HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso. 1989-016 - Ordering judicial foreclosure of delinqent assesments RESOLUTION NO. g9'‘16 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF REDDING ORDERING JUDICIAL FORECLOSURE OF DELINQUENT ASSESSMENTS PURSUANT TO THE IMPROVEMENT BOND ACT OF 1915 , AND ORDERING THAT THE TAX COLLECTOR BE CREDITED WITH THOSE ASSESSMENTS. WHEREAS, the City of Redding, hereafter referred to as "City, " has conducted special assessment proceedings from time- to-time, resulting in the issuance and sale of improvement bonds N., pursuant to the provisions of the Improvement Bond Act of 1915 (California Streets and Highways Code Section 8500 and following) , hereafter referred to as the "1915 Act" ; and WHEREAS , pursuant to the 1915 Act, the City has duly and regularly issued and recorded the unpaid assessments , which I � assessments andeach installment thereof and interest and penalties thereon constitute liens against the lots and parcels of land against which they are made, until the same are paid; and WHEREAS , certain assessments and installments have not been paid when due, and certain installments of those assessments may not be paid in the future; and WHEREAS , under the provisions of Section 8830 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, this City Council is authorized, not later than four (4) years after the due date of the last installment of principal, to order the same be collected by actions to be brought in the Superior Court of Shasta County to foreclose the lien of those assessments; and 411 111. WHEREAS , under the provisions of Section 8833 of the 1915 Act, when such foreclosure actions are ordered, the County Tax Collector is to be credited upon the assessment rolls then in his hands with the amount charged against him on account of the assessments to be sued on, and to be relieved of further duty in regard thereto; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Redding as follows: 1 . That the City Council of the City of Redding hereby orders that the delinquent assessments listed in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, and all future installments of those assessments which are not paid when due, be collected by actions to be brought in the Superior Court of Shasta County to foreclose the liens thereof. 2 . That the City Attorney is hereby authorized and directed, at his option, to retain special legal counsel to institute such actions in the name of the City to foreclose the liens of all such delinquent assessments . 3 . That the City Treasurer, in cooperation and in conjunction with legal counsel, is authorized and directed to transmit a certified copy of this Resolution to the Auditor/Controller' s office of the County of Shasta, with a letter stating that: (a) The City Council has ordered that the delinquent installments be collected by actions to be brought in -2- • . the Superior Court of Shasta County to foreclose the liens thereof; (b) Pursuant to Streets and Highways Code Section 8833 , the Shasta County Tax Collector is to be credited upon the assessment rolls then in his hands with the amounts charged against him on account of the assessments to be sued upon, and is to be relieved of further duty in regard thereto; and (c) All inquiries regarding payment of the delinquent assessments shall be forwarded to the City Treasurer. