HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 98-038 - Auth the Filing of the necessary Documentation for the Proposed COR Downtown/Benton Revitalizatoin Project . , • r � �
, �.... .
WHEREAS, the City Council desires to undertake a certain project designated the
Downtown/Benton Revitalization Project (Project), to be funded in part from funds made available
through the Operation Revitalization Program administered by the Office of Criminal Justice Planning
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council that:
1. The Chief of Police of the City of Redding, on behalf of the City Council, is authorized
to submit the attached proposal to the OCJP, and to sign and approve the attached Grant Award
Agreement, including any extensions or amendments thereof.
2. The applicant agrees to provide all matching funds required for said Project (including
any amendment thereofl under the Operation Revitalization Program and the funding terms and
conditions of the OCJP, and that the cash match will be appropriated as required.
3. It is agreed that any liability arising out of the performance of the Grant Award
Agreement, including civil court actions for damages, shall be the responsibility of the grant recipient
and the authorizing agency. The State of California and the OCJP disclaim responsibility for any such
4. The grant funds received hereunder shall not be used to supplant expenditures controlled
by this body.
I HEREBY CERTIFI' that the foregoing resolution was introduced, read, and adopted at a
regular meeting of the City Council on the�t h day of A p r i 1 1998, by the following vote:
KEN Y, Mayor
Attest: Form Approved:
• �zlL�l �" �z � —�=
Connie Str�,,»tayer, �;� L erl� W. Leonard Wingate, Attorney �,�,.
� �
' - _' ', ' �FFICL OF CRI�IIN�L .IL�STICG PI.�NINC: (OC.fP A3111)
� r � , C:RANT .-�WARD F.��E SHEE i
Tf�e Otlice c�f Cnmin;il Justice Plantun�l, hereaftcr clesi�*na[ed OCTP, hereby makes a ��rant awarci c�t�funci� tc� thc
� ti�llowin�� Administrati��e Agency (1) Redding Police Department
hereafter ciesignated Grantee, in the �unount �u�� for tl�e purpose :in�l cluration set foRl� in [tu� ��rant awurd.
(2) Implementing ��ency Name Redding Police Department
CuntaCt Steve Davidson, Captain .�ddress 1313 Calif.ornia Street, Redding, CA 96i
Tele hnne ( 530 1 225-4294
13) Nrojec[ 1'itle �60 characters maximum� 16) A«�ard No.
Benton Downtown Revitalization
1�3) Prnject Uirector�Name.Title. Acldress. Tclephone� I 17) (;rant Neri�xl
(four lincs maximurni 03/�]/y$ TO U$/31/99
Robert P. Blankenship, Chief (8) Federal Amount
1313 California Street $2�2 ��»
Redding, CA 96001 (9) State Amount
�5���-4 211 Not A�plicable
IS) Hinanudl Oflicer i;�ame, T�tle. Acidress. T�lephone� �11U) C.:�Sh M:�tch
(four lines mazimumi � N�t A��licahle
Steve Strong, Finance Officer Kll) In-h�nd Niatcl�
760 Parkview Avenue � NO[ A lic;�ble
Redding, CA 96001 12) Total Pro.ject Cost
��30) 225-4087 �;��i2 7U7
T1us �r;u�t award consists of ttus title page, tl�c prc�posal for the �r;uit which is attached and macic a part hereof, anci
the Assurance c�f Compliance forms which are being submitted. Tl�e gr;u�t recipien[signifies accepta��ce ot ttus
��rant award:u�d agrees ro acimirtister thc grant project in accorclance with Ule statute(s), tl�e ProQram Guiclelines,
this ReUuest for An�licati�n (RFA) and tf�e OCJP Grantee H;indhoc�k. "I'l�e grant recipient further agrees to all
legal conciitions and terms incorporated by reference in the Pro�ram Guidelines, tfus RFA. ;�nci the OCJP Grantee
FOR OC.TP USF, ONLY (13) Official Authorized to Sign fi�r
Item: Appli �• t/Grant re�� '
PCA No.: `��� R bert P. B1 kenship
Components No.: Title: Chief oE Police
Projec[ No.: ����'eSS� 1313 California Street
Redding, CA 96001
, Amount: Telephone: ( 530 ) 225-4211
Split Fund: Date:
Split Encumber: I hereby certify upon my ow�n personal knowledge
that bud�etecl funds are available fr�r the perioci
Year: and purposes of this expencii[ure state� above.
Feci. Cat. #:
Match Requirement:
Fiscal Officer, OCJP Da[e
Region: Executive Director. OCJP Date
(Rev. �j97)
(� .
Note: "I'he resvlutiun must include all of the elements contained in the sample. Unless
there is a c�mpelling reasun nut to du su, OCJY strongly suggests that the pr�ject
follow the exact f�rrmat and language provided in the sample Resulutiun. This will
assure that the prucessing of the Grant Award Agreement and the rec�uest for funds
are not seriousl� delayed because the language �f the resulution dues n�t meet
OCJP's requirements.
