING PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY BY: BY: �� - .�-- lr Vi e Pres int Gen- al Services ' I 1H I ' TITLE: AND BY: 14,40..— Seretary Ill' ATTEST: Ili City Clerk 6 I} -6- _ . . 411 EXHIBIT "C" GM/WO NO. CDA NO. CPUC DECISION NO. L. BILL OF SALE ' I PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY, a California corporation (PG&E), in consideration of the sum of (severance costs and a value for going concern is included) , does hereby sell , grant and convey, as is, to the CITY OF 41 , a California municipal corporation, County, California (City) , its successors and assigns, all of PG&E's right, title and interest in and to certain electric distribution facilities (Facilities) , located within annexation area known as , Annexation No. , in the location(s) shown on h. the sketch attached hereto marked Exhibit "A" and as more particularly described I' on the attached List of Materials marked Exhibit "8". The Facilities are used to serve approximately electric customers within the City's corporate I 1 limits. Ih This Bill of Sale is executed pursuant to authorization contained in the order of the California Public Utilities Commission in its Decision No. , dated , and is subject to all the terms and conditions of the Purchase and Sale Agreement between City and PG&E dated -1- 4 411 This Bill of Sale does not cover additions or betterments, if any, made 1 to Facilities by PG&E after , and is limited to the Facilities described in Exhibits "A" and "B". Additions and betterments, if any, will be covered by a supplemental bill of sale to be delivered to City concurrently with the payment by City to PG&E of the price thereof. Ip f Dated: , 1988. CITY OF PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY BY: BY: .mit►iif�r-�-- Vi e Presi7-nt Gen= al Services TITLE: AND BY: ec etar sisi3on�t y ATTEST: Ill , City Clerk ii -2- ip • EXHIBIT "A" LI Sheet 1 of 2 11 ? r ® Q Gl2 . • Z,R 15" P1086341/ O027/o 1 4/p�1 45. 79/0 • I 145' .eZ AR Vi 0 1 L _ZwR 260• (14 4 ' I O 415'PT 08.3/9-/ f H , � K1 h V0. o � ocT,/ .SE fwt/SPE /VIE k ^ ,� Pb � b 004,40 h/c/`fir/ES 4'T 1 QT/G4vs 44q i /, 2 AND 41 Pfi,Pv B. I 2. .9r !oc 3 Pier !v//l P , (4 I TdE PR/. BUCW .07,0 97 #94'D 'ELA7EAQ 1 119.PDti449,Pe, 711E SSE 11. ,R4/D 788D /5 ® IPaPir f /3 .13t/rERE57 JiI 71/i JD/NT P171E. /9 1 1°C� E /41/11ML/E 1b A'En7oU/E 7 yI5. _ ; 1,1 PR/IN/IRV J%JDf/ '5) MO loGdE.� 7/ P10708/-/ 2.711 '7 , BUCC , Thi 2' (Ai 111,,e Eracili.SE J, TD 2 7' Of 6R'9Li• / ! T/e AWN Bav wilt /-/AbE 72, Be lowf z If • • i l 0 - / 1 /1/.30271 P107/�i ® I g?los? ii, //v/¢ sla \ :1 - ao .ZvT. lo�iNG • i -` 0. 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APPRAISAL POLE ..NO. j CODE SUF QUANTITY YEAR DESCRIPTION -WIRE- 17 - 21 - 25 - 12 106 - 121 - 1 1 0 12 4 �,'', MIME 11���G©oraumn mmumno /,J7 3WT E 76ys/i " l ■MG/�.�� M�_�G�o c�,G���r�F�F]Ns���►�0�,1F7G]t.t�z7��C��/S"�ld' . immilimihommiliiIIIIIIREEFIE, ,_- - ,,,,, -/,Antr2r1 HI 1111111 ;1e■��F ■����F oi� 1 !l , .II��© �III�©0 �II��IIIIIIMsinginiss_ eze , E',&voV. Afiz- MER■IONOMEOatiliti©g�CIA■ � 4V a/8- 1 ,,, ■UI UUIG©o ••••111►7GC G1.IGGo 9iagirgmry ..2_,.