HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 1990-034 - Approving Contract Modification 002 • • . RESOLUTION NO. 50.0.-!31/ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF REDDING APPROVING CONTRACT MODIFICATION 002 AND ITS RELATED AUTHORIZATION AND CONTRACT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES IN THE ADDITIONAL AMOUNT OF $13 , 700 .00 BETWEEN THE CITY OF REDDING AND LAWRENCE & ASSOCIATES FOR PERFORMING ADDITIONAL TASKS FOR DEVELOPING ALTERNATIVE PLANS FOR THE BENTON LANDFILL CLOSURE PLAN, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO SIGN. IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Redding as follows : 1 . That the City Council of the City of Redding hereby approves Contract Modification 002 and its related Authorization and Contract for Professional Services in the additional amount of $13 , 700 . 00 between the City of Redding and Lawrence & Associates, true copies of which are attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. 2 . That the City Manager of the City of Redding is hereby authorized and directed to sign said Contract Modification 002 and its related Authorization and Contract for Professional Services on behalf of the City Council of the City of Redding, and the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to attest the signature of the City Manager and to impress the official seal of the City of Redding. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was introduced and read at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Redding on the 2nd day of January , 1990 , and was duly adopted at said meeting by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS : Dahl , Fulton, & Carter NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS : None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS : Buff um, Johannessen ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS : None 4r0V;0,4 "-- SCOTT CARTER, Mayor City of Redding ATTEST: F•RM 'PROVED : d ETHEL A. NICHOLS , City Clerk RAt7DALL A. HAYS , Ci y Attorney • • • CI' 04 S \4 r®ddino . CONTRACT MODIFICATION (CHANGE ORDER) CONTRACT MODIFICATION NO. 002 DATE 12-07-89 PROJECT NAMEPreparation of Preliminary Closure Plan PROJECT NO. 089 . 03 . 09 For Benton Landfill JOB NO. CONTRACTOR Lawrence & Associates BIDSCH.NO. c-2457 2001 Market Streets Room 523 Redding , CA 96001 ( 916) 244-9703 THE FOLLOWING MODIFICATIONS TO THE CONTRACT ARE HEREBY ORDERED: (USE ADDITIONAL PAGES IF REQUIRED) See attached . CONTRACT AMOUNT CONTRACT TIME (WORKING/CALENDAR)DAYS ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT $ 4 8 , 7 3 I . 3 7 ORIGINAL CONTRACT TIME DAYS PREVIOUS CHANGE ORDERS(ADD/DEDUCT) $ PREVIOUS CHANGE ORDERS(ADD/DEDUCT) DAYS THIS CHANGE ORDER(ADD/DEDUCT) $ 13 , 700 THIS CHANGE ORDER(ADD/DEDUCT) DAYS REVISED CONTRACT AMOUNT $ 62 ,431 . 31 REVISED CONTRACT TIME DAYS • THE REVISED CONTRACT COMPLETION DATE IS: February 1,, 19 90 IOWNER CCONNjTRACTOR NOINEER At ,,d,oce.../ 0zAtzu / e ..,/eze,ei _zie-J City Manager -Lawrence & Associates Direc or of Ge Services ByToll Christofferson ByDavidA . L7 rence 13)fRon Masingal Date Date../4/2 Date-17-(0-89 .l 7 (0 89 LLWRENCE & ASSOCIATES • Engineering Geologists • Ground-water Hydrolog. 2001 MARKET ST., RM. 523 REDDING,CALIFORNIA 96001 TELEPHONE(916) 244-9703 DAVID A. LAWRENCE, C.E.G.618 AUTHORIZATION AND CONTRACT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Date December 4, 1989 Project Number C89 . 03 . 09 Project Name Benton landfill closure plan Client City of Redding, Attn: Ron Masingale, 225-4090 Address 760 Parkview Avenue, Redding, CA 96001 Client hereby requests and authorizes Lawrence & Associates to perform the following services: Provide labor, materials, and equipment to perform additional tasks for developing alternative plans, as outlined in PROPOSAL FOR SERVICES, as shown on Attachment A Compensation to be on the basis of: Time and expense in accordance with the attached Fee Schedule, Attachment B, and cost estimate set forth in Attachment A. Estimated cost of work $13,700. Miscellaneous: Work to be completed by February 1, 1990. This authorization subject to PROVISIONS stated on the back of this contract Approved for CLIENT ByceApted `^•LAWRENCE & ASSOCIATES By ,/✓/ Title City Manager Title Address 760 Parkview Avenue Date /Z/03', Redding, CA 96001-3396 Date FO . APPROVED A`_,, CITY LEGAL DEPT. PRovisloNs • 1. AUTHORIZATION TO PROCE : Signing this form shall be construed as authorization by Client for Lawrence & Associates to proceed with the work unless otherwise provided herein. 