HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 1990-031 - Amendment to its contract with black & veatch motor columbus RESOLUTION NO. 9Q',5.Z A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF REDDING AUTHORIZING AN AMENDMENT TO ITS CONTRACT WITH BLACK & VEATCH MOTOR COLUMBUS ASSOCIATES (BVMCA) AND THE APPROPRIATION OF ADDITIONAL FUNDS TO RESPOND TO THE FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION ON THE SPRING CREEK PUMPED STORAGE PROJECT. WHEREAS , on October 21 , 1985 , City Council awarded a Contract to Black & Veatch Motor Columbus Associates (BVMCA) to perform certain studies and prepare a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) License Application for the Spring Creek Pumped Storage Project; and WHEREAS, on May 31 , 1989 , a License Application was filed with FERC; and WHEREAS , on August 31 , 1989 , FERC issued a Notice of Deficiency and a Request for Additional Information; and WHEREAS , under the proposed Contract Amendment with BVMCA, $341 ,214 .00 in additional funding is needed to respond to FERC' s Notice and Request; and WHEREAS, $18 ,484 .00 of previously-authorized funds have not been expended to date, and can be credited against the amount of $341 , 214 .00 required under the Contract Amendment, resulting in the need for City Council to authorize the additional expenditure of $322 ,730 .00 under said Contract Amendment; NOW, THEREFORE , IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Redding as follows: 1 . THAT the City Council hereby approves the Contract Amendment with Black & Veatch Motor Columbus Associates (BVMCA) , a true copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. 2 . THAT the City Council hereby authorizes the additional expenditure of $322 ,730 . 00 pursuant to said Contract Amendment, tNh► I 411 III which funds are included in the 1985 Electric System Project Financing. 3 . THAT the Mayor of the City of Redding is hereby authorized and directed to sign said Contract Amendment, and the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to attest the signature of the Mayor and to impress the official seal of the City of Redding. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was introduced and read at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Redding on the 2nd day of January , 1990 , and was duly adopted at said meeting by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS : Dahl , Fulton, & Carter NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS : None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS : Buffum, Johannessen ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS : None )/i / SCOTT CARTER, Mayor City of Redding ATTEST: 0 64, ETHEL A. NICHOLS , City Clerk TPPROV4 4P-fee 44( L A. HAYSty Attorney -2- Aft 411 BVMCR TEL.(9131.5-A9-2000 Hyd�� er*es—Back&Veatch TELEX 42-4263 11`"' STELEFAX[913(339-2934 1500 MEADOW LAKE PARKWAY MAILING ADDRESS: P.O.BOX NO.8405 KANSAS OTTY,MISSOURI 64114-0405 City of Redding Project 12719 Spring Creek Pumped Storage Project File 11.0200 Contract Amendment No.1 December 20, 1989 City of Redding Electric Department 760 Parkview Avenue Redding, California 96001-3396 Attention: Mr. Rick Coleman Gentlemen: In accordance with our recent telephone negotiations, we hereby amend our existing Spring Creek Agreement to add the attached scope of services for the compensation indicated on the accompanying table. As we discussed, the authorized costs for those line items which show a zero in the contingency column will represent not-to-exceed costs for completing that task. We propose to perform the remaining line items on a time and material basis, consistent with the rate provided in our contract. The line items on the attached, which include a contingency, represent our best estimate at this time to do the work. Actual costs may differ from those listed on the attached. We request that the contract contingency be raised to a total of $110,700. The full provisions of our contract apply for this extra work except the compensation section. BVMCA will receive full compensation at an equivalent salary multiplier of 2.405 for the work associated with this contract amendment (i.e. without deferrals and bonus compensation). Further, the unit costs for trips as originally proposed and which go beyond those assumed in this added scope, will increase 20 percent to account for general escalation which has occurred since our base contract was executed. We further note that we have previously notified the City that pursuant to our contract, BVMCA is due increased compensation for schedule changes and added trips. At this point in time, we do not foresee the reed for invoicing these expenses to complete the base scope of services. If, however, we encounter circumstances in which our costs to complete the base scope may exceed the funds authorized by the City Council, we reserve the right to invoice for these amounts. Therefore, we request that you include these amounts at the end of the attachment in your current authorization, as contingency items, to expedite access to the funds if needed. • BVMCR City of Redding 2 Project 12719 Mr. Rick Coleman December 20, 1989 We appreciate this opportunity to continue to serve you. Very truly yours, (77 /(52 J4!, /2 /> vi.4„..,/, -,. .