HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso. 1989-001 - Recognizing the december 1988 "employee of the month" 411 411 RESOLUTION NO. g9"/ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF REDDING RECOGNIZING THE DECEMBER 1988 "EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH" IN THE CITY' S PUBLIC SERVICE AND PRODUCTIVITY AWARD PROGRAM. WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 88-150 adopted April 19 , 1988 , 'I the City of Redding established a Public Service and Productivity 'I! Award Program to encourage its employees to develop ideas and I suggestions as to how the City could improve its operations, and thereby improve service to the public; and WHEREAS, a Judging Committee was formed to evaluate the suggestions submitted by employees; and WHEREAS, each Employee of the Month will be awarded eight hours of additional vacation time; and be eligible to compete for the Employee of the Year, who will receive an additional 40 hours of vacation time; and WHEREAS, the Judging Committee has made its recommendation to City Council for the Employee of the Month for December 1988 ; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Redding that for the improvement suggestion attached hereto, ADRIAN MALLERY be and hereby is selected as Employee of the Month for December 1988 , with the resultant benefits outlined above. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was introduced and read at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Redding on the 3rd day of January , 1989 , and was duly adopted at said meeting by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Buffum, Carter, Dahl , Fulton, & Johannessen NOES : COUNCIL MEMBERS : None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS : None ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS : None K./MAfRICE JOHANNESSEN; Mayor City of Redding ATTEST:� � FORM PPROVED: teW.,� C.7/64r6----r%-" � -�� ^�S ETHEL A. NICHOLS, City Clerk RA DALL A. HAYS, City Attorney �. P III . 1 O\2r_.\8S Ili ' ' IMPROVEMENT =:UGGESTION ?i- as�. working - i -r_r.i:Ct l�; 7-.ave noticed a problem a a e!'`. _ with tn.-2 way we handle our disconnects on our nonpayment 6 electric accounts . When it comes time to shut off power to N our nonpayment accounts we usually boot. the meter and seal it b with the regular meter ring and seal . N majority of nonpay accounts jump their electric meters before they move and use hundreds of dollars of electricity before they move . This money is usually unrecoverable . The majority of customers who II, have their power shut off move ..n, either to outside the city limit's or have someone else sign up for city utilities . Therefore they get out of paying their previous bills and stolen power . II, _'oIutien ; Put a locking ring device on all nonpay accounts when they are shut. off . The cost of a. l_ickrIng is : .=;-1 h + a��[!!'i_� �., = �.tit i'v ES . 11:3; much ilesst�� the money lost by rli!_!V1i7! ! ,!il!.!...". accounts . Wlth 1 '- -kri ds 3L17:iping thmeterr•'o .t :[ :1'; i!_!'_r'oic! ' '_ . ..c will t. ,.e more serviceman time but it would be minimal compared to i savin g: . =....`inds . There are hcundreds of dollars last monthly to moving non av accounts . Using £ock::r1n!is on all nonpay ac_c punts would at least stop these customers from stealing 'mare power , thLI'-. savings hundreds of dollars a month ! if li ,II II I '