HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 1990-030 - Approving the 25th Amendment • • . RESOLUTION NO. 92- 5C2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF REDDING APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE 25TH AMENDMENT TO THE CITY BUDGET RESOLUTION NO. 89--286 APPROPRIATING $208, 000 FOR THE THE DESIGN AND CONTRUCTION OF AN OFFICE BUILDING FOR THE WOMEN ' S REFUGE . BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF REDDING: THAT the Annual Budget Resolution No. 89-286 be and is hereby amended as follows : FUND .D..E..P..T .DES.C..F.I..PTI O . DECREASE INCREASE 111 427 Non Departmental $208 , 000 THAT account titles and numbers requiring adjustment by this Resolution are as follows: Source Use ...f ....F_u.nds of.......F_un.ds. Increase...,._Eev...enu. s.... ............... General Fund A/C No. 111 -007-2400 Contribution--Women ' s Refuge $ 10 , 000 A/C No. 111 -007-3100 Private Grants 198, 000 Increase......_Appropriations: ....... Non Departmental A/C No. 111 -427-4804 Non Profit Business Park 208 ,000 208 ,000 $ 208 , 000 THAT the purpose is to appropriate $208, 000 for the design and contruction of a second office building in the Not for Profit business park . NOTE : $8, 000 of the private grant amount is made up from interest earnings . A • 251h : 89-20o I HEREBY CER;TIFY that the foregoing Resolution was introduced and read at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Redding on the 2nd day of January , 1990 , and was duly adopted at said meeting by the following vote : AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS : Dahl , Fulton, & Carter NOES : COUNCIL MEMBERS : None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS : Buffum, Johannessen ABSTAIN : COUNCIL MEMBERS : None SCOTT CARTER , Mayor ATTEST: 74e0e.--edETHEL A. NICHOLS , City Clerk FORM APPROVAL : RA 4OALL A. HAYS , ty Attorney