--.' ,.—Ge--:-.7-4‘,.._, John R. Stack Partner mvv Enclosure cc: D. F. Cuyot THIS CONTRACT AMENDMENT IS APPROVED BY THE CITY OF REDDING THIS 2ND DAY OF JANUARY, 1990 CITY OF REDDING BY: SCOTT CARTER, Mayor ATTEST: ETHEL A. NICHOLS, Clerk FORM APPROVED: RANDALL A. HAYS, City Attorney 1 1111 4110 ' ADDITIONAL SCOPE LICENSING COSTS FOR THE SPRING CREEK PUMPED STORAGE (KESWICR OPTION) ITEM I SUMMARY DESCRIPTION AUTHORIZED AUTHORIZED COSTS CONTINGENCY FERC DEFICIENCIES D 02 Develop seasonal WQ sampling program $1,600 $0 Secure agency approval $2,500 $3,500 Conduct seasonal WQ sampling program $0 $35,800 Prepare seasonal WQ sampling report $0 $2,000 ' Compute Keswick Reservoir residence time $500 $0 Develop sediment survey/analysis program $2,000 $400 Amplify WQ impacts on Flat/Spring Creeks $4,000 $3,700 D 03 Fish screens - functional design dwgs $1,500 SO D 04 Boat survey of Keswick shoreline $5,500 $0 Report on potential Resvick landslides $2,000 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUESTS FROM FERC AI $2 Temperature modeling (computer) $30,000 $0 Secure agency approval of model $5,000 $5,600 Prepare temperature modeling report $5,000 $1,000 AI 04 Develop Flat Creek erosion control plan $7,900 $4,500 Secure agency comments on plan $2,500 $4,000 AI 88 Upper res. landslide control measures $7,500 $11,000 AI $9 Develop detailed design of access roads $32,500 $12,500 Develop access road erosion control plan $6,000 $4,300 Secure agency comments $2,000 $2,500 Prepare final erosion control plan $3,000 $2,700 AI 010 Develop wildlife mitigation plan $4,800 $0 Secure agency comments $2,400 $0 Prepare final wildlife mitigation plan $800 $0 AI 011 Develop revegetation plan $2,000 $0 Secure agency comments $1,000 $0 Prepare final revegetation plan $800 $0 AI $12 Identify proposed spoil disposal sites $2,000 $0 Evaluate impacts of spoil disposal $2,000 $0 Develop detailed revegetation plans Secure agency comments $1,000 $0 Prepare final spoil disposal plan $1,000 $0 AI $13 T/L disturbed habitat data $4,200 $2,300 T/L construction impacts mitigation $2,000 $1,200 Confirm raptor protection $400 $0 Secure agency comments $2,400 $3,300 Prepare final impact/mitigation report $1,200 $1,200 AI 016 Evaluate Flat Creek channel improvements effects on sensitive species $2,000 $1,400 Develop mitigation for sensitive species $2,000 $400 Secure agency comments $3,000 $2,700 Prepare final mitigation report $1,500 $1,900 AI 017 Compile existing cultural survey data 44,000 $0 Secure agency comments $3,000 $0 Prepare final cultural resource report $1,200 $0 27-Dec-89 ADDITIONAL SCOPE LICENSING COSTS FOR THE SPRING CREEK PUMPED STORAGE (KESWICK OPTION) ITEM I SUMMARY DESCRIPTION AUTHORIZED AUTHORIZED COSTS CONTINGENCY AI #18 VHS video of project area $1,000 $1,400 AI #19 Prepare public access/private lands map $1,000 $1,400 AI #20 Compile Motion Reservoir existing data $2,400 $0 ADDITIONAL LICENSING ISSUES/ACTIVITIES WRCB Consultations for WQ Certification $10,000 EPA/USSR - Spring Creek diversion talks $10,000 SUBTOTAL COST OF ALL LICENSING ACTIVITIES $190,100 $110,700 PREVIOUS CONTRACT CHANGE REQUESTS Travel $22,000 Escalation 518,414 TOTAL AMENDMENT REQUEST $230,514 $110,700 • • CITY OF REDDING SPRING CREEK PUMPED STORAGE PROJECT DEFICIENCY ITEMS D#2a. Seasonal Water Quality Sampling Program. BVMCA has submitted a draft water quality sampling plan for the project to FERC for its review. BVMCA will solicit comments on the plan from the California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG), US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), and the California State Water Resources Board (CWRB). The approved sampling program will be implemented by a qualified subcon- tracting firm selected by BVMCA. It is assumed that the actual performance of the sampling and laboratory analyses will be about $28,000. The results of the sampling program will be incorporated into a report and submitted to FERC. D#2b. Flushing Rate. BVMCA has calculated Keswick Reservoir residence time of water released