HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2088 - Amending Title 18, Zoning by repealing Ch 18.55 & adding new Ch 18.55 (Trash Container Enclosures) ORDINANCE NO. 248
The City Council of the City of Redding does hereby ordain as
Section 1. Redding Municipal Code Title 18, Zoning, is
hereby amended by repealing Chapter 18. 55, and adding a new Chapter
18. 55 entitled Trash Container Enclosures as set forth in Exhibit
"A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference.
Section 2. The City Council has reviewed and approved the
Negative Declaration, finding that the project has no substantial
impact on the environment and that an environmental impact report
is not necessary.
Section 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of
this Ordinance and cause its publication according to law.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced
and read at a regular meeting of the City Council on the 7th day
of June 1994, and was duly read and adopted on the 21st day of
June , 1994, at a regular meeting of the City Council by the
following vote:
AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: P. Anderson, Kehoe, McGeorge, Murray and R. Anderson
City of Redding
CONNIE STROHMAYER, ity Clerk. RANDALL A. HA S, City Attorney
• • CHAPTER 18.55
qp �
18.55.010 Purpose
18.55.020 Trash Enclosure Required
18.55.030 Location and Orientation
18.55.040 Materials, Construction, and Design
18.55.050 Maintenance.
18.55.010 Purpose. increase in floor area of thirty (30)
percent or more, an enclosure suitable
The purpose of this chapter is to establish design for the collection of recyclable materials
and locational criteria for the construction of shall be provided. The location and size
trash- and recycling-container enclosures in of the enclosure shall be determined by
conjunction with multiple-family residential, the Planning Department and Solid
commercial, and industrial developments. The Waste Division, respectively. This
standards required herein are to ensure: (1) that provision shall also apply to multiple
the enclosures are functional, serviceable, alterations conducted during any twelve-
durable, unobtrusive, and architecturally (12) month period if said alterations
compatible with adjacent buildings and (2) that result in an increased floor area of thirty
adequate areas for the storage of recyclable (30) percent or more on a cumulative
materials are provided as required by the basis.
California Solid Waste Reuse and Recycling Act
of 1991. C. For the purposes of this chapter, two (2)
types of enclosures may be required:
! 18.55.020 Trash Enclosure Required. (1) trash enclosures which are intended to
house dumpsters or other container devices
A. Trash enclosures shall be required for new for the collection of refuse and(2)recycling-
dwelling groups consisting of four (4) or container enclosures which are intended to
more dwelling units on a single lot: house containers designed for the collection
of recyclable materials. Such enclosures
B. Trash- and recycling-container enclosures may be functionally combined into a single
shall be required for the following types of unit or may be established at separate
developments: locations on a parcel subject to the design
criteria established by this chapter and the
1. All office, personal-service, retail- approval of the Planning Director and Solid
commercial, service-commercial, and Waste Division of the General Services
industrial developments constructed Department.
after the effective date of this
ordinance. D. An enclosure shall be required for all
dumpsters, regardless of the -type of
2. All multiple-family developments development associated with their use.
consisting of five (5) or more dwelling
units on a single lot constructed after E. The size of trash and/or recycling-container
the effective date of this ordinance. enclosures shall be determined by the Solid
Waste Division of the General Services
3. Where alterations to existing Department, and will be based on the
commercial, industria1, or container-sizes required by that Division.
multiple-family (five (5) or more Acceptable configurations of the enclosures
dwelling units)projects will result in an are shown as follows:
• • CHAPTER 18.5'.
18.55.030 Location and Orientation. equipment. The location shall be suitable
for the use of front-load equipment having
The following standards are developed to ensure seventeen and one-half- (17.5) foot whee:
that enclosure locations and orientations are base and a turning radius of forty-five (45;
conducive to the maneuverability constraints of feet. The enclosure openings shall be
the City's refuse-collection vehicles. The oriented so that front-load disposa.
standards will be rigidly applied unless it is equipment can head in directly to the
demonstrated that they are infeasible. Any enclosure opening to access the container
deviation necessitated by problems unique to the without removing it from the enclosure.
property must be preapproved by the Solid
I Waste Division of the General Services C. Trash enclosures shall be located so that
Department or as otherwise provided for in this front-load equipment can enter and exit the
chapter. In those instances where refuse property using through driveways, thu,,
i containers and enclosures are required under this avoiding backing maneuvers. If througf
chapter, a building permit shall not be issued for driveways are not practical, sufficient
a project until documentation of approval of the maneuvering area shall be provided to alloA
location is provided by the Planning Department. collection equipment to turn around,
Enclosures shall not be placed in area,
A. Trash and/or recycling-container enclosures where collection equipment will have tc
shall not be located within any required back around corners to enter or exit the
front-yard or street side-yard setback areas dumpster area. Enclosures shall not be
in the "R-3," "R-4," "RM," "CO," "C-1," placed in areas where collection equipmem
and "PI" Districts, nor within fifteen (15) will have to back into the street to exit the
feet of the front or street side-yard property property.
lines in the "C-2," "C-3," "C-4," "CA"
and "M-2" Districts. The location of D. Trash enclosures shall be located in area
enclosures within the "U" Unclassified that are level. The enclosure pad, together
District shall be established at the time a with an apron area ten(10) feet in width and
use permit or administrative use permit is twenty (20) feet in length, shall not have
obtained for development of the property slope, including cross slope, exceeding twc
and will generally follow the guidelines for (2) percent. The pad shall not be elevated
the zoning district that is the most consistent above the apron.
with the General Plan.
