HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2083 - Amending Title 11 ORDINANCE NO. ZOS 3
The City Council of the City of Redding does hereby ordain as
Section 1. Title 11, Vehicles and Traffic, of the Redding
Municipal Code is hereby amended by adding a new Chapter 11. 40,
Vehicle Congestion Management, as set forth in Exhibit "A" attached
hereto and incorporated herein by reference.
Section 2. The City Council has determined that this
matter is categorically exempt under the provisions of the
California Environmental Quality Act.
Section 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of
this Ordinance and cause its publication according to law.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced
and read at a regular meeting of the City Council on the 3rd day
of May_, 1994, and was duly read and adopted on the 17th day of
Ray, , 1994, at a regular meeting of the City Council by the
following vote:
AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: P. Anderson, Kehoe, McGeorge, Murray and R. Anderson
City of Redding
CONNIE STROHMAY City Clerk RA6ALL A. HAYS, City Attorney a�
• • CHAPTER 11.40
® e
11.40.010 Purpose.
11.40.020 Applicability.
11.40.030 Definitions.
11.40.040 Requirements.
11.40.050 Performance Monitoring.
11.40.060 Public Education.
11.40.070 Violations and Enforcement.
11.40.010 Purpose. Understanding between the City of Redding and
the AQMD.
This chapter is enacted for the purpose of meeting
the Trip Reduction and Travel Demand 11.40.030 Definitions.
Management Ordinance requirements of the
countywide Congestion Management Program as For the purposes of this chapter, the following
adopted by the Shasta County Regional definitions apply:
Transportation Planning Agency(RTPA)pursuant
to Government Code 65089, et seq. This "Alternative Commute Mode" means bicycle,
regulation is to improve air quality, minimize buspool,carpool,telecommuting,transit,vanpool,
traffic congestion, and reduce the number of or walking.
single-occupant motor vehicle trips taken by
employees by encouraging ridesharing through "Congestion Management Agency" means that
public education and requiring annual trip- regional agency referred to as the Regional
reduction reports from significant vehicle trip Transportation Planning Agency (RTPA)
generators. responsible for determining if the cities and
County are complying with provisions of the
11.40.020 Applicability. Shasta County Congestion Management Program.
This chapter shall be referred to as the "AQMD" means the Shasta County Air Quality
"Congestion Management Program Trip Reduction Management District.
and Travel Demand Management Ordinance" and
applies to any significant trip generator as defined "Employer" means any person(s), firm, business,
in Shasta County Air Quality Management District educational facility, nonprofit agency or
(AQMD) Rule 3:24 and the definitions of this corporation, government agency, or other entity
chapter. This ordinance applies to employers who which employs one (1) or more persons at a work
have 100 or more employees (full-time, part-time, site.
and temporary) within the City of Redding. It
should be understood that although the City is "Employment Complex" means a place of
mandated by State law to adopt the provisions of employment that may accommodate several
this chapter, the Regional Transportation Planning employers all under one (1) structure or a group
Agency (RTPA) has responsibility for the of structures where such structure(s) is owned or
administration of each provision of the ordinance managed by a single entity.
pursuant to the requirements of the Shasta County
Congestion Management Plan. The AQMD has "Flexible Work Hours" means a work schedule
accepted the responsibility for enforcement of the where employees are given the freedom to choose
ordinance pursuant to the Memorandum of their starting and leaving times, as long as they
• • CHAPTER 1 1.40
work the required number of hours and perform B. Each significant trip generator shall annually
their responsibilities. provide to persons who arrive at the site a
written notice which shall contain information
"Ridesharing" means two (2) or more people on alternate commuting modes, commuter
traveling together, including but not limited to matching services, carpooling, vanpooling,
carpools, vanpools, buspools, taxipools, public public transit, bicycling routes, and incentives
and private buses, and rail transit. on walking programs.
"Significant Trip Generator"means any employer, C. AQMD Notification.-
otification:educational facility, employment complex, or
other entity identified by the AQMD that has 1. Notwithstanding the provisions of
100 or more persons scheduled to arrive at one(1) Subsection A(1) and (2), any significant
site between the hours of 6 a.m. and 10 a.m., trip generator who becomes subject to
Monday through Friday. this chapter due to an increase in work
force, establishment of a new business,
"Single-Occupant Motor Vehicle" means a motor or increase in facility use must notify the
vehicle occupied by one (1) person. AQMD within six (6) months of
becoming subject to Rule 3:24 and this
"Site" means a building or grouping of buildings chapter. All notices shall be in writing
located within the AQMD which are in actual and shall include the name of the
physical contact or within walking distance— employer, business, or facility; mailing
i.e., one-half (1/2) mile—of each other. address; the total number of persons
arriving at the site between 6 a.m. and
"Shasta County Regional Transportation Planning 10 a.m.; and the name of the supervising
Agency (RTPA)"means the designated Congestion management person at the site.
Management Agency for Shasta County.
2. To assist in identifying the significant
"Telecommuting" means working at home or at a trip generators subject to this chapter, the
satellite work station using electronic or other AQMD will publish an order to comply
means to communicate with the usual place of with the provisions of the chapter during
work or outside clients or customers. the first week of January of each year in
a newspaper of general circulation.
