HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 1990-028 - Renaming Hospital lane to Breslauer Way 1807RDEDATREOUEST C RETURN! TO . fi�.wn,c. .. X47 � MIN.PAS? 1CMCIAL- 'n6f gi eeirra e:AT041 CAU; CITY OF REDDING 760 Parkview Ave. JAN 1 2 1990 Redding, CA. 96001 RESOLUTION NO. 90-2$ as=COROER FEES kjafEE A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF REDDING RENAMING HOSPITAL LANE TO BRESLAUER WAY. WHEREAS , the City Council has received and reviewed a request to rename Hospital Lane to Breslauer Way; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that pursuant to the authority vested in the City Council of the City of Redding by Streets and Highways Code Section 5026 , the City Council of the City of Redding does hereby resolve that effective January 2 1990 , Hospital Lane as shown on the map attached hereto and incorporated herein shall be named Breslauer Way; and that street numbers will be assigned by City staff consistent with current addressing policy. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk of the City of Redding be and hereby is instructed to forward certified copies of this Resolution to the Postmaster of the Redding Branch of the United States Post Office , the County Clerk of Shasta County, the County Surveyor of Shasta County, the Shasta County Tax Assessor, the Director of Public Works of the County of Shasta, the Shasta County Planning Commission, the Sheriff of Shasta County, and the Greater Redding Chamber of Commerce; and that a certified copy thereof be sent to the County Recorder of Shasta County for recordation. r OoK ..356PM E 896 / C45 01 - o7....- OS • i BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk of the City of Redding shall furnish copies of this Resolution to all depart- ments of the City of Redding. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was introduced and read at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Redding on the 2nd day of January, 1990 , and was duly adopted at said meeting by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Dahl , Fulton, & Carter NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Buffum, Johannessen ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None SCOTT CARTER, Mayor City of Redding 511eza)giey-4, ETHEL A. NICHOLS , City Clerk FORle PROVED: i RA PALL A. HAYS, Cit Attorney -2- BOOK2U56ME 897 - •‘,.... :,x.,,2, ..-.17,4-,,f.F.,e..4.1:14,,,•:...,'•,''..,4,1 -...,: ',,s-,„*.-,-_,!..::,-,..:'2.7,. -...-'-'",,,, : : --1 , ,•:-,.".ir-"., -.. ..'•,-,.... .,: ..-'.- 2-'',.•••.::...;\ \1/434\ "-.:. . •••',-.......7.-.:,'' ". -'..,•••-- -..-1' , :.•,,:i...„-•.:,4.A''..,2,--;. ...-.:'''...1'.1.11.4.-!.., • . ''',- 1 ': \ ._._ f + 0 . • . . . , . \.... . . . , • . . ... , I/ t /, . , . . — -----.--,...,........4..., T il I ' \ ' • • / ` i :1 • rl r �r�� / / • \ .! .s Jam' P� $. , i...—:- 1 - _ ,}•.•,•:::SSS.• T,q/ ( t GC.nE.rtAL nUSp.?c� 1 , t T ` / kb� f t :.. . . ••i:• �.::1+• Sys 1 • . r +5 _ \\\\\ , .,. ks\. .... '.. 1• '__,J�4 ., — , - rrgp �� yd j' __ _ --- -- i•;,- ---1',,------i • -I* \ ; \i,, /____, i , _ A E ..,.. , _. . _,_ . \• LI.,,, z •-1jm i i �� 1, 1 . Mhz • L_ � � � ..?.:_*___.•-• --.-1 ____—,--- ••„- ---,,„ \ ','i , ----.— i '1 \ 1 / / •-. s, ,. „........_ , . --ri, -c, y.- 1 A 1 .,7 ; . • I I! 1 . ,,. • . \ :`-'1 ',,...--./ \ i ' \---1.---L.L/ / Nt•,\ Z4,...\. i f .ER z ¢ ':"\ i • ! f. ��', r� ._,• , _'�o\ I f• V�1 1. -i Y 7 feE LIAIM I 1L1 6 • . . . � . •______ , \\\ ç i � $'\ki HOSPTAL Li . " �1 . \ i- t L.,, ., ,• t . -, S, .,„, ., .. -. CALE = 400' f,\,........_.„.......,---t--- - ,,,. r + • . , 1 t i ^ . - ,:�- ,-- UO V. 28. 1.,. ...r. 1 -� �_, I. yr- .., • BooK2 j6 f 898