-,..2_,.-,■ minI Ui.isfrJ o rami,���mE3 .G'nomm11�IJ/7t-IFF. 4weyag, ex/,,m 41 1';Y9• ';, ■■ ©.■��■.�Fa7C�i��MMINNE0G�1111Re[AF]0 1 -. - - / 1 ;,, ■UREA11R�11111w]U aver/AF3U■ UIRI2P2 9FFJE11 .gi.a > 111111111E1011111NINNII"'"EIBE'■ AlrX /9P. • s 4v sr. 111E Il11.1 IIIIkEIIII9 7 7 "AA kiIldHW.-H i„ 1111111OIIO 111111 HI'' llIIIilIHIlHhHhIHV !, . ' 'i ,, 11 11I■■1 o ,III© G:, 9 U1'12',1",#7,7215Y-32""Im,- sr,, l' i 111E1111- - 11,11,„ it'AA//eht,tfaff If:" -41-x 9' - - - .LYS POs,, /7e Pl,/ MUMIMM - �; " rwS. Poor_ r�E ToP. Pl•1 '',:', 111UI111:1E141111NONIII1IN8 1N sr�� T f,-- fife., •III R RU1FMallI UP F2 WRs•RUVJY WIC •U■umn IRIn IURRUI. umu .. ■■R , 11111111111111 11111111.111.1111 _ ■�■.■■IUar •••••••■• :UIR U••r• I., H, ■•■■1111111■�GGt/aG�����oG.GR G� � IIIUIIIIIIAIIIIIIAIIIIIIIII fir' M;, - S PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC CI►1PANY EY--ITT T 1 «E" Sheet 2 of 5 INVENTORY OF FACILITIES APPRAISAL - LABOR NAP PAGE NO. . BY: T/I NO. CODE PURIFIER PER NAP 6 a' #.5® 2 ♦ DATE: 42.x8 1 - 4 5 6 - 13 14-16.. LOCATION ACCT. APPRAISAL POLE _N0. ` CODE SUF QUANTITY YEAR DESCRIPTION -MIRE- i 1 7 - 2 1 - 2 5 - 12 3 6 - 4 1 4 2 - 1 0 6 - 1 2 1 - 44 10 124 111111111b111111101111n oL'AIIIIML':4 44111• IDI2.GI[]F]1;7iillM - 0VA111111111110o©aIIIII �rIIEFA , : 4' OEM IMO MR o r211111111111111116E101111111111111,212UM sin o maIumm. ordp ���►� 9UM r I IP_ 41.1111111 '• MIIIIM 1111111E1111111111 OR r--01111111111111NnmoinNUNIONFAUri Iii ■■MOi.li IIIA..u1111/.ii- iau i.M■ 111110IN=N©o9111111111111111111@ PZU1111111111111NINNOP70 111111111111111@RPUIMIU11NINF1Or7 _ a • 0.+'50' IOMIIF•o 0 D IIMIIIEM/J 9 lalE3 C•w'a " : -P. ■111M101111111p o 1111m1li©C:o^J.1lim. 3C.'/bou 'EA/ EG'Aw149�. 2 ■ IMMUNI 11© o c �IIIIII� ©c ■■ I�I�090Us Ir3- / vgo& .�IIME1ISI1IEo� /91.S AD/.seR 11111111M11IFoga■111M5SOCIEMMIN 201sT �': _ s: .._• r ...!. 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APPRAISAL POLE _NO. 1 CODE SUF QUANTITY YEAR DESCRIPTION 17 -WIRE 21 - 25 - 1236 - 41 42 - 106 - 121 - � � - _ _ �� 4 4. 1 0 1 2 4 .a■r�,■•11�.■Do ■ �� Ft•aim �Gi9 =3E3a Diw a■■C�G■■i;MR L' 1. �■� 1Y© ■ ��0151r2U Czr� � ■■Inl��■��© ��G���■a,©r40111�111012M:UI -5/ N ./6 g0/7'96e -1a5T' ' ■■110■��■11©a n1■•�UR %SGC ■,IRI■nstirJJ . a Doisassansi ; mum munionc��� s1111■oG':r� ■■menncluu _ _ ;.-- a/A57/ �I; ■■■0.■■■I If o: i �1110gCF <r ■■tl/�r-1 ,_ - ■ omEm MR MO MOHIMMisinFANNEmmIJSiJ,UE) simvev,v4rAmmiclim mum Num 1111■D■■■■■Fo , � E�4/x.f �d%T4IrvP ■■Uri-9I1111■■IFFo r3■■■■111■/JM1■■ ■R1209 !] R'. ass ,• --/ •■■Ci■u■■INDUS 11111111111111Q:R CUM 1111111112IJCE3.EM : % i Imam imuniimignsimismountivianimravAIMMUEMffillEr. Per ..11...■..1111.■..■11■C■..11.11.. ■■r9■■■11111©©01111■■■IJP©05■1111111DIJ Sri i /got- ammo ■■■Gl■■■U■©o :'1a111■u•L'>>,Vu■111■■FAIGN3Iui1�7 .- ■ 11U ■■11I0©oP11U■••■L CM■■I11ISBINM J ! 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