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was introduced and read at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Redding on the 3rd day of January , 1989 , and was duly adopted at said meeting by the following vote: AYES : COUNCIL MEMBERS: Buffum, Carter, Dahl , Fulton, & Johannessen NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS : None I/7 /MAUftICE JOHANNESSEN, Mayor City of Redding i ' ATTEST:� om //��e ETHEL A. NICHOLS , City Clerk FORM PPROVED: RA ALL A. HAYS, City Attorney I 1 ' -3- • 111. CITY TREASURER' S OFFICE i II 1915 DELINQUENT ASSESSMENTS Delinquent Prior Assessments I ' I ALTA SUBDIVISION A.D. #358 108-030-08 11 1986 $118. 36 POPOVICS, MICHAEL J ( ' 87 paid) 975 HILLTOP DRIVE REDDING, CA 96003-3879 ( ' 86=segregated to pay special assessments, Wickland, Jr, J A & Mary L, 6/17/88) 1. 11 Alta Subdivision Total $118.36 BRANSTETTER/CEDARS SEWER A.D. #304 049-120-20 11 TAYLOR, HOWARD L & MARY L CP Resent: 5/26/88 same address 3623 CAL ORE DRIVE 1986 $367 . 16 REDDING, CA 96001-2235 1987 177 . 16 Branstetter/Cedars Total $544 .32 CHURN CREEK / HWY 44 OVER PASS A D #315 107-200-42 11 1986 & 2nd ' 87 still due MATSON, PHILIP R & LEIGH L JT 1986 $ 33 . 18 M/A MATOUS RAY & FREEDA JO 1987 33 . 14 3826 STILLWATER ROAD REDDING, CA 96002-9523 $ 66 . 32,r. Churn Creek Hwy 44 Total $ 66 .32 DANA DRIVE/VICTOR AVE A D #375 Ir 071-260-09 11 1985 $187. 46 1987 151 . 08 071-260-10 11 1985 38 . 50 SARGENT, EVELYN 1987 31 . 02 1299 OLD ALTURAS RD. REDDING, CA 96003-9653 $408.06 Dana/Victor Total $408.06 • City Treasurer 1915 Delinquent Assessments Page 2 of 14 gyp„ HILLTOP SEWER A D #376 107-240-15 11 1986 $101 . 12 LUERA, ROBERT R & MARY H JT (87 paid) 10658 SWEDE CREEK ROAD PALO CEDRO, CA 96073-9741 Hilltop Total $101.12 LAKE BLVD UNIT #4 - A D #384 106-690-13 11 HEDAYATTZADEH, SAEED & SHARON 1986 $1 , 162. 16 791 CHERWELL COURT 1987 1 , 188. 14 REDDING, CA 96003-2252 $2,350. 30 LAKE KESWICK SEWR A D #316 066-270-18 11 85, 86 , & 87 ' 85=Austin, Jr. Robt E & Karen TRI COUNTY INVESTMENTS ' 86=Austin, Robert E SP WA A P LABELLA 1985 $41 , 753 . 72 4524 WHITERIVER DRIVE 1986 35, 048 . 34 ; REDDING, CA 96003-1936 1987 34, 704 . 24 $111 , 506 .30 ' 066-310-06 11 ' 85=La Bella, Anthony P & Peggy JT TRI CO INVESTMENTS 1985 $10 , 470 .02 M/A ROESNER, LOUIS 1986 8, 789 . 32 370 WOODCLIFF DRIVE 1987 8 , 703 . 08 REDDING, CA 96003-2901 $27 , 962 . 42 Lake Keswick Total $139,468 .72 NORTH BONNYVIEW SEWER A D #378 H 048-170-10 11 Up for tax sale next year if not paid DEINERS, NORMAN & 1983 $237 . 92 ABERNATHY, ROBERT & CHARLENE JT 1984 236 . 30 4444 E BONNYVIEW ROAD 1985 240 . 46 REDDING, CA 96001-4252 1986 237 .54 1987 240 . 40 $1,192.62 Ih III • s • City Treasurer 1915 Delinquent Assessments Page 3 of 14 L . NORTH CANBY ROAD SEWER A D #386 072-480-03 11 $ 31 .16 072-480-04 11 31 . 16 072-480-25 11 325 . 51 072-480-33 11 1986 Install pmts started 9/87) 87 unpaid As 'mt 9-12 1986 $ 91 . 18 1987 91 . 30 072-590-04 11 84, 85, 86 Install pmts started 9/87) 87 unpaid As 'mts 1984 = 76. 82 175 . 38 203. 76 = $455. 96 9-7/9 1985 = 77. 30 176 . 46 205 . 04 = 458 . 80 1986 = 77. 66 177. 28 205 . 98 = 460 . 92 1987 = 77. 78 177 . 52 206 . 26 = 461 . 56 FOUR SEASONS ENTERPRISES, INC 4601 SARATOGA DRIVE $2 , 407 . 55 REDDING, CA 96002-3700 Default non-pay 87/88 taxes. North Canby Total $2,407.55 PATTERSON TRACT A D #390 066-660-30 11 1986 $1 , 343. 16 JONES, BOB 1987 1 , 265 . 30 RT 1 , BOX 117 COTTONWOOD, CA 96022 $2, 608 .46 Patterson Tr Total $2,608.46 RIDGEWOOD SEWER A D #317 072-360-08- 11 85, 86 & 1987 Install started 7/85, but defaulted! BYRON, JACK E & DIANE JT 5/7/88:Certified letter retd:no forward on file 1888 VICTORIA DRIVE (4/10/86 Default by virtue of non-payment 85/86) REDDING, CA 96001-9741 1985 $19, 800 . 66 1986 18 , 241 . 82 1987 18 , 669 . 64 $56 , 712 . 12 072-360-27 11 1983 $ 35 . 03 GIBSON, PAUL & DARL (87 ' PD) 1984 33. 36 P 0 BOX 444 1985 63 .20 CONCORD, CA 84522-0444 1986 93 . 88 Installments by: Darl Gibson, 2659 Towngate Rd $225 . 