HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 1990-033 - Adopting the 28th Amendment 110 RESOLUTION NO. 2 - 5� A RESOLUJTION OF THE CITY OF REDDING APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE 28TH AMENDMENT TO THE CITY BUDGET RESOLUTION NO. 89-286 TRANSFERRING $5 ,600 FROM THE RISK MANAGEMENT FUND TO PERSONNEL THE PRE-EMPLOYMENT MEDICAL STANDARDS STUDY . BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF REDOING : THAT the Annual Budget Resolution No. 89-286 be and is hereby amended as follows : FUND DEPT .In°1= ..N..F..I..F..T.I.Q.N. DECREASE INCREASE 111 429 Personnel Department $ 5, 600 THAT account titles and numbers requiring adjustment by this Resolution are as follows : Source Use of FunKi$ .o.f........F..v.n.d.. . Decrease FundBalance : Risk Management Fund A/C No. 172-000-0000 Unappropriated Balance (5 , 600) In.,c..ir..M.:a. .. .......AP.P.. .OPr..i...at..,.a...0.n. ........... Personnel Department A/C No. 111-429-2253 Professional Services $ 5 , 600 -0- $ -0- THAT the purpose is to transfer $5 ,600 from Risk Management to Personnel for the pre-employment medical standards study . I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was introduced and read at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Redding on the 2nd day of January , 1990 , and was duly adopted at said meeting by the following vote : AYES : COUNCIL MEMBERS : Dahl , Fulton, & Carter NOES : COUNCIL MEMBERS : None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS : Buffum, Johannessen ABSTAIN : COUNCIL MEMBERS : None }d SCOTT CARTER, Mayor ATTEST: FORM APPROVAL : ZOF � � I ETHEL A. NICHOLS , City Clerk R •tDALL A. HAY'• , r^ Ity Attorney Al