from Shasta Dam for several different release flows from Keswick Dam. No further action is required. Sediment Survey/Analysis Program. BVMCA has developed and submitted a sediment Sampling and Analysis Program to FERC for its review. The approved sampling program should be implemented by the US Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) as part of its NEPA compliance responsibilities for the changes in Keswick Reservoir operations. D#2c. Flat/Spring Creek WQ Impacts. BVMCA has prepared and submitted to FERC additional information concerning the project's potential impacts on water quality in Flat Creek and Spring Creek. It is anticipated that this information will satisfactorily resolve this issue, but contingency funds are included for further clarification of existing data and impact assessments. D#3. Fish Screens. BVMCA has developed engineering drawings for fish screens to be used at the project. No further action required at this time. D#4. Keswick Reservoir Shoreline Stability. BVMCA has conducted a visual inspection of the Keswick Reservoir shoreline. BVMCA has developed a report on the analysis and has submitted the material to FERC for its review. No further action required at this time. 121989 1 DEFITEM2 • • ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ITEMS AI#1. Post Clean-up WQ Sampling of Flat/Spring Creeks. See Item D#2a. AI#2. Temperature modeling (computer). BVMCA will continue its tempera- ture modeling efforts for the Spring Creek Pumped Storage Project. BVMCA has corresponded with the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACOE) to modify an existing water quality model for the site-specific requirements of the project. BVMCA will incorporate those modifications recommended by the USACOE and model the effects of the project on water temperature in Keswick Reservoir. Prepare temperature modeling report. BVMCA will develop a report on the results of modeling effort. The report is anticipated to consist of five to ten pages of text and many figures of computer generated plots. The report will be modified to reflect the rele- vant concerns of the agencies. The magnitude of the modifications will depend upon the extent of the agencies' comments. The final report will be submitted to FERC after review by the City. Secure agency approval of model. BVMCA will submit the results of temperature modelling to the CDFG, USFWS, and CWRB for their review and comment. It is assumed that one meeting with the agencies will be required to discuss the modeling procedures and results. The modeling report will be revised to reflect their comments. Cost Estimate. The cost estimate for this task includes the efforts already committed to this task. It is also assumed that the version of the model now being used will be acceptable to the consulted agencies. AI#4 Develop Flat Creek erosion control plan. After verifying the removal of the Minnesota Flats mine tailings, BVMCA will develop an erosioncontrol plan for Flat Creek to minimize impacts to water quality resulting from project construction and operation. This plan will incorporate conceptual design information on the proposed erosion control measures. The plan will be based on hydrological work performed by the USBR for EPA's planned diversion of Spring Creek. 121989 2 DEFITEM2 The plan will contain the following. o Project Description. o Mitigation and Control Measures. -- Principles. -- Mitigation of Construction Activities. -- Erosion Protection. -- Revegetation Plan. -- Monitoring an Abatement. Secure agency comments. BVMCA will submit the draft erosion control plan to the USFWS, CDFG, and CWRB for their review and comments. If necessary, BVMCA will meet once with the resource agencies to discuss the plan. AI#8. Upper Reseroivr Landslide Potential. BVMCA will perform additional field reconnaissance and map potential landslide areas in detail. A maximum of three mitigation options will be evaluated. BVMCA will prepare the appropriate maps and typical mitigation details/- workplan. AI#9. Access Road Design BVMCA will prepare plans, profiles, and typical road cut details for the following roads. o Main Access. o Lower Reservoir Access. o Upper Reservoir Access. o Emergency Escape/Transmission Takeoff. BVMCA anticipates up to eight FERC size exhibits. Access Road Erosion Control. BVMCA's access road design plan will include provisions for the control of erosion resulting from access road construction. Then provisions will be based upon generally accepted erosion control techniques. Up to five pages of text will be required to describe the erosion control provisions. AI#10. Wildlife Mitigation Plan. A response to Item AI#10 will be developed jointly by BVMCA and EA Engineering, Science, & Technology, Inc. (EA) . 