47 Suite #110, Westlake Village, CA 91361-2747 Ridgewood Sewer Total $56,937.59 I pail 1 i'! , . 411 • City Treasurer II 1915 Delinquent Assessments Page 4 of 14 SAINT NICHOLAS A D #372 066-600-12 11 83, 84 , 85 & 86 Instal begun 8/85 , 86 & 87 due HASKINS , ERNEST J & DEBRA G JT default by non-pay 85/86 4 3483 WARD LANE 1986 �I, $275. 83 REDDING, CA 96003-1226 1987 265 . 88 $541 . 71 i II 066-660-13 11 1987 PD 1984 $232 . 18 I ,I STOFFEL, PENNY 1985 224 .82 , , 4444 MAIN STREET 1986 233 . 66 CENTRAL VALLEY, CA 96019-9628 � $690 . 66 Saint Nicholas Total $1,232.37 1'! SUNSET WEST A D #310 11 , ! ' 204-280-11 11 1986 $ 767. 80 III FOWLER, STEVEN L & PATRICIA JT 1987 1 ,561 . 68 "+ 3704 SUN FLOWER LANE Cert.Letter retd. by II�' REDDING, CA 96001-0164 P.O. 5/10/88 $2, 329. 48 l� unable to forward. Sunset West Total $2, 329. 48 1 ° UPPER CHURN CREEK SWR AD #305 1 066-940-47 11 1986 $8 , 573 . 92 1987 8, 739 . 52 066-940-65 11 1986 5, 354 . 04 BAKER, W E & 1987 5,456 . 40 '1 , DOBB:N GULCH DREDGING CO P 0 BOX 2195 $28 , 123 . 88 REDDING, CA 96099-2195 1 072-130-04 11 1986 $437 . 76 1987 446 . 10 h BLOSSOM VISTA DEV CO ' 87=Duryee & Duryee $883. 86 10320 MADDELEIN LANE 1650 Yuba Street ' ', PALO CEDRO, CA 96073-9771 Redding, CA 96001-1712 I 072-240-02 11 1986 $5, 866 . 86 URBAN ENVIRONMENT 1987 5, 980 . 14 P 0 BOX 4248 REDDING, CA 96099-4248 $11 , 847. 00 , I i IY , is 1 li ! �i • •, • I City Treasurer 1915 Delinquent Assessments Page 5 of 14 i . UCC #305 continued Ii . 1 , 073-090-09 11* 1986 $2,424 . 70 ! 1987 2, 471 . 46 ' '^ 073-090-10 11* 1986 2, 597 . 44 1987 2, 647. 54 H11 , , 073-090-11 11* 1986 3, 461 . 20 �' 1987 3 , 527 . 98 , 073-090-12 11* 1986 4, 584 . 08 l 1987 4, 672. 56 BLOSSOM VISTA DEV CO H 10320 MADDELEIN LANE 1, PALO CEDRO, CA 96073-9771 $26, 386. 96 (87 'Armour Duryee Happ & Ross Dev ,� M/A D A Duryee Realtor H,, 1650 Yuba St. , Redding, 96001 H 074-100-06 11 1986 $3 , 770 . 80 074-100-06 11 1987 3 , 843 .58 11 ADAMS, CLIFFORD ALLEN SP 1I,; P 0 BOX 4683 SENDING OTHER LETTER REDDING, CA 96099-4683 III $ 7, 614 . 38 11 :I 1 074-130-15 11 1986 $111 . 88 ;! 1987 227. 96 ' ' 074-130-16 11 1986 111 . 88 !` DURYEE D A & ADELINE ETAL 1987 227 . 96 1 ,i DURYEE, LARRY A & RAY E ETAL 1650 YUBA STREET $679 .68 I'd REDDING, CA 96001-1712 l! 074-130-35 11 1986 $166 . 31 MITCHELL, RICHARD & CLELLA 1987 338 . 94 G 2210 TWIN VIEW BLVD #B ' ' REDDING, CA 96003-1530 $505 . 25 Upper Churn Creek total $76,041 .01 VICTOR AVENUE BRIDGE A D #309 ! 111 068-550-05 11 1986 $ 67.28 11 MEYER, ROBERT C (87 paid) ' 87=Oak Creek Land Co 1731 MARLENE AVENUE P 0 Box 3595 ih REDDING, CA 96002-4811 Redding, CA 96049-3595 1` Resent 5/26/88: P 0 Box 493959, 96049-3959 ! 1 Ii 111 • 'II , • III 1I . • City Treasurer 1915 Delinquent Assessments Page 6 of 14 WESTERN OAKS ESTATES WATER A D #391 054-540-09 11 82 & 83 84, 85, 86 & 87 unpaid ELMASHNI, MAZEN TRUSTEE (Install started 7/83, defaulted for 2674 N FIRST STREET #200 non-pay 83/84 on 6/30/83) SAN JOSE, CA 95131 (Ticor called for info 12/2/87) H 1982 $3, 033 . 68 1983 2 ,242 . 80 1984 2, 571 . 36 1985 2 , 428. 50 1986 2 , 285 . 64 1987 2, 142 . 80 Western Oaks total $14,704. 78 WESTERN RANCHES WATER A D #353 1J, 054-100-31 11 (1986) Special As'mts Segregated (87 Unpaid) PRYOR, DAVIS J & NIELSEN ELLEN L JT " Address: Nicholson, 4001 ALTA MESA DRIVE Linda J. Same Address REDDING, CA 96002-3731 1986 $464 . 48 1987 463 . 50 $927 . 98 054-110-24 11 1986 $464 . 48 ELS, ti'ILBERT D ETAL 1987 463. 50 M/A LUSH, RICHARD CARL SP H' 4418 ALTA MESA DRIVE $927 . 98 REDDING, CA 96002-3724 Western Ranches Total $1, 855.96 GRAND TOTAL 1915 ASSESSMENT DELINQUENCIES $302, 434 . 30 I � !' i C III