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Reso. 1986 - 001 - Approving the agreement between the city of redding and the western area power administration for performance of studies and authorizing the city manager to sign same
Reso. 1986 - 002 - Waiving the requirement of a parcel map for lot split application no. LS-74-85
Reso. 1986 - 003 - Agency foramtion comission to take proceedings for the annexation to the city of redding
Reso. 1986 - 004 - Approving the standard agreement between the city of redding and state of california
Reso. 1986 - 005 - Accepting for maintenance and operation sabre court in the regency park subdivision unit no. 03
Reso. 1986 - 006 - Upper creek sewer assessment district no. 1980-7
Reso. 1986 - 007 - Requesting the local agency formaation commission to take proceedings for the annexation to the city of redding
Reso. 1986 - 008 - Agreeing to exchange of property tax revenues for unihabited annexation no. 85-12
Reso. 1986 - 009 - Agency formation commission to take proceedings for the annexation to the city of redding of inhabited territory designated city of redding annexation no. 85-11
Reso. 1986 - 010 - Agreeing to exchange of property tax revenues for inhgabited annexation no. 85-11
Reso. 1986 - 011 - Approving the agreement between the city of redding and ch2m hill for professional services
Reso. 1986 - 012 - Approving and adopting certain supplemental appropriations calculated as of december 31, 1985 and to be effective for the remainder of the fiscal year
Reso. 1986 - 013 - Prohibiting parking at all times 1 along the westburb line of churn creek road a distance of 100 feet from the south right-of-way
Reso. 1986 - 014 - Amending the traffic control map by the installation at various locations of several traffic control devices
Reso. 1986 - 015 - Accepting for maintenance and operation dadelion dr fiddleneck dr buttercup lane and a portion of el verano
Reso. 1986 - 016 - Accepting for maintenance and operaion maripose court dickson dr and a portion of east keswick dam
Reso. 1986 - 017 - Accepting for maintenance and operation floral way timbercreek dr and a portion of marlene ave
Reso. 1986 - 018 - Approving two encroachment agreement between the city of redding and anderson-cottonwood irrigation district to construct a 29"X45" oval reinforced-concrete pipe
Reso. 1986 - 019 - Rescinding resolution no. 85-236 and establishing an amended schedule of planning permit fees to be paid for rezoning applications
Reso. 1986 - 020 - Approving the bill crediting contract with customer of the central valley project
Reso. 1986 - 021 - Approving exhibit 2b to supplemental no. 2 of the power sales contact with western area power administration
Reso. 1986 - 022 - Approving the contract between the city of redding and drazen-brubaker & assocuates inc
Reso. 1986 - 023 - Acceptng quotation of accusonic for flow measurement equipment at the whiskeytown hydroelectric power project
Reso. 1986 - 024 - Approving the authorization for professional service contract between the city of redding and ott water engineers inc