121989 3 DEFITEM2 _ 4• • Develop wildlife mitigation plan. A wildlife mitigation plan will be developed to compensate for project impacts on wildlife and vegetation. The extent of the mitigation plan will depend upon the type and magnitude of project-related impacts on wildlife and vegetation. The plan will be based upon existing data and project plans and will not include additional field studies. Secure agency comments. The USFWS and CDFC will be consulted during the development of the mitigation plan. If necessary, a representative from BVMCA would meet once with the relevant resource agencies to discuss the mitigation plan. Prepare final wildlife mitigation plan. The wildlife mitiga- tion plan will be modified to reflect the comments of the resource agencies. The magnitude of the changes will depend upon the extent of the agencies' comments. AI#11. Revegetation Plan. A response to Item AI#11 will be developed jointly by BVMCA and EA. Develop revegetation plan. A revegetation plan will be developed to minimize project impacts on local wildlife and vegetation. The plan will include a description of the plant species to be used, fertilization and irrigation requirements, a monitoring program to evaluate the effectiveness of the revegetation effort, alternative revegetation procedures to be implemented if revegetation is not successful, and an implementation schedule. The effort expended in completing this task will depend upon the type and requirements of vegetation to be used. The revegetation plan will be based upon existing data. Secure agency comments. Comments on the plan will be solicited from the USFWS and CDFG. Prepare final revegetation plan. The revegetation plan will be modified to reflect the relevant comments of the resource agencies. The magnitude of the modifications will depend upon the extent of the agencies' comments. It is assumed that ad:' tional field studies would not be necessary. 121989 4 DEFITEM2 AI#12. Identify Proposed Spoil Disposal Sites. BVMCA will locate spoil areas and provide a written work plan for disposal area preparation, drainage, use, and reclamation. The plan will be limited to five to ten pages of written text. Spoil areas will be located on maps provided for road design. Evaluate impacts of spoil disposal. BVMCA will utilize exist- ing information to evaluate the direct and indirect impacts of the spoil disposal sites on local wildlife and vegetation. The volume of the spoil and the locations of the disposal sites will determine the significance of any related impacts. Develop detailed revegetation plan. This is included in AI#11. Secure agency comments. BVMCA will solicit comments from the CDFG and USFWS on the spoil disposal plan. Prepare final spoil disposal plan. The spoil disposal plan will be modified to reflect relevant agency comments. The magnitude of the modifications will depend upon the extent of the agencies' comments. BVMCA assumes that additional field studies will not be necessary. AI#13. Transmission Corridor Mitigation Plan. A response to Additional Information Item 13 will be developed jointly by BVMCA and EA. Transmission line disturbed habitat data. A description of the amount of terrestrial habitat that would be disturbed with each transmission line alternative will be developed. An estimate of the recovery time that revegetated areas would require would also be provided. A reconnaissance survey may be required to determine the specific type of habitat that would be disturbed. Contingency funds are provided for such a reconnaissance survey. Transmission line construction impacts mitigation. The appro- priate mitigative measures will be developed to offset impacts to wildlife and vegetation resulting from transmission line construc- tion. The extent of the mitigative measures will depend on the type and magnitude of impacts resulting from the construction of transmis- sion lines. 