Projects that «�ill nut have the resolution c�mpleted by the GAF Package due date
must include a letter signed by the administrat�r �r executive who will be
authorized tu submit the pruposal in the res�lution. Specifv the date the resolution
will be recei��ed b�� OCJP and include a cupy uf the propused resolution.
(1) Enter the full name of the board or council making the resolution. �
(2) Enter the title of the proposed project. This should be the same as the title of the
proposed projert on the Grant Award Face Sheet (OCJP A301).
(3) Enter the full title oi the administrator or executive who is authorized to submit the
(4) Enter the full title of the organization that will submit the proposal.
(5) Enter board or council, whichever is appropriate.
(6) Enter the same as icem (1).
(7) Enter the same as item (5).
(8) Enter the date of the meeting in which the resolution was adopted.
(9) Enter the votes of the members in the appropriate category.
(10) Enter the signature of the person signing on behalf of the board or council.
(11) Enter the date of the certification.
(12) Enter the typed name and title of the person making the certification.
(13) Enter the signature of the person attestin� that this is a true copy of the resolution. This
must be a person other than the person who signed on behalf of the board or council [see
item (10)].
(14) Enter the date attested.
(15) Enter the typed name and title of the person attesting.
s� �►
. ' PRO.IECT SER��ICE .�RL,�► ItiF()Ri��1�1'ION
1. COUNTY OR COUNTIES SERVED: Enter the nvne(s) of the counry or counties served by the
project. Put�u�t��terisk whcre�hc principc�l ��fti;�of the project is locatcd.
Shasta County
2. U.S. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRIC'I'�Sl: Enter the nuinber(s) of the U.S. Congression�� District�sJ
which the project serves. Put an<�sterisk for the district�vhere the principal office oF the project is IocateJ.
Congressional District 2-�
3. STATE ASSEMBLY DISTRICT(Sl: Enter the nwnber(s) of the State Assembly Disu-ict(s) which
the project scrves. Put<u��Lsterisk for the disuict«•here the princip�il office of the project is located.
District 1%<
4. STATE SENATE DISTRICT(S): Enter the number(s)of the St�ite Senate Districtis) �vhich the
project serves. Put an�►sterisk for the district n here the princip�il ot'fice ot the project is located.
District 4*
5. POPULATION OF SERVICE ARE.�: Enter the total population of the service area served by the
, . , , , � �
Applic:uu: Reddin� Police llepartment
Implementing A��ency(if a�Plicahle):
Project �Iille: Benton Downtown Revitalization
Grant Numher(ro fie addeci h�� OCJP):
Provicle the name, titic, :uiciress and tclephone number for the �roject contact persons n�uned below. If a
section does not apply to your project,enter "'�`/A."
l. 77ie person havin�day-to-ci:iy responsibilit}� Ti�r the �roject:
Nati]C: Dave rlundy
��e� Sergeant
Ac1�dtEss: 1313 California Street , Redding, CA 96001
Telephone Numher. ( ) 225-4294 Fax Numher: l )
2. 77�e person to wi�om the person listed in#I is accountable.
Nar11e: Leonard Moty
Title: Lieutenant
Acldress: 1313 California Street, Redding, CA 96001
Teleplione Number. O 225-4327 F� Number: O
3• The execuuvc clirector of a nonprofit or,l;uuzation or the cfuef execuuve officer�e.g., cluef of
g�olice,superintendent of schools)of the implementing agency:
Name: Robert P. Blankenship
��e: Chief of Police
At�ldiess: 1313 California Street, Redding, CA 96001
Telephone Number. O 225-4211 Fax Number: O 225-4568
4_ "Fl�e chair of the�oveming body of the implemendng agency: (Provide address �u�d telephone
number other than that of the implementing agency.)
Name: N/A
Telephone Number: ( ) Fax Number: ( )
5• The person responsible for the Project from the applicant a�_ency, if ciifferent th;u�#1:
��e: Steve Davidson
Tide: Captain
Addt�Ss: 1313 California Street, Redding, CA 96001
Telcphone Nun�hcr. O 225-4223 Fsx Number. O
. � � �
All applicants must submit the Certirication of ASsurance of Compliance with the Grant A��-ard
Forms Package. By signing the Grant Award Face Sheet and the Cerrification of Assurance of
Compliance (OCJP f�56, Rev. 7;"97 i, and submittin� the Grant Award Forms Packa�e to OCJP.
the applicant acknowledges a���arene;s of and the responsibility to comply �vith all spe�ified state
and federal requirements.
l. Equal Empluyment (�ppurtunity
a. General ELO Itules and Regulatiuns
1) California Fair Emplovment and HouSin� Act (FEHA) and its
[mplemencin� Re��ulations, California Administrative Code Title �
Division -�. Fsir Emplovment and Hou�in� Co�nmistiion•
The FEH.� declares it illegal in California to discriminate against an��one in
employment because of race, religious creed, color, national ori�in,
ancestrv, ph�•sical handicap, medical condition (cancer related), marital
status, �ex or aae (over 40). The objectives of the FEHA and these
regulations are to promote equal employment opportunity and to assist all
persons in understanding their rights, duties and obligations, so as to
facilitate achievement of voluntary compliance with the law.
