HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 1990-026 - Levying an assessment on CIty of REdding Landscape Maint. 1806 low AT MIM.PA8T....4• • fail CITY OFFICI hc RHA!RrA Cdv CALIF OF REDDING 760 Parkview Ave. JH(M! 1 2 1990 Redding, CA. 96001 �. G11 RESOLUTION NO. 90-2.6,, CORDER FEES •••• .F€� A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF REDDING LEVYING AN ASSESSMENT ON CITY OF REDDING LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 7 FOR FISCAL YEAR 1990-91 . WHEREAS, by its Resolution No. 89-420 , City Council approved a Report of the Engineer relating to the formation of an assessment district known as City of Redding LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 7 , prepared pursuant to Streets and Highways Code Section 22623 , describing the improvements therein, and giving notice of and fixing the time and place of the public hearing on the question of the levying of an assessment in said District for fiscal year 1990-91 ; and WHEREAS, an illustration of the area encompassed by said District is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference; and WHEREAS, said public hearing, duly and properly noticed, commenced at the City Council Chambers , 1313 California Street, Redding, California, on January 2 , 1990 , and was concluded prior to the adoption of this Resolution; and WHEREAS, all legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Redding as follows : 1 . That the matters set forth above are true and correct. 2 . That the improvements specified in the Report herein- above referred to, which Report is on file with the City Clerk of the City of Redding, are hereby ordered to be completed. 3 . That the assessment diagram contained in said Report referred to hereinabove, and the assessment of One Hundred Forty-six Dollars ($146 .00) for each lot located within said GOOK 2U3 PALE 893 O t s • • District, are hereby adopted and confirmed, and that said assessments be and hereby are levied for the 1990-91 fiscal year. 4 . That the City Clerk shall forthwith transfer to the County Auditor and the County Recorder of Shasta County a certified copy of this Resolution and a certified copy of the assessment diagram contained in the Report referred to hereinabove. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was introduced and read at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Redding on the 2nd day of January , 1990 , and was duly adopted at said meeting by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Dahl , Fulton, & Carter NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Buffum, Johannessen ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None /Cdf&IOL- Li SCOTT CARTER, Mayor City of Redding rk ATTEST:0 ETHEL _A NICHOLS , "City Clerk FOR PPROVED: RA DALL A. HAYS, Ci Attorney BOO 2D5 )AGE 8 4 -2- , . KA" 0 ...„ I .• A .. , •' , . 's".....- I I I • , I .. I \> 41 ... . I / . , . I, , 1 1 -..1_ _ _ • I , - ___.. I 1111 . I III ' . i ill VO %Mb IIII6 i i , .1! 1 , • ' i - :-'I,,.------,.--7---,-• T.144•003 .., F . 1 . tt / N ... :•• I! z , • 1 \ •,... , --) bp. 1 / 4p. om I I! 1 endsl I V 1.611121c-T ( ••00 ;0" .... . 1 OUJ1714Er r-- , I I 1 II .' s'kiks./ 1 1 I _ , . f , .___ . 00000.11111110 ICI6 ---- , •e, N If -- -12-7—triri..-' • ...r.rnvisiw. -.! "--' tA H • ' , ,- . . , .01 — 1 i i▪I 1• ;7- r iiard,24:47,3 , ___:_ + - `1' 0/0 % • • 1 i F , ---, ; I . . , - ' / ' ! ,k 4 i _l_i_ i i ,.,......,_„,,.. , r fitisl, • — , 1 f • / I / 1 1 1 l i----- 1 g . ._.7.7,----: ........%..„,..,„„....w ' ,, • ' Z/7' \, , \ \ • I L. i 1 A • ! ------ ). , 41 \\ 1 %•... 4 H, 1 Ar----- , i 1 , ---- •r7 1 •-• ___-""17170 t--.4 ,_.,___.,,.- - ___ ,. _.., .:-.:------ .._-- ,.... i i 1 1 r i I I -, r '.---- ----/-'I t , --"--- ./ '. c. '•----.,,,, ... LOCATION! MAP ) 111 . .,. i a ' -,..1/4\ \\\ 4, , <, LARP6C.NPE. MAIgTEI.Ice , ,_---- 7,-, ,41„,,.:,.-- ,,,,r-,‘ „ , , ,.... N \ tiIT12.14.T -"4 -7 t , •fr‘ , • * .04' . ,c-4_, % 'i, ' ' gN .1z. IriE14 -t176 ,s51"" ..In • c. -• ,,, , \._-q --.- ' .\ „,,,,-- , --_,, / •z \:-\----,\ --c-„ --vi_ % i, s-c, ii.te,e1A. ..e,, ,Af;•847 _,_ , .....,_ .., _- J „--,- , , / ,---\ -_ . .•-• 1:_-",j* ___-, , -A- \ -- --= -- 180 6 :,..\,:: , BOOK3J6C€ IOUJ 1-_-i.--._.---s. -: __„2_,...,--,, \ , ,..., , , -•\ ' I 4-.--/ ,--\t 0 • • • • 1-11 rn K-77