121989 5 DEFITEM2 Confirm raptor protection. A raptor protection plan would be developed for implementation with an overhead line. The plan would be developed based on currently accepted raptor protection methods. Secure agency comments. The USFWS and CDFG would be consulted in the development of the transmission line mitigation and raptor protection measures. No meeting is anticipated as being necessary to resolve their comments. Prepare final impact/mitigation report. If necessary, the proposed mitigation measures will be modified to reflect the relevant agency comments. The magnitude of the changes will depend upon the extent of the agencies' comments. AI#16. Flat Creek Sensitive Species. Evaluate Flat Creek channel improvement effects on sensitive species. The amount and type of habitat affected by construction in and along Flat Creek would be estimated. This would provide a basis for assessing the impacts of construction-related activities on the yellow-legged frog and western pond turtle. The extent of the analysis would depend upon the magnitude of construction-related impacts. Develop mitigation for sensitive species. The appropriate mitigative measures would be developed to offset construction- related impacts to the yellow-legged frog and western pond turtle and their habitat in and along Flat Creek. The extent of these measures would depend upon the magnitude of the impacts. A draft mitigation report would be developed. Secure agency comments. The USFWS and CDFG would be consulted regarding the adequacy of the proposed mitigative measures for Flat Creek. If necessary, a representative from BVMCA would meet with the agencies to discuss the impacts and mitigation associated with construction activities in Flat Creek. Prepare final mitigation report. The draft mitigation report would be modified to reflect the relevant concerns of the resource agencies. The magnitude of the modifications would depend upon the extent of the agencies' comments. 121989 6 DEFITEM2 • • AI#17. Cultural Resources. Compile existing cultural survey data. BVMCA believes that sufficient cultural resources information for the project area exists to satisfy the concerns of the regulatory agencies. This information would be compiled in a draft report by the cultural resources subcontractor for subsequent submittal to the agencies. If necessary, BVMCA would meet with the subcontractor to discuss the data prior to submittal to the agencies. Secure agency comments. BVMCA's cultural resources subcon- tractor would submit the cultural resources information to the National Park Service, the US Forest Service, USBR, the US Bureau of _ Land Management, and the Wintu Tribal Council for their review and approval. Prepare final cultural resources report. The cultural resources report would be modified to reflect the concerns of the resource agencies. The magnitude of the modifications would depend upon the extent of the agencies' comments. BVMCA assumes that additional studies would not be required. AI#18. VHS video of project area. BVMCA assumes that the City would record and edit the video. BVMCA would advise the City as to the details of the video required to satisfy this item. AI#19. Prepare public access/private lands map. BVMCA would develop a map showing public access areas and private lands in the project area. The map would be developed based on information provided by the City. The effort required to complete this task would depend upon the complexity of land ownership in the area. AI#20. Motion Reservoir. BVMCA will compile all existing information on the Motion Reservoir Alternative evaluated as part of the Feasibil- ity Study of the project. This data will be used to prepare a report for FERC's review of the relative merits and disadvantages of the Motion Reservoir alternative. It is anticipated that this report would consist of about five to 10 pages of text plus several figures. 121989 7 DEFITEM2 • • ADDITIONAL LICENSING ISSUES/ACTIVITIES Additional licensing issues and activities include the following. 1. WRCB Consultations for the Water Quality Certificate. BVMCA will continue to consult with the WRCB to expedite the issuance of the Water Quality Certification for the project. These consultations will first focus on confirming that the WRCB will issue the Certification upon completion of the CEQA process, even though some issues relating to the upper reservoir may not be completely resolved because of the City's lack of access to the site. These consultations will then focus on trying to satisfy the WRCB that the CEQA process adequately responds to its concerns and to expedite issuance of the Water Quality Certification upon completion of the CEQA process. The estimated costs for this effort assume that two meetings with the WRCB will be required. 2. EPA/USBR Spring Creek Diversion Consultations. BVMCA will continue to support the City's efforts to avoid having the EPA/USBR build a diversion structure on upper Spring Creek. This assistance will include proposing sketches of alternative designs which are more closely integrated with the upper reservoir. BVMCA will also help evaluate alternative interim measures which defer the need for thee diversion. The estimated costs for this effort assume that two meetings with the EPA/USBR will be required. 121989 8 DEFITEM2