E. Recycling-container enclosures are exempt
Approval of enclosures within the above from the access requirements of B, C, and E
setback areas may be approved only by above, but shall be located within ten (10,
administrative use permit; zoning exception; feet of a driveway aisle or parking area. A
or, in the case of discretionary projects; by four- (4) foot-wide concrete walkway shall
the approving body for the project. The be provided between the enclosure entrance
originality of design, architectural and the driveway or parking area. The
treatments, the visibility of the loading area slope of the walkway shall not exceed five
from streets or other public areas, and (5) percent.
access limitations elsewhere on a site shall
be considered when approving requests to F. All enclosure types shall be situated so thal
locate enclosures within the above setback they do not cause excessive nuisance of
area. Acceptable designs include those in offense to occupants of nearby buildings.
which the enclosure is incorporated into
monument-style signage and adjacent G. All enclosure types shall be consolidated to
landscaping is bermed on two (2) or more minimize the number of collection sites and
sides of the enclosure. The minimum located so as to reasonably equalize the
setback from the street shall be five(5) feet. distance from the building spaces they serve.
B. Trash enclosures shall be located so as to H. The area in front of all enclosure types shall
allow ease of access for collection be kept clear of obstructions, not be utilized
• • CHAPTER 18.55
for parking, and shall be painted, striped, 5. Bumpers measuring at least two (2)
and marked "No Parking." inches high by six (6) inches wide shall
be affixed on the floor of the interior at
18.55.040 Materials, Construction, and the base of the trash enclosure walls for
Design. the protection of the enclosure walls.
The bumpers should be made of
Trash enclosures shall provide a complete visual concrete, steel, or other suitable material
screening of the trash and recycling containers. and shall be anchored to the concrete
To accomplish adequate screening, the following pad.
' requirements shall be met:
6. Enclosures shall be protected from
iA. Trash enclosures. adjacent vehicle parking and travelways
by concrete curbs or equivalent.
1. The height of the walls and gate shall
be a minimum of six (6) feet. 7. Travelways utilized by disposal
equipment and the area immediately in
2. The walls of the enclosure shall be front of the trash enclosure shall have an
constructed of solid masonry material adequate base to support a truck weight
or concrete tilt-up with decorative of 62,000 pounds.
exterior-surface finish compatible to the
main structure(s). Split-face concrete B. Recycling-container enclosures.
block, stucco, or similar finish is
recommended. Chain link with wood 1. The height of the walls and gate shall be
or plastic inserts is not considered a minimum of five (5) feet.
adequate wall material even if backed
by a solid material. However, in those 2. The walls of the enclosure shall either be
instances where the enclosure will not constructed of solid masonry material or
be visible from a public street or concrete tilt-up with decorative exterior-
residential area, the enclosure may be surface finish compatible to the main
constructed of chain-link fencing with structure(s) or of a heavy-gauge metal
slats. frame with a metal skin. Split-face
concrete block, stucco, or similar finish
3. The gates of the enclosure structure is recommended. Chain link with wood
shall be constructed of decorative, or plastic inserts is not considered
solid, heavy-gauge metal or of a heavy- adequate wall material even if backed by
gauge metal frame with a covering of a a solid material. However, in those
view-obscuring material. If not visible instances where the enclosure will not be
from a public street or residential area, visible from a public street or residential
the enclosure gates may be constructed area, the enclosure may be constructed
of chain link with wood or plastic of chain-link fencing with slats.
inserts. The gates shall be designed
with cane bolts to secure the gates both 3. If gates are incorporated into the design,
in the open and closed positions. Gates they shall be constructed of decorative,
shall be hung so that they do not solid, heavy-gauge metal or of a heavy-
decrease the minimum interior gauge metal frame with a covering of a
dimensions of the trash enclosure when view-obscuring material. If not visible
open. from a public street or residential area,
the enclosure gates may be constructed
4. The enclosure shall be constructed on a of chain link with wood or plastic
four- (4) inch-thick-minimum concrete inserts. Gates shall be hung so that they
pad. do not decrease the minimum interior
dimensions of the trash enclosure when
4. Enclosures shall be constructed on a be six (6) feet. The requirements of
four- (4) inch-thick-minimum concrete Subsection A above shall apply.
D. If the enclosure is also used as a monument
5. Enclosures shall be protected from sign, it shall be constructed with poured-in-
adjacent vehicle parking and travelways place concrete or block, and the opening of
;I by concrete curbs or the equivalent. the enclosure shall face away from the
6. A sign clearly identifying the recycling
collection area(s) and the materials 18.55.050 Maintenance.
accepted shall be posted adjacent to the
recycling-container enclosure. The Trash enclosures, loading areas, and access
sign shall be a minimum of seventeen driveways shall be maintained and repaired as
(17) inches high by twenty-two (22) necessary by the property owner. For the
inches long. Lettering shall consist of purposes of this section, maintenance shall
not less than one- (1) inch letters. include, but not be limited to, the following:
C. Combined Trash and Recycling Container ► Painting of enclosures.
Enclosures ► Removal of graffiti.
► Replacement of nonfunctioning gates.
These enclosures shall utilize separate ► Replacement of bumpers.
compartments, although the entrances may ► Cleaning inside of an enclosure so as to
be served by a common gate. The prevent a nuisance.
enclosure shall be designed such that the ► Repairing asphalt or concrete driveways and
recycling bins can be serviced without loading areas.■
removal of the trash dumpster. The
minimum height of the walls and gate shall