2. PIRECT EXPENSES: Lawrence & Associates' direct expenses shall be those costs incurred on or directly for the Client's Project, including but not limited to, necessary transportation costs, including mileage, meals and lodging, laboratory tests and analyses, computer services, telephone, printing and binding charges. Reimbursement for these expenses shall be on the basis of the attached Schedule of Fees. Statements for services are due five days after being mailed to the Client. 3. OUTSIDE SERVICES: When technical and professional services and subcontracted labor and equipment are furnished by an outside source, reimbursement for these expenses shall be on the basis of the attached Schedule of Fees. Lawrence & Associates may require the Client to contract for, and pay for, these services directly. 4. PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS: Lawrence & Associates shalt be responsible to the level of competency presently maintained by other practicing professional engineers in the same type of work in Client's community, for the professional and technical soundness, accuracy and adequacy of all designs, drawings, specifications and other work and materials furnished under this Authorization. Lawrence & Associates and/or David A. Lawrence make no other warranty, express or implied. 5. TERMINATION: Either Client or Lawrence 6 Associates may terminate this Authorization by giving 30 days' written notice to the other party. in such event, Client shalt forthwith pay Lawrence i Associates in full for all work previously authorized and performed prior to the effective date of termination. If no notice of termination is given, relationships and obligations crested by this Authorization shalt be terminated upon completion of all applicable requirements of this Authorization, except for the provisions of paragraphs 4, 6, 7 and 8, which shall continue In effect as provided by law. 6. ARBITRATION: All claims, disputes and other matters in question arising out of, or relating to, the work performed hereunder, this.Authorization, or the breach thereof, shall be decided by arbitration in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association then obtaining. Either Client or Lawrence & Associates may initiate a request for such arbitration. No arbitration arising out of, or relating to, this Authorization may include, by consolidation, joinder or in any other manner, any additional party not a party to this Authorization unless agreed to in writing by both parties. 7. HOLD HARMLESS: Client agrees at all times to defend, indemnify, hold harmless and provide all legal defense and related services to David A. Lawrence, Inc., Lawrence & Associates and/or David A. Lawrence (hereinafter collectively "Lawrance"), their officers, associates, agents and/or employees for any and all claims, expenses, demands, causes of action, liability, loss or injury regardless of their nature or character in any manner whatsoever arising out of (1) any third person's use or reliance on the work performed under this Agreement; (2) any alleged or proven act or omission of Lawrence; or (3) any litigation or arbitration, or the like, regarding the work performed under this Agreement involving third persons not parties to this Agreement. 8. IITiGATION: Liability for damages proximately caused by David A. Lawrence, inc., Lawrence & Associates and/or David A. Lawrence, or their agents, officers or employees shall be limited to cancellation of the sums due and owing or recovery of the sums already paid to Lawrence & Associates by Client. In the event the Client makes a claim against David A. Lawrence, Inc., Lawrence & Associates and/or David A. Lawrence, at law or otherwise, for any alleged error, omission or other act arising out of performance of our professional services, and the Client fails to prove such claim, then the Client shall pay all costs incurred by Lawrence & Associates and/or David A. Lawrence in defending itself against the claim.