2) California Go��ernment Code Arricle 9.5 Sections 1 1 l 35-1 I 139.5 and its
Implementina Reeulations California Administrative Code Title 2�'
Sections 9R1�0(�-9R413• Title VT of the Civil Riehts Act of 19f�4�
These sections mandate comprehensive state and federal civil rishts
regulations prohibiting discrimination or denial of benefits to persons w�ho
are under proarams or activities receiving financial assistance from the
State of California or the federal government.
3) Title V. Section �04 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 USCS Section
974); Government Code Section �145� et sec�
These state and federal re�ulations mandate that yualified persons with
disabilities ��ill not be e;ccluded from, denied benetits of, or discriminated
against solel�� on the basis of their disabilities, under any program or
activiry that receives financial assistance from OCJP. Further, all facilities
used by OCJP funded projects shall be made reasonably accessible to and
usable by che physically handicapped.
These re�ulations also provide that employers shall m�ilce reasonable
acco►nmodation to the physically handicapped, unless the employer can
demonstrate that such accommodation would impose undue hardship.
1 . . , . � �
41 The Americans with Di�abilitie� �ct of 19y(1 (ADA) 4� USC' Sections
� 12101 et seq., and U.S. Deoartment ot Justice Implementin<� Re<�ulationti
2x CFR. Part 35: �
1fie ADA guarantees eyual opportunin� for individuals with disabilities in
public �u�d private sector services and employment. A comprehensive and-
discriminauon law for persons with disabilities, the ADA extend� to
virtually all sectors of soeiety and e��er�� aspect of daily livin� �i.e., work,
leisure, travel communications and more�.
b. Nederaily Funded Yrojects - 2R CFR, Part 42, \ondiscrimination: Equal
Empluyment Opp�rtunity; Policies and Procedures (U.S. Department uf
1) Requires agencies recei��ina federal Tinanci;il assistane:e from OCJP to
prepare an Equal Employment Opportunit�� Program (EEOP i upon meetin�
the followin� criteria:
• Grantee has �0 or rnore employees;
• Grantee has received a total of�,25.000 or more in ��ranc� or
subgrants since 1968 (for �rants of�500,000 and more �ee 2); and
• Grantee has a service population ot 3�Io or more minorin�
representation (if less than 39c the EEOP must be prepared to focus
on women).
Effective Fiscal Year 1992/93, the criteria and requirements apply to
the "implementing agencv" resp�nsible f�r the day-to-dav operatiun
of the project le.g., Probation Department, District Attornev, Sheriff).
Please note that upon submission of the Certification of Assurance of
Compliance to OCJP, the applicant certifies that [he agency has an EEOP
on file or will formulate: unplement, and maintain an EEOP ��ithin 6U
calendar days ot the date the Grant Award Face Sheet (OCJP .�3U1) is
signed by the Executive Director of OCJP. This certification further
commits the agency to submit to OCJP a copy of its EEOP ���ithin 60
calendar days of the EYecutive Director's si�nature on the OCJP .A301.
"fhe I�LOP must be de��eluped fur the iinplementing a�enc��.
2) All applicants for federal arants funds of�500,000 or more must submit a
copy of the current EEOP developed for the implementin� a�Jency, or
federal letter of compliance, to OCJP �vith the Grant Award Forms
Packa�e. No Grant Award Agreement in this amount will be approvecl
until OCJP receives appro��al of the applicant's EEOP from the tederal
- � � � �
� �
3) Proje�[5 ���ho have previou�lv recei��ed a total of$25,ODU or more in �rant
funds, or a single award in the amount of$S�U,UUO or more, and have an
� approveci EEOP on iile with OCJP. sre required to submit an annual
update oi their EEOP if funds are rontinued. The timeframe for EEOP
updates are the same as are idenritied in i) and 2) above and mu5t cover
the implementing agency.
c. State Funded (:rants and Communit��-based Organizations (CI3(�sl
State funded s�rants and CBOs are exempt from the federal government
requirement of de��eloping an EEOP, pursuant to 28 CFR, Part �2, Subpart E;
however, the�� are monitored by the L�.S. Depa�-tment of Health and Human
5ervices in EEO compliance matters.
d. �dditional Requirements fur ALL OC1P (Trantees '
1) In addition to the Certification of.a�surance of Compliance (OCJP 65f), all
OCJP `�rantees must have a current �ear EEO Policy Statemen[. �;tabli5hed
by their a��ency, posted in a prominent place accessible to employees and
applicants (See Grantee Handbook. Appendix V).
2) The poster entitled "Harassment or Discriminati�n in Employment is
Prohibited bv Law" (See Grantee Handbook, Appendix W) also must be
posted in a conspicuous locauon accessible to employees and applicants for
employment This poster may be obtained from the local office of the
Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH).
The Equal Employment Opportunity Proaram Guidelines may be obtained by
contacting the EEO Compliance Office at e916) 327-3689. Additionally,
applicants are encouraged to contact their Personnel Office or Affirmative Action
Office for EEO information and assistanee.
2. Drug-Free Workplace
Senate Bill 1120 (Chapcer 1170, Statutes of 1990) established the Drug-Free Workplace
Act of 1990 ("the Act") which requires grantees to maintain a drug-free workplace, as
does the federal Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988. By signing the Certification of
Assurance of Compliance, the applicant formall�� notifies OCJP, as the granting/monitoring
agency, that the applicant �vill comply with the pro��isions of the Act.
A copy of the Drug-Free Workplace Certification is included in the Grantee Handbook,
Appendix O, to serve as a guide for the development of the agency's statement.
3. EnvironmentalImpact
1fie California Environmental Quality Act(CEQA) (Public Resources Code, Division 13,
Section 21000 et seq.j requires that a Lead Agenc�� (the public a�ency which has principal
responsibiliry for carryin�� out or approving a project which may have a significant effect
• � • � �
� on the environment i prepare an environmental document on the project. For purposes of
CEQA, the Lead .-���enc�� is the ciry or county planning department. lf this reUuirement
has reviouslv t�en met. the a licant must si�n and submit OCJP 65b contirmin�
\nTE: State a�encies applying for OCJP grant funds must meet all CEQA
requirements outlined above. Each agency has the authority to determine
which of�he designated categories applies. All notices must be tiled with the
Office oi Planning and Research (OPR) instead of with a local planning
department. and kept on file �vith the project.
Public schoul districts and cuunty Of�ces uf Education applying for OCJP ;�rants must
also meet all CEQ.-� reyuirements. OCJP 656 must be completed and submitted to OCJP.
Public school districts may have lead agency authoriry to determine ��hich of the
designated CEQ.a cateoories applies. Evidence of this category determination must be
completed and kept in the applicant's project files.
.all applicants selec:ted for funding other than state a�encies, public school disu-icts and
county offices of education should contact their city or county plannin� department to
determine which or the designated categories listed in Section 2, Evidence of Compliance,
A project is defined as the whole of an action which has a potential for resultin� in a
physical change in the environment, directly or ultimately. For the purposes of this
package, a projecc can include, but is not limited to:
• An activin• involving the issuance of a lease, permit, license, cerrificate, or other
entitlement for use by one or more public agencies, such as the leasin� of real
property from a �overnment agency (e.g., office buildings, warehouses, police
stations or �helters);
• An activin� im olving the amendment of zoning ordinances, or the amendment of a
local General Plan.
In order for OCJP to approve the funding of projects selected for funding the applicant
must complete and sign the Certificate of Assurance of Compliance (OCJP 656> and
maintain evidence of CEQA compliance on file. The process for completin� these
requirements is as rollows:
a. Assurance uf Compliance - Environmental Impact Statement
All applicants selected for funding must submit the OCJP Cert�cauon of
Assurance of Compliance (OCJP 656) signed by the person authorized by the
governing board to sign the Grant Award Agreement. This is the same si�nature
as appears on line 13 of the Grant Award Face Sheet. y
� �
b. Evidence uf Compliance
Such evidence of compliance must be main�ained on file as part of the project's
administrative reyuirements and ma�� be an�� one of the four de�i�nated categories
descnbed below.
A sample format is included in the Grantee Handbook. Appendix U. The
applicant/grantee mav present this form to the Lead Agenc�� for review. The
planning department may sign this form, or may prepare a document which
describes the applicant s compliance with CEQA.
1) Category 1
A statement. �igned and dated by the plannin� department, citin� the
CEQA Guidelines (California Administrative Code. Title 14, Division 6,
Section 15061 (b)(3)) and stating that the Lead A�enc�� can say with
certainty that there is no possibilin� that the activity in question mav have a
significant effect on the environment and that the project is not subject to
2) Category 2
A Notice ��f Exempti�m filed with the county clerk of the county or
counties in which the project will be located, if the proposed project falls
under the provisions for statutory or categorical exemptions of the
CEQA Guidelines (California Administrative Code, Title 14, Division 6,
Sections 1526U-15329): Such filing will result in a date stamped on the
notice. Normally, this notice is filed by the plannin� department. The
applicant may file the notice instead, but must maintain a certified
document issued by the planning department stating that this agency has
found the project to be exempt. As evidence of CEQA compliance, a date
stamped copy of that notice must be maintained by the applicant in the
project files.
3) Category 3
A Ne�ative Declaration prepared in accordance with CEQA Guidelines
(California Administrative code, Title 14, Division 6, Section 15000 et.
seq.), if the proposed project is determined to have no potential to
significantly effect the environmen� As part of the :�egative Declararion
process, the planning department must give the general public and affected
public agencies an opportunity to review the proposed Negative
Declaration, and must consider any comment. After completion of the
Negative Declaration process, a Notice of Determination must be filed with
the county clerk within five (5) working days after the Lead Agency
approves the project. A copy of the Notice of Determination must also be
filed with the Office of Planning and Research State Cle�u-inghouse. As
, , � �
evidence of CEQA �oi��piiance, a date Stamped copy of that notice mu�t be
maintained by the appiican� in the project files.
4) Category 4
An En��ir�►nrnental Impact Report IF,IRI prepared in accordance with
the CEQA guidelines. u the proposed project may si�nificantly impact the
environment. A5 with the �e�ative Declaration, the EIR must be
circulated for public and a��ency revie���. Addirionally, the planning
department must respond in writing to any comments made on the draft
EIR. and must adopt measures to mitigate any environmental i�npacts that
have been determinea to be significant, or provide justification as to whv
mitigauon of an impact i� not feasible. y
At the end of that process. a Notice of Determination (NOD) must be filed
with the County Clerk «ithin five (�) working days after the Lead Agenc}•
appro�es the project. .-� �opy of the NOD must also be tiled with the State
Clearinehouse. ,4s e��idence of CEQA compliance, a date stamped copy of
that notice must be maintained by the applicant in the proje�t files.
4. Lobbying
OCJP grant funds shall not be used for the purposes of lobbying (see Grantee Handbook.
Secdon 2240.2).
As required by Section 1342, Title 31 of the U.S. Code, applicants selected for funding
must review and certify that no federal funds will be used for lobbying. By signing the
Assurance of Compliance form, the applicant formally certifies to nodfy OCJP, as the
granring/monitoring a�ency, that the applicant selected for funding will comply with the
provisions of the A�t.
5. Debarment, Suspension and Other Respunsibility Matters - for federallv funded
projects only V
Applicants selected for funding must certify thar they will adhere to Executive Order
12549, Debarment and Suspension. B}� signing the Assurance of Compliance form in the
Grant Award Forms Package, the applicant certifies to that effect.
� •. � � ��`ication cif.-�ssurv�ce ��t Coii�pli.uue
� OCJP C,56 (Rev. 7i�17 r
,Vote: Tlzere are different reyc�irements for state aitd federul funds. (Those affecti�tg o►t!_v
federally funded prujects are icientified.)
I, Robert P. Blankenst�ip , hereb�� certifv that:
(official authorizeu to;i_�n «rant awarcl; same person cu line 13 un Grant���ard Face Sheet i
GRANTEE: _ Reddin� Pol.ice Department
PROJECT TITLE: 13enton Downtown Revitalization
will adhere to all of the Grant Award Agreement requirements (state and/or federal) as directed
by the Office of Criminal Justice Planning including, but not limited to, the following areas:
I. Equal Employment Opportunity
II. Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1990
III. Califomia Environmental Qualiry Act (CEQA)
IV. Lobbyin�J
V. Debarment, Suspension, and Other Responsibility Matters
VI. Other OCJP Certifications as Applicable
A. General EEO Rules and Regulations (state and federal)
The applicant selected for funding acknowled�Jes awareness of, and the
responsibiliry to comply with, the following Equal Emplo�-ment Opportunity
requirements by signing the Grant Award Face Sheet (OCJP A301), including this
Cerrificacion of Assurance of Compliance, and submitting the application to the
Office ot Criminal Justice Planning (OCJP).
1. California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) and Implementing
Regulations, California Administrative Code, Title 2, Division �, Fair
Employment and Housing Commission.
2. California Government Code Article 9.5, Sections 11 135-11139.5 and
Implementing Regulations, California Administradve Code, Title 22,
Sections 98000-98413.
3. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
'� � Certifi�n of Assuru�ce of Compliance
OCJP 656(Rev.7/�)7)
4. Title V, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 USCS Section
974) and Federal Department Regulations on its implementaUon;
Covernment Code Section 4450, et. seq.
5. Subtitle A, Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA),42 USC
Sections 12131-12134 and U.S. Department of Justice implementing
regulations, 28 CFR, Part 35.
6. U.S. Department of Justice Regulations> 28 CFR, Part 42, Equal
Employinent Opportunity, Policies and Procedures -- applies to federally
funded grants only.
Federal and state agencies have the legal right to seek enforcement of the above
items of this assurance of compliance.
All appropriate documentation nwst be maintained on file by the project and
available for OCJP or public scrutiny upon request. Violation of these provisions
may result in withholding of grant funds by OCJP.
B. The following apply to federally funded grants only:
Note: Effective Fiscal Year 1992/93, the Federal criteria and requirements
apply to the "implementing agency" responsible for the day-to-day operation
of the project (e.g., Probation Department, District Attorney, Sheriff).
1. Criteria for Federal EEO Program Requirements for Grants in the Amount
of$25,000-$499,999. (Does not apply to community-based ,
Federal regulations require qualified recipient agencies of federal financial
assistance to prepare an Equal Employment Opportunity Program (EEOP)
upon �neeting all of the following criteria:
a. Grantee has 50 or more employees.
b. Grantee has received a total of$25,000 or more in grants or
subgrants since 1968.
c. Grantee has a service population of 3% minority representation (If
less than 3% minority population, the EEOP must be prepared to
focus on women).
The EEOP must be developed for the implementing agenc,y responsible for d�e
day-to-day operations of the probram.
' � ' � �ticatiun of Assur�u�ce ot�Compli.ince
. OGP 656 �Rev. 7n)71
�'. Assuranc:e of EEOP for Federal Grantti of `�2�,()UU-`�-�yy.yyy
This implementin�� a�lency has formulated, or will fonnulate, implement.
and maintain an EEOP within 60 calendar days of the date the Grant
Award Fa�e $heet �OCJP A301) is si�7ned bv the Executive Director of
OCJP. I also certif�• that the EEOP is/will be on tile in the followin17
Affirmative Action i A.A.) Office: �
A.A. OfflCer: Randv Bachman
Tltle: Human Resources Manager
760 Parkview Avenue
Addless: Redding, CA 96001
Phone: (530) 225-4065
The EEOP is available for review or audit by officials of OCJP or the Federal
Government, as reyuired b�� relevant laws and re`�ulations.
Additionally, I agree to submit a copy of said EEOP to OCJP (Attention�: EEO
Compliance Officeri �cithin 60 calendar days of the Executive Director's signature
on the OCJP A301.
3. Federal Grants of�500,000 and Above
All applicants for federal grant funds of$500,000 or more will submit a
copy of their EEOP (developed for the implementing agency), or federal
letter of compliance, to OCJP with the second sta�e application forms.
4. EEOP Updates tor Continuing Federal Grants
Projects that ha��e previously received a toc�il of$25,OU0 or inore in federal
grants, or a sinole a«�ard in the amount of$500,000 or more, and have an
approved EEOP on file with OCJP, are requued to submit an annual
update of their EEOP if funds are continued. The timeframe for EEOP
updates are the same as identified in Section B, 2 and 3 above.
C. The following apply to all OCJP grantees:
l. In addition to this Certification, all OCJP grantees must have a current
EEO Policy Statement, established by their a�ency, posted in a prominent
place accessible to employees and applicants; and
2. The poster entitled "Harassment �r Discriminatiun in Empluyment is
1'�'ulii�ile� �� La�r•" also must be posted in a conspicuous location
accessible to emplo}�ees and applicants. This poster may be obtained from
the local office of the Department of Fair Employment and Housin�7.
' : ' � Certificti�f6n of Assurance of Co►npli�uice
OCJP 656 (Rev.7/97)
The ;�hove-named orbanization(s) will comply with thc California Drub-rrcc Workplucc
Act of 1990 of California Government Code Section 8355, et. seq., and the Federal Drug-
Free Workplace Act of 1988, and implemented as 28 CFR, Part 67, Subpart F, for
grantees, as defined in 2H CFR, Part 67, Sections 67.615 and 67.620 by:
A. Publishing a statement notifying employees that unlawful manufacture,
distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited
and specifying actions to be taken against employees for violations, as required in
Government Code Section 8355(a).
B. Establishing a Drug-Free Awareness Program as required by Government Code
Section 8355(b), to inform employees about all of the following:
1. The dangers of drug abuse in the workplace;
2. The organization's policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace;
3. Any available counseling, rehabilitation and employee assistance programs;
4. Penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations.
C. Providing as required by Government Code Section 8355(c) that every employee
who works on tt�e proposed grant: �
1. Will receive a copy of the company's drub-free policy statement;
2. Will agree to abide by the terms of the company's statement as a condition
of employment on the contract or grant.
D. Notifying the employee in the statement required that, as a condition of
employment under the grant, the employee will:
l. Abide by the terms of the statement;
2. Nodfy the employer in wridng of his or her conviction for a violation of a
criminal drug statute occurring in the workplace no later than five (5)
calendar days after such conviction.
E. Notifying che agency, in writing, within ten (10) calendar days after receiving
notice as required above from an employee or otherwise receiving actual notice of
such conviction. Employers of convicted employees must provide notice,
including position, and title to: Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs,
ATTN: Control Desk, 633 Indiana Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC 20531.
Notice shall include the identificatiorr number(s) of each affected grant.
� ' � Certific.'Ton of Assuru�ce of Compliance
OCJP 65( (Rev. 7/97)
F. Taking one of the following actions, within 30 calendar days of receiving notice,
with respect to any employee who is so convicted:
l. Takinb cippro�riate personnel action ��6ainst such an em��loyee, up to and
including termination, consistent with the requirements of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended;
2. Requiring such employee to participate sadsfactorily in a drug abuse
assistance or rehabilitation program approved for such purposes by a
federal, state, or local health, law enforcement, or other appropriate
G. Making a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug-free workplace through
implementation of the above requirements.
The above-named organization(s)/individual(s) will comply with the California
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requirements as stated in the Public Resources Code,
Division 13, Section 21000 et. seq. and all other applicable rules and regulations.
All appropriate documentation will be maintained on file by the project and available for
OCJP or public review upon request.
As required by Section 1352, Title 31 of the U.S. Code, and implemented as 28 CFR, Part
69, for persons entering into a grant or cooperative agreement over $100,000, as defined
at 28 CFR, P:u�t 69, the applicant certifies that:
A. No federally appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of
the undersigned, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer
or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of
Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the making
of any federal grant, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the
extension, continuation,renewal, amendment, or modification of any federal grant
or cooperative abreement.
B. If any funds other than federal appropriated f��nds h�ive been paid or will be paid to
any person for intluencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any
agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an
employee of a Member of Congress in connection with this federal grant or
cooperative agreement, the undersigned shall complete and submit Standard Form
- LLL, "Disclosure of Lobbying Activities," in accordance with its instructions.
C. The undersigned shall require that the language of this cerdfication be included in
the award documents for all subawards at all tiers [including subgrants, contracts
under grants and cooperative agreements and subcontract(s)] and that all
subrecipients shall certify and disclose accordingly.
' .' , , • _ _. �
Certification of Assur�nce of Compliance
OCJP 656(Rev.7/97)
(applies to federally funded grants only)
As required by Executive Order 12549, Debarment and Suspension, and implemented at
28 CFR, Part 67, for prospective participants in primary covered transactions, as defined
at 2R CFR, Part 67, Section 67.510, the applicant certifies that it and its principals:
A. Are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared
ineligible, sentenced to a denial of federal benefits by a state or federal court, or
voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any federal department or
B. Have not, within a three-year period preceding this application, been convicted of
or had a civil judgment rendered against them for commission of fraud or a
criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing
a public (federal, state, or local) transaction or contract under a public transaction;
violation of federal or state antitrust statutes or commission of embezzlement,
theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false
statements, or receiving stolen property.
C. Are not presently indicted for, or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a
governmental entity (federal, state, or local) with, commission of any of the
offenses enumerated above.
D. Have not, within a three-year period preceding this application, had one or more
public transactions (federal, state, or local) terminated for cause or default.
Where the applicant is unable to certify to any of the statements in this certification, he or
she shall attach an explanation to this application.
� ' ' � � �fication ot �ssur�u�cc of Compli�nce
� �• � � QCJPfSC (Rev. 7/971
Failure to comply with these requirements may result in suspension of pa,r•ments under the
grant or termination uf the grant or buth and the grantee may be ineligibie fur a�vard of
anv future grants if the Uf�ce uf Criminal Justice Planning (OCJP) determines that anv of
the fullowing has occurred: (1) the grantee has made false certi�cation, ur (21 vi�lates the
certificatiun by failing tu carry e�ut the reyuirements as noted above.
[, the official named below, am the same individual authorized to si�n the Grant
Award Agreement [line 13 on Grant Award Face Sheet], and hereby s�tiear that I
am duly authorized legally to bind the i;ontractor or grant recipient to the above
described cerdfication. I am fully aware that this certification, executed on the date
and in the county below, is made under penalty of perjury under the laws of the
State of California.
Official's Signature: �� � � �
Official'S Typed N�1tne: Robert �. Blankenship
Official's Title: Chief of Police
Date Executed: �f�����
Federal ID Number: �`1 � ���`C � l
Executed in the County of: S`7a:�/ �(
j � •
;; - <:
_ _ _ :. :
:< _
; ,
X New
_ Year2 Downtown/Benton Revitalization Pla 03/O1/98 To
_ Year 3
_ Other 08/31/99
Name: Redding Police Department Phone: �39 225-4200 (TotalProjectCost)
Address: 1313 California Street Fax#: (53� 225-4568 $242.707
Redding, CA 96001
Name: Redding Police Department Phone: ( ) Fax#: ( )
Address: 1313 California Street
Redding, CA 96001
7. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The Redding Police Department, Shasta Union High School
District, and Turtle Bay School are proposing a comprehensive, collaborative operation
revitalization program dedicated to the Downtown/Benton Drive community in the city of
The proposed Downtown/Benton Revitalization Plan will focus on resolving community
issues in the target area, including violent crimes associated with the high level of
drug and gang activities, as well as� a variety of environmental, social, and economic
problems that lead to blight and the creation of fertile ground for still more drug
trafficking and gang activity. The applicants will work with the community in seeking
to break the cycle of fear and desperation by weeding out violent criminal element,
buildin on revention, intervention, and treatment.
