HomeSearchMy WebLinkAboutReso. 1983 - 175 - Resolution approving agreement for legal services waterfall and other areas sewer assessment district no. 1983-8Reso. 1983 - 176 - Resolution of intention to order improvement iun waterfall and other area sewer assessment district no. 1983-8Reso. 1983 - 177 - Amending the gerneal plan of the city of redding by adopting general plan amendement gpa-7-82Reso. 1983 - 178 - Finding that the public convenience and necessity require the acquisition to certain real property interests for public improvementsReso. 1983 - 179 - Establishing electrical utility rates for service to customers within the corporate limitsReso. 1983 - 180 - Accepting for maintenance and operation sunkist sunflower sunlight sunday and sunbird and sunbird courts and sunriver laneReso. 1983 - 181 - Waiving the requirement of a parcel map for lot split application no. ls-52-83Reso. 1983 - 182 - Accepting for maintenance and operation the southerly extension of airpark driveReso. 1983 - 183 - Approving an agreement with the state of california department of transportation for maintenance for city-owned traffic control signalsReso. 1983 - 184 - Accepting grant offier under project no. 3-06-0194-02 for runway overlay improvements at the redding municipal airportReso. 1983 - 185 - Resolution overruling protests greenback lane street assessment district no. 1983-7Reso. 1983 - 186 - Resolution approving report and assessment and ordering improvementReso. 1983 - 187 - Resolution authorizing change orders greenback lane street assessment district no. 1983-7Reso. 1983 - 188 - Resolution awarding contract greenback lane street assessment district no. 1983Reso. 1983 - 189 - Establishing water utility rates for service to customers within the corporate limits of the city of reddingReso. 1983 - 190 - Resolution accepting petition victor aveue brige assessments district no. 1983-9Reso. 1983 - 191 - Resolution approving boundary map victor avenue bridge assessment district no. 1983-2Reso. 1983 - 192 - Resolution approving agreement for engineering services victor avenue bridge assessment district no. 1983-9Reso. 1983 - 193 - Resolution approving agreement for legal services victor avenue bridge assessment district no. 1983-9Reso. 1983 - 194 - Resolution declaring preliminary intent to form assessment district and conduct special assessment proceedingsReso. 1983 - 195 - Resolution accepting report and setting hearing of protests westwood manor water assessment district no. 1982-9Reso. 1983 - 196 - Resolution of the city council of the city of redding waiving the requirement of a parcel map for lot split application no. ls-47-83Reso. 1983 - 197 - Accepting for maintenance and operation calexico driveReso. 1983 - 198 - Approving an agreement for maintenance of the state highway in the city of reddingReso. 1983 - 199 - Approving an agreement for utility cost sharing of the state highway in the city of redding