HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso. 1989-012 - Intention to order change of proceedings to increase assessment it 1 illil 411 • ` C II " b' 89 - 'z II' RESOLUTION OF INTENTION/TO ORDER CHANGE OF PROCEEDINGS TO INCREASE ASSESSMENT NOS. 11, 12 & 17 u� ! I SECTION 1: The City Council hereby makes the findings that, with respect to Assessment Parcel No. 11, 12 & 17 in the Lucky Lane Sewer Assessment District No. 1988-1, the owners of each of these three (3) parcels are presently delinquent in the payment of one or more installments on account of the prior special assessment lien previously imposed upon each such parcel in special assessment proceedings of the City of Redding known as Dana Drive and Victor Avenue Assessment District No. 1977-1. The City Council hereby further finds that the amounts WI acquired to reinstate such delinquencies and to then fully prepay and discharge the balances of such prior lien assessments are as follows: a. Assessment No. 11 @ $2, 364 . 88 b. Assessment No. 12 @ 778 .74 c. Assessment No. 17 @ 706. 30 SECTION 2: This City Council, in order to protect the integrity of the lien which has been imposed in these assessment proceedings from Lucky Lane Sewer Assessment District No. 1988-1, hereby intends to increase the amount of each such assessment in these proceedings by the amount necessary to first reinstate the delinquent amounts and to then prepay and discharge such prior assessment liens (see Exhibits A and B attached) . SECTION 3: Pursuant to Sections 10350 and following of the California Streets and Highways Code, this City Council hereby fixes 7 p.m. on Tuesday, February 7 , 1989, in the City Council Chambers of the City of Redding as the date, time and place of the public hearing to P consider increases in the amounts of Assessment Nos. 11, 12 & 17 from the amount of such liens to the higher amount necessary to fully prepay and discharge prior lien on each such parcel. I , SECTION 4: 1 Notice of said hearing shall be given in the manner prescribed by Sections 10353 and 10354 of said California Streets and Highways Code. * * * oQ li N` Bl{; I I Ij I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of Redding, Shasta County, California, at a regular meeting thereof, held on the 3rd day of January, 1989. AYES• Councilmembers Buffo', Carter, Dahl , Fulton, & Johannessen NOES: Councilmembers None None ABSENT: Councilmembers ETHEL A. NICHOLS, City Clerk, City of Redding, Shasta County, California BY 11r2.-,g 11, I G � I i 'If ��I ki I • ' I • LUCKY LANE SEWER ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1988-1 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE Item No. Quantity Description Unit Price Total 1. 895 LF Tr. Exc. & B. F. $ 38 . 00/LF $ 34 , 010. 00 2 . 895 LF 8" Pipe 2 . 65/LF 2 , 371.75 3 . 2 EA 4 ' MH 1, 275. 00/EA 2 , 550. 00 4 . 330 LF 4" Pipe Complete 30.75/LF 10, 147 . 50 5. 1 LS Shoring 2 , 000. 00/EA 2 , 000. 00 $ 51, 079 . 25 CONTINGENCY 6,500. 00 ACQUISITION 24 ,424 . 00 (Approximately 635 feet of sanitary sewer lines and 2 manholes located on Dana Road) DISCHARGE OF EXISTING LIEN (Dana Drive and Victor Avenue Assessment District No. 1977-1) 3 ,849 . 92 .P, I $ 85, 853 . 17 INCIDENTALS Bonds, Publish. , etc. $ 2 , 000. 00 Engineering 8, 000. 00 Bond Service Charge 11, 500. 00 21, 500. 00 $107, 353 . 17 `I OTHER Legal Fee (2 . 5%) $ 3 , 067. 23 Bond Discount (5%) 6, 134 . 47 Bond Reserve (5%) 6, 134 . 47 15, 336. 17 $122 , 689 . 34 EXHIBITA I[ i 1 . -ASSESSMENT ROLL: PAGE 1 Lucky Lane Sewer Assessment District No. 1988-1 City of Redding, County of Shasta, State of California . I ASSESSMENT NUMBER ASSESSMENT AMOUNT PARCEL DESCRIPTION 1 $9,463 . 15 071-160-18 2 2, 838.95 071-160-17 3 5 ,677. 89 071-160-16 4 1 , 892.63 071-160-34 5 2, 838.95 071-160-34 6 3,785.26 071-160-34 7 9,463. 15 071-160-32 8 16,087. 36 071-160-30 9 6,624.21 071-170-23 10 6,624.21 071-170-25 11 11 , 219. 56 071-170-22 12 8,460. 51 071-170-29 13 946.33 071-170-15 14 7, 570. 52 071-170-27 15 14, 194. 73 071-160-39 16 10,409.47 071-160-26 17 2,699. 83 071-160-25 18 1 , 892.63 071-160-23 $122,689.34 ` I 1 ' EXHIBIT II