8. PROBLEM STATEMENT The Downtown/Benton community experiences among the highest
rates of drug offenses and violent crimes, such as murder, robbery, and aggravated
assault and requests for police services. rtany crimes committed in the Downtown/Benton
area are attributable to supporting the habits of drug abuse and gang activity. The
IIowntown/Benton Revitalization Plan is impacted significantly by the homeless population
Within a 150-mile radius, we are the only urban center with significant services.
1. At least 50 felony arrests for narcotic violations will be achieved between
March 1 , 1998, and August 31, 1999.
2. Ensure the coordination of appropriate attention to drug offenders arrested in the
target area.
3. To provide substance abuse information and education to high school students at
Shasta High School and fifth grade students at Turtle Bay Elementary School.
4. Conduct four parent education programs to increase an understanding of drugs and
their effects to at least 100 participants.
1 '� � _ � •
�lU. .-�CTIVITIES 13E�.tween March 1 , 1998, and August 31 , 1999, 11. C.a'CE(�ORl'
ttlere will be increased uniform patrol by Neighborhood
Police Officers (NPOs) wlio will supplement patrol o[ficers _
regularly assigned to beats. _ Vot Applicable
- :�POs will coordinate with Probation and Parole regarding
supervision of clients. 12. PRO(:RAi�I �REA
- Provide substance abuse education program through the
DaRE Program in the Sth grade at Turtle Bay School. -
- Four evening or Saturday programs will be held at Shasta - �;��t Applicable
L'nion High School or 'Turtle Bay Elementary School. -
Quantitative data will be developed and ,]urisdiction and Target Area:
aaalyzed to determine the improved school performances of
tutoring at Turtle Bay School. 78,450
Quantitative data will be compared for the rate of change �lurisdictionf'opulanonl
in the Uowntown/Benton Revitalization area pertaining to 5,000
the number of arrests and trairilrig. lTaigetAreaPopulauoni
Personnel O�erating Equi�ment TOTAL
Services Expenses
Funds Requested
202,865 30,256 9,586 242,707
Other Gr;u�t Funcis
Other Sources (list in-kind, fees,
etc.) 25,000 25,000
Patrol vehicle (in-kind)-
$25,000 12,600 12,600
School resource officer -
680 hours 10,000 10,000
NPO-Sergeant-20 % time
Crime Analysis Unit - 30%
time - $10,000
Signature: � Date: ����
Typed N�rr1e: Robert P. Blanken ip Title: Chief of Police
OC7P-2''7 (Rev. 7/97)
♦ . - �y�
. _ • .�.1". �
. br
!� B. Operatin� Expenses COST
Mandatorv Audit $3,000
Evaluation $5,000
Safetv E�cuipment - Two (2) ,� 1,974 $3,948
Uniform Maintenance - Two 2@ 650 $1,300
Cellular Phone - (portable) (l) $ 300
Air time (�100 x 18 months) $1,800
Therapist Supplies $1,770
EZent for-studenrciassroom, in YlLdin� �tilities , �fp� �-o �e kete,� ����o �t r $9,360
S��a �fuv psr mon�h,
Trainin� - POP Conference (4 attendees: 2 NPO, 1 school teacher,
l housing and dangerous building inspector
Registration $1,180
Airfare 700
Meals 660
Lodging 1,080
Hotel tax 108
Parkin� airport 50
Training subtotal $3,778
TOTAL $30,256
C. Equipment COST
�� : � � �. • e
Grant A��ar�l#:
ApplicanL' Redding Police llepartment
ProjCCl Ti[]C: Benton/llowntown Revitalization
GrantPeriod: _�/1/98 ro 8/31/99
Ti�e folluwing pcnons ;ue authonzeei to sign for:
Project Direc�or Financial Officer
Robert Blankenship � Steve Strong
SiQnatu Signatur
� � v. �!�
Name Name
Steve Dav son
Signature . Signature
Name Name
Leonard Moty
�,ignature Signature
Name Name
Dave� �Iundv
Si�Tnat ce / „/
� ,,�, Signature
N:une Name
Signature Signature
Name Name
Approved By:
Project Director:
Financi:il Ofliccr:
Pl;uu�ing Director:
i �. ^ i � �
The Office of Criminal Justice Planning requires that all funded Operation Revitalization projects
be joint efforts between local law enforcement agencies and local school districts in cooperation
with County drug program offices.
As the County Alcohol/Drug Program Director, I have reviewed the services proposed in this
grant as it relates to the drug problem in this county. Additionally, the activities compliment
and coordinate with the County Master Plan.
" 3 a �"
County Alcohol/Drug Program Director Date