"Vanpooling" means several—typically six (6) or
more—employees routinely utilizing a motor D. AQNID Review of Report.
vehicle designed for carrying more than six (6)
but fewer than sixteen (16) persons for work- After the significant trip generator submits a
related transportation for the purpose of trip-reduction report, the AQMD will review
ridesharing. the report with the staff of the Regional
Transportation Planning Agency to analyze
11.40.040 Requirements. the progress being made at each specific site
to reduce single-occupant motor vehicle trips.
A. Trip Reduction Report. Suggestions may be offered by the AQMD on
measures to be investigated for
1. Each significant trip generator shall implementation prior to the next annual
submit an initial trip-reduction report to update of the report.
the AQMD for review.
E. Report Contents.
2. The report is due no later than 120 days
after the significant trip generator has The report must include the following:
received public notice or written
notification that they are subject to the 1. The name of the individual to be
provisions of this chapter. contacted concerning the report contents.
CHAPTER 11 .40
2. An inventory of current measures used 3. A list of any special trip-reduction
by the significant trip generator to reduce measures that are being implemented to
single-occupant motor vehicle trips reduce motor vehicle trips in single-
and/or traffic congestion. The measures occupant motor vehicles during the high
may include one (1) or more of the ozone season (i.e., May through
following: October).
a. A monthly subsidy for a public 4. A list of any special trip-reduction
transit pass. measures that are being implemented
specifically to reduce motor vehicle trips
b. Telecommuting program. in single-occupant motor vehicles during
the lunch period each day.
C. Guaranteed ride-home program.
F. Trip Reduction Report Annual Update.
d. Flex-time program.
1. Each significant trip generator must
e. Compressed work-week schedule. review its implementation of trip-
reduction measures and submit to the
f. Financial travel allowances and AQMD annually, no later than
rideshare subsidies. November 1st, a trip-reduction report
update on a survey form to be provided
g. Nonwork-related, lunchtime trip- by the AQMD.
reduction program including bicycle
and walking incentives listed in 2. The trip-reduction report update shall
paragraph i; shuttle service to include information on the trip-reduction
common local trip sites (shopping, measures implemented during the last
restaurants, etc.); and on-site year since the previous report and
amenities such as food services, quantify to the extent feasible any
ATM machines, postal services, measured success of the program. The
child-care services, fuel sales at cost update shall evaluate the strengths and
from fleet pumps to carpools and weaknesses of the measures implemented
vanpools; and gym or workout and provide a listing of any new or
room. revised measures that will be
implemented in the following year.
h. Alternate mode commute time
compensated (partially or fully) as G. Record-Keeping and Auditing.
work time.
1. The significant trip generator shall keep
i. Bicycling and walking incentives detailed records of all documents that
and amenities such as bicycle may be used to verify the success of the
lockers, on-site showers, subsidized trip-reduction program for a period of at
walking shoes, bicycle parts and least two (2) years from the date of the
repair program, and company applicable report.
"fleet" bicycles for employee loan.
2. The AQMD has agreed to perform
J. Development of a van or buspool random on-site audits at each significant
program. trip generator site to verify the accuracy
and completion of reports.
k. Monthly or quarterly prize drawings
for ridesharers.
• CHAPTER 1 1.40
11.40.050 Performance Monitoring. 11.40.060 Public Education.
A. In order to monitor the results of this traffic The AQMD has agreed to coordinate with
control measure(TCM), the RTPA has agreed Caltrans Northstate Rideshare, Redding Area Bus
to coordinate the following monitoring Authority(RABA),Anderson-Cottonwood Transit
activities as appropriate and as needed on an (ACT), Regional Transportation Planning Agency
annual basis: (RTPA), and other city, county, and regional
agencies regarding the distribution of written
1. Spot traffic counts. information on alternate commute modes,
commuter-matching services, carpooling,
2. Origin/destination studies. vanpooling, public transit, bicycle routes, etc., to
employers, educational facilities, employment
3. Travel time and delay studies. complexes, and other entities that are smaller in
size than the significant trip generators.
4. On- and off-street parking surveys.
11.40.070 Violations and Enforcement.
5. Vehicle-occupancy studies.
A. It is a violation of this chapter if:
6. Home-based travel surveys.
1. A significant trip generator does not
7. On-board transit passenger counts and submit a trip-reduction report within
surveys. 120 days of notification.
B. The AQMD has agreed to annually review the 2. A significant trip generator does not
transportation-related information provided in submit a trip-reduction report update
the RTPA studies and surveys to determine annually no later than November 1.
the progress being made in reducing single-
occupant motor vehicle trips and associated 3. A significant trip generator fails to
air emissions. maintain records or falsifies records.
C. All significant trip generators shall cooperate 4. A significant trip generator does not
to the extent feasible in providing information otherwise comply with this chapter.
and site access to RTPA representatives in
order to complete monitoring activities. B. Violations of this chapter are subject to the
penalties outlined in Article 3, Chapter 4,
Part 4 of Division 26 of the California Health
and Safety Code and